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1、形容词、副词形容词、副词原级、比较级和最高级原级、比较级和最高级adj. adv. 比较级、最高级的构成比较级、最高级的构成 P93原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级happyeasilyhardlargethinlittlemanybadlyhappierhappiestmore easilymost easilyharderhardestlargerlargestthinnerthinnestlessleastmoremostworseworst1.原级比较原级比较as + adj./adv.原级原级as 和和一样一样否定:否定:not so/ as +adj./adv.原级原级as 不及不

2、及我和你一样大。我和你一样大。I am _ you.他跑得不及我快。他跑得不及我快。He _ run _ I.as old asdoesntas/so fast asas+adj.+ a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数 +asas much+不可数名词不可数名词+as,as many+可数名词复数可数名词复数as 和和一样多的某物一样多的某物He is as good an example as his brother.Bob read as _ books as Mary.There is as _ water in this bottle as in that bottle.manymuc

3、h当当as as中间有中间有名词名词时时,采用以下格式采用以下格式形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形容词、副词的比较级和最高级A+谓语谓语+ adj./adv.的比较级的比较级than B A在某方面超过在某方面超过B我比汤姆要高。我比汤姆要高。I am _ Tom (is).你看起来比以前年轻。你看起来比以前年轻。You look _ before.比较级的结构比较级的结构taller thanyounger thanAttention!形容词和副词的比较级的变化不能混淆!形容词和副词的比较级的变化不能混淆!1.以以-er结尾和特殊变化结尾和特殊变化的形容词副词比较的形容词副词比较级前面级前面不

4、能加不能加more2. as as 之间必须用形容词和副词之间必须用形容词和副词原级原级He is more taller than I. (T or F)I can write more better than he. (T or F)I runs as faster as she. (T or F) fast1.比较级前可用比较级前可用much, far, a lot, a little, even等等表示程度表示程度,不能使用不能使用very,quite.She sings _ better than the others. 她比别人要唱得好得多。她比别人要唱得好得多。far / muc

5、hNow I read _ faster than before. 我现在读得比以前要快一点。我现在读得比以前要快一点。a little注意:注意:2.比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较两个事物才能比较.The weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai. (T or F)that ofHis English is better than anyone else in his class. (T or F)elses3.表示不同程度比较时,句子主语表示不同程度比较时,句子主语不能包不能包括在比较对象的范围之

6、内括在比较对象的范围之内。He studies harder than any student in his class. (T or F)otherHe studies harder than all the students in his class. (T or F)otherHe studies harder than anyone in his class. (T or F)elseThe moon is closer to us than _ star / stars. (any, any other)anyChina is larger than _ countries in A

7、frica. (any, any other)anyChina is larger than _ countries in Asia. (the, the other)the other4.在比较级中,用在比较级中,用that代替上述出现过的代替上述出现过的不可数名词不可数名词,用,用those代替上述出现过的代替上述出现过的复数名词。复数名词。 The water in the glass is cleaner than _ in the river. 杯子里的水比河里的要干净。杯子里的水比河里的要干净。I like these pictures better than _ on the w

8、all. 和墙上的画相比,我更喜欢这些。和墙上的画相比,我更喜欢这些。thatthose比较级的特殊用法比较级的特殊用法1.the + 比较级比较级 + of the two 两者中较两者中较的一个的一个He is _ (old) of the two boys. And she is _ (tall) of the three.the olderthe tallest2.less +(多音节词多音节词)原级原级+ than = not as/so+原级原级as 不及不及Jim doesnt do it as carefully as Mary.Jim does _ than Mary.Mar

9、y does _ than Jim.less carefullymore carefully3. the +比较级,比较级,the比较级比较级 越越就越就越你越粗心,犯的错误就越多。你越粗心,犯的错误就越多。The _ you are, the _ mistakes you will make.more carelessmore4. 比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级 越来越越来越当形容词或副词为当形容词或副词为多音节多音节时,必须用时,必须用more and more + 原级原级The population is growing _.越来越快越来越快 faster and fasterTh

