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1、2016届高三上学期区统考英语作文Scoring criteria2125 精彩迭出要点全、多变的语言结构和词汇、连接自然1620 清清楚楚1115 马马虎虎610 糊里糊涂15 一塌糊涂注:尽可能给分;字数少于80或大于120扣2分;书写较差影响交际降一个档次。书写潦草,版面混乱没按要求分段!字数太多!好的作文共同点:书写端正,句子表达清晰,信息要点完整。假定你是一所国际学校的学生李华,这个月在校图书馆当义工,请写一封E-mail给校长Mr.Johnson。内容应包括:1、感谢他设立了这个志愿者项目以及你的收获2、对图书馆的建议:1)增加英语报刊;2)增设电脑以方便电子阅读;3) 注意:1.

2、词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。审题:审题:1. 文章类型:感谢信文章类型:感谢信+建议信;建议信;2. 人称:人称: I & You ;3. 时态:一般过去时态:一般过去/现在时;现在时;注意:委婉礼貌用语注意:委婉礼貌用语写作要点:Para 1: 做义工。 感谢志愿者项目和收获。 Para 2: 对图书馆的建议。 (总分结构,注意连词的使用)1)增加英语报刊;2)增设电脑以方便电子阅读;3) Para 3: 再次表示感谢,期待收到回复。细节要点的表达:要点的表达:(1)当)当义工:工: work as a volunteer (2)设立了立了这个志愿者个志愿者项目:目

3、: set up this volunteer program eg:我很感:我很感谢你你设立了立了这个志愿者个志愿者项目。目。I would love to thank you for setting up this volunteer program. I am grateful to you for setting up this volunteer program. I want to express my gratitude for your setting up this volunteer program. “感感谢”的相关表达:的相关表达:thank sb for (doing

4、) sthbe grateful to sb. for (doing) sth.express ones gratitude for sth细节要点的表达:要点的表达:(3)增加(提供)英)增加(提供)英语报刊:刊:eg: 我会很感激你我会很感激你们如果可以提供更多的如果可以提供更多的报纸和和杂志。志。I would appreciate it if you can provide us with more English newspapers and magazines. It is useful and meaningful that you can provide more Englis

5、h newspapers and magazines for us students.提供某人某物:提供某人某物:provide sb with sth provide sth for sbsupply sb with sth supply sth to sboffer sb sth offer sth to sb细节要点的表达:要点的表达:(4)增)增设(配(配备)电脑: equip with computers 电子子阅读: E-readingeg: 我我认为更多的更多的报纸和和杂志能志能够被提供出来,并且我被提供出来,并且我们图书馆最好最好配配备电脑,这会会让电子子阅读成成为可能。可能。

6、 I think more English newspapers and magazines can be offered and our library had better be equipped with computers, which will make E-reading possible.其他对图书馆的建议prolong the time for readingpurchase the latest publicationscreate a quiet atmosphere for all the studentsenough chairs/lights/air conditio

7、ningfood/drink is strictly prohibited句式多样化:1. 至于我,我支持观点As for me, I am in favor of the idea of/that2. 我非常赞同这个主意 I cant agree more with the idea that 3. 我认为,某人做某事是理智/情有可原的。 In my opinion, it is wise/reasonable for sb. to do sth.4. 我认为是正确的/必要的/重要的。 I think it is right/necessary/important that5. 毋庸置疑Th

8、ere is no denying that6. 毫无疑问There is no doubt that7. 不可否认It cannot be denied that对图书馆的建议结构:构:总分分关于关于XX的建的建议如下。首先,如下。首先,其次,其次,最后但同最后但同样重要的重要的 Some suggestions on are as follows. To begin with, Besides, Last but not least, 1. 至于我,我支持延至于我,我支持延长开放开放时间的的观点。点。As for me, I am in favor of the idea of prolo

9、nging the time for reading.2. 我我认为购买最新的英最新的英语出版物是必要的,出版物是必要的,这可以开放学生的眼界。可以开放学生的眼界。 I think it is important that you purchase the latest publications, which can help open the students horizon.3. 毫无疑毫无疑问的是的是创造一个安静的氛造一个安静的氛围对学生学生们很有益很有益处。There is no doubt that creating a quiet atmosphere is beneficial

10、to all the students.Some suggestions on how to the the library service are as follows. As for me, I am in favor of the idea of prolonging the time for reading. Besides,I think it is important that you purchase the latest publications, which can help open the students horizon. Last but not least, the

11、re is no doubt that creating a quiet atmosphere is beneficial to all the students.参考范文参考范文Dear Mr. Johnson, I am Li Hua, a student from Grade 12. This month, I work as a volunteer in our school library, through which I learn how to serve others better and enrich my experience as well. Thank you so m

12、uch for setting up this volunteer program for us students, without which I couldnt have learnt so much outside class. I also want to put forward some suggestions about the library service. I think more English newspapers and magazines can be offered and our library had better be equipped with computers, which will make e-reading possible. Whats more, I hope the library can be open until 10:30 pm every day. It would be greatly appreciated if my suggestions can be taken into consideration. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua



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