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1、科技英语的特殊语法现象讲课版Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望十一、关于十一、关于十一、关于十一、关于if if 从句的问题从句的问题从句的问题从句的问题十二、从句的紧缩式十二、从句的紧缩式十二、从句的紧缩式十二、从句的紧缩式十三、完成时的用法十三、完成时的用法十三、完成时的用法十三、完成时的用法十四、十四、十四、十四、asas的用法的用法的用法的用法十五、十五、十五、十五、such that, such as to such that, such as to 的用法的

2、用法的用法的用法十六、关于抽象名词的用法十六、关于抽象名词的用法十六、关于抽象名词的用法十六、关于抽象名词的用法十七、动词十七、动词十七、动词十七、动词+ +后缀当形容词后缀当形容词后缀当形容词后缀当形容词十八、常用的前缀十八、常用的前缀十八、常用的前缀十八、常用的前缀十九、多用正规动词,少用十九、多用正规动词,少用十九、多用正规动词,少用十九、多用正规动词,少用“ “动词动词动词动词+ +副词副词副词副词” ”1.2 科技英语的科技英语的特殊语法现象特殊语法现象The new aircraft is going to fly for the first The new aircraft is

3、 going to fly for the first time on Monday.time on Monday.The new aircraft The new aircraft will fly for will fly for the first time on the first time on Monday.Monday.一、很少用一、很少用be going to 表示未来表示未来n n科技英语中很少用科技英语中很少用be going to 表示将来。表示将来。这架新飞机将在礼拜一首次航行。这架新飞机将在礼拜一首次航行。这架新飞机将在礼拜一首次航行。这架新飞机将在礼拜一首次航行。二

4、、二、will,can,maywill,can,may的用法的用法The new motorway will have three traffic lanes in The new motorway will have three traffic lanes in each directioneach direction。Production of the new machine will commence Production of the new machine will commence next year.next year.n n明年明年(将会)(将会)开始生产这种新机器开始生产这种

5、新机器。n n新高速公路的两侧新高速公路的两侧(将会)(将会)各有三条相反各有三条相反方向的交通线方向的交通线。表示纯粹未来用表示纯粹未来用will(1 1)TheseplanesTheseplanesn n这几架飞机的飞行速度这几架飞机的飞行速度可可达到每小时达到每小时800800英里英里。表示能力用表示能力用will, can,capable和和be able towill flycan fly are capable of flying are able to fly800 miles per hour.二、二、will,can,maywill,can,may的用法的用法atat(2 2

6、)This solid will vaporize when we heat it.Friction will cause the bearings to become heated. 摩擦会使轴承变热摩擦会使轴承变热。 当我们给它加热时,这种固体会汽化当我们给它加热时,这种固体会汽化。表示经常发生的事用表示经常发生的事用will二、二、will,can,maywill,can,may的用法的用法(3 3)Metal which cools rapidlyUnguarded belts or chainsThe testing of new machinesmaycancause fractu

7、re.cause accidents.take a long time.表示有时发生的事用表示有时发生的事用may, can二、二、will,can,maywill,can,may的用法的用法(4 4)We can easily calculate the friction losses.Work on the new engine can start in a few weeks. 几周后可以开始这种新型发动机的工作几周后可以开始这种新型发动机的工作。 我们可以很容易的算出摩擦损耗我们可以很容易的算出摩擦损耗。表示能够用表示能够用can二、二、will,can,maywill,can,may

8、的用法的用法(5 5)This problemLow-speed bearingsThe steelThermo-couplesmay becan be approached in several ways.lubricated with grease.quenched(淬火)(淬火) in either water or oil.used to measure high temperatures.表示可能性用表示可能性用may, can二、二、will,can,maywill,can,may的用法的用法(6 6)三、无人称被动句的用法三、无人称被动句的用法The driver starts

9、the engine.The engine is started.(司机)开动发动机。(司机)开动发动机。(司机)开动发动机。(司机)开动发动机。He welded the plates together.He welded the plates together.The plates are welded together.The plates are welded together.(他)把钢板焊接在一起。(他)把钢板焊接在一起。(他)把钢板焊接在一起。(他)把钢板焊接在一起。The furnace smelts the ore.The ore is smelted in the furn

10、ace.高炉熔化矿石。高炉熔化矿石。The man sharpened his tool.The man sharpened his tool.His tool was sharpened.His tool was sharpened.那人磨尖了它的工具。那人磨尖了它的工具。那人磨尖了它的工具。那人磨尖了它的工具。We must lubricate bearings.We must lubricate bearings.Bearings must be lubricated.Bearings must be lubricated.(我们)必须润滑轴承。(我们)必须润滑轴承。(我们)必须润滑轴承

11、。(我们)必须润滑轴承。三、无人称被动句的用法三、无人称被动句的用法他们很快就开始进行这项工作。他们很快就开始进行这项工作。他们很快就开始进行这项工作。他们很快就开始进行这项工作。They will start the work soon.They will start the work soon.The work will soon be started.The work will soon be started.或或Attention should be paid Attention should be paid not to damage the not to damage the ma

12、chine.machine.(操作者)应当注意不要损坏了机器。(操作者)应当注意不要损坏了机器。(操作者)应当注意不要损坏了机器。(操作者)应当注意不要损坏了机器。The heat in the center of the earth The heat in the center of the earth is being is being made use ofmade use of in some countries. in some countries.在某些国家,人们利用地球中心的热。在某些国家,人们利用地球中心的热。Use is being made of the heat in t

13、he Use is being made of the heat in the center of the earth in some countries.center of the earth in some countries.三、无人称被动句的用法三、无人称被动句的用法A lathe can cut screws.A lathe can cut screws.Screws can be cut on a lathe.Screws can be cut on a lathe.车床能加工螺丝。车床能加工螺丝。车床能加工螺丝。车床能加工螺丝。四、四、shouldshould的用法的用法Safe

