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1、会计学1大学英语背诵段落原文大学英语背诵段落原文(yunwn)翻译翻译第一页,共39页。n nPara. 4 Para. 4 缺铁在女性中是很常见的,每四个十几岁的少女中有一人缺铁,缺铁在女性中是很常见的,每四个十几岁的少女中有一人缺铁,每五个每五个1818至至4545岁的女性中有一人缺铁。而在积极锻炼的妇女中这一比岁的女性中有一人缺铁。而在积极锻炼的妇女中这一比例更高,女耐力运动员中,缺铁者比例则高达例更高,女耐力运动员中,缺铁者比例则高达80%80%。莱尔说,这意味。莱尔说,这意味着着“ “太多女性忽视了自己摄入的铁含量。太多女性忽视了自己摄入的铁含量。” ” n n育龄女性危险最大,因为

2、月经是铁流失的重要原因之一。此外,许多育龄女性危险最大,因为月经是铁流失的重要原因之一。此外,许多保健意识太强的女性也很危险,因为她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊肉,而这保健意识太强的女性也很危险,因为她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊肉,而这些肉中含有的铁最易被吸收。而且,由于些肉中含有的铁最易被吸收。而且,由于(yuy)(yuy)女性常常为了控制体女性常常为了控制体重而节食,从而未能摄取足够的含铁丰富的食物,结果可能导致缺铁。重而节食,从而未能摄取足够的含铁丰富的食物,结果可能导致缺铁。第1页/共38页第二页,共39页。n nPara. 10n n 如果铁含量低,就要(ji yo)去看医生,以确定是否该通过调整饮食

3、或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。一般说来,解决问题的最好方法是在食谱中增加含铁丰富的食物,因为铁质补剂可能存在严重缺陷。n n“服用铁质补剂可能使人想呕吐,有时甚至还会引起中毒。最好的铁来源,以及唯一最易为身体所吸收的铁来源,是肉、鸡和鱼。其他较好的铁质来源包括枣、豆类和一些多叶绿色蔬菜。”第2页/共38页第三页,共39页。Unit 2n n1. Sports medicine experts have observed for years 1. Sports medicine experts have observed for years that that endurance athletese

4、ndurance athletes, particularly females, , particularly females, frequently have frequently have iron deficienciesiron deficiencies. . n nNow a new study by a team of Purdue University Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even researchers suggests that even modera

5、te moderate exerciseexercise may may lead tolead to reduced iron in the blood of reduced iron in the blood of women. women. 第3页/共38页第四页,共39页。n n4a. n nIron deficiencyIron deficiency is very common among women is very common among women in general, affecting in general, affecting one in fourone in fo

6、ur female female teenagers and one in five women teenagers and one in five women agedaged 18 to 45, 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting active women, affecting up toup to 80 percent of 80 percent of fem

7、ale female endurance athletesendurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, . This means, Lyle says, that “too many women ignore the amount of iron they that “too many women ignore the amount of iron they take intake in”. ”. 第4页/共38页第五页,共39页。n n4b. 4b. n nWomen of Women of childbearing agechildbearing a

8、ge are are at greatest riskat greatest risk, , since their since their monthly bleedingmonthly bleeding is a major source of is a major source of iron lossiron loss. Plus, many . Plus, many health-conscious health-conscious women women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which increase their

9、risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most contains the most easily absorbed formeasily absorbed form of iron. of iron. And because women often And because women often restrict their dietrestrict their diet in in an effort to control weight, they may not an effort to control weight, they ma

10、y not consumeconsume enough enough iron-rich iron-rich food, and food, and are liable toare liable to experience a deficiency.experience a deficiency.第5页/共38页第六页,共39页。n n10a n nIf If iron levelsiron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficien

11、cy should be corrected by the deficiency should be corrected by modifying modifying your dietyour diet or by taking or by taking supplementssupplements. . n nIn general, its better to In general, its better to undo the problemundo the problem by adding by adding more more iron-rich foodsiron-rich fo

