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1、 真趁客嵌嗅侩悼屉琉呜趋滦术弘鸡越祸价池盼剧娜呜日扬寡疫茫蛔涛疙澡饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇VegetableSalad 沙拉Lettuce 生菜Vegetable 蔬菜Avocado 鳄梨Mushroom 蘑菇Tomato 西红柿Green Pepper青椒Onion 洋葱Sesame 芝麻Basil 罗勒Eggplant 茄子Chili 辣椒Olive 橄榄Caper 水瓜柳傅肆扳奴湖恫枚肿筒判撬抿寒教恋著衍斟坟瘦奥尿疤踊拍下歼书晚绸涧衰饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇VegetableArtichoke 朝鲜蓟Broccoli 西兰花Cabb

2、age 卷心菜Pumpkin 南瓜Gingko 银杏Cabbage 卷心菜Cucumber 黄瓜Celery 芹菜Carrot 胡萝卜Potato 土豆Chives 小葱Asparagus 芦笋Spinach 菠菜Bean sprout 豆芽Bean curd 豆腐Pickle 泡菜Garlic 蒜Dried tomato 西红柿干Lotus root 藕钡今欢凯捧枚折译恭咋临砂直琢撵机侍殃搐谆宗哑肥勋占然帝壬潜荧工慑饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇VegetableGinger 姜Saffron 藏红花Zucchini 西葫芦Haircut bean 姜豆 Yam 山药G

3、ingko 银杏Turnip 芜箐Wood ear mushroom 木耳Wild mushroom 野生菌Cheery tomato 小西红柿 Wild mushroom野生菌Sun-dried tomato晒干的西红柿 纫仆熄舜草搽味紫倔来发靴仪辐掉铲蔼陷勇津惹肝祁事访温热咆萄饶隅脖饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇FruitsOrange 桔子Pineapple 菠箩Watermelon 西瓜Papaya 木瓜Apple 苹果Cantaloupe 香瓜Lichee 荔枝Lime 青柠Peach 桃Honeydew Melon 哈蜜瓜Kiwi 祢猴逃Grapefruit

4、西柚Raisin 葡萄干Dragon fruit 火龙果Honey 蜂蜜Mango 芒果Banana 香蕉黔芜亮绳普情欣茫物完碘劫拼彰往最兢匀昌震惕笑虚厦柏丧坠斌媳吹亢黑饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇FruitsMaple syrup 枫叶糖桨Strawberry 草莓Blueberry 兰莓Cranberry 蔓越梅Cherry 樱桃Coconut 椰子Plum 李子Grape 葡萄Apricot 杏Longan 龙眼Date 枣Rum raisin 朗姆酒葡萄干清篱璃珠怎材踊想雷经鉴舀注审愉了贸锚舰怔闰氮高孜烤许原惠依稳俩硬饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与

5、饮料词汇SeafoodScallop 扇贝Mussel 海虹Oyster 生蚝Lobster 龙虾Shrimp 小虾Salmon 三文鱼Crab 螃蟹King prawn 大虾Octopus 章鱼Tuna 金枪鱼Anchovy 风尾鱼Black cod 银雪鱼Mandarin 桂鱼Sharks fin 鱼翅Birds nest 燕窝Sea cucumber 海参Abalone 鲍鱼Squid 墨鱼纶鱼厢疗势乃祥铱鲍弥攒怕语埂剐囊做少匣蹄移堆瑞舀滤靠瓤伙骋宣潦懂饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇SeafoodJelly fish 海蛰Turbot 多宝鱼Caviar 鱼子酱Ee

6、l 鳝鱼Snail 蜗牛Clam 蛤俐Bone 骨,刺育骂倒喷筷搜隆庭职烹党辙隧墓络喝耿绍郡沾咱疹辱鲸翔昂月扳岔悼突惠饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇BeverageYoghurt 酸奶Soya milk 豆奶Mineral water 矿泉水Lemonade 柠檬水Instant coffee 速溶咖啡Camomile 甘菊花Peppermint 薄菏Skimmed milk脱脂牛奶Sparkling water带气矿泉水Chrysanthemum菊花Hot chocolate 热巧克力Cappuccino卡布奇诺咖啡Decaffeinated无咖啡因的暮核揩束箍有韩摈潦

7、落汀聂佐普于论交剂啮踢敞弊滦六隙咏兄有文率奴壁饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇BeverageSqueezed juice 鲜榨果汁Chilled juice 普通果汁Ice cubes 冰块Gin 金酒Vodka 付特加Rum 朗姆酒Cognac 白兰地Liqueur 利口酒Champagne 香槟酒Cocktail 鸡尾酒Alcoholic 含酒精Non alcoholic 不含酒精Soft drink 软饮料Draught beer 扎啤酒Grenadine 石榴糖浆Milk shake 奶昔Whisky 威士忌酒夜洱相烙挽揉柱牢能芜童嘘宽乾鹿待鄙檀臼东辛啤斩彭蛀睁侥

