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1、第四章 遥感图像处理第一节第一节 光学原理与光学处理光学原理与光学处理一、颜色视觉一、颜色视觉1 1、亮度对比和颜色对比、亮度对比和颜色对比(1 1)亮度对比亮度对比:对象相对于背景的的明亮程度。改变对比度,可以提高图象的视觉效果。(2 2)颜色对比:颜色对比:在视场中,相邻区域的不同颜色的相互影响叫做颜色对比。两种颜色相互影响的结果,使每种颜色会向其影响色的补色变化。在两种颜色的边界,对比现象更为明显。因此,颜色的对比会产生不同的视觉效果。 2 2、颜色的性质:、颜色的性质: 所有颜色都是对某段波长有选择地反射而对其他波长吸收的结果。 颜色的性质由明度、色调、饱和度来描述。 (1 1)明度:

2、)明度:是人眼对光源或物体明亮程度的感觉。 物体反射率越高,明度就越高。 (2 2)色调:)色调:是色彩彼此相互区分的特性。 (3 3)饱和度:)饱和度:是色彩纯洁的 程度,即光谱中波长段是否窄,频率是否单一的表示。 3 3、颜色立体、颜色立体(1 1)颜色立体颜色立体:中间垂直轴代表明度 ;中间水平面的圆周代表色调;圆周上的半径大小代表饱和度。(2 2)孟赛尔颜色立体:)孟赛尔颜色立体:中轴代表无色彩的明度等级;在颜色立体的水平剖面上是色调;颜色离开中央轴的水平距离代表饱和度的变化。二、加色法与减色法1.颜色相加原理颜色相加原理三原色:三原色:若三种颜色,其中的任一种都不能由其余二种颜色混合

3、相加产生,这三种颜色按一定比例混合,可以形成各种色调的颜色,则称之为三原色。红、绿、蓝。互补色:互补色:若两种颜色混合产生白色或灰色,这两种颜色就称为互补色。黄和蓝、红和青、绿和品红。色度图:色度图:可以直观地表现颜色相加的原理,更准确地表现颜色混合的规律.3 3、颜色相减原理、颜色相减原理l减色过程减色过程: :白色光线先后通过两块滤光片的过程.l颜色相减原理颜色相减原理: :当两块滤光片组合产生颜色混合时,入射光通过每一滤光片时都减掉一部分辐射,最后通过的光是经过多次减法的结果.l加色法与减色法的区别加色法与减色法的区别: :l减法三原色减法三原色: :黄、品红、青三、光学增强处理图像的光

4、学增强处理方法具有精度高, 反映目标地物更真实,图像目视效果等优点,是遥感图像处理的重要方法之一。计算机图像处理的优点在于速度快、操作简单、效率高等优点,有逐步取代光学方法的趋势。 三、光学增强处理1.彩色合成彩色合成加色法彩色合成加色法彩色合成减色法彩色合成减色法彩色合成2.光学增强处理光学增强处理3.光学信息的处理光学信息的处理图像的相加和相减图像的相加和相减遥感黑白影象的假彩色编码遥感黑白影象的假彩色编码第二节 数字图像的校正遥感数字图像处理:利用计算机对遥感图像及其资料进行的各种技术处理。数字图像处理的优点快捷、准确、客观地提取遥感信息适应地理信息系统的发展一、数字图像及其直方图一、数

5、字图像及其直方图1.数字图像数字图像:遥感数据有光学图像和数据图像之分。数字图像是能被计算机存储、处理和使用的用数字表示的图像。2.数字化:数字化:将连续的图像变化,作等间距的抽样和量化。通常是以像元的亮度值表示。 数字量和模拟量的本质区别:连续变量,离散变量。3.数字图像的表示数字图像的表示:矩阵函数矩阵函数,象元是数字图象元是数字图像的基本单位。像的基本单位。4.4.数字图像直方图数字图像直方图:以每个像元为单位,表示图像中各亮度值或亮度值区间像元出现的频率的分布图。5.直方图的作用:直方图的作用:直观地了解图像的亮度值分布范围、峰值的位置、均值以及亮度值分布的离散程度。直方图的曲线可以反

