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1、高考英语作文固定搭配类高频高级替换词a double-edged sword双刃剑【高级替换词】bane or boon 好还是坏sth. is a mixed blessing 祸福参半之事be a help and a hindrance to sth. 喜忧参半sth. is both a blessing and a curse 某事既是福,也是祸精选【例句】The advent of social media has been a mixed blessing to modern society. It has democratized the dissemination of ne

2、ws and opinions, yet it has also become a breeding ground for misinformation and cyberbullying, challenging the very fabric of social cohesion. 社交媒体的出现对现代社会来说是一种双刃剑。它使新闻和观点的传播民主化,但同时也成为虚假信息和网络欺凌的滋生地,给社会凝聚力的基本结构带来挑战。allow sb to do sth.允许某人做某事【高级替换词】enable/permit sb to do sth. 使某人能够做某事give sb the free

3、dom to do sth. 给某人做某事的自由【例句】Technological innovations have enabled individuals to access a plethora of information at their fingertips, permitting scholars to delve into their research with a depth and breadth previously unattainable. 技术创新使个人能够在指尖获取大量信息,允许学者以前所未有的深度和广度进行研究。be able to do sth.能够做某事【高级

4、替换词】have/possess the capacity to do sth. 有能力做某事be capable of doing sth. 能够做某事,有能力做某事be equipped to do sth. 有能力做某事be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事【例句1】The human brain, with its intricate neural networks, possesses the capacity to process complex information and solve problems with an agility that no

5、 artificial intelligence can yet replicate. 人类大脑凭借其复杂的神经网络,具有处理复杂信息和解决问题的能力,这种敏捷性是任何人工智能目前还无法复制的。【例句2】The widespread adoption of e-learning platforms, coupled with the proliferation of digital devices, has put students in a position to access educational resources from the comfort of their homes, th

6、ereby democratizing education and reducing the barriers to learning. 电子学习平台的广泛采用以及数字设备的普及,使学生能够在家中舒适地访问教育资源,从而实现了教育的民主化并降低了学习障碍。be good at擅长于【高级替换词】be skilled at 擅长于excel at/in 擅长be proficient in 擅长于【例句】In the modern workforce, individuals who excel in critical thinking and problem-solving are in a

7、position to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the job market and excel in their careers. 在现代职场中,擅长批判性思维和解决问题的个人有能力适应职业市场快速变化的需求,并在他们的职业生涯中表现出色。be good for对有利【高级替换词】be beneficial/favorable/helpful for/to 对有利,有利于be conducive to 有助于be advantageous for 对有利【例句】The inclusion of cultural diversity i

8、n educational curricula is beneficial to students, fostering a greater understanding of different cultures and promoting tolerance and empathy among young individuals. 将文化多样性纳入教育课程对学生有益,促进对不同文化的更深入理解,并鼓励年轻人之间的宽容和同情。be bad for对有害【高级替换词】be harmful for 对有害be detrimental/injurious/damaging to 对有害,不利于【例句

9、】Prolonged exposure to electronic screens can be detrimental to childrens physical and mental health, highlighting the need for parents to enforce stricter screen-time regulations. 长时间接触电子屏幕可能对儿童的身体和心理健康有害,这突显了家长实施更严格的屏幕时间规定的必要性。be similar to与相似【高级替换词】share similarities with 与有相似之处resemble vt.相似,像be

10、ar a resemblance to 与相似parallel vt.与同时发生;与相似【例句1】The architectural design of the new library resembles that of a modern art gallery, with its sleek lines and expansive glass facades, creating a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 新图书馆的建筑设计类似于现代艺术画廊,其流畅的线条和广阔的玻璃立面创造了一个既实用又美观的空间。

11、区分一下resemble和parallel:resemble指在外貌、特征或性质上与某人或某物相似,而paralle通常用于描述在进程、发展或模式上的相似性。The twins resemble each other closely in appearance. 这对双胞胎在外貌上非常相似。The economic policies of these two countries parallel each other in many respects. 这两个国家的经济政策在许多方面相似。be used to习惯于【高级替换词】be accustomed to 适应,习惯(to是介词,后面接名

12、词或动名词)【例句】In todays fast-paced society, people are becoming increasingly accustomed to instant gratification, which may undermine their ability to appreciate the value of patience and perseverance. 在当今快节奏的社会中,人们越来越习惯于即时满足,这可能会削弱他们欣赏耐心和毅力价值的能力be busy with sth.忙于某事【高级替换词】be (fully) occupied with sth.

13、忙于某事be (fully) occupied (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事be preoccupied with sth. 全神贯注于be on the go with sth. 忙着做某事【例句】In the current job market, professionals are on the go with continuous learning and upskilling(n.技能提升) to stay competitive and relevant in their fields. 在当前的就业市场中,专业人士正忙于持续学习和提升技能,以保持在他们领域中的竞争力

14、和相关性。be related to与.相关【高级替换词】be associated with 与有联系be linked to/with 与有关be connected with/to 与有联系be tied to 与某人或某事有紧密联系【例句】The use of social media has become associated with both the benefits of increased connectivity and the drawbacks of potential privacy invasions. 社交媒体的使用既带来了连接性增强的好处,也带来了潜在隐私侵犯的

15、弊端。change ones mind改变主意【高级替换词】alter ones perspective/opinion 改变观点【例句】Engaging in cross-cultural exchanges can profoundly alter ones perspective on global issues, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse viewpoints. 参与跨文化交流可以深刻改变一个人对全球问题的看法,培养对不同观点的更深层次的理解和欣赏。benefit from从中受益【高级替换词】reap the advantages/rewards of 获得的好处avail oneself of 利用(指利用某种机会、资源或手段来获得好处或帮助)【例句】To excel in a competitive job market, it is essential for job seekers to avail themselves of all available resources, such as career workshops and networking events. 为了在竞争激烈的就业市场中出类拔萃,求职者必须利用所有可用的资源,如职业研讨会和社交活动。



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