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1、高中英语写作微技能训练写作微技能训练第二章第二章 句子写作微技能训练(略)句子写作微技能训练(略)第三章第三章 段落写作微技能训练段落写作微技能训练一篇好文章建构于良好的段落上,没有适当的段落,即使句子没有语法错误,也不算是一篇好文章。吴忠高级中学 王志红第一节 段落=主题句+发展句+结尾句由主题句加上数个支持论点和结尾句就构成一个段落,数个段落就构成一篇文章。这就是英语作文的基本框架。A.I have an old bike which my father gave me for my 12th birthday. I received a lot of presents that day,

2、 but the bike was my favorite one. We had cake and ice cream at the party. Then we rode our bike to the park. Jim had an accident on his bike and had to see a doctor. Then it started to rain. I rode my bike back home and did my homework. After dinner I took my bike out again and rode around the neig

3、hborhood. All my friends wanted to try my new bike. I t was my favorite present that day. What a busy birthday I had!B. B.My bike is old, but it isnt useless. Many of my friends and family members tell ma that I should buy a new bike, but my old one still works well. I can ride it to the stores, to

4、the park, and to school. It is so old that no one will steal it. Someone might steal a new bike, but not an old one. Last week my mothers motorcycle had a problem, so she borrowed my bike to visit her friend. Sometimes a bike is even more useful than a motorcycle! We should not throw things away jus

5、t because they are old. We should use things till they become useless.B练习2. 猜猜看到底哪一段写得好,A段还是B段?Why?A.The birds were singing early in the morning. They woke me up, and I dressed myself in my new clothes. I had bought them in a department store just the day before. They were on sale, and there were mo

6、re people in the department store than I had ever seen before. I was lucky to find the clothes I wanted on sale. After breakfast, I went to school and showed off my new clothes.B. I heard the first birds singing, but they didnt wake me up. Actually,. I couldnt get to sleep that night. As the first l

7、ight entered my bedroom, I saw them laid out on my chair, just waiting for me to wear. The day before I had bought these new clothes on sale at a department store. I didnt mind all the people because I found just the clothes I wanted. I felt so excited because I could show them off at school.B练习3. 分

8、析下面的段落, 找出其主题句、发展句和结尾句。总共有几个论点来支持主题句?主题句与结尾句以哪些相同的字来连贯A.My brothers room is the messiest room in the world! If you open his door, you will first notice that you cannot walk easily inside his room. Old magazines and comic books are all over the floor. I dont think that a dog would sleep in his bed be

9、cause of all the dirty clothes on it. His desk looks like a garbage can. Only a pig would be happy in my brothers room. Can you imagine a messier room than my brothers?B. I support the city governments punishment on drunk driving. Many people complain that the new law against drunk driving is too st

10、rict, but I dont agree. No one has the right to hurt others. Drunk drivers sometimes hit other cars and even kill other people. Laws are made to protect everyone, not only people who like to drink. Besides, you can drink and have someone else drive you home or simply take a taxi. Drunk driving is da

11、ngerous for everyone, so I support the strict new law by the city government against drunk driving.第二节 主题句写作微技能训练大多数的段落写作, 作者会在一开头就把中心思想点出。这叫主题句。主题句是由主题(Topic)加上作者对主题的看法(idea)构成。主题句不一定是一个句子, 有时也可能是两个句子构成一个观点。e.g. Computers are not always so convenient! Computers 是主题, not always so convenient是作者对主题的看

12、法练习1 指出下列主题句中的主题和作者对主题的看法。1.Riding a bicycle can be fun.2. Kite flying is not only for children.3. Sometimes “little white lies” can get you into trouble.4. My favorite gift cost nothing.5. I thought summer camp was boring until last summer.练习2. 到底哪一段写得好,A篇还是B篇?Why?A.I worked very hard yesterday, bu

13、t I felt really good at the end of that long day. My father asked me to help him paint our new apartment yesterday morning. At first I wanted to watch TV or go out with my friends. After thinking about it, though, I realized that I should help around our house, too. Our house is not a hotel. Besides

14、, my father often does a lot of things for me. We worked together all morning and afternoon. By dinner time I was tired and hungry, but I felt good. We finished the painting, and the house looked and smelled new. Playing around is not the only way to feel good.B.My father asked me to help him paint

15、our new apartment yesterday morning. At first I wanted to watch TV or go out with my friends. After thinking about it, though, I realized that I should help around our house, too. Our house is not a hotel. Besides, my father often does a lot of things for me. We worked together all morning and after

