Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 3~4

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1、教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部第一部分分 Grade 8Book 2 Modules 34 中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲重点突破辨析already, yet与still南宁:2016.33;百色:2016.83第2页eg.I have already called the police. Have you called the ambulance?我已经打电话报警了。你叫救护车了吗?He is still in the classroom, but Im not ready to go there yet.他还在教室,但我还没准备好去那儿。第3页 活学巧练yetalreadystillB第4页

2、重点突破辨析have been to, have gone to与have been in百色:2017.31 第5页eg.Zhang Ming isnt here.He has gone to America.张明不在这里。他去美国了。Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从没去过长城。Mr Brown has been in Shanghai for three days.布朗先生在上海已经待了三天了。第6页 5May I speak to David, please?Sorry, he _ the gym.Ahas been toBhas go

3、ne toChas been in Dhave gone to6I _ Paris twice and it is really an amazing city.Ahave been toBhave been inChave gone toDhas been in活学巧练BA第7页7Tina _ Nanning for twenty years and she thinks Nanning is the most comfortable place to live in.Ahas been toBhas been inChas been onDhas gone toB第8页 重点突破辨析asl

4、eep, sleep, sleeping与sleepy北部湾经济区:2017.81;河池:2017.84;百色:2017.80第9页 8The children feel _(瞌睡的). Let them go to bed.9Who is that _(睡觉的) man?10I didnt _(睡) well. I woke up several times during the night.11David felt _(sleep) in class because he stayed up too late last night.12Dont make noise because gra

5、ndpa is _(sleep)13The children have been _(sleep)14He is so excited that he cant go to _. 活学巧练sleepysleepingsleepsleepysleepingasleepsleep第10页15My grandmother often falls _ when she watchesTV.AsleepBsleepingCasleepDsleepy16He didnt _ well before the exam because he was too nervous.AsleepBsleepyCslee

6、ping DasleepCA第11页课堂达标课堂达标 演练演练请点点击此此处进入入WORD文档文档第12页该话题主要围绕中学生的“健康与安全”问题展开,这也是近年来社会关注的焦点。各地市中考真题往往以相关热点新闻为背景材料,引导学生关注自身安全,提出如何保护自己的建议。广西各地市近5年共考查8次,主要涉及以下两个角度:如何保持身体健康的话题,主要涉及饮食、饮食习惯与食品安全等内容。如:2017贺州“How to Keep Healthy”、2016来宾“How to Keep Healthy”。话题写作话题写作 指导指导健康与安全第13页如何保障人身安全的话题,主要涉及校园安全、交通安全、假期

7、安全等当年的热点新闻。如:2016桂林“The safety around us”、2016北海“Lets Protect Our Eyes”、2015梧州“How to Protect Ourselves”、2014崇左“How to Be Safe”。注意:此类作文通常采用要点提示、表格提示的方法来考查。主体时态:一般现在时主要人称:第一人称、第二人称第14页1Health is gold.2Health is a beginning of everything.3Nothing is more important than health.4To be a healthy person i

8、s to be a wealthy person.5Being healthy means having a healthy life.6For me, health is the most important.7Its easy for healthy people to feel happy.第15页1健康意味着拥有一切。Being healthy means having everything.2作为青少年, 保持安全对我们很重要。As teenagers, its very important for us to keep safe.3健康是第一财富。Healthy is the fi

9、rst wealth.第16页1First of all, I should have enough sleep.2An apple a day keeps the doctor away.3Eating a lot of fruits is good for health.4Vegetables and fish are healthy food.5To keep healthy, I usually take a walk after dinner.6Youd better do more exercise every day.7We have to say no to junk food

10、.第17页1你最好多吃水果和蔬菜来代替垃圾食品。Youd better eat more fruit and vegetables instead of junk food.2适当看书也对健康有好处。Reading some books is good for health.第18页1All in all, there are many ways to keep healthy.2It is easy to be a healthy person and the choice is always in your hand.3Health means a chance to have the w

