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1、Monkey Subdues the White-bone DemonRoles:Monkey King(M) 猴哥Pig (P)八戒Tangseng(T)唐僧Shaseng(S)沙僧White-bone Demon(W)白骨精White-bone DemonServant(Ws)Young Girl(G)年轻女孩Old Lady(L)老妇人Fortune teller(F)先知Narrator: Its a very day in the journey to the west, the four monks are travellingin the rolling mountains,in

2、 which lives white-bone demon. And she is quite excitedto be informed that Tangseng is coming. 师徒四人西天取经,白骨精途中等待。(1 桃花朵朵开)(White-bone Demon with her servant behind steps in the stage)Ws: madam, here is the fresh blood! You look so well today!W: Aha, of cause! A monk called Tangseng is coming and it i

3、s said that one who haseaten his flesh will never die or grow old! What a precious opportunity for me itis! I will turn into a beautiful girl to win his heart!(White-bone Demon spinsherself and turned into a beautiful young girl,then waitedfor the monks to come.)M: master, I feel that there is some

4、evil in this area! (让三人站在呼啦圈内)you threestay in this magical ring and I will go to search for some food! See you later!(悟空跳出舞台)G:oh, god gives me such a wonderful chance!( 整理妆容,伴奏 2 音乐起,走猫步上台)1P: hey, master! Have you got the smell of a beautyT: Absolutely! Er, actually I find she is walking toward u

5、s!G: How do you do, lovely monks My name is snow white. You must be hungry aftersuch a long journey. Here is some bread for you!P: oh, what a kindhearted girl! Baby, I do hungry very much! Shall we eat the breadtogetherS: I think she may be a demon! Be careful, pig!(八戒压根不理他,色迷迷的走出呼啦圈,走向美女)P: you are

6、 such beautiful,and Im such handsome. Shouldnt we be a suitable coupleG: yes, Id love to!(音乐 3my love will go on响起八戒与少女一起做泰坦尼克中的经典动作。两人陶醉其中。沙僧与唐僧低头念经)S: oh, my Buddha! How can a monk act as this!T: er mi tuo fo er mi tuo fo er mi tuo fo(3 音乐结束,悟空举着金箍棒跳出)M: you greedy demon! Dare you come to tempt my

7、 brother! Go to the hell right now!(一棒将其打死)S:master, monkey has killed a person!P: A person who is a nice young girl who likes me!T: monkey, do you know you have murdered an innocent young girlYou must be responsible for it! And as your master I must punish you! (开始念紧箍咒) #¥%) (*&% ¥#!(悟空痛苦万分,在地上打滚。舞

8、台另一边白骨精上,做愤愤状)W:what a damn monkey! Hum, I wont give up!M-a-g-i-c!(白骨精转下台,老妇人上。拄着拐,弯腰驼背咳嗽不断,向唐僧一行走去)L:Snow white! Snow white!-master, (唐僧停止念咒,悟空站起来对老夫怒目而2视,龇牙咧嘴)have you seen my 19 year old daughter She went out to send somefood to some monks, but havent gone back yet!P:er, er ,no! Absolutely no!(老妇

9、环顾四周看到女儿尸体!忙扑到她身边。4 二泉映月起)L: wake up ! Snow white! Wake up ! who killed you !M: master, this is the same demon! She came again! let kill her!(跃起挥棒将其打死在地)S:master, again monkey killed a person!P: A person who is a old poor mother!M: Nonsense! She is a demon who wants to eat you! Why dont you trust me

10、!(师徒正在争吵时,白骨精在台上揉自己被打过的地方,计上心头,旋转下台,半仙上台,举着小旗上书“赛神仙” ,腿有些陂,翻着白眼.)N: when the four monks are debating, the Ms White- bone had come up with anotheridea and turned herself into a fortune teller.F:what a pity that such a handsome monk has an incurable disease!What a pity!T: are you talking to me Have I

11、got that terrible disease Whats itF: your legs! One is longer while the other is shorter! If you let it go at thatyou will lose the ability to move even a centimeter one day!M: dont believe in him, master! Hes the same demon!F: shit! What I said is definitely true! You don t believe that Let me show

12、 you!Follow me now-(5 音乐起。师徒四人跟着半仙开始走。半仙带着四人瘸着走。绕呼啦圈两周)S: Oh no! were all disabled!P: master, we have to accept the treatment!M: rubbish! I won t let you cheat others any more! Taste my stick!(一棒将其打死)3T:monkey! You kill three innocent persons in a row!How can I forgive you! I won t be your master an

13、y longer. Get away from me now! Go wherever you like!M: Master! You will regret for this foolish decision! (生气的离去)(白骨精的奸笑响起,昂首阔步上台6 音乐起)W:Ahahaha! He thinks its foolish decision, but I do think it can t be wiser!Dear Mr.Tang, do you know how much I miss you, especially your delicious flesh(以一种美食家的眼光

14、审视唐僧,不住的咽口水)Er,which way of cooking do you prefer, frying or stewingT,S,P: Monkey! Help! Help!-(悟空蹦出来 7 音乐起)M: yes!Here I am! You damn demon! I cant let you flee away this time!(两人开始打太极,不一会儿悟空便将她按倒在地,正要拿起棒子打她)T:wait a minute!M,P,S:why Its really a demon!(唐僧鄙视徒仨,拿起自己的禅杖将白骨精打死,徒仨晕倒)T:ermituofumonkeyM:

15、yesT: Im sorry that I didnt trust you M: ah, thats all right! The white-bone demon is the one to be blamed!T: ok, letcontinue our journey!M,P,S: all right, lets go!(8 音乐起)N: here comes the end of this play, but its still replayed between friends againand again. May you always trust your friends and be loyal to them! Thats all, thankyou !(全体演员上台谢幕)45



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