16、noon. By dinner time I was tired and hungry, but I felt good. We finished the painting, and the house looked and smelled new. Playing around is not the only way to feel good.A选出最恰当的主题句,并简要分析原因。_ You may think that the ring has a diamond in it, but it doesnt. You may think that the ring is made of go

17、ld, but it isnt. You may also think that the ring was very expensive, but youre wrong. It cost nothing to make. My boyfriend made it out of some old leather, but he made it with love. That is why it is my favorite gift.A. My boyfriend made a leather ring.B My favorite gift is a ring from my boyfrien

18、d.C My favorite ring is a diamond ring.D. My boyfriend gave me a gold ring.BB. _. My neighbor Joe is a quiet boy. He doesnt have many friends. No one invites him to parties because they dont know him very well. One day when I was walking home, some boys from another school stopped me and asked me fo

19、r money. When I said no, one of them started hitting me. A minute later, Joe was by my side helping me. The other boys ran away. People say, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Joe is now my best friend.A. A good friend is hard to know wellB. How I met my best friend at a party.C. Now I understan

20、d what a real friend is.D. Joe is my best friend who doesnt like parties.CC _ Test can be useful, but not everything important is on test. We can test what in inside of books, but we cannot test how we feel or what we imagine. Students need more time to think about their own lives, not only take tes

21、ts in school. Teachers should help students to learn by experience, not only reading and writing. For the above reasons, I think teachers should give students fewer tests.A.Test play a part in learning, so we need tests.B.Should teachers give students a lot of test? I dont think so.C.C. Should teach

22、ers give students time to think about life? I think so.D. Should teachers give students about life experience? I think so.BD._ changing the color of ones hair is like changing the color of ones clothes. If a student wears black shoes one day and brown shoes the next, has he done anything wrong? Why

23、should students look all the same? Modern people are free to choose their own clothes. Why shouldnt students have the right to change the color of their own hair?A.I think students should not color their hair.B.I think coloring their hair is a new trend for students.C.I think coloring their hair mak

24、es students look cool. D.I think students should be allowed to color their hair.DE. _ Last month I took an important math test at school. I sat next to the smartest kid in our class, and I copied almost all of his answers. He got 98 on the test, and I got a 92. My parents were happy, my teacher was

25、happy, and my classmates were proud of me. But I feel lousy. I didnt learn anything. I cant cheat all through my life. From now on, Im going to work harder so I dont have to cheat again.A.Ill never cheat on a test again.B.Ill copy harder from now on.C.Feeling proud is not good for us.D.Getting good

26、grades makes me feel happy.AF. _. From the early morning before my alarm rings until after I go to sleep at night, that dog is always making noise. He is friendly to my neighbor, of course, but he is unfriendly to everyone else in the neighborhood. Children are even afraid to walk by his house becau

27、se of his dog. Whenever they see that big, brown dog, they run home quickly. I would like to tell my neighbor about his dog, but Im afraid of it, too!A.Dogs are peoples good friends.B.I dont like my neighbors dog.C.Barking dogs wont bite.D.Dogs sometimes are dangerous.B给下面的段落写出恰当的主题句。偷偷地告诉你一个秘笈, 下笔前

28、先看看结尾句A. _. When I decided that I really wanted to learn English, I made the mistake of thinking that I could learn it quickly. I bought some books and tapes that said, “Learn English in three months!” Nonsense! No one can learn a foreign language quickly. I even dated an American girl, but I paid m

29、ore attention to her than her English, so I didnt learn very much. Now I understand that only if I work hard for a long time will I learn English well.Nobody can learn English well very quickly.B _. First, learning how to dress, wear makeup, and groom our hair are all important social skills which w

30、ill become important to us after graduation. Most kids who have to wear uniforms look like slobs( ) on the weekend. Another reason that students should not wear uniforms is because students look like pieces of machinery in a factory. In this modern Information Age, creativity is more important than

31、conformity( ). How can anyone be creative when he looks like everyone else? Finally, wearing uniforms can be uncomfortable. Were supposed to change our winter uniform to our spring uniform on a certain day every year, but nobody told Mother Nature that! We freeze or sweat because of this several day