12、ods to the diet, because to the diet, because iron iron supplementssupplements can have serious shortcomings. can have serious shortcomings. 第6页/共38页第七页,共39页。n n10b. 10b. n nSupplements may produce a feeling of wanting to Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw upthrow up, and may be p

13、oisonous in some cases. , and may be poisonous in some cases. The best sourcesThe best sources of iron, and the only sources of of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron the form of iron most readily absorbed by the most readily absorbed by the bodybody, are meat, chicken, and fish. , are me

14、at, chicken, and fish. Good sourcesGood sources of of other forms of iron include dates, beans, and other forms of iron include dates, beans, and some some leafy green vegetablesleafy green vegetables. .第7页/共38页第八页,共39页。Unit 3n nPara. 1 n n海德中学的办学(bn xu)宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学

15、习成绩自然就会提高。该校的创始人约瑟夫高尔德声称学校的教学很成功。海德中学位于缅因州巴思市,每年的学费高达万美元,因其教导问题少年有方而闻名遐迩。第8页/共38页第九页,共39页。n n“我们并不把自己看作一所专为某一类孩子而开设的学校,”马尔科姆高尔德说。他是约瑟夫的儿子,毕业于海德中学,现任海德中学校长。“我们把帮助孩子培养一种生活方式(fngsh)看作自己的职责,办法是倡导一整套能影响所有孩子的价值观念。” 第9页/共38页第十页,共39页。n nPara. 12a n n在解释自己的教育方法时,乔高尔德指出,对传统的教育体制不能只是改革。他说“无论怎样改革”,用马和马车“是改革不出汽车

16、的”。 海德中学认为“每一个人都有自己的独特潜能”,这种潜能的基础是品格而不是(b shi)智力或财富。良知和苦干受到推崇。 第10页/共38页第十一页,共39页。n nPara. 12b n n成功由不断进步来衡量,而不是由学习成绩来评定。学生必须相互负责。为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所引发的争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴”这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受(jishu)某一套道德原则或宗教观念。第11页/共38页第十二页,共39页。Unit 3n nPara 1 n nThe Hyde School The Hyde School operates onoperates on the

17、principle that if the principle that if you teach students the merit of you teach students the merit of such values assuch values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then concern, then academic achievementacademic achi

18、evement naturally follows. naturally follows. n nHyde School founder Joseph Gauld Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success claims success with the programwith the program at the $18,000-a-year high school at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has in Bath, Maine, which has re

19、ceived considerable received considerable publicitypublicity for its work with for its work with troubled youngsters.troubled youngsters.第12页/共38页第十三页,共39页。n n2. 2. n n“We dont “We dont see ourselves as a schoolsee ourselves as a school for a type for a type of kid,” says Malcolm Gauld, Josephs son,

20、 who of kid,” says Malcolm Gauld, Josephs son, who graduated from Hyde and is now headmaster. “We graduated from Hyde and is now headmaster. “We see ourselves as see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life preparing kids for a way of life by cultivating by cultivating a comprehensive set of a

21、comprehensive set of principlesprinciples that can affect all kids.” that can affect all kids.” 第13页/共38页第十四页,共39页。n nPara 12a Para 12a n nExplaining his approach Explaining his approach toto education, Joe Gauld education, Joe Gauld says the says the conventional education systemconventional educat

22、ion system cannot cannot be reformed. He notes “no amount of change” be reformed. He notes “no amount of change” with the horse and carriage “will produce an with the horse and carriage “will produce an automobile”. The Hyde School assumes “every automobile”. The Hyde School assumes “every human bei

23、ng has human being has a unique potentiala unique potential” that is based on ” that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth. Conscience and character, not intelligence or wealth. Conscience and hard work are valued. hard work are valued. 第14页/共38页第十五页,共39页。n nPara 12b n nSuccess is Succes

24、s is measuredmeasured by growth, not academic by growth, not academic achievement. Students are required to achievement. Students are required to take take responsibilityresponsibility for each other. To avoid the for each other. To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US contro