14、ty precautions Safety precautions should beshould be observed at all observed at all time.time.These machines These machines should be should be handled with great handled with great care.care.n n这些机器应当小心操作这些机器应当小心操作。n n任何时候都应注意安全措施任何时候都应注意安全措施。表示表示“告诫告诫”The results of the experiment The results of

15、the experiment should be should be plotted plotted on a graph.on a graph.n n应将实验结果绘在图表上应将实验结果绘在图表上。(1 1)Carbon content in steel should not be more Carbon content in steel should not be more than 0.5%.than 0.5%.The steel should not contain more than 0.5% The steel should not contain more than 0.5% of

16、 carbon.of carbon.n n钢里的含炭量不应超过钢里的含炭量不应超过0.5%0.5%。说明某一情况说明某一情况The maximum internal diameter should be 40 The maximum internal diameter should be 40 thousandths of an inch.thousandths of an inch.n n最大内径应为最大内径应为40/100040/1000英寸英寸。或或四、四、shouldshould的用法的用法(2 2)This building should be completed by the Th

17、is building should be completed by the end of next year.end of next year.The process of cooling should continue for The process of cooling should continue for several hours.several hours.n n冷却过程要延续好几个小时冷却过程要延续好几个小时。n n这座大楼应在明年年底前竣工这座大楼应在明年年底前竣工。表示表示“期待期待”四、四、shouldshould的用法的用法(3 3)五、关于动作主体的问题五、关于动作主

18、体的问题n n 动作主体是人时,句末不用动作主体是人时,句末不用byby短语;短语;n n 动作主体不是人时,句末应用动作主体不是人时,句末应用byby短语;短语;n n 动作主体为人,但省去影响句子的意思动作主体为人,但省去影响句子的意思时,应加时,应加byby短语。短语。2AgriculturecannotbedevelopedAgriculturecannotbedevelopedwithoutsufficientwaterwithoutsufficientwater.Explosioniscausedby the rapid combinationofthefuelswiththeox

19、ygenintheair. n n没有足够的水就无法发展农业。没有足够的水就无法发展农业。n n爆炸是由燃料与空气中的氧迅速化合爆炸是由燃料与空气中的氧迅速化合而引起的而引起的。动作主体动作主体是人,不是人,不用用by五、关于动作主体的问题五、关于动作主体的问题动作主动作主动作主动作主体不是体不是体不是体不是人,用人,用人,用人,用bybyThree machines can be controlledAll responsibility for the accident must be accepted n n一个操作者可以同时控制三台机器。一个操作者可以同时控制三台机器。一个操作者可以同时

20、控制三台机器。一个操作者可以同时控制三台机器。n n设计者应承担产生事故的设计者应承担产生事故的一切责任一切责任。 by the designer. by a single operator. 强调动作强调动作主体,用主体,用by五、关于动作主体的问题五、关于动作主体的问题六、命令句的用法六、命令句的用法n n表示无人称指令表示无人称指令表示无人称指令表示无人称指令AllowLetTake祈使句祈使句动词开头动词开头Should命令句命令句e.g.Water should be heated beforeThe bearing should be lubricated beforen nLet

21、 me by! 让我过去!让我过去!n nLet it alone! 别管它!别管它!n nLet him be! 别打扰他!别打扰他!日日常常英英语语n n将轮胎里的气放掉!将轮胎里的气放掉!科科技技英英语语Let the air out of the tire!n n把瓶子里的水倒出来。把瓶子里的水倒出来。Let the water out of the bottle.六、命令句的用法六、命令句的用法n n每十分钟测一次温度!每十分钟测一次温度!Take the temperature every ten minutes.n n假设假设X等于每分钟的转数。等于每分钟的转数。Let X eq

22、ual the number of revolutions per minute.n n记下水面位置。记下水面位置。Take the water level.六、命令句的用法六、命令句的用法n n让水冷却十分钟,然后再测温度。让水冷却十分钟,然后再测温度。Allow the water to cool for ten minutes and then take the temperature.n n计算出将产生的膨胀量。计算出将产生的膨胀量。Calculate the amount of expansion which will take place.六、命令句的用法六、命令句的用法Fill

23、Fill a test-tube half full of water and a test-tube half full of water and heat heat it it nearly to boiling point. nearly to boiling point. SupportSupport the tube on a the tube on a stand and stand and allowallow it to cool. it to cool.TakeTake the temperature the temperature every minute. every m

24、inute. StirStir carefully with a glass rod. carefully with a glass rod. RecordRecord the reading you obtain the reading you obtain,and and plotplot them them on a graph of temperature against time.on a graph of temperature against time. RepeatRepeat this with a tube half-full of crystals. this with

25、a tube half-full of crystals. AllowAllow the the solid to melt. solid to melt. HeatHeat the liquid to 100 the liquid to 100 , , , ,fix fix the the tube on the stand and tube on the stand and allowallow it to cool. it to cool. Record Record the results as before and the results as before and plotplot

26、 them. them.七、七、by,withby,with的用法的用法n nbybyby means ofn n用耐火砖可以减少热损耗。用耐火砖可以减少热损耗。Heat losses can be reduced Heat losses can be reduced byby firebricks firebricks.Heat losses can be reduced Heat losses can be reduced byby lining the lining the furnace with firebricks.furnace with firebricks.The heat

27、loss reduction can be achieved The heat loss reduction can be achieved by by means ofmeans of firebricks. firebricks.n nwithwithwith the help ofn nBymeansofBymeansof后面不能跟动名词短语。后面不能跟动名词短语。HeatlossescanbereducedHeatlossescanbereducedbymeansofbymeansofliningliningthefurnacewithfirebricks.thefurnacewith

