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1、 shuttlecock 毽子毽子 clown 小丑小丑 beanbag 沙包沙包bounce the ball 拍球拍球 kick the shuttlecock 踢毽子踢毽子Kick the shuttlecockdraw the clowns nose 画小丑的鼻子画小丑的鼻子catch the beanbagcatch the beanbag 接沙包接沙包throw the beanbag 丢沙包丢沙包hopscotchhopscotch 跳房子跳房子hide-and-seekhide-and-seekhide and seek 捉迷藏捉迷藏pick and put 挑挑出来放下出来放

2、下1:Lets play games .Which one do you want to play first?2:Where is Sam ? 3:He must be in the lemon house.4:Pick an apple and put it under the chair . Do you understand?Lets play games .让我们玩游戏吧。让我们玩游戏吧。Lets=Let us,后加动词原形,表,后加动词原形,表示建议,让我们示建议,让我们造句练习:造句练习:LetLets sWhich one do you want to play first?你

3、想先玩哪一个?你想先玩哪一个?Which,特殊疑问词,特殊疑问词,“哪一个哪一个” Which one 可以翻译为哪一个,可以翻译为哪一个,one在这在这里代指的是里代指的是gamefirst,首先,第一首先,第一want,想要想要Where is Sam ? Sam在哪里?在哪里?Where特殊疑问词,提问哪里特殊疑问词,提问哪里想一想,我的尺子在哪里,应该怎么说?想一想,我的尺子在哪里,应该怎么说?He must be in the lemon house.他一定是在柠檬房子里。他一定是在柠檬房子里。must,一定,表示肯定的情态动词,后跟一定,表示肯定的情态动词,后跟be或动词原形。注意

4、这里的或动词原形。注意这里的be不能写成不能写成am/is/are想一想,他一定是个老师,应该怎么说?想一想,他一定是个老师,应该怎么说?in,在在里面里面Pick an apple and put it under the chair .捡起一个苹果把它放在椅子下面。捡起一个苹果把它放在椅子下面。pick,捡起,捡起,put,放下放下under,在在下面下面想一想,想一想,itit在这里代指的是什么?在这里代指的是什么?Do you understand?你明白了吗?你明白了吗?understand,理解,明白,理解,明白发音练习双元音双元音/ /e eI I/ /的发音的发音双元音先发双元

5、音先发/ /e e/ /的音,然后滑向的音,然后滑向/ /I I/ /音。音。双唇稍扁,口型从半开到合双唇稍扁,口型从半开到合cakename facemake game planewavebakecame make hate late mate dategame dave same take cave wake发音练习发音练习Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch the ground.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,show me your shoes.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear

6、,eat more fruit.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,go upstairs.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,wash your hair.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn off the light.Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,say Good-night.Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn aroundturn around. .泰迪熊,转圈圈泰迪熊,转圈圈Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Teddy bear,

7、touch the groundtouch the ground. .摸地面摸地面Teddy bear, Teddy bearTeddy bear, Teddy bear, , show me your shoesshow me your shoes. .让让我看看你的我看看你的鞋鞋Teddy bear, Teddy bear,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, eat more fruiteat more fruit. .多多吃水果吃水果Teddy bear, Teddy bear,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, go upstairsgo upstairs. .

8、走上走上楼梯楼梯Teddy bear, Teddy bear,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, wash your hairwash your hair. .洗头洗头发发Teddy bear, Teddy bear,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the lightsturn off the lights. .关上关上灯灯Teddy bear, Teddy bear,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say goodnightsay goodnight. .说晚安说晚安Song 歌曲歌曲Many come to play in th

9、e fruit park beacuse the housesare fruit-shaped. Soon Zhang Nan is in the house.Linda is in the house. Wang Hua is in the house. Li Ming is in the house.childrenpeachpearapplemango Lily is in the house and Sam is in the house. They each other from thefruit house. pineapplelemongreetHOMEWORK1.单词和词组单词和词组3英英1汉,写汉,写2默默3读读10.2.句子会背。句子会背。3.听并跟读第六单元录音,听并跟读第六单元录音,3遍。遍。4.天天练前天天练前5单元做完。单元做完。4.签字。签字。Byebye!Happy everyday!



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