32、s every year. For the above reasons, I am totally opposed(反对的) to students having to wear uniforms to school.I am strongly against the idea that students should always wear uniform to school.第三节 结尾句写作微技能训练结尾句是把段落内所提过的事情,结尾句是把段落内所提过的事情, 再简要地叙再简要地叙述一遍,从而形成完整的文章。常常换句话述一遍,从而形成完整的文章。常常换句话再把开头的主题重申一次或重申之外

33、再加上再把开头的主题重申一次或重申之外再加上某种教诲或感受。某种教诲或感受。练习1 选出最恰当的结尾句, 并简要分析原因。What is your favorite restaurant? Mine is Fridays, of course! At Fridays I can order any kind of Western food I like, such as hamburger, salad, French fries, steak, and all kinds of sandwiches. The waiters and waitresses wear funny and int

34、eresting clothes, too, and their service is very good. Although Fridays is not as cheap as McDonalds, it is not very expensive, either._. A. Fridays is my favorite restaurant because of its delicious food. B. Fridays is my favorite restaurant because they serve well. C. To sum up, because its price

35、is high, Fridays is my favorite restaurant. D. All in all, because of the good food, great service, and reasonable price, Fridays is my favorite restaurant.DB. A field trip to a museum is the best way to learn about art. Last month our art teacher took us on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art.

36、 We took a bus to the museum and spent two hours there. Looking at real paintings and sculptures is much more interesting and educational than looking at them in books. The museum also gave everyone a small book to explain the art. _A.Looking at paintings and sculptures in books gives us much fun.B.

37、Schools arrange field trips for students.C.Seeing real works of art in a museum is the best way to appreciate art.D.A museum gives students a lot of information about art.CC. Of the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite. In autumn, you never know what to wear. One day is hot, nut the next da

38、y is cold. Winter in not only cold, but it is also the time when many people get sick. Spring brings too much rain. Summer is the time for travel, relaxation and fun._.A.Thats why people like summer very much.B.For me, summer is the best season of the year. C.Summer brings us a lot of fun.D.Spring i

39、s the best season of all.BD. Do you know the difference between red meat and white meat? Red meat means meats which are red in color, like beef and pork. White meat, of course, means meats which are white in color, like chicken and duck. Seafood is usually considered white meat, too. Doctors say tha

40、t white meat is better for our health than red meat, but it is all right to eat some red meat. _A.Red meat and white meat are both the same; they are of the same kind.B.Although white meat is better for our health than red meat, remember not to eat too much meat.C.So, there is no difference between

41、red meat and white meat.D.Truly, people like both red meat and white meat.B练习2 下面有两篇文章,请选出较好的一篇,并分析原因。A.“Practice makes perfect” is really a good saying. At the beginning of our summer vacation, my friends invited me to go swimming with them. I was embarrassed to tell them that I couldnt swim. My be

42、st friend Jill told me that she would help me. Every day during the vacation for an hour or two, Jill slowly taught me how to swim. Before our classes began again, I could swim one time across the swimming pool. How happy I was! I now understand the true meaning of friendship.B.Now I really understa

43、nd what “Practice makes perfect” means. Half a year ago, I didnt know how to swim. To be honest, I was even afraid of going into swimming pool. My best friend Jill told me that she would help me. Day after day during the summer vacation, Jill spent an hour or two with me every day, showing me how to

44、 swim. At the end of the summer vacation, I could swim once across the pool. I never felt so happy in my life! Now I realize that, if you want to succeed at anything, you must practice day after day until you are successfulB第四节 发展句写作微技能训练发展句是用来细述主题句的中心思想, 把观点解释清楚。主题句Night markets are very popular in

45、 Asia because they provide more than goods and service.发展句Both day and night markets offer food, clothing, and school supplies, etc. They both offer furniture, things for the home, and medicine. However, mostly housewives use the day market. At night, the whole family can go out to eat or shop toget

46、her and enjoy the games and shows.结尾句Thus, night markets are also an important form of entertainment in Asian societies. 练习1 请找出主题句,发展句及结尾句。 A. Choosing the right gift does not have to be a problem. Knowing the purpose of the gift is very important. You dont want to buy food for someones graduation

47、or wedding. Knowing the person well helps ,too. What does your friend or relative like best? Dont worry about the price. Remember, “Its the thought that counts.” A simple, practical gift is more appreciated than an expensive but useless one. Keeping the above advice in mind will make shopping for yo

48、ur next gift much easier.B. Many people try to lose weight, but they usually fail. There are two main reasons to explain this. People often tell themselves that they can lose a lot of weight in a short time. Actually, losing weight takes a long time if you want to stay lighter. Eating strange foods

