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1、ChristianityContents12345OriginHistoryClassicWorksBibleMajordenominations6OtherOrigin The first century JesusHistory1.From Jesus and his Twelve Apostles to contemporary times.2.In 301 Christianity became a state-religion in Armenia being the first country to accept Christianity.3.In 391 Theodosius I

2、 established Nicene Christianity as the official in the Roman Empire.4.Great Schism in 10545.16th Protestant ReformationThe number of Cristian and distributionClassicWorks SymbolAbout God So, what is God? 1, God is the one true God;2, God is the creator of heaven and all earth things;3, God is the m

3、aster of history.4, God wants to save his people, and forgive their sins, make them to be his children;5, God will judge the world in the end of the world.6, God value everyone. -from Christian doctrine1、上帝是独一的真神; 2、上帝是天地万有的创造者; 3、上帝是历史的主宰。 4、上帝要拯救他的百姓,赦免他们的罪孽,令他们作他的儿女; 5、上帝将于世界末日审判世人。 6 、上帝视人为宝贵。 -

4、基督教教义BibleDoctrine教义天国和永生地狱和永罚l 除了上帝以外你不可有别的神l 不可为自己雕刻和敬拜偶像l 不可妄称耶和华你上帝的名 因信称义末世十戒三位一体原罪救赎Ten Commandmentsl 安息日为圣日l 孝敬父母l 不可杀人 、奸淫l 不可偷盗l 不可做假证陷害人l 不可贪恋别人的妻子和财物 天国和永生地狱和永罚因信称义末世十戒三位一体原罪救赎十戒Father三位一体TrinityGodFatherSon of GodHoly Spirit原罪SinSin救赎salvationjesus末世EschatologyEschatologyParadiseHellor地狱

5、和永罚EternalPunishments 天国和永生Heaven and immortality因信称义Justification by faith1, the Ten Commandments. In addition to I (God) shall have no other God than you; not for their own sculpture and worship idols; not misuse the name of the Lord your God; when the Sabbath holy; as honor their parents; shalt n

6、ot kill; Do not commit adultery; You shall not steal; false testimony can not be framed; the others not covet your neighbors wife and property. 1、十诫。除了我(上帝)以外你不可有别的神;不可为自己雕刻和敬拜偶像;不可妄称耶和华你上帝的名;当守安息日为圣日;当孝敬父母;不可杀人;不可奸淫;不可偷盗;不可作假证陷害人;不可贪恋别人妻子和财物。2, Trinity. This is one of the basic tenets of Christiani

7、ty. Believe in God only, but there are three bit cell, that is the Father - the creator of the universe and the Almighty; the Son - Jesus Christ, Son of God, by the removal of God, through the Virgin Mary was born as human beings the Incarnation, and subject to death, Resurrection, heaven for the sa

8、lvation of all mankind was bound to come back to try the world; the Holy Spirit - God the Holy Spirit. Three are one body, there are three distinct persons. 2、三位一体。这是基督教的基本信条之一。相信上帝唯一,但有三个位格,即圣父天地万物的创造者和主宰;圣子耶稣基督,上帝之子,受上帝之遣,通过童贞女玛利亚降生为人,道成肉身,并受死、复活、升天,为全人类作了救赎,必将再来,审判世人;圣灵上帝圣灵。三者是一个本体,却有三个不同的位格。 3,

9、the letter original sin. This is the basis of Christian Ethics, that human ancestors Adam and Eve committed the crime because of Tousijinguo passed to future generations to become the root of all human evil. Life to have this original sin, in addition to all kinds of violation of the will of God com

10、mit the crime, people can not self-rescue, but also depend on the salvation of Jesus Christ. Thus, the original sin that later evolved into the Western guilt culture, for Europe and the United States the psychological and social values far-reaching. 3、信原罪。这是基督教伦理道德观的基础,认为人类的祖先亚当和夏娃因偷食禁果犯的罪传给了后代子孙,成为

11、人类一切罪恶的根源。人生来就有这种原罪,此外还有违背上帝意志而犯种种本罪,人不能自我拯救,而要靠耶稣基督的救赎。因而,原罪说以后逐渐发展为西方的罪感文化,对欧美人的心理及价值观念影响深远。 4, the letter salvation. Humans due to sin and this offense could not get themselves to rely on God sent his only Son Jesus Christ come to earth Weiren make sacrifices, become a ransom God made human being

12、s to repay debts, thus saving mankind. 4、信救赎。人类因有原罪和本罪而无法自救,要靠上帝派遣其独生子耶稣基督降世为人做牺牲,成为赎价,作了人类偿还上帝的债项,从而拯救了全人类。 5, Justification by Faith. With faith you can get salvation of mankind, and it is to become righteous before God, a necessary condition. 5、因信称义。人类凭信仰就可得救赎,而且这是在上帝面前成为义人的必要条件。6, letter to heav

13、en and eternal life. Persons life is limited, but the human soul will be reborn because of their beliefs, and may have been Gods salvation and eternal life, in Gods country - heaven Reed Yongfu. 6、信天国和永生。人的生命是有限的,但人的灵魂会因信仰而重生,并可得上帝的拯救而获永生,在上帝的国天国里得永福。7, letter to hell, and never punished. Ruobu Xin,

14、 or who refused to repent, God would be a permanent penalty, to languish in hell. 7、信地狱和永罚。人若不信或不思悔改,就会受到上帝的永罚,要在地狱里受煎熬。8, the letter end of the world. I believe that when the end of the world, human beings, including those who died before God will accept the final trial, innocent people will enter

15、heaven, while the guilty will go to hell.8、信末世。相信在世界末日之时,人类包括死去的人都将在上帝面前接受最后的审判,无罪的人将进入天堂,而有罪者将下地狱Majordenominations Early ChristianityProtestant(新教)(新教)Catholic(天主教)(天主教)Orthodox(东正教)(东正教)105416th Protestant ReformationThemainChristianfestivalsChristmas EasterThanksgivingTaboos禁忌Other Idols Bloody FoodScruffy 13 FridayFastingTheend



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