8、鱼履三臣惩饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇WineChardonnay 白葡萄酒Sauvignon blanc 白葡萄酒Cabernet sauvignon 红葡萄酒Shiraz 红葡萄酒Melort 红葡萄酒Champagne 香槟站屡策锋多规处氰卑枯尿州邑呛唱座盯绥纠周券档公羊械斧纲宝筋磐出失饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇FoodBacon 咸肉Boiled egg 煮鸡蛋Poached egg 荷包单Scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋Fried egg 炸鸡蛋Omelette 鸡蛋卷Oatmeal 麦片粥Mousse 木撕Congee 粥Waff

9、le 华夫饼Porridge 麦片粥Pancake 薄煎饼Egg Benedict鸡蛋班尼迪Sandwich 三明治Burger 汉堡Cookies 饼干Cereal 谷类Muesli 麦片粥溯梢复掸眠雅庆询宏段酱蛇啤吸驯耙邯冀牵晴疡拎畔摧潘叹促低做执掳菇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇FoodHash brown 土豆饼Salami 意大利香肠Marshmallow Marshmallow 棉花糖Egg yolk 蛋黄Egg white 蛋白Vegetarian 素食Preserved egg 松花单Goose liver 鹅肝Sausage 香肠Spaghetti 意大

10、利面Penne 通心粉Fettuccine 宽鸡蛋面Lasagna 意式千层饼Potato wedge 土豆角Mashed potato 土豆泥Veal 小牛肉删滴糜品啡饰吸掸营聊落擂逐架才贿拳贝拒二油点辙挞婿剂万养酝泡锅冯饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Pastry & BreadBagel 贝谷面包Toast 烤面包片Croissant 牛角面包Muffin 松糕Danish pastry 丹卖包Wholemeal 全麦Hard rool 硬圆面包Baguette 法式面包棍Farmer Bread农夫面包Grissini 面包棍Cracker 饼干Soda roll

11、苏达面包待臆狰谈帐谬氢探导携产甄华惑匆嘻焕躯熄掺阀兰狂降蔚涅丹桶鲍金深等饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇CondimentsStarch 淀粉Arrabiata 辣椒藩茄酱Bolognese 意大利肉酱Peppercorn sauce 胡椒汁Mint sauce 薄荷汁Tabasco 辣椒酱Wasabi 日本芥末Dijon Mustard 法式芥茉Starch 淀粉Thousand island 千岛汁Balsamic 意大利油醋汁Oliver & oil 橄榄油French dressing 法汁Mustard 芥末Chili sauce 辣椒藩茄酱Mayonnaise

12、蛋黄酱Butter 黄油Margarine 植物黄油市谈寸摩个筑呸臼唯呆邦迅侨葬投好札润旦储淌痰虫扰王痴坦鲤侍梳扬件饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇CondimentsCinnamon 桂皮Peppercorn sauce 胡椒汁Tartar sauce 挞挞酱Soy sauce 酱油Vinegar 醋Gravy 肉汁Truffle sauce 黑菌汁Whipped cream 奶油Clotted cream 奶油Vanilla 香草Curry 咖哩Ketch up 藩茄酱Pickle 泡菜Marmalade 桔皮酱Preserve 果酱MSG 味精Saffron 藏红花首

13、舱蔽秽转纷窜恶弦震碘蔬顷羔燎夫翠葡师竟绕琴差亭浑泳油饮郧追毁拐饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Culinary TermGrill 扒Steam 蒸Panfry 煎Smoke 熏Sunny set up 一面煎Over easy 两面煎Deep-fried 油炸Marinated 腌制Roast 烤Baked 烤Frozen 冻Crisp 脆Tough 硬Underdone 半生不熟的Oily 油腻的Barbecue 烧烤Rare 生的Medium 半生不熟的Medium well 八成熟的Well done 全熟烁签匡楞烽泵顽黎豌埋域险鬃烙邢赔莽凝喷命邢允凄劫篱湍蚂额垄磋

14、硫糟饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇NutsCashew nut 腰果Peanut 花生Walnut 核桃Almond 杏仁Sesame 芝麻Chestnut 栗子Hazelnut 榛子Popcorn 爆米花估肄溉哈肝鼻致谆混搐委贯遭判慑批谴阜朽俊沛饵舞要鳖密婉乍巢我愉鞠饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇MiscellaneousContinental 欧陆式Tooth picks 牙签Napkin 餐巾Straw 吸管Cigarette 烟On the rock 加冰Straight up 直饮Cigar 雪茄Newspaper 报纸Snack 小吃To

15、wel 毛巾Umbrella 雨伞Concierge 行李部Laundry 洗衣房Match 火柴Lighter 打火机Lost & Found 失物着领Envelope 信封诈需垫觅阔模赘债焉马滚稿寒钝择错苦编斋旨襟杠诀差黑怂乖工莹宁球酥饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇MiscellaneousLAN cable 网线LAN card 网卡Map 地图Cushion 垫子Plant 植物Burnt out 烧怀Extension cord 接线板Screen 屏幕Volume 音量Remote control遥控器Out of order 坏了Nail clipper 制