6、映图像的质量差异。正态分布:反差适中,亮度分布均匀,层次丰富,图像质量高。偏态分布:图像偏亮或偏暗,层次少,质量较差。小结 图像直方图是描述图像质量的可视化图表。在图像处理中,图像直方图是描述图像质量的可视化图表。在图像处理中,可以通过调整图像直方图的形态,改善图像显示的质量,以达到图像增可以通过调整图像直方图的形态,改善图像显示的质量,以达到图像增强的目的。强的目的。二、辐射校正二、辐射校正(Radiometric correction )1.1.辐射畸变:辐射畸变: 地物目标的光谱反射率的差地物目标的光谱反射率的差异在实际测量时,受到传感器本身、大气异在实际测量时,受到传感器本身、大气辐射

7、等其他因素的影响而发生改变。这种辐射等其他因素的影响而发生改变。这种改变称为辐射畸变。改变称为辐射畸变。2.2.影响辐射畸变的因素影响辐射畸变的因素传感器本身的影响:导致图像不均匀,产生传感器本身的影响:导致图像不均匀,产生条纹和噪音。条纹和噪音。大气对辐射的影响大气对辐射的影响 Striping was common in early Striping was common in early LandsatLandsat MSS data due to variations and drift in the MSS data due to variations and drift in th

8、e response over time of the six MSS response over time of the six MSS detectors. detectors. The drift was different for each of the six The drift was different for each of the six detectors, causing the same brightness to detectors, causing the same brightness to be represented differently by each d

9、etector. be represented differently by each detector. The corrective process made a relative The corrective process made a relative correction among the six sensors to bring correction among the six sensors to bring their apparent values in line with each their apparent values in line with each othe

10、rother Dropped lines occur when there are systems errors which result in Dropped lines occur when there are systems errors which result in missing or defective data along a scan line. missing or defective data along a scan line. Dropped lines are normally corrected by replacing the line with the pix

11、el Dropped lines are normally corrected by replacing the line with the pixel values in the line above or below, or with the average of the two. values in the line above or below, or with the average of the two. 3.3.大气影响的定量分析大气影响的定量分析 :大气的主要影响是减少了图像的对比度,使原始信号和背景信号都增加了因子,图像质量下降。4.大气影响的粗略校正:大气影响的粗略校正:通

12、过简单的方法去掉程辐射度(散射光直接进入传感器的那部分),从而改善图像质量。直方图最小值去除法回归分析法:校正的方法是将波段b中每个像元的亮度值减去a,来改善图像,去掉程辐射。 三、几何校正三、几何校正l几何畸变:遥感图像的几何位置上发生变化,产生诸如行列不均匀,像元大小与地面大小对应不准确,地物形状不规则变化等变形。l几何畸变是平移、缩放、旋转、偏扭、弯曲等作用的结果。Geometric Correctionl lAll remote sensing imagery are inherently subject to All remote sensing imagery are inhere

13、ntly subject to geometric distortions. geometric distortions. l lThese distortions may be due to several factors, These distortions may be due to several factors, including: including: the perspective of the sensor optics; the perspective of the sensor optics; the motion of the scanning system; the

14、motion of the scanning system; the motion of the platform; the motion of the platform; the platform altitude, attitude, and velocity; the platform altitude, attitude, and velocity; the terrain relief; and, the curvature and rotation of the Earth.the terrain relief; and, the curvature and rotation of

15、 the Earth. l lGeometric corrections are intended to compensate for Geometric corrections are intended to compensate for these distortions so that the geometric representation of these distortions so that the geometric representation of the imagery will be as close as possible to the real world.the

16、imagery will be as close as possible to the real world. The geometric registration process involves identifying the image coordinates (i.e. row, column) of several clearly discernible points, called ground control points (or GCPs), in the distorted image (A - A1 to A4), and matching them to their tr

