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1、高考英语读后续写小情景描写素材一、转机01.He had no idea how much time passed.And then a voice calling his name woke him up from his daze(把他从恍惚中唤醒).02.he heard a familiar voice(听到一个熟识的声音): Barry! Barry! And then other voices, calling his name together.03.And then he heard someone calling his name(有人叫他的名字).It was like a

2、 song04.He lay wide awake(睡意全无地躺), listening and wondering.It was almost a relief when he heard someone knocking on the door.05.By a stroke of luck(侥幸的是), it didnt rain.06.Something in the rubble caught his eye(吸引了他的目光).07.Something thundered(发出隆隆声音) in the sky.The house was shuddering 颤抖d and rocki

3、ng.It hovered low in the sky, its winds churning tn the water.08.Overhead, the helicopter roared (呼啸)and the big blades churned the air(搅动空气).09.Had they been just a few steps slower(要是慢几步), they both would have been buried/they would be dead right now.10.But he was still in one piece(完好无损).11.He st

4、ared at , afraid that if he even blinked(如果一眨眼) it would disappear, but soon he could see the outline of a gigantic ship steaming全速前进 toward them.12.“It wont be long(我马上回来),” he shouted.“Hang on(坚持住).”13.“Hang on, boy!” the soldier shouted.“Help is on the way(援助马上就到).”14.“Are you okay(你没事吗)?” the ma

5、n asked breathlessly(气喘吁吁地问道).15.“You sure youre all right?” the man asked nervously(紧张地问道).16.waved at the pilot.“here!” he exclaimed(大声喊叫).“Here! Were here!(我们在这儿)”17.A small group of people clustered around him(聚集在他周围klst=crowded), their eyes filled with concern(他们的眼睛充满了关切).18.He thought for a mo

6、ment, suddenly inspired(突然灵机一动).19.The whole house seemed to light up(似乎发亮) when they saw their father rushing in.20.And suddenly the noise and wind stopped.For a long moment(有好久一会儿) he was pretty sure the world had ended.It was Dads voice that broke the silence.21.To his relief(令人欣慰的是), her eyes fl

7、uttered open(睁开眼flt).22.He tried to grab hold of (抓住)rocks and sticks, but it was no use(但是没有用处).23.It took a moment for her mind to clear.她过了一会儿才清醒过来。二、心理01.Strange thoughts raced around and around in his mind.奇怪的念头在他脑子里转动。02.He closed his eyes, but kept thinking about(一直在想) what his father had sai

8、dthe words had wormed their way into his mind.03.He could hear his fathers voice in his mind.在脑海里,他能听到他爸的声音04.He reminded himself of (想到了)something his father always said: Brave people get spooked all the time.What made them brave was that they didnt let their fear stop them.05.We were spooked by th

9、e strange noises and lights.那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏spuk了。06.Amazing, he thought.太棒了,他想道07.He tried not to look at, but he couldnt stop thinking about (禁不住想)who might be still inside.08.Leo searched his mind for idea(在他的脑子里寻找主意).And as usual, his thoughts turned to his father.09.He woke up early that morning,

10、 half expecting (有些期望)to see his father.10.His mind was filled with restless thoughts.(他的脑子里充满了不安的想法。)11.It took him a minute to realize what Dad was going to do with it.过了一会,她才恍然大悟爸爸将如何处理它。12.For a split second I thought she was joking.在一刹那间,我想到她是在开玩笑。13.Terrifying thoughts flooded his mind.可怕的念头涌上

11、他的心头。14.What if this didnt work out? He thought.如果这没有用呢?他想道。15.His mind swirled with nervous thoughts.What if the guys had forgotten all about him? 他的脑子里充满了紧张的思绪。如果这个不行怎么办?16.The urge to run is just too strong to resist.他想跑走。三、what/all/the last/only强调01.What he saw was a lion with glittering eyes an

12、d razor-sharp teeth.他看到的是一只眼睛闪闪发光、牙齿锋利的狮子。02.He looked around him, unable to believe that what he was seeing was real.他环顾四周,不敢相信自己看到的是真的。03.What he saw hardly seemed real: fire in every direction.他所看到的几乎不真实:四面八方开火都是火。04.What he was worried about, as usual, was his little sister.像往常一样,他担心的是他的妹妹。05.Be

13、n spun around, and what he saw almost stopped his heart.本转过身来,看到的几乎让他心跳停止。06.The last thing he saw before he fell into the water was the terrified look on Dads face.他落水前看到的最后一件事是爸爸脸上惊恐的表情。07.His only hope was to drop down and play dead.他唯一的希望就是倒下装死08.All he wanted to do was to close his eyes, get to

14、 sleep, and forget about this day.他只想闭上眼睛睡觉,忘掉这一天。09.All he could do was wait for help to arrive.=He had no choice but to wait for help to arrive.他所能做的就是等待救援的到来。10.All he could hear was the beating of Dads heart.他只能听到爸爸的心跳声。11.And now all he could think of was Mama.现在他能想到的只有妈妈。12.All he could feel w

15、as pain.他能感觉到的只有痛苦。13.All he knew was that each day, life seemed to get worse.他只知道,生活似乎一天比一天糟糕。14.All he was thinking about was how his brother would smile when he saw his Christmas present.他只想着当他弟弟看到他的圣诞礼物时,他开心的样子。15.He searched for, but all he could see was water.他寻找,但他能看到的只有水。16.It wasnt the shark that scared him.It was the idea of being along in the middle of forest.不是鲨鱼吓到了他。想到自己一个人在森林里使他害怕。四、环境01.Even the stars above him seemed to go black.就连他头顶上的星星也好像变黑了。02.Wind howled around him and rain hammered down.风在他周围呼啸,雨倾盆而下。03.Suddenly, the sky turned black.The wind started



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