25、versy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do withhas nothing to do with forcing the students to forcing the students to accept accept a particular set of moralsa particular set of

26、morals or religious or religious values.values.第15页/共38页第十六页,共39页。如何做好防震准备如何做好防震准备 Para. 1a 从理论上说,人们希望知道从理论上说,人们希望知道地震什么时候发生地震什么时候发生(fshng),破坏程,破坏程度会如何。在日本和中国,人们长期以度会如何。在日本和中国,人们长期以来一直相信地震是可以预测的。在日本,来一直相信地震是可以预测的。在日本,科学家在陆地上和海洋中铺设电线,以科学家在陆地上和海洋中铺设电线,以监测它们的运动。而中国人的传统做法监测它们的运动。而中国人的传统做法是观察动植物以获取地震的警示信

27、号。是观察动植物以获取地震的警示信号。 Unit Six 第16页/共38页第十七页,共39页。Para. 1b 例如,中国人注意到,地震之前母鸡例如,中国人注意到,地震之前母鸡的行为会有所异常:它们夜晚不肯进笼。他们的行为会有所异常:它们夜晚不肯进笼。他们还注意到,蛇会爬出地穴而冻死,狗会狂吠不还注意到,蛇会爬出地穴而冻死,狗会狂吠不已,甚至已,甚至(shnzh)那些平常很安静的狗也会叫个那些平常很安静的狗也会叫个不停。日本的阪神地震发生之前,有报告说大不停。日本的阪神地震发生之前,有报告说大批鱼群游到了水面。批鱼群游到了水面。 第17页/共38页第十八页,共39页。Para. 1c 有些鸟

28、,如鸽子,也显得特别聒噪,有些鸟,如鸽子,也显得特别聒噪,据说地震前它们据说地震前它们(t men)飞行的方式也与往常飞行的方式也与往常不同。也许最有趣、也最容易测量的,是地震不同。也许最有趣、也最容易测量的,是地震前地下水发生的化学变化。实验数据似乎表明,前地下水发生的化学变化。实验数据似乎表明,地震前地下水中氡的含量会增高。地震前地下水中氡的含量会增高。 第18页/共38页第十九页,共39页。Para. 7a 尽管科学家们仍无法预测地震,但对尽管科学家们仍无法预测地震,但对地壳中的大板块如何移动,板块间的压力如何,地壳中的大板块如何移动,板块间的压力如何,地震如何发生,某地区发生地震的一般

29、地震如何发生,某地区发生地震的一般(ybn)概率为多少,他们了解得越来越多。在不久的将概率为多少,他们了解得越来越多。在不久的将来,精确预测地震将成为可能。来,精确预测地震将成为可能。 第19页/共38页第二十页,共39页。Para. 7b 然而,即使可以预测,居住在地震频然而,即使可以预测,居住在地震频发区的人们发区的人们(rn men)还是应尽力预防灾难,办还是应尽力预防灾难,办法是建造能够抵抗地表运动的房屋,同时做好法是建造能够抵抗地表运动的房屋,同时做好个人准备。在挽救生命和防止家庭损失方面,个人准备。在挽救生命和防止家庭损失方面,这些预防措施会发挥很大的作用。教育人们这些预防措施会发

30、挥很大的作用。教育人们(rn men)如何在地震中求生,应该是所有政府如何在地震中求生,应该是所有政府规划和地震研究项目的重点所在。规划和地震研究项目的重点所在。第20页/共38页第二十一页,共39页。Para. 1a Ideally, people would like to know when an earthquake is going to happen and how bad it will be. In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast. In Japan

31、, scientists have wired the Earth and sea to detect movements. The Chinese have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes. How to Prepare for EarthquakesHow to Prepare for Earthquakes 第21页/共38页第二十二页,共39页。Para. 1b For example, the Chinese have noted that before an eart

32、hquake, hens behavior changesthey refuse to enter their cages at night. They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs. Before the Hanshin earthquake in Japan, there were reports of large schools of fish swimming near t