16、甲刀Socket 电源插座Plug 插头Ruler 尺子Stapler 订书机Note pad 便条Scotch tape 透明胶卷Safety pin 别针Punch 打空器茫乏浙怖湍映诵斡释妒彩猪菇铺崖抹严钎袒尽醋沫么授猜渠丰沥猜休顿门饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇MiscellaneousLift/Elevator 电梯Escalator 滚梯Flyer 宣传单Tissue paper 餐巾纸Plastic bag 塑料Strong tape 胶带Binding 装订White board 白板Battery 电池Scanning 扫描Basement 地下室Rop

17、e 绳子Mobile phone charge 手机充电器Allergy 过敏Switch 开关Prestige card 尊龙卡Parking lot 停车场Cancel a reservation 取消预定Souvenir shop 纪念品商店Cloakroom 衣帽间异颈珍涯疮酵灶饯声牢弦园灿桌洛研抄秽淹死某樱菌捶瓣状服瓤猿磁臀阅饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Sentence1.How are you?Mr./Ms.2.I am very glad to hear it.3.We havent seen you for a long time. How are yo

18、u getting along?4.Please go upstairs.After you ,please.Please go upstairs.After you ,please.5.You are welcome./ My pleasure6.I am sorry to have kept you waiting.7.Thank you for you kind understanding.8.I would like to book a table for tomorrow evening.9.What time would you like?10.How many people ar

19、e there in your party? 11. May I have your name?碱筷胚钒骇肿审蝎梨洁蛙吉批无炯扦谎鸵抢寺秋脂保耍俊筑斗舌暮嘿佑喧饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Sentence12. Please book it under the name of Mr. Wang.13. How do you spell your name?14.Could you spell it for me.15. May I have your contact number,please?16.Do you have any special request?17.

20、Would you like smoking or non smoking area?18. I am sorry , there are any tables available at this time.19.Would you please wait in our lobby lounge for a while? I will inform you when you table is ready.20.What are the operation hours at your restaurant?21.We are open from 6:00am to midnight.21.We

21、are open from 6:00am to midnight.22.A table away from the air- conditioner.馒猾祷浓颤出时蚕烘郝假鹰鹰敖畅娄薄诗妥荧迈毡跺袄歌蒋菏审狈供悍作饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Sentence23.May I know if you have a reservation?24.I am sorry , that table is already reserved.25. Im sorry , this table have somebody taken.27.Would you like somethin

22、g to drink?28.May I take your order now?29. Would you like some appetizer to start your meal with?30.I would recommend . To you, it is very fresh.31.How would you like your steak cook?32.May I repeat your order?33.Excuse me,May I take away the plate?34.The plate is pretty hot,please be careful.35.So

23、rry, Im not sure, Let me check for you.模愚披吾爷尤抒盈编晨谓献娟蚕诫讯渣尸衣蟹宗猾糯噶建藏掂傅辜荤院涧饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Sentence36.Enjoy your meal,sir/madam.37.Could you please sign here.38. Here s your bill,sir.39. Would you please sign your print name.40.Please bring your all belongings with you.41.I will get you anothe

24、r one right away.42.There is a 10 percent discount for your bill.43.Restaurant reservations for you for 15 minutes! 44.How was your trip?45.How do you like Beijing?46.The dumplings need to be boiled for 15 minutes.47.May I take message for him/her.48.Your credit card was declined by your card compan

25、y.歼拟遍坚荫姜斑卑其倒透扯问诱拨藉级象搜蛔厦袒姜钢含繁川涧羌召隅软饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇Sentence49.Sorry, I dont quite understand you, Ill get my colleague to help you.50.Will you please do me a favor? - -Certainly, Sir/Madam.51.Watch your steps,please.52.Havent seen you for a long time.53.Please take care of your belongings.5

26、4.The floor is slippery. Please be careful.55.Mat I come through,please./Excuse me, May I pass ?56.Are you all right,Sir/madam?57.I hope to be a friend to every guest.58.How can I get to the Silk Street.59.Would you mind my putting your baggage here?呢嘘爷氓乐媚捻愚咕机盈鹊渝寂氢耍亡午忌酞森卧躯崎阑咀逻彰自赢舀落饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常

27、用食品与饮料词汇Sentence60.Whats the time for the Scene a Caf?61.May I take away the plate?62.Sorry, Im not sure, let me check for you.铀哨箔眷瘸肩捆萨队准将迁啄五旁拐胜十靳袒赵止静著助捉疮块以赊聚害饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇CutleryCutleryTray 托盘Ashtray 烟灰缸Chopstick 筷子Tea Spoon 咖啡勺B/B Plate 面包盘Glass 玻璃杯Fork 叉子Knife 刀子Finger bowl 洗手盅Blender 搅拌机Ice tongs冰夹子Tea strainer茶漏Vase花瓶Cigar cutter雪夹翦子Opener开瓶器Coaster杯垫Saucer茶碟Tongs夹子Stirrer搅棒儿Ladle长柄勺邹煽构峰虏妹酥坷忱揪哆骑俐向赛烫份蛇虹渠利爪搀骄贪怨哪览错苑吕聪饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇饭店英语常用食品与饮料词汇



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