28、firebricks.HeatlossescanbereducedHeatlossescanbereducedbymeansofbymeansoffirebricks.firebricks.七、七、by,withby,with的用法的用法n nThenecessaryheatforthecarbon-steamandThenecessaryheatforthecarbon-steamandcarbon-carbondioxidereactionsiscommonlycarbon-carbondioxidereactionsiscommonlygeneratedgeneratedbybyburn

29、ingpartofthecarbonintheburningpartofthecarboninthegasifier.gasifier.碳和蒸汽以及碳和二氧化碳反应所需的热量通碳和蒸汽以及碳和二氧化碳反应所需的热量通常常靠在靠在气化炉中燃烧一部分碳来提供气化炉中燃烧一部分碳来提供.传动装置上通常有安全销,防止过载。传动装置上通常有安全销,防止过载。n nThedriveunitsarenormallyequippedThedriveunitsarenormallyequippedwithwith shearpinsforoverloadprotection.shearpinsforoverlo

30、adprotection.七、七、by,withby,with的用法的用法n nThatpartofthesteamnearesttothewallsisThatpartofthesteamnearesttothewallsiscooledandcondensesasafilmofwater,thecooledandcondensesasafilmofwater,thevolumeofsteaminthecylinderisvolumeofsteaminthecylinderistherebytherebyconsiderablyreduced.considerablyreduced.ther

31、eby=bymeansofthisthereby=bymeansofthis由此由此 七、七、by,withby,with的用法的用法离缸壁最近的那一部分蒸汽却形成薄薄的一离缸壁最近的那一部分蒸汽却形成薄薄的一层水,水,于是于是缸中蒸汽的缸中蒸汽的总量便大大减少。量便大大减少。八、关于八、关于“名词名词+名词名词”的问题的问题n n表示原材料表示原材料n n表示典型成分表示典型成分n n表示工作介质表示工作介质an iron pipean iron pipe = a pipe made of iron = a pipe made of ironoil productoil product =

32、products made of oil = products made of oilmanganese steelmanganese steel = steel = steel which contains manganesewhich contains manganesea steam enginea steam engine = an engine = an engine worked by steamworked by steam表示工作对象表示工作对象an air compressoran air compressor = a device = a device for compre

33、ssing airfor compressing airn n表示用途表示用途n n表示方式表示方式n n表示所属表示所属n n表示关于表示关于n n表示形状表示形状a drive motor= a motor for driving machinesa foot brake= a brake operated by foot= molecules of waterthe production costwater molecules= the cost concerning productiona star wheel= a wheel shaped like a starash conten

34、tsurface propertymineral matterrate constantnitrogen dioxideexperiment resultsadsorption mechanismmoisture contentair pressurediamond insert菱形插头菱形插头名词组合名词组合多个名词组合satellite communication techniques卫星通讯技术卫星通讯技术Fluid power drive components液力驱动元件液力驱动元件Fire tube boiler inspection door火管锅炉监察门火管锅炉监察门九、很少用九

35、、很少用“s”表示所有表示所有n ns一般表示生命体的所有,如:一般表示生命体的所有,如:Marys watchmy uncles housethe cats foodn n科技英语中用科技英语中用“名词名词+of+名词名词”或或“名词名词+名词名词”the property of mineralsthe surface of the earthn n地心引力 Gravitational pull of the earth 非 the earths gravitational pulln n月球表面 The surface of the moonn n汽车的最大速度 The maximum s

36、peed of the car 非非 the cars maximum speed九、很少用九、很少用“s”表示所有表示所有为为为为方法、技术、反应、定律、方程式方法、技术、反应、定律、方程式方法、技术、反应、定律、方程式方法、技术、反应、定律、方程式等命名,需特别注意等命名,需特别注意等命名,需特别注意等命名,需特别注意n n欧姆定律欧姆定律欧姆定律欧姆定律 ohmohm s laws lawn n牛顿定律牛顿定律牛顿定律牛顿定律 New-tonNew-ton s Laws Lawn n波尔曼技术波尔曼技术波尔曼技术波尔曼技术 BollmanBollman s techniques tech

37、nique一个人一个人一个人一个人发现者发现者发现者发现者n n华氏温度计华氏温度计华氏温度计华氏温度计 a Fahrenheit a Fahrenheit thermometerthermometern n本生灯本生灯本生灯本生灯 a Bunhrenheit burnera Bunhrenheit burner一个人一个人一个人一个人发明者发明者发明者发明者n n施特芬施特芬施特芬施特芬- -波兹曼定律波兹曼定律波兹曼定律波兹曼定律 the Stofan-the Stofan-Boltzman LawBoltzman Lawn n尤利尤利尤利尤利- -汤普森反应汤普森反应汤普森反应汤普森反应

38、 the Joule-the Joule-Thompson effectThompson effect两个或两个两个或两个两个或两个两个或两个以上人以上人以上人以上人用复合结构用复合结构用复合结构用复合结构十、定语从句中与十、定语从句中与whichwhich、 、whomwhom连用的介词位置连用的介词位置JetenginesJetenginesJetenginesJetengineswithwhichwithwhichwithwhichwithwhich mostmodernhigh-speedmostmodernhigh-speedmostmodernhigh-speedmostmoder


40、fconventionalaero-enginesprincipleasthepropellersofconventionalaero-engines.当代飞机上都使用喷气式发动机,这种发动机可以产生当代飞机上都使用喷气式发动机,这种发动机可以产生 一种推动力,其原理与普通的螺旋桨飞机发动机相同。一种推动力,其原理与普通的螺旋桨飞机发动机相同。ThisisthebookThisisthebookThisisthebookThisisthebookaboutwhichaboutwhichaboutwhichaboutwhichyoumentionedyesterday.youmentionedy