33、he surface of the water. 第22页/共38页第二十三页,共39页。n nPara. 7a Para. 7a n nAlthough scientists still cannot Although scientists still cannot predict earthquakes, they are learning a great predict earthquakes, they are learning a great deal about how deal about how the large platesthe large plates in the E

34、arths in the Earths crust move, the stresses between plates, how crust move, the stresses between plates, how earthquakes work, and the earthquakes work, and the general probabilitygeneral probability that a given place will have an earthquake. Someday that a given place will have an earthquake. Som

35、eday soon it may actually become possible to predict soon it may actually become possible to predict earthquakes earthquakes with accuracywith accuracy. . 第23页/共38页第二十四页,共39页。n nPara. 7b Para. 7b n nHowever, even if prediction However, even if prediction becomes possible, becomes possible, people wh

36、o live in areas where people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrenceearthquakes are a common occurrence will still have will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that structures that are resistan

37、t to ground movementare resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared. These precautions and by being personally prepared. These precautions can can make a great differencemake a great difference in saving lives and in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes. preventing the los

38、s of homes. Education concerning Education concerning how to survive an earthquakehow to survive an earthquake should be should be a major a major emphasisemphasis for all government programs and for all government programs and earthquake-relatedearthquake-related research projects. research project

39、s. 第24页/共38页第二十五页,共39页。Unit 8Unit 8克隆在法律与道德上的影响克隆在法律与道德上的影响Para.1 Para.1 起初,这对人们绝对是个震惊。起初,这对人们绝对是个震惊。有消息称科学家已经成功克隆了一只成年有消息称科学家已经成功克隆了一只成年哺乳动物,一项长期以来被认为是不可能哺乳动物,一项长期以来被认为是不可能的成就。这一传闻引发了每个人的想象。的成就。这一传闻引发了每个人的想象。克隆多莉(一只相貌无奇的绵羊)的实验克隆多莉(一只相貌无奇的绵羊)的实验过程,从理论过程,从理论(lln)(lln)上说也同样适用于上说也同样适用于克隆人类。一个克隆人的世界突然间近

40、在克隆人类。一个克隆人的世界突然间近在咫尺,科幻小说变成了现实。咫尺,科幻小说变成了现实。第25页/共38页第二十六页,共39页。Para. 2 此消息宣布之后,为了一个此消息宣布之后,为了一个(y )未未知世界,一个知世界,一个(y )充满各种不可思议的可充满各种不可思议的可能性的未来,各国政府立即起草指导方针。能性的未来,各国政府立即起草指导方针。克林顿总统命令一个克林顿总统命令一个(y )全国委员会研究全国委员会研究克隆在法律和道德上的含义。在欧洲,大多克隆在法律和道德上的含义。在欧洲,大多数国家都已禁止克隆人类,各国领导此时也数国家都已禁止克隆人类,各国领导此时也开始研究克隆其他物种的

41、道德含义。开始研究克隆其他物种的道德含义。第26页/共38页第二十七页,共39页。Para. 18 最让人担心的不是最让人担心的不是(b shi)克隆本身,而是基因工程克隆本身,而是基因工程即根据特定的要求故意改变基因来创造人类。具体地说,即根据特定的要求故意改变基因来创造人类。具体地说,有些专家担心会出现一个新的(和不被尊重的)社会阶层,有些专家担心会出现一个新的(和不被尊重的)社会阶层,即即“克隆阶层克隆阶层”。有位专家相信,这一情形类似于。有位专家相信,这一情形类似于16世纪时的世纪时的一种情况,一种情况,当时的欧洲人对如何对美洲的陌生居民进行归类感到困惑,当时的欧洲人对如何对美洲的陌生

42、居民进行归类感到困惑,并无休止地争论他们究竟是不是并无休止地争论他们究竟是不是(b shi)人类。人类。 第27页/共38页第二十八页,共39页。Unit 8n nPara. 1 Para. 1 n nAt first it was just At first it was just plainplain surprising. Word that surprising. Word that scientists scientists succeeded in cloningsucceeded in cloning an adult an adult mammalan achievement