49、does not help, either. People will lose interest in their diet and go back to their old ways. Eating less gradually is the best way to lose weight.C. Everyone knows that learning English is very important today. In our city, however, English is not used very much. How can a student learn English wel

50、l in such an environment? Besides reading, students can listen to English on radio programmes every day. They can join an English club at school to practice listening and speaking. They can also practice speaking with classmates, relatives, or others who know some English. Making English a habit is

51、a sure way to succeed at learning it.练习2 下面有两篇文章, 判断哪篇更好, 并分析原因。A. If you could have only three books, what would they be? I would first choose a dictionary. A dictionary is not very expensive and has a lot of information in it. There are dictionaries for every language. Maybe I would buy a Chinese-

52、English dictionary. Then I would want a history book. I have always been interested in history. I love to watch movies on TV about our countrys history. Their lives were difficult but interesting. The last book I would want would be a medical book. I hope to become a doctor someday, and I would have

53、 plenty of time to read about health in that book. Doctors make a lot of money, and then I could buy more books, if there were any more. What books would you buy?B. Our teacher asked us, “If you could have only three books, what would they be? “ I thought about this question a long time. The first b

54、ook I would want is a dictionary. A dictionary has a lot of information in it and is the most important book about ones language. The next book is a history book. Everyone should know his countrys and his peoples history. If we do not know our own history, we cant know who we are. Finally, I would w

55、ant a book about health. We all have many of our good friends, books, with us, but if we have to choose three books, I would choose a dictionary, a history book, and a book about health.B第五节 连接语写作微技能训练写作时, 除按逻辑组合信息点外, 还要学会灵活运用连接性词语。连接语是上下文之间的润滑剂。表递进 besides, whats more, whats worse, in addition; 表列举

56、 for one thing and for another thing, firstly, secondly, thirdly, last but not least 表总结 in short, in a word, in conclusion, in brief, generally speaking, to sum up, all in all.练习1 下面有两篇文章, 判断哪篇更好, 并分析原因。A.Do you know how to make a sandwich? It is really easy. Heres how to make one. HFirst, of cours

57、e, you need bread. Most people use two pieces, but if youre really hungry, you can make a very big sandwich with three pieces. What kind of sandwich do you like/ There are thousands of kinds of sandwich. Next, just put the food you want, like meat or vegetables, on one piece of the bread and then co

58、ver it with the other piece. You can add butter to the bread first, if you like, too. Thats all. Now you can find sth you like to drink and enjoy your own sandwich. A sandwich is one of the easiest foods to make in the world.B. My big brother taught me how to make a sandwich yesterday. I thought mak

59、ing a sandwich would be hard, but actually its very easy. Youll need bread, things for the sandwich, and maybe some butter if you like it. The bread keeps the things like meat or vegetables together. You can add butter to the bread. Be sure to put the butter on the inside of the bread. When you fini

60、sh, youll have a sandwich. I told you making a sandwich was easy, didnt I? Now you can enjoy making a sandwich when you are hungry and want just a little to eat.A练习2 下面有两篇文章, 判断哪篇更好, 并分析原因。A. Everyone can protect the earth from pollution in simple but important ways. First, everyone has to go shoppi

61、ng, but not everyone has to use a plastic bag each time he buy sth. If you dont need a bag, dont take one. Better yet, take your own bags with you when shopping. Second, dont waste food. Growing food takes up a lot of land. Finally, use public transportation instead of a car or motorcycle. This redu

62、ces air pollution. These simple ways will make our planet cleaner for all.B Everyone can protect the earth from pollution in simple but important ways. Everyone has to go shopping, but not everyone has to use a plastic bag each time he buy sth. If you dont need a bag, dont take one. Better yet, take

63、 your own bags with you when shopping. Dont waste food. Growing food takes up a lot of land. Finally, use public transportation instead of a car or motorcycle. This reduces air pollution. These simple ways will make our planet cleaner for all.A练习3 下面有两篇文章, 判断哪篇更好, 并分析原因。A. Most people enjoy playing

64、baseball or basketball, but my favorite sport is volleyball. In baseball, the players are far apart from one another. You cant talk to your teammates while you play. Basketball can be a very violent game. Many people are hurt while playing basketball. Volleyball players play together like a single p