10、e city has become (越来越漂亮越来越漂亮)_.more and more beautiful5.表示表示“大大3岁岁”,“长长2米米”时,要用时,要用数量词数量词+比较级比较级He is _ than I.他比我大三岁。他比我大三岁。three years olderThe bridge is _ than that one. 这条桥比那条长两米。这条桥比那条长两米。two meters longer比较比较A、B两事物两事物, 询问哪一个较询问哪一个较时:时:Which / Who is + 比较级比较级?Which T-shirt is nicer, this one o

11、r that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate?形容词、副词的最高级形容词、副词的最高级A+ the + adj.最高级最高级 in(范围范围) of(同类同类)A+adv.最高级最高级 in(范围范围) of(同类同类)Mary is the tallest girl _ her class / _ the three.Bill reads most clearly _ all the students.inofofone of the + 形容词最高级形容词最高级+名词名词复数复数表示表示“最最之一之一”他是班里最高的学生之一他是班里最高的学生之一

12、.He is _ in the class.one of the tallest students这本书最有趣。这本书最有趣。The book is _ of all.在班上她最早到校。在班上她最早到校。She comes to school _ in the class.the most interestingearliestthe +序数词序数词+ 形容词最高级形容词最高级+名词名词 第第最最它是世界上第二高的建筑物它是世界上第二高的建筑物.It is _ building in the world.the second tallest比较比较A、B、C三事物三事物, 询问哪一个最询问哪一

13、个最时:时:Which / Who is + 最高级最高级?Which T-shirt is the nicest, the white one, the green one or the yellow one? Who is the most active, Mary, Alice or Kate?原级、比较级、最高级互换原级、比较级、最高级互换倍数倍数asas = 倍数比较级倍数比较级than这本书比那本厚这本书比那本厚2倍。倍。This book is _ as that one.The book is _ than that one.three times as thicktwice

14、thicker Im twelve. My friend is ten.Im _ than my friend.My friend is _ than I am.Im not _ _ as my friend.My friend is not _ _ as I /me.olderyoungerso/as youngso oldUnit 1 is easy. Unit 6 is difficult.Unit 1 is not _ _ as Unit 6.Unit 1 is _ _ than Unit 6.Unit 6 is _ _ than Unit 1.Unit 6 is not _ _ as

15、 Unit 1.so difficultless difficultmore difficult so easyBill is the tallest in our class.Bill is _ than _ _ student in our class.Shanghai is larger than any othercity in China.Shanghai is _ _ _ in China.taller any other the largest city用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空1.Jack isnt so _ (clever) as J

16、ohn.2.Tom works as _ (hard) as Mary.3.China is _ (large) country in Asia.4.Its _ (hot) today than yesterday.5.This park looks much _ (good) than that one.cleaver hard the largest hotter better6. I cant run as fast as you. You run _ (fast) than I.7. Of all the girls she draws _ (well).8. English is o

17、ne of _ (interesting) subjects.9. This student is _ (careful) than any other student.10. Which is _ (easy), English, Chinese or maths? faster (the) best the most interesting more careful the easiest改错改错:1. His computer is cheaper than I.2. Bill is taller than any boy in his class.3. Mary sings bette

18、r than any other boy in her class.4. Jim is very older than his sister.I mineany boy any other boyany boyany other boyverymuch5. Li Ling is the youngest of our class.6. It is the most useful book.7. Li Fen draws better of the two girls.8. He is the tallest in the three boys. ina the better of9. Its

19、more bigger than a chicken.10. He is younger of the two.11. My classroom is bigger than you.12. The girl is very taller.much the youngeryourstall13. Mr. Green is my the best teacher.14. Jim is one of the tallest boy in our class.15. John runs is the fastest of all.16. My father is get up earlier than my mother. 去掉去掉 theboys去掉去掉is改为:改为:gets



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