42、dyoumentionedyoumentionedyoumentionedaboutaboutaboutaboutyesterday.yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.十一、十一、if if从句的问题从句的问题vv 条件句用现在时,主句用将来时或现在时。条件句用现在时,主句用将来时或现在时。例:例:vv 如果水是干净的,就不需要进一步处理。如果水是干净的,就不需要进一步处理。Ifthewaterispure,itwillnotneedfurthertreatmentIfthewaterispure,itwillnotneedfurthertreatmentIfthew

43、aterispure,itwillnotneedfurthertreatmentIfthewaterispure,itwillnotneedfurthertreatment。 。 。 。十二、从句的紧缩式十二、从句的紧缩式vv 当主句与从句是同一主语时,当主句与从句是同一主语时,用用“连词连词+过去分词过去分词”,或介词,或介词+抽象名词。例:抽象名词。例:1. 物体放在阳光下时,它会变热。物体放在阳光下时,它会变热。When an object is placed in the sun, it becomes hot .An object becomes hot when it is pla

44、ced in the sun.An object becomes hot when placed in the sun.2. 安全火柴只有在被擦时才着火。安全火柴只有在被擦时才着火。Safety matches light only when they are stricken.Safety matches light only when stricken.3. 当光线聚集在一点时,会产生大量的热。当光线聚集在一点时,会产生大量的热。When light is converged at a point, it would produce large quantity of heat.When

45、converged at a point, the light would produce large quantity of heat.vv介词介词+抽象名词抽象名词,例:,例:4. Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete while it is being compacted.在压模时,混凝土产生较大的侧压力。在压模时,混凝土产生较大的侧压力。Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete during pactcompaction5. after i

46、t is separatedafter separationvv连词连词+形容词形容词,例:,例:6. When necessary必要时必要时Once If possible有可能的话有可能的话一旦一旦While 当当时时小结:可用紧缩式的连词或介词有:小结:可用紧缩式的连词或介词有:When, while, once, if, as, after, during等等十三、完成时的用法十三、完成时的用法多以被动语态出现多以被动语态出现多以被动语态出现多以被动语态出现n n描述已经发生的事,时间不明确;描述已经发生的事,时间不明确;描述已经发生的事,时间不明确;描述已经发生的事,时间不明确;n

47、 n描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事;描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事;描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事;描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事;n n表示表示表示表示“ “已经已经已经已经” ”、“ “还未还未还未还未” ”、“ “自从自从自从自从一直一直一直一直”等;等;等;等;n n表示表示表示表示“ “最近最近最近最近” ”、 “ “近来近来近来近来” ”、 “ “新近新近新近新近” ”。描述已经发生的事,时间不明确描述已经发生的事,时间不明确1.1.高速公路系统的建设工作高速公路系统的建设工作高速公路系统的建设工作高速公路系统的建设工作已已已已开始。开始。开始。开始

48、。Work has been started on the new system Work has been started on the new system of motorways.of motorways.2. 2. 研究中用研究中用研究中用研究中用了了了了几种来自不同地方的样品。几种来自不同地方的样品。几种来自不同地方的样品。几种来自不同地方的样品。Samples from different sources have been Samples from different sources have been used in this research.used in this re

49、search.3.3.研究表明吸烟和肺癌之间有一定的关系。研究表明吸烟和肺癌之间有一定的关系。研究表明吸烟和肺癌之间有一定的关系。研究表明吸烟和肺癌之间有一定的关系。Research has shown a probable connection Research has shown a probable connection between smoking and lung cancer.between smoking and lung cancer.描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事描述不断发生,或到现在为止反复发生的事4.4.工程师们遇到许多有关这种材料的问题。工程师们遇到许多有关这

50、种材料的问题。工程师们遇到许多有关这种材料的问题。工程师们遇到许多有关这种材料的问题。Engineers have encountered many problems Engineers have encountered many problems with this material.with this material.5. The pyrite/aqueous interaction has been 5. The pyrite/aqueous interaction has been studied extensively in the past due its studied ext

51、ensively in the past due its importance in extractive metallurgy.importance in extractive metallurgy.由于黄铁矿与水溶液的相互作用在提取冶金中很由于黄铁矿与水溶液的相互作用在提取冶金中很由于黄铁矿与水溶液的相互作用在提取冶金中很由于黄铁矿与水溶液的相互作用在提取冶金中很重要,人们对它进行了大量的研究。重要,人们对它进行了大量的研究。重要,人们对它进行了大量的研究。重要,人们对它进行了大量的研究。表示表示“还未还未”、“自从自从一直一直”6. 6. 这项工程的设计工作这项工程的设计工作这项工程的设

52、计工作这项工程的设计工作还未还未还未还未开始。开始。开始。开始。Design on the project has not been started yet.Design on the project has not been started yet.7. 7. 自从自从自从自从19801980年以来年以来年以来年以来一直一直一直一直在进行高速公路的建设。在进行高速公路的建设。在进行高速公路的建设。在进行高速公路的建设。Work on the motorway has been going on since Work on the motorway has been going on sinc

53、e 1980.1980.表示表示“最近最近”,“近来近来”,“新近新近”。8. 8. 这家公司这家公司这家公司这家公司最近最近最近最近研制出来一种新型的飞机。研制出来一种新型的飞机。研制出来一种新型的飞机。研制出来一种新型的飞机。The company The company has just developed has just developed a new type of a new type of aircraft.aircraft.9. 9. 由于天气不好,高速公路的建设由于天气不好,高速公路的建设由于天气不好,高速公路的建设由于天气不好,高速公路的建设最近最近最近最近暂停了。暂停了

54、。暂停了。暂停了。Work on the motorway Work on the motorway has recently been has recently been held held up owing to bad weather.up owing to bad weather.十四、十四、as的用法的用法 “认为认为”“称为称为”“表述为表述为”“定义为定义为” “看成是看成是”“作为作为”“当作当作”This type of motor This type of motor is known as (is referred to is known as (is referred

