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1、New College English新编大学英语Unit One Passage Reading: The Gift of Life What is a true friend and friendship?Lead-in activities The Gift of LifeReview the text and try to answer questions.Passage Reading (skimming) context (para.12)whenwherewhowhat in Vietnam Warin a small villageseveral children, inclu

2、ding one young girlBombs landed in the orphanage and some children were wounded. The organization of the text 1) Medical help arrived and they found the young girl needed blood. (Para.3) 2) Only several children had the correct blood type. (Para.4) 3) Because of language barrier, they had difficulti

3、es in asking the children for blood. (Para.5) 4) Heng was willing to give blood but he was always sobbing and then crying silently during the operation. (Para.6 13) 5) Under the help of the Vietnamese nurse, the Americans knew the reason. Heng thought that he would die, but he still did it because s

4、he was his friend. (Para.14 Para.18) In time order, what happened next? (para.318) Heng behavior (para3.-18) para.6a little hand slowly went up, dropped back down, and went up again.para.10 let out a long sob, quickly covering his face with his free hand。para12Heng shook his head silently, but after

5、 a few moments another sob escapedpara13occasional sob turned to a steady ,silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs.para18The Vietnamese nurse repeated the question to the little boy, who answered simply, Shes my friend.What can we learn from this text

6、 Slowly Slowly QuicklySilentlyTightlySimplycomplicated emotions afraid and unwilling to be foundplain but not commonbraveunselfishdedicatedHeng simple meaning of the story (para.19)There is no love greater than this, that a person lay down his/her life for a friend. What is true friend and friendshi

7、p? When you turn and walk away,Your forever friend follows.When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheers you on.When you are down,Friends can lift you up in spiritsgets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. Being in the same place isnt the same as being friendsWhe

8、n you , friends can A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。 Proverbs and SayingsIf you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。The Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato 朋友的礼物 sometimes you think youll be

9、find by yourself有时你觉得自己会发现真我cause a dream is a wish you make all alone因为希望让自己单独面对一切its easy to feel like you dont need help这会很容易觉得你不需要帮助but its harder to walk on your own但一个人走下去往往会很难youll change inside你将会从心底里改变when you realize当你意识到:the world comes to life这个世界来自于生活and everythings right一切都是那么的美好from beginning to end从开始到结束when you have a friend by your side当你有一个朋友陪伴在身边that helps you to find the beauty of all她会帮你去发现这个世界所有的美好when youll open your heart and believe in当你敞开心扉并且相信the gift of a friendthe gift of a friend朋友是上天赐予的礼物



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