11、orld under control.4Health is a part of success.5These are ways to keep healthy, I hope they may help you.第19页健康是一个人拥有的最珍贵的礼物。Health is the most precious gift that a man can ever have.第20页请根据以下信息写一段话进行描述: 健康的生活需要健康的生活习惯。水果、蔬菜和鱼类都是健康的食物。太胖和太瘦都是不健康的。我们不能长时间玩电脑游戏和手机游戏。我们要有充足的睡眠。A healthy life needs a h

12、ealthy living habit. Fruits, vegetables and fish are healthy foods. Being too fat or too thin isnt healthy. We cant play computer games or phone games for a long time. We need enough sleep.第21页提出这一话题的重要性There are many ways to First of all another way to solve the problem is Finally(列出23个解决此类问题的办法)Al

13、l in all(总结全文)第22页(2017贺州)2016年贺州市被评为“世界长寿市”,作为“世界长寿市”的中学生,请根据下面的提示,以“Good Ways to Keep Healthy”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,倡议“健康生活”,从饮食、运动及心情三个方面说明如何保持健康。提示词: 1Healthy diet: vegetables, fruit2Do exercise:take a walk,play basketball3Keep happy: make friend第23页要求: 1文章必须包括所给提示的内容,可展开思路,自由地适当发挥;2文章中不能出现真实姓名、校名和其他真实

14、信息。Good Ways to Keep Healthy_第24页1文体: 从题目“Good Ways to Keep Healthy”可知本文的文体为_。2时态: 以_为主。3人称: 写作时以第_人称为主。4写作要点: 阐述为什么要保持健康; 从饮食、运动、及心情三个方面说明如何保持健康。说明文一般现在时一第25页第26页Good Ways to Keep HealthyWe should keep healthy. But do you know the ways to keep us healthy?First, we need to have a healthy diet. We ca

15、n eat vegetables and fresh fruit every day, but wed better eat less meat. Other kinds of foods are necessary.Second, we must do exercise. 用Its adj.for sb. to do sth.升格用be supposed to升格用at the same time和as well升格用because引导状语从句升格第27页For example, we can take a walk after dinner. After school, we can pl

16、ay basketball or soccer with our friends.Finally, happiness is another way to keep healthy. We should always keep a good mood.Lets start to keep healthy!用the most important升格第28页Good Ways to Keep HealthyIts very important for us to keep healthy. But do you know the ways to keep us healthy?First, we

17、need to have a healthy diet. We are supposed to eat vegetables and fresh fruit every day. Wed better eat less meat. At the same time other kinds of foods are necessary as well.Second, we must do exercise because it makes us healthy and strong. For example, we can take a walk after dinner. After scho

18、ol, we can play basketball or soccer with our friends.Finally, happiness is the most important way to keep healthy. We should always keep a good mood.Lets start to keep healthy!第29页(2016桂林)在我们周围经常存在安全隐患,所以我们应该对安全问题引起足够的重视。请以“The safety around us”为题,写一篇英语短文,说说我们身边的安全问题。内容包括:At homebe careful with, tu

19、rn off, power supply(电源), gas holder(煤气罐)On the roadobey(遵守)the traffic rules, not ride side by side, not listen to musicAt schoolnot push the others on the stairs, if accident, call 120, do some basic medical training第30页要求:1.文中包括以上信息,可适当发挥,行文连贯,书写规范;2文中不得出现涉及考生真实信息的人名、地名或校名等;3文章词数在80100之间,开头和结尾已经给

20、出,不计入总词数。第31页The safety around usSafety is very important for us students. Accidents often happen around us. So we must pay much attention to safety. At home, we should _ _be careful with fire and electricity. Remember to turn off the power supply and gas holders before leaving home. On the road, we

21、 are always supposed to obey the traffic rules. We mustnt listen to music when we walk on the road. Besides, we are not allowed to ride side by side. At school, we shouldnt push each other on the stairs. If there is an accident, call 120. So it is necessary for us to do some basic medical training for unexpected needs. In short, safety must come first!If we can do all these well, well enjoy our life better.第32页1人称: _2时态:_第一人称一般现在时第33页第34页



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