55、to as)as)an induction motor.an induction motor.1.1.这种发电机这种发电机这种发电机这种发电机称为称为称为称为感应发电机。感应发电机。感应发电机。感应发电机。2.2.发动机的功率发动机的功率发动机的功率发动机的功率表述为表述为表述为表述为理想功率的百分数。理想功率的百分数。理想功率的百分数。理想功率的百分数。The efficiency of the engine The efficiency of the engine is expressed as is expressed as a a percentage of the ideal eff

56、iciency. percentage of the ideal efficiency. Electric current may Electric current may be considered as be considered as a flow a flow of electrons through a medium.of electrons through a medium.3.3.电流可电流可电流可电流可看成是看成是看成是看成是穿过介质内的一股电子流。穿过介质内的一股电子流。穿过介质内的一股电子流。穿过介质内的一股电子流。These materials may These mat

57、erials may be classified as be classified as conductors.conductors.4.4.这些材料可以这些材料可以这些材料可以这些材料可以归归归归在导体类。在导体类。在导体类。在导体类。“以以的形式(或形态)的形式(或形态)”The steam is cooled and condensed The steam is cooled and condensed asas a film a film of water.of water.5.5.蒸汽冷凝蒸汽冷凝蒸汽冷凝蒸汽冷凝成成成成一层水膜。一层水膜。一层水膜。一层水膜。The carbon i

58、n cast iron is present partly The carbon in cast iron is present partly asas free graphite.free graphite.6.6.铸铁中的碳部分铸铁中的碳部分铸铁中的碳部分铸铁中的碳部分以以以以自由石墨的自由石墨的自由石墨的自由石墨的形式存在形式存在形式存在形式存在。“正如正如 ”、 “如如”、“如图如图”、“如上如上”7. 7. AsAs Fig.1.2 shows Fig.1.2 shows As As we have just provedwe have just proved AsAs we hav

59、e stated in the we have stated in the previous chapterprevious chapterAsAs is shown in the illustration is shown in the illustrationAsAs is known is knownAsAs was mentioned a short time ago was mentioned a short time agoAsAs shown in the table shown in the tableAsAs pointed out by professor Smith po

60、inted out by professor SmithAs As aboveaboveAsAs before beforeas + 主动句主动句as + 被动句被动句as + 过去分词过去分词as + 其它词其它词asas不翻不翻不翻不翻译出来译出来译出来译出来8. The bridge, 8. The bridge, as originally plannedas originally planned, would , would have been too expensive.have been too expensive.原来设计的那座桥造价太贵。原来设计的那座桥造价太贵。原来设计的那

61、座桥造价太贵。原来设计的那座桥造价太贵。9. The uranium, 9. The uranium, as used in the reactoras used in the reactor, is the , is the form of a thin rod.form of a thin rod.在反应堆中用的铀是一种细棒。在反应堆中用的铀是一种细棒。在反应堆中用的铀是一种细棒。在反应堆中用的铀是一种细棒。asas不翻不翻不翻不翻译出来译出来译出来译出来 as + such因此,起连词作用因此,起连词作用10. The earth is a conductor of electricit

62、y and 10. The earth is a conductor of electricity and as suchas such may form part of an electrical circuit. may form part of an electrical circuit.地球是一种导体,地球是一种导体,地球是一种导体,地球是一种导体,因此因此因此因此就可能形成部分电路。就可能形成部分电路。就可能形成部分电路。就可能形成部分电路。11. A simple governor is dependent on gravity 11. A simple governor is d

63、ependent on gravity as suchas such it must be kept vertical. it must be kept vertical.一个简单的调速器是依靠重力工作的,一个简单的调速器是依靠重力工作的,一个简单的调速器是依靠重力工作的,一个简单的调速器是依靠重力工作的,因此因此因此因此必须将其竖立放置。必须将其竖立放置。必须将其竖立放置。必须将其竖立放置。普通英普通英普通英普通英语中语中语中语中十五、十五、suchthat,suchastosuchthat,suchasto1. Her excitement was 1. Her excitement wa

64、s such thatsuch that she she shouted.shouted.她兴奋地叫起来。她兴奋地叫起来。她兴奋地叫起来。她兴奋地叫起来。2. It was 2. It was suchsuch a lovely day a lovely day thatthat everybody was everybody was feeling happy and cheerful.feeling happy and cheerful.那是一个如此美好的日子,人人都感到快乐高兴。那是一个如此美好的日子,人人都感到快乐高兴。那是一个如此美好的日子,人人都感到快乐高兴。那是一个如此美好的日子

65、,人人都感到快乐高兴。如此如此如此如此以以以以至于至于至于至于3. His illness was not 3. His illness was not such as tosuch as to cause anxiety.cause anxiety.他的病还没严重到令人忧虑的地步。他的病还没严重到令人忧虑的地步。他的病还没严重到令人忧虑的地步。他的病还没严重到令人忧虑的地步。4. I am not 4. I am not suchsuch a fool a fool as toas to believe that. believe that. 科技英语中科技英语中1. The size of

66、 the flow-meter is 1. The size of the flow-meter is such thatsuch that the the flow is unaffected by it.flow is unaffected by it.流量计的大小流量计的大小流量计的大小流量计的大小是这样设计的是这样设计的是这样设计的是这样设计的,即,即,即,即它不影响流速。它不影响流速。它不影响流速。它不影响流速。或或或或 The size of the flow-meter is The size of the flow-meter is such as tosuch as to h

67、ave have no effect on the flow.no effect on the flow.2. The job is 2. The job is such thatsuch that it demands the it demands the greatest skill.greatest skill.不翻译不翻译出来出来这是一项需要高度技艺的工作。这是一项需要高度技艺的工作。这是一项需要高度技艺的工作。这是一项需要高度技艺的工作。或或或或 The job is The job is such as tosuch as to demand the demand the grea