65、erson. I like that feeling. I know what every one of my teammates is doing all the time. We work together like a family. Volleyball is and will always be my favorite sport.B Most people enjoy playing baseball or basketball, but my favorite sport is volleyball. In baseball, the players are far apart

66、from one another. You cant talk to your teammates while you play. Basketball can be a very violent game. Many people are hurt while playing basketball. On the other hand, volleyball players play together like a single person. I like that feeling. I know what every one of my teammates is doing all th

67、e time. We work together like a family. For these reasons, volleyball is and will always be my favorite sport.B第六节 人称一致性微技能训练写文章时, 人称尽量要一致, 不要第一、第二、第三人称夹杂使用。首先,要认真审题,该用第几人称来完成写作;其次,人称要尽量一致,除非有必要。练习1. 请把下面文章中人称不一致的粗体字加以改正,并说明理由。A.Let me tell you about my family. It is an average family. I have parent

68、s, an older brother, and a younger sister. This family has a dog, too. Its name is Cloud because it is all white with soft hair. My father is a teacher, and my mother is a housewife. The brother is a college student, and the sister is a junior high school student. Im a first year high school student

69、. This family does not sound important, but it is the most important thing in the world to me.B.Everyone likes TV, right? Wrong! Some people do not watch TV very much or even at all. They like to read or spend time with their friends instead. You can read good books or the newspaper, or you can chat

70、 with your friends in your free time. These people think that TV does not have good enough programs to watch. They also think that TV is a little stupid. You can do better things with your free time, and I think so, too.练习2 下面有两篇文章, 判断哪篇更好, 并分析原因。A. Should senior high school students try to make boy

71、friends or girlfriends? Parents and teachers usually agree that senior high school students should work hard so that they can enter good colleges and universities. When senior high students are a little older, they are better able to keep a good relationship with others. Besides, if you really fall

72、in love with sb., you can wait for that person until he or she finished his or her education. Dont be in such a hurry! True love waits for you. Senior high school students should concentrate on their studies so that they will have a more comfortable life with the one they love later. Dont waste your

73、 time now. Get busy and study! B. senior high school students should not try to make boyfriends or girlfriends. Senior high school is a time for students to prepare for their future careers. They can have friends anytime. In senior high school, students must study hard to pass test so that they can

74、move ahead to more education. They do not have time to go out on dates all the time. They will have more time in college to study and make friends, even boyfriends of girlfriends, then. Besides, if two people truly love each other, they can wait until school is finished before they become serious ab

75、out their relationship. In most cases, therefore, it is better to wait until ones education is finished before starting a love career!B A篇人称不一致第五章第五章 写作微技能实战演练写作微技能实战演练第一节第一节 英语写作流程微技能英语写作流程微技能写作实战流程6+1:审题列纲造句连句修改抄写-复查(以上步骤和环节可根据不同阶段的需要或时间进行取舍。) 第二节第二节 英语造句成文六原则英语造句成文六原则1.小词语原则:即少用那些空洞的大词,如形容一个人好的时候

76、, 不要用nice、good等既普通又空乏的词,而最好用generous,kind-hearted,considerate等形象而具体的小词。2.状语提前原则:即把句子的状语提到句子的开头,以增强连贯性和可读性。3.短语优先原则:即合并简单句,简化复合句,单词换成短语等。如cause可改为lead to/contribute to/result in.4.My brother was riding the bike and I was sitting behind him.5.My brother was riding the bike with me sitting behind him.4

77、.并列句、复合句原则:即合并简单句,使用特殊句式如强调句,倒装句等,以提升文章的档次水平。练习:a.当遇到困难的时候,我们不要灰心,而要勇敢面对。只有这样我们才能克服困难。b.在进入大学后,我计划要在学习上建立新的目标,改进我的学习方法。When meeting with trouble, we should not lose heart but face it bravely. Only in this way can we overcome it.After I enter college, I plan to set new goals in my study and improve m

78、y way of learning.5. 长段句交替原则:即一篇文章中,根据表达的需要,交替使用长短句,简单句与复合句,使句子错落有致,以提升文章的节奏感和可读性。多样化的句式,能显示较强的语言功底,提升作文档次。6. 整洁、分段原则:为使文章条理清楚,文章要分层分段,高考一般分二至四段即可。落实到书面上,要求书写整齐美观,富于美感,以提高印象分。 第三节第三节 分类实战演练分类实战演练一、记叙文一、记叙文语篇模板语篇模板(交代活动内容、活动的时间、地点和目的)(交代活动内容、活动的时间、地点和目的)We bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees on th

79、e morning of April 10th, talking and laughing all the way.(描述过程)(描述过程)Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes; some were carrying and planting young trees, and others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees.