17、ue positions in ground coordinates (e.g. latitude, longitude). The true ground coordinates are typically measured from a map (B - B1 to B4), either in paper or digital format.1、遥感影像变形的原因、遥感影像变形的原因遥感平台位置和运动状态变化的影响: 航高、航速、俯仰、翻滚、偏航。地形起伏的影响:产生像点位移。地球表面曲率的影响:一是像点位置的移动;二是像元对应于地面宽度不等,距星下点愈远畸变愈大,对应地面长度越长。大气

18、折射的影响:产生像点位移。地球自转的影响:产生影像偏离。2、几何畸变校正几何畸变校正基本思路:基本思路:把存在几何畸变的图像,纠正成符合某种地图投影的图像,且要找到新图像中每一像元的亮度值。具体步骤具体步骤 1)计算校正后每一点所对应原图中的位置; 2)计算每一点的亮度值。计算方法计算方法 1)建立两图像像元点之间的对应关系; 2)求出原图所对应点的亮度:最近邻法、双线性内插法、三次卷积内插法。 2、几何畸变校正几何畸变校正控制点的选取控制点的选取数目的确定:最小数目;6倍于最小数目。选择的原则易分辨、易定位的特征点:道路的交叉口,水库坝址,河流弯曲点等。特征变化大的地区应多选些。尽可能满幅均

19、匀选取。Image Enhancementl lEnhancements are used to make it easier for visual Enhancements are used to make it easier for visual interpretation and understanding of imagery. interpretation and understanding of imagery. l lThe advantage of digital imagery is that it allows us to The advantage of digital

20、 imagery is that it allows us to manipulate the digital pixel values in an imagemanipulate the digital pixel values in an imagel lThere are three main types of image enhancement:There are three main types of image enhancement: Contrast enhancementContrast enhancement Spatial feature enhancementSpati

21、al feature enhancement Multi-image enhancementMulti-image enhancement第三节 遥感数字图像增强一、彩色变换一、彩色变换l把数字图像组合转换成彩色图形,或者把各种增强或分类图像组合叠加,以彩色图像显示出来。(彩色的视觉分辨能力比黑白高)l方法:假彩色密度分割;彩色合成概念:概念:单波段黑白遥感图像可按亮度分层,对每层赋予不同的色彩,使之成为一幅彩色图像。这种方法又叫密度分割。分层方案的确定:分层方案的确定:分层方案与地物光谱差分层方案与地物光谱差异对应合适,可以较好地区分地物类别。异对应合适,可以较好地区分地物类别。处理过程处理

22、过程效果分析效果分析1、单波段彩色变换(假彩色密度分割)、单波段彩色变换(假彩色密度分割)2、多波段色彩变换l概念:利用计算机将同一地区不同波段的图像存放在不同通道的存储器中,并依照彩色合成原理,分别对各通道的图像进行单基色变换,在彩色屏幕上进行叠置,从而构成彩色合成图像。l合成方案:彩色合成图像分为真彩色图像和假彩色图像。l方法演示Colour Compositesl lA colour composite is a colour image produced A colour composite is a colour image produced through optical comb

23、ination of multiband through optical combination of multiband images by projection through filters.images by projection through filters.l lTrue Colour Composite:True Colour Composite: A colour imaging A colour imaging process whereby the colour of the image is the process whereby the colour of the i

24、mage is the same as the colour of the object imaged.same as the colour of the object imaged.l lFalse Colour Composite:False Colour Composite: A colour imaging A colour imaging process which produces an image of a colour process which produces an image of a colour that does not correspond to the true

25、 colour of that does not correspond to the true colour of the scene (as seen by our eyes). the scene (as seen by our eyes). TM1TM2TM3TM4TM5TM6TM7Landsat TM 5 sub-scene showing the region around the Alpinforschungszentrum RudolfshtteTM7,4,1TM5,7,2TM5,4,3TM4,3,2ERDAS彩色彩色合成演示合成演示3 3、HLSHLS变换变换lRGB模式与HL