68、test skill. greatest skill. 是这样的,是这样的,这种意思这种意思十六、抽象名词的用法十六、抽象名词的用法抽象名词的来源:动词、形容词抽象名词的来源:动词、形容词1. v. n.consume,separate,emit, produce, apply,communicate,grow,transmit,install . consumption, separation, emission, production, application, communication, growth, transmission, installation抽象名词的来源:动词、形容词抽

69、象名词的来源:动词、形容词2. a. n.responsibleaccurateefficientresponsibilityaccuracyefficiencyemitemitemissionemissiontransmittransmittransmissiontransmissionconsumeconsumeconsumptionconsumption1. 1. 一年四季的日常一年四季的日常一年四季的日常一年四季的日常用水量用水量用水量用水量不同。不同。不同。不同。The daily The daily consumption of waterconsumption of water

70、varies with the varies with the season.season.2.2.送电送电送电送电时广泛使用变压器。时广泛使用变压器。时广泛使用变压器。时广泛使用变压器。Transformers are widely used in the Transformers are widely used in the transmissiontransmission of electrical power. of electrical power.3. 3. 原子裂变能原子裂变能原子裂变能原子裂变能放出放出放出放出中子。中子。中子。中子。Nuclear fission result

71、s in the Nuclear fission results in the emissionemission of neutrons. of neutrons.installinstallinstallationinstallation4.4.厂家负责厂家负责厂家负责厂家负责安装安装安装安装这种新设备。这种新设备。这种新设备。这种新设备。The The installationinstallation of the new equipment is the of the new equipment is the responsibility of the manufactures.resp

72、onsibility of the manufactures.The manufactures are The manufactures are responsibleresponsible for for installinginstalling the new equipment.the new equipment.specifyspecifyspecificationspecification5. 5. 所有有关的资料均应在所有有关的资料均应在所有有关的资料均应在所有有关的资料均应在规格规格规格规格中详细说明。中详细说明。中详细说明。中详细说明。All the relevant info

73、rmation should be detailed All the relevant information should be detailed in the in the specificationspecification. .6. 6. 在飞行中螺旋桨叶的在飞行中螺旋桨叶的在飞行中螺旋桨叶的在飞行中螺旋桨叶的倾斜度倾斜度倾斜度倾斜度是可调的。是可调的。是可调的。是可调的。The The inclinationinclination of the propeller blades is of the propeller blades is adjustable during fligh

74、t.adjustable during flight.inclineinclineinclinationinclination7.7.用这种方法用这种方法用这种方法用这种方法试验试验试验试验机器需要消耗电力。机器需要消耗电力。机器需要消耗电力。机器需要消耗电力。If machines are If machines are testedtested by this method, by this method, there will be some loss of power.there will be some loss of power.The The testingtesting of

75、machines by this method of machines by this method entails some loss of powerentails some loss of power。 用抽象名词或动名词代替动词用抽象名词或动名词代替动词testtesttestingtesting8.8.用泵能用泵能用泵能用泵能抽取抽取抽取抽取油箱中的油。油箱中的油。油箱中的油。油箱中的油。The contents of the tank are The contents of the tank are dischargeddischarged by a by a pump.pump.

76、DischargeDischarge of the contents of the tank is of the contents of the tank is performed by a pump.performed by a pump.dischargedischarge9.9.在在在在压膜压膜压膜压膜时混凝土产生较大的侧压力。时混凝土产生较大的侧压力。时混凝土产生较大的侧压力。时混凝土产生较大的侧压力。Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the c

77、oncrete the concrete duringduring compactioncompaction. .compactcompactionConsiderable lateral pressure is exerted by Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete the concrete while it is being compactedwhile it is being compacted. .10.10.有必要检查一下这些结果是否准确。有必要检查一下这些结果是否准确。有必要检查一下这些结果是否准确。有

78、必要检查一下这些结果是否准确。It is necessary to examine It is necessary to examine whether these whether these results are accurateresults are accurate. .It is necessary to examineIt is necessary to examine the accuracy of the accuracy of these resultsthese results 。11. 11. 需要有关哪种燃料最合适的情报。需要有关哪种燃料最合适的情报。需要有关哪种燃料最

79、合适的情报。需要有关哪种燃料最合适的情报。Information is needed as to Information is needed as to which type of fuel which type of fuel is most suitableis most suitable. .Information is needed as toInformation is needed as to the most suitable the most suitable type of fueltype of fuel. 用名词短语代替从句用名词短语代替从句12. 12. 不清楚不清楚不

80、清楚不清楚这些结果有多么准确这些结果有多么准确这些结果有多么准确这些结果有多么准确。It is doubtful It is doubtful how accurate the results arehow accurate the results are. .The accuracy of the results The accuracy of the results is doubtful.is doubtful.13. 13. 工作的进展取决于工作的进展取决于工作的进展取决于工作的进展取决于这个机构的效率如何这个机构的效率如何这个机构的效率如何这个机构的效率如何。The progress

81、 of the work will depend on The progress of the work will depend on how efficient the organization ishow efficient the organization is. .The Progress of the work will depend on The Progress of the work will depend on the efficiency of the organizationthe efficiency of the organization. . 用名词短语代替从句用名

82、词短语代替从句十七、动词十七、动词+后缀当形容词后缀当形容词n n后缀:后缀:-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -ent-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -entmachinable steelmachinable steel可加工的钢铁可加工的钢铁可加工的钢铁可加工的钢铁-able, -ible, -uble“可以可以”,“可可的的”noticeable effectnoticeable effect明显的效果明显的效果明显的效果明显的效果controllable effectcontrollable effect可控制的反应可控制的反应可控制的反应可控制的反应n

83、egligible amountnegligible amount可忽略的数量,一点点可忽略的数量,一点点可忽略的数量,一点点可忽略的数量,一点点后缀:后缀:-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -ent-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -entheated metalheated metal加热的金属加热的金属加热的金属加热的金属-ed“被被的的”,“被被过的过的”,“经过经过的的”corroded ironcorroded iron生锈的铁生锈的铁生锈的铁生锈的铁emitted raysemitted rays放射线放射线放射线放射线treatedtreated处理

