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1、三年级下英语总复习三年级下英语总复习目录认识事物Can 的使用Where的使用学习形容词Look的使用There be句型How many的使用动物的住所和食性饮食常识Would like的使用Like的用法Favourite的使用认识meals习惯用法购物认识事物认识事物- Whats this? - Its a/an _. - Is this a/an _? - Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. This is a/an _.Can 的使用can 能,会 例句 我会跳舞。鸟会飞。-你会游泳吗?-是的,我会。(不,我不会。)译文I can dance.A bird /Bir

2、ds can fly.-Can you swim?-Yes, I can.(No, I cant.)Where 的使用where 在哪里 记住:in on under译文Where is the rabbit?Its under the desk.Where is the cat?Its on the box.例句兔子在哪儿?它在书桌下面。 猫在哪儿?它在盒子上面。学习形容词形容事物特征的词。big 大的 small 小的 fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 long 长的 short 短的 hot cold warm cool tired old young等等The elephant is bi

3、g. The bird is small.The panda is fat.The monkey is thin.Look 的使用look 看look at 看 例句: Look at the rabbit. Its(它的) ears are long.译文:看那只兔子,它的耳朵很长。There be 句型There be 有There is/are 例句:There is a cat in the box. 在盒子里面有只猫。There are seven books on the desk.在书桌上面有7本书。区别使用is和are:is 适用于可数名词单数和不可数名词的情况;are适用于可

4、数名词复数情况。How many的使用how many 多少 (用来提问可数名词的数量,后面接复数形式。)例句:-How many books do you have?-Five.译文:-你有多少本书? -五本。How many monkeys are there? Ten monkeys.译文:-有几只猴子?-10只猴子动物的住所和食性-Where do/does _ live? -In a river/ tree/ forest. (on a farm; at the zoo) What do/does _ eat?They /It eat(s)_ .饮食常识 hungry -eat th

5、irsty-drink Im hungry. I want to eat.译文:我饿了,我想吃东西。 Im thirsty. I want to drink.译文:我渴了,我想喝东西。Would like 的使用 would like 想要例句:-Would you like _? -Yes, please./No, thanks.-What would you like?-Id like _,please.Id = I wouldLike 的用法 like 喜欢I like _. 我喜欢_。I dont like _. 我不喜欢_。What do you like? I like _.你喜欢

6、什么? 我喜欢_。dont = do not例句:我喜欢吃鸡肉,不喜欢吃鱼。译文:I like chicken. I dont like fish.Favourite 的使用 favourite 最喜爱的例句:-Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is noodles. 译文: -你最喜欢的食物是什么? -我最喜欢的食物是面条。人称代词: I you he she it we you they物主代词:my your his her its our your their认识Meals meal 餐 ,饭食 breakfast 早饭 lun

7、ch 午饭 dinner 晚饭 morning 上午 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 morning breakfastIn the afternoon , I have lunch . evening dinner习惯用法短语 : good morning/ afternoon/ evening go to school read a book句子:1)-Whats for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? -I like _ for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. 2)-What do you like? -I like _. 3)-M

8、ay I have _? -Sure. 4)-Thanks. -Youre welcome.购物问价钱: how much 多少钱 How much for _? How much is _? How much are _?区别使用is和are:is 适用于可数名词单数和不可数名词的情况;are适用于可数名词复数情况。Whats this?Its a/an Animalspig cow sheep cat dog chicken duck fish bird horse rabbit panda monkey elephant tiger wolf bear snake Food noodles dumplings soup rice chicken fish fruit vegetables egg bread apple pear orange watermelon hamburger hot dog donut ice cream juice milk tea water 数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty结束结束



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