26、S模式l将RGB模式转换成HLS模式,对于定量地表示色彩特性,以及在应用程序中实现两种表达方式的转换具有重要意义。二、对比度变换二、对比度变换l直方图与图像的质量l概念:是一种通过改变图像像元的亮度值来改变图像像元对比度,从而改善图像质量的图像处理方法。 将图像中过于集中的像元分布区域(亮度值分布范围)拉开扩展,扩大图像反差的对比度,增强图像表现的层次性。又叫辐射增强。l方法:对比度线性变换和非线性变换。二、对比度变换二、对比度变换1.线性变换:线性变换:在改善图像对比度时,如果采用线性或分段线性的函数关系,那么这种变换就是线性变换。调整线性参数,改变变换效果分段式线性变换2.非线性变换:非线

27、性变换:变换函数为非线性函数时,即为非线性变换。A linear stretch involves identifying lower and upper bounds from the histogram (usually the minimum and maximum brightness values in the image) and applying a transformation to stretch this range to fill the full range. This graphic illustrates the increase in contrast in an

28、 image before (left) and after (right) a linear contrast stretch. If the input range is not uniformly distributed. In this case, a histogram-equalised stretch may be better. This stretch assigns more display values (range) to the frequently occurring portions of the histogram. In this way, the detai

29、l in these areas will be better enhanced relative to those areas of the original histogram where values occur less frequentlyThis graphic illustrates the rather uneven increase in contrast in an image before (left) and after (right) a histogram equalised stretch. 三、空间滤波l以重点突出图像上某些特征为目的。l滤波增强的原理:任何一个

30、复杂的波形曲线都可以分解成具有不同频率(波长)的较为简单的波形曲线。l概念概念:根据需要,舍弃不需要的频率曲线,选择适宜和需要的频率波形曲线,重新构成新的图像,使一些地物或现象得到突出显示。三、空间滤波l空间滤波:空间滤波:以突出图像上的某些特征为目的,通过像元与周围相邻像元的关系,采取空间域中的邻域处理方法进行图像增强方法。l图像卷积运算:图像卷积运算:在图像的左上角开一个与模板同样大小的活动窗口,图像窗口与模板像元的亮度值相乘再相加,得到新像元的灰度值。Spatial Filteringl lSpatial filteringSpatial filtering encompasses an

31、other set of digital encompasses another set of digital processing functions which are used to enhance the processing functions which are used to enhance the appearance of an image. appearance of an image. l lSpatial filters are designed to highlight or suppressSpatial filters are designed to highli

32、ght or suppress(抑制)(抑制) specific features in an image based on their specific features in an image based on their spatial frequencyspatial frequency. . l lSpatial frequency is related to the concept of image Spatial frequency is related to the concept of image texture, and refers to the frequency of

33、 the variations texture, and refers to the frequency of the variations in tone that appear in an imagein tone that appear in an imageA common filtering involves moving a window (活动窗口)of a few pixels in dimension (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc.) over each pixel in the image, applying a mathematical calculation

34、using the pixel values under that window, and replacing the central pixel with the new value. Image of CHURN FarmDaedalus 1268 ATM Channel 3A low-pass filter(低通滤波)(低通滤波) is designed to emphasise larger, homogeneous areas of similar tone and reduce the smaller detail in an image. Thus, low-pass filte

35、rs generally serve to smooth(平滑)(平滑) the appearance of an image. A high-pass filter (高通滤波)does the opposite, and serves to sharpen the appearance of fine detail in an image. Directional or edge detecting filters highlight linear features, such as roads or field boundaries. Vertical edges(垂直边缘)Horizo

36、ntal edgesDirectional Edge filters can also be designed to enhance features which are oriented in specific directions and are useful in applications such as geology, for the detection of linear geologic structures. 1 1、平滑、平滑-图像中出现某些亮度值过大的区域,图像中出现某些亮度值过大的区域,或出现不该有的亮点时,采用平滑方法可以减小或出现不该有的亮点时,采用平滑方法可以减小变