80、 Before leaving, we took some photos to record our green action.(感想)(感想)Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement./we felt proud ,though a little tired.二、说明文语篇模板(描述现象)With the development of society, heavy traffic has aroused great concern. Some people think, while others think (分

81、析原因)There are many reasons involved. Among them, the increase of private cars plays an important role (指出趋势或措施)The first measure is to limit the number of private cars running on the street every day. Immediate after that, we should. Only in this way can we solve the problem.模拟训练1某杂志就现代人的健康状况进行了调查,

82、其结果是与以前相比, 人们的健康状况有所下滑,其主要原因有:1.工作忙碌,压力过大,缺少锻炼;生活没有规律,熬夜,休息不够;3.不少人有抽烟喝酒的习惯。请根据调查情况写一篇短文,内容包括:1.调查结果;2;主要原因;3建议:养成良好的生活习惯、戒烟,戒酒,多运动。三、议论文语篇模板语篇模板1(提出论点)(提出论点)No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.(列举论据)(列举论据)on one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales. On the other hand, in their e

83、fforts to tell people about products and events, advertisers provide us with great amount of the latest information. Therefore, it has become part of our daily life. Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will work together on it. So with the development of advertising, a lot of jobs a

84、re being provided.(得出(得出结论)结论)In conclusion, advertising is an important business.语篇模板语篇模板2(点明讨论主题点明讨论主题)The students in our class had a discussion about whether the only way for senior high students to succeed is to go to college, which in fact is a hot topic nowadays. The result is as follows:( 描述

85、讨描述讨论结果或正反方观点)论结果或正反方观点)About 75% of the students thought it necessary to go to college while 15% had opposite opinion. The rest stated that there was no need talking about it for they didnt care.(发表自己观(发表自己观点)点)In my opinion, going to college is good for us to learn more and improve ourselves. Also

86、, it helps us more easily to find a suitable job in the future. However, there are different roads to Rome, which means to be successful may have other choices besides going to college.模拟训练2失败一定是坏事吗?生活中, 失败是常有的事, 不同的人对失败有不同的态度,你对失败的态度是什么?请以“ Is Failure a Bad Thing? ”为题写一篇短文。 Is Failure a Bad Thing?F

87、ailure is common thing in our daily life._四、应用文应用文种类较多, 此处只选几个典型范文模板。(1)书面通知模板 Notice(时间地点)A meeting is going to be held in Room 213 of Building 3 at 7 oclock on the evening of December 13.(内容)Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity

88、, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. (要求)A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what meas

89、ures will be taken. The Dormitory Committee December 11,2013(2)建议信模板Dear Sunny, Its very good that you want to be friends with this girl. In my opinion, youd better first have a heart-to heart talk with her, because understanding each other is very important for you two. And I also think its better

90、for you to ask her to join you and your classmates in all kinds of activities, such as birthday parties, going out for a walk, discussing some fashionable topics, and so on. Besides, helping each other is also very important for both of you. Just share happiness and sadness with her. And I believe s

91、he will understand you in time and it is certain you two will be good friends in the future. Good luck to you. Yours , Editor(3) 邀请信模板Dear Ms Smith,(自我介绍,表明身份)Im Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union of Yucai Senior High school, which is close to your university.(写信目的,比赛情况)Im writing to invite you

92、to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 1st, which will start at 2:00 pm and keep for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and the Nature”(希望,联系方式,期望回复)We hope you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for y

93、ou. Please call me at 4435609, if you have any questions and I am looking forward to your reply.With best wishes, Li Hua(4) 招聘启事模板 An English Editor Wanted(点明职位)Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition.(岗位职责)The job mainly includes two parts: One is to choose proper Engl

94、ish articles from other newspapers, magazines or Internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from those written by students in our school and edit them for use.(应聘条件)We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to devote some of his/her spare ti

95、me to serving the others. Second, its necessary for him/her to be good at both English and fine arts. Besides, the ability to use the computer is important.(联系方式)Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students Union this week. The Students Union模拟训练3假设你是李华, 曾在美国学习半年, 现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith, 但没有其联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom 写封信:1.感谢Tom对你学习英语的帮助;2.询问Mr. Smith的近况并索要其联系方式;3.邀请 Tom 在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。



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