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1、高考英语写作高级句式一、Theres no doubt that .Theres no doubt that . 毫无疑问Theres no doubt that 表示毫无疑问,用来强调某个观点或事实【例句】1.Theres no doubt thatregular exercise is good for your health.(毫无疑问,定期锻炼对健康有好处)2.Theres no doubt thatstudying regularly helps improve your grades.(毫无疑问,定期学习有助于提高你的成绩)3.Theres no doubt thatpractic

2、ing a musical instrument requires dedication.(毫无疑问,练习乐器需要专注)4.Theres no doubt thatlearning a new language takes time and effort.(毫无疑问,学习一门新语言需要时间和精力)5.Theres no doubt thatparticipating in sports builds teamwork skills.(毫无疑问,参加体育运动可以培养团队合作能力)6.Theres no doubt thatrespecting your teachers is important

3、 in school.(毫无疑问,在学校尊重老师是很重要的)7.Theres no doubt thateating a balanced diet is essential for staying healthy.(毫无疑问,保持均衡饮食对保持健康至关重要)8.Theres no doubt thatlearning about different cultures broadens your perspective.(毫无疑问,了解不同文化可以拓宽你的视野)9.Theres no doubt thatreading regularly improves your vocabulary.(毫

4、无疑问,定期阅读可以提高你的词汇量)10.Theres no doubt thatbeing kind to others makes the world a better place.(毫无疑问,善待他人可以让世界变得更美好)11.Theres no doubt thatpracticing mindfulness reduces stress levels.(毫无疑问,练习正念可以减少压力水平)12.Theres no doubt thatsetting goals helps you stay focused on your objectives.(毫无疑问,设定目标有助于你专注于自己的

5、目标)13.Theres no doubt thatvolunteering in your community builds character.(毫无疑问,在社区做义工可以塑造你的性格)14.Theres no doubt thatlearning to play a musical instrument enhances creativity.(毫无疑问,学习弹奏乐器可以增强创造力)15.Theres no doubt thatexploring nature improves mental well-being.(毫无疑问,探索大自然可以改善心理健康)二It goes without

6、saying that .It goes without saying that . 不言而喻It goes without saying that 表示不言而喻,用来强调一个普遍认为或显而易见的事实【例句】1.It goes without saying thatpracticing math regularly improves your problem-solving skills.(不言而喻,定期练习数学可以提高你的解决问题的能力)2.It goes without saying thatrespecting others is important in building friend

7、ships.(不言而喻,在建立友谊时尊重他人是很重要的)3.It goes without saying thatdrinking enough water is essential for staying hydrated.(不言而喻,保持充足的水分摄入对保持水合状态至关重要)4.It goes without saying thatusing proper grammar is crucial in writing essays.(不言而喻,在写作文章时使用正确的语法是至关重要的)5.It goes without saying thatplaying sports regularly i

8、mproves your physical fitness.(不言而喻,定期参加运动可以提高你的身体健康)6.It goes without saying thatstudying hard is necessary to pass exams.(不言而喻,努力学习是通过考试的必要条件)7.It goes without saying thatbeing kind to animals is a sign of compassion.(不言而喻,善待动物是同情心的表现)8.It goes without saying thatlearning about different cultures

9、broadens your horizons.(不言而喻,了解不同文化可以拓展你的视野)9.It goes without saying thatteamwork is important in group projects.(不言而喻,团队合作在小组项目中很重要)10.It goes without saying thatusing technology wisely enhances learning opportunities.(不言而喻,明智地利用科技可以增强学习机会)11.It goes without saying thateating a balanced diet contri

10、butes to overall health.(不言而喻,保持均衡饮食有助于全面健康)12.It goes without saying thathaving good communication skills is beneficial in any profession.(不言而喻,拥有良好的沟通技巧在任何职业中都是有益的)13.It goes without saying thatshowing gratitude improves relationships with others.(不言而喻,表达感激可以改善与他人的关系)14.It goes without saying that

11、exploring nature enriches your understanding of the environment.(不言而喻,探索大自然可以丰富你对环境的理解)15.It goes without saying thatreading books regularly expands your knowledge.(不言而喻,定期阅读书籍可以扩展你的知识)三We cant deny the fact that .We cant deny the fact that . 我们无法否认的事实是We cant deny the fact that 表示我们无法否认的事实【例句】1.We

12、cant deny the fact thatpracticing math regularly improves our problem-solving skills.(我们无法否认的事实是,定期练习数学可以提高我们的解决问题能力)2.We cant deny the fact thatbeing organized helps us manage our time better.(我们无法否认的事实是,做事有条理有助于我们更好地管理时间)3.We cant deny the fact thatparticipating in sports enhances our physical fit

13、ness.(我们无法否认的事实是,参加体育运动可以增强我们的身体健康)4.We cant deny the fact thatreading books broadens our knowledge.(我们无法否认的事实是,阅读书籍可以扩展我们的知识)5.We cant deny the fact thathaving good study habits leads to better academic performance.(我们无法否认的事实是,养成良好的学习习惯会带来更好的学业表现)6.We cant deny the fact thatrespecting others builds

14、 stronger friendships.(我们无法否认的事实是,尊重他人可以建立更牢固的友谊)7.We cant deny the fact thattechnology has changed the way we communicate.(我们无法否认的事实是,科技已经改变了我们的交流方式)8.We cant deny the fact thatlearning about different cultures fosters understanding and acceptance.(我们无法否认的事实是,了解不同文化促进了理解与接纳)9.We cant deny the fact

15、thatregular exercise contributes to a healthy lifestyle.(我们无法否认的事实是,定期锻炼有助于健康生活方式)10.We cant deny the fact thatteamwork is essential in achieving common goals.(我们无法否认的事实是,团队合作在实现共同目标时是至关重要的)11.We cant deny the fact thatpracticing a musical instrument requires dedication and patience.(我们无法否认的事实是,练习乐器需要投入和耐心)12.We cant deny the fact thatlearning a new language opens doors to new opportunities.(我们无法否认的事实是,学习一门新语言为我们打开了新的机会)13.We cant deny the fact thats



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