84、过的处理过的处理过的处理过的effective remedyeffective remedy有效的医药有效的医药有效的医药有效的医药-ive表示性质、特点等表示性质、特点等reactive forcereactive force反作用力反作用力反作用力反作用力relative motionrelative motion相对运动相对运动相对运动相对运动后缀:后缀:-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -ent-able, -ed, -ing, -ive, -entabsorbent materialabsorbent material吸附剂,吸附型材料吸附剂,吸附型材料吸附剂,吸附型材

85、料吸附剂,吸附型材料-ant, -ent表示性能等表示性能等absorbent charcoalabsorbent charcoal活性炭活性炭活性炭活性炭absorbent paperabsorbent paper吸水纸吸水纸吸水纸吸水纸absorbent cottonabsorbent cotton吸水棉花,脱脂棉吸水棉花,脱脂棉吸水棉花,脱脂棉吸水棉花,脱脂棉conducting mediumconducting medium传导介质传导介质传导介质传导介质-ing表示性质、作用等表示性质、作用等lubricating oillubricating oil润滑油润滑油润滑油润滑油atte

86、ndant claimattendant claim附带要求附带要求附带要求附带要求attendant phenomenonattendant phenomenon伴生现象伴生现象伴生现象伴生现象十八、常用的前缀十八、常用的前缀n n前缀:前缀:前缀:前缀: inter-,en-,em-,re-,over-,under-,dis-,de-,inter-,en-,em-,re-,over-,under-,dis-,de-,inter-,en-,em-,re-,over-,under-,dis-,de-,inter-,en-,em-,re-,over-,under-,dis-,de-,im-,su

87、b-,super-,counter-im-,sub-,super-,counter-im-,sub-,super-,counter-im-,sub-,super-,counter-interactinteract相互作用相互作用相互作用相互作用Inter-“在在之间之间”interconnectinterconnect互联互联互联互联interweaveinterweave交织交织交织交织interwindinterwind 互相盘绕互相盘绕互相盘绕互相盘绕interworkinterwork互相配合互相配合互相配合互相配合reusereuse重用,再用重用,再用重用,再用重用,再用re-“重

88、新重新”、“再再”rechargerecharge再充电,再装料再充电,再装料再充电,再装料再充电,再装料recreaterecreate再生再生再生再生regrindregrind再磨再磨再磨再磨regroupregroup重组重组重组重组recarbonizerecarbonize 再碳化再碳化再碳化再碳化recallrecall取回,检索,二次呼叫取回,检索,二次呼叫取回,检索,二次呼叫取回,检索,二次呼叫前缀前缀: : over-,under-over-,under-overloadoverload 超载,超负荷超载,超负荷超载,超负荷超载,超负荷over-“在上在上”,“过于过于的的

89、”overalloverall全部,总的全部,总的全部,总的全部,总的overheadoverhead 架空,高架的架空,高架的架空,高架的架空,高架的overweightoverweight超重超重超重超重overgrowovergrow蔓生蔓生蔓生蔓生undercurrentundercurrent低电流低电流under-“在下在下”、“太少太少”undergroundunderground地下的地下的地下的地下的undercapitalizeundercapitalize投资紧缩投资紧缩投资紧缩投资紧缩underlayunderlay从下面支撑从下面支撑从下面支撑从下面支撑undersi

90、zeundersize过小过小过小过小underseaundersea海底,水下海底,水下海底,水下海底,水下underloadunderload负载不足负载不足负载不足负载不足overseasoverseas海外海外海外海外overmanyovermany过多过多过多过多overheatoverheat过热过热过热过热overwindoverwind上卷式上卷式上卷式上卷式overtemperatureovertemperature 过热温度过热温度过热温度过热温度underclassunderclass经济最底层经济最底层经济最底层经济最底层前缀前缀: : dis-,de-,im-,in-

91、,ir-,un-dis-,de-,im-,in-,ir-,un-disadjustdisadjust 失调失调失调失调dis- 表示反义表示反义de- “使不使不”“脱脱”“退退”disjoindisjoin分离分离分离分离dischargedischarge 放电放电放电放电decarbonizedecarbonize 脱碳脱碳脱碳脱碳disconnectdisconnect解开,折断解开,折断解开,折断解开,折断impureimpure不纯,含杂质不纯,含杂质不纯,含杂质不纯,含杂质im-, in-, ir-, un-im-, in-, ir-, un-“不不”、“非非”inaccurac

92、yinaccuracy不精密不精密不精密不精密inactiveinactive无效,不活动的无效,不活动的无效,不活动的无效,不活动的irregularirregular不规则的不规则的不规则的不规则的irresponsibleirresponsible不负责任的不负责任的不负责任的不负责任的inaccessibleinaccessible 不可达的不可达的不可达的不可达的demagnetisedemagnetise 退磁退磁退磁退磁defatdefat脱脂,除油脱脂,除油脱脂,除油脱脂,除油dewaterdewater脱水脱水脱水脱水immatureimmature 未成熟的未成熟的未成熟的

93、未成熟的immaterialimmaterial非物质的非物质的非物质的非物质的irrecoverableirrecoverable不可恢复的不可恢复的不可恢复的不可恢复的前缀前缀: : counter-,super-counter-,super-counteractcounteract抵消,抵制抵消,抵制抵消,抵制抵消,抵制counter-“反反”、“对对”counteradvicecounteradvice反对意见反对意见反对意见反对意见counterbalancecounterbalance配重,平衡力,托盘天平配重,平衡力,托盘天平配重,平衡力,托盘天平配重,平衡力,托盘天平count