37、化,使亮度平缓或去掉不必要的亮点。变化,使亮度平缓或去掉不必要的亮点。比值平滑:比值平滑:将每个像元在以其为中心的区域内,取平均值来代替该像元值,以达到去掉尖锐“噪声”和平滑图像的目的。中值滤波:中值滤波:将每个像元在以其为中心的邻域内,取中间亮度值来代替该像元值,以达到去掉尖锐“噪声”和平滑图像的目的。2 2、锐化、锐化突出图像的边缘、线性目标或某些突出图像的边缘、线性目标或某些突出图像的边缘、线性目标或某些突出图像的边缘、线性目标或某些亮度变化率大的部分。亮度变化率大的部分。亮度变化率大的部分。亮度变化率大的部分。罗伯特梯度:找到了梯度较大的位置,也就找到了边缘,用不同的梯度值代替边缘处像

38、元的值,也就突出了边缘。索伯尔梯度拉普拉斯算法定向检测Low- and High-Pass FilteringlWhen we look at spatial structure, we can usually see a characteristic length scale (e.g. size of fields, width and length of roads, etc)lImages usually have features on lots of different length scaleslSometimes, instead of talking about “lengt

39、h scale”, we talk instead about “spatial frequency”.lHigh frequencies correspond to short distance scales; low frequencies correspond to long distance scaleslWe can describe the action of some filters in this way.Edge Enhancementedge enhancement mathematically manipulates an image to provide a new i

40、mage in which edges are made to stand out. Smoothingsmoothing averages the values of the pixel and its neighbors. If there is noise in the image (random pixel with random values) the smoothing process will remove these. 四、图像运算四、图像运算l概念:两幅或多幅单波段影像,完成空间配准后,通过一系列运算,可以实现图像增强,达到提取某些信息或去掉某些不必要信息的目的。l原理:地物


42、要信息,降低数据量,增强或提取有用信息目的的方法。其变换的本质:对遥感图像实行线性变换,使光谱空间的坐标按一定规律进行旋转。1 1、K-LK-L变换变换l离散变换的简称,又称主成分变换。它是对某一多光谱图像X.利用K-LK-L变换矩阵变换矩阵A A进行线性组进行线性组合合, ,而产生一组新的多光谱图像而产生一组新的多光谱图像Y.Y.lK-LK-L变换的特点变换的特点: :变换后的主分量空间与变换前的多光谱空间坐标系相比旋转了一个角度。新坐标系的坐标轴一定指向数据量较大的方向。可实现数据压缩和图像增强。2 2、K-TK-T变换变换lK-T变换 是kauth-Thomas变换的简称,也称缨帽变换.

43、是一种坐标空间发生旋转的线性变换,旋转后的坐标轴指向与地面景物有密切关系的方向lK-T变换的应用:主要针对TM图像数据和MSS数据.对于扩大陆地卫星TM影像数据分析在农业方面的应用有重要意义.第四节 多源信息复合l多种信息源的复合:是将多种遥感平台,多时相遥感数据之间以及遥感数据与非遥感数据之间的信息组合匹配的技术。l多源信息复合的意义:发挥不同遥感数据源的优势,弥补某种遥感数据的不足,提高遥感数据的应用性;还有利于综合分析和深入理解遥感数据.第四节 多源信息复合一、遥感信息的复合一、遥感信息的复合1.不同传感器的遥感数据复合2.不同时相的遥感数据复合二、遥感与非遥感信息的复合一、遥感信息的复合一、遥感信息的复合1、不同传感器的遥感数据复合(1)配准:采用几何校正,分别在不同数据源的影像上选取控制点,用双线性内插或三次卷积内插运算等对分辨率较小的图像进行重采样,完成配准。(2)复合:彩色合成、代换法。2、不同时相的遥感数据复合(1)配准:利用几何校正的方法进行位置 配准。(2)直方图调整:调整成一致的直方图,是图像的亮度趋于一致,便于比较。(3)复合:彩色合成法、差值法、比值法。二、遥感与非遥感信息的复合 主要步骤:1、地理数据的网格化(1)网格数据生成(2)与遥感数据配准2、最优遥感数据的选取3、配准复合(1)栅格数据与栅格数据(2)栅格数据与矢量数据。



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