94、erchargecountercharge反控反控反控反控supersonicsupersonic超声超声超声超声super-“超超”、“在在上上”、“过过”superhardsuperhard过硬的过硬的过硬的过硬的superheatsuperheat过热的过热的过热的过热的前缀前缀: : sub-,em-,en-sub-,em-,en-submarinesubmarine海底的,潜艇海底的,潜艇海底的,潜艇海底的,潜艇sub-“在在之下之下”、“子子”、“亚亚”subsurfacesubsurface地下的地下的地下的地下的substandardsubstandard 不合标准不合标准不合

95、标准不合标准subfilesubfile子文件子文件子文件子文件subprogramsubprogram子程序子程序子程序子程序enlargeenlarge扩大,扩展扩大,扩展扩大,扩展扩大,扩展en-, em- +名词或形容词名词或形容词动词动词ensureensure确保确保确保确保embedembed埋,嵌埋,嵌埋,嵌埋,嵌embodyembody包含,具体化,连接,补充包含,具体化,连接,补充包含,具体化,连接,补充包含,具体化,连接,补充subtropicalsubtropical亚热带亚热带亚热带亚热带subpointsubpoint投影点投影点投影点投影点subpackagesu

96、bpackage 分装分装分装分装subdirectorysubdirectory子目录子目录子目录子目录subnetsubnet子网子网子网子网gives offgives offemitsemits十九、科技文章中较少用十九、科技文章中较少用“动词动词+ +副词副词”,通常用正规动词,通常用正规动词例:例:“放出放出”,用,用emitemit,而非,而非 giveoffgiveoff “消耗消耗”,用,用consumeconsume, 而非而非 eatupeatup1. 1. 热的物体以电磁波的形式热的物体以电磁波的形式热的物体以电磁波的形式热的物体以电磁波的形式放放放放能量。能量。能量。

97、能量。A heat body A heat body emits emits energy in the energy in the form of electro-magnetic waves.form of electro-magnetic waves.given off given off emittedemittedeats up eats up consumesconsumes2. 2. 高炉平均每小时高炉平均每小时高炉平均每小时高炉平均每小时消耗消耗消耗消耗三吨燃料。三吨燃料。三吨燃料。三吨燃料。The furnace The furnace consumesconsumes fu

98、el at fuel at the rate of three tons per hour.the rate of three tons per hour.3. 3. 灼热的金属中灼热的金属中灼热的金属中灼热的金属中放出放出放出放出大量的蒸汽。大量的蒸汽。大量的蒸汽。大量的蒸汽。A certain amount of vapour is A certain amount of vapour is emitted emitted from the hot metal.from the hot metal.若没有相应的动词与之对应,则可使用动词短语若没有相应的动词与之对应,则可使用动词短语处理处理

99、处理处理deal with建立建立建立建立set up拉紧拉紧拉紧拉紧take up起飞起飞起飞起飞take offtake up an occupationtake up an occupation就业就业set up in businessset up in business开始营业开始营业set up businessset up business经营经营set up a businessset up a business开业开业The aircraft will take off at ten oclock.The aircraft will take off at ten ocloc

100、k.练习练习一一. .翻译翻译The steel should not contain more than 0.5% The steel should not contain more than 0.5% of carbon.of carbon.1.1.钢里的含炭量不应超过钢里的含炭量不应超过0.5%0.5%。Carbon content in steel should not be more Carbon content in steel should not be more than 0.5%.than 0.5%.或或2.Friction (摩擦)(摩擦)will cause the be

101、arings to become heated.摩擦会使轴承发热摩擦会使轴承发热。3.厂家负责厂家负责安装安装这种新设备。这种新设备。The installation of the new equipment is the responsibility of the manufactures.1.Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by 1.Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete during the concrete during (compactcompact). .二二

102、. .用括号中单词的适当形式或词组填空用括号中单词的适当形式或词组填空compactioncompaction2.Transformers are widely used in the 2.Transformers are widely used in the of electrical power of electrical power (transmittransmit). .transmissiontransmission3.3. of the contents of the tank is of the contents of the tank is performed by a pu

103、mpperformed by a pump(dischargedischarge). .DischargeDischarge三三. .填空题填空题1.It is1.It is how accurate these results arehow accurate these results are.doubtful doubtful 2.These materials may be classified2.These materials may be classified conductors.conductors.as as 3.The progress of the project will

104、 3.The progress of the project will what what the weather conditions are like.the weather conditions are like.depend ondepend on4.As Fig.14.As Fig.1 , the population has increased , the population has increased by 20% since last year.by 20% since last year.showsshows四、改写下列句子四、改写下列句子( (或改写句中划线部分或改写句中

105、划线部分) )保持保持意思不变意思不变1.The job is 1.The job is such that it demands such that it demands the greatest skill.the greatest skill.2.It is necessary to examine whether the result 2.It is necessary to examine whether the result is accurate.is accurate.The job is The job is such as tosuch as to demand the g

106、reatest skill. demand the greatest skill. It is necessary to examineIt is necessary to examine the accuracy of the accuracy of these resultsthese results 。3.An object becomes hot 3.An object becomes hot when it is placed in when it is placed in the sunthe sun. . 4.The size of the flow-meter 4.The si

107、ze of the flow-meter is such that the is such that the flow is unaffected by it.flow is unaffected by it.The size of the flow-meter is The size of the flow-meter is such as tosuch as to have have no effect on the flow.no effect on the flow.An object becomes hot An object becomes hot when placed in t

108、he when placed in the sunsun. . 5.The contents of the tank are discharged by 5.The contents of the tank are discharged by a pump.a pump.6.Information is needed 6.Information is needed as to which type of as to which type of fuel is most suitable.fuel is most suitable.Information is needed Information is needed as to as to the most suitable the most suitable type of fueltype of fuel.Discharge of the contents of the tank is Discharge of the contents of the tank is performed by a pump.performed by a pump.



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