43、long thought mammalan achievement long thought impossible impossible caught the imagination caught the imagination of of everyone. The laboratory process that everyone. The laboratory process that produced Dolly, an unremarkable-looking produced Dolly, an unremarkable-looking sheep, theoretically wo

44、uld work for humans sheep, theoretically would work for humans as well. A world with human clones was as well. A world with human clones was suddenly suddenly within reachwithin reach. It was science fiction . It was science fiction coming to ing to life.第28页/共38页第二十九页,共39页。n nPara. 2Para. 2n n In t

45、he wake ofIn the wake of this announcement, this announcement, governments hurried to governments hurried to draft guidelinesdraft guidelines for the for the unknown, a future unknown, a future filled withfilled with incredible incredible possibilities. possibilities. n nPresident Clinton ordered a

46、national commission President Clinton ordered a national commission to study to study the legal and moral implicationsthe legal and moral implications of of cloning. Leaders in Europe, where most cloning. Leaders in Europe, where most nations already nations already prohibitprohibit human cloning, h

47、uman cloning, began examining the moral implications of began examining the moral implications of cloning cloning other speciesother species. .第29页/共38页第三十页,共39页。n nPara. 18a n nThe The gravest concerngravest concern isnt really cloning itself, isnt really cloning itself, but genetic engineering the

48、 but genetic engineering the deliberate deliberate altering of genesaltering of genes to create human beings to create human beings according to certain requirementsaccording to certain requirements. Specifically, . Specifically, some experts are some experts are concerned aboutconcerned about the t

49、he creation of a new (and disrespected) creation of a new (and disrespected) social social classclass: “the clones”. : “the clones”. 第30页/共38页第三十一页,共39页。n nPara. 18b n nOne expert believes the situation could One expert believes the situation could be be comparable tocomparable to what occurred what

50、 occurred in the 16th in the 16th century, when Europeans century, when Europeans puzzled overpuzzled over how how to classify the to classify the unfamiliar inhabitantsunfamiliar inhabitants of the of the Americas, and endlessly debated whether or not Americas, and endlessly debated whether or not

51、they were humans.they were humans.第31页/共38页第三十二页,共39页。Unit 9Para. 3 婚前协议婚前协议 简称简称prenups 就就是用来处理这些问题的。婚前协议由即将结是用来处理这些问题的。婚前协议由即将结婚的男女双方的律师婚的男女双方的律师(lsh)共同协定,然后共同协定,然后由双方在牧师宣布他们结为夫妻之前签署。由双方在牧师宣布他们结为夫妻之前签署。 自自20世纪世纪80年代初以来,婚前协议在美国被年代初以来,婚前协议在美国被越来越多的人接受,因为当时越来越多的州越来越多的人接受,因为当时越来越多的州开始通过关于离婚财产分配的法律。这些法

52、开始通过关于离婚财产分配的法律。这些法律要么是基于律要么是基于“共有财产共有财产”(平均分配),要(平均分配),要么是基于么是基于“合理分配合理分配”(法官认为怎样(法官认为怎样“公平公平”就怎样分)。就怎样分)。 第32页/共38页第三十三页,共39页。Para. 9 但是,即使双方签订了这样但是,即使双方签订了这样(zhyng)的协议,如果的协议,如果不遵循正确的指导方针,还是不可能在法院实施它。协议应不遵循正确的指导方针,还是不可能在法院实施它。协议应当由律师起草,因为文字错误当由律师起草,因为文字错误哪怕只是介词放错了位置哪怕只是介词放错了位置也可能是灾难性的。但婚姻法顾问警告说,永远

53、不要选也可能是灾难性的。但婚姻法顾问警告说,永远不要选择你未来伴侣的律师来做你的律师。择你未来伴侣的律师来做你的律师。Para. 14 这些律师认为,婚前契约是一个商业协议,浪漫的这些律师认为,婚前契约是一个商业协议,浪漫的爱情与此过程无关。他们的理由是:在美国,爱情与此过程无关。他们的理由是:在美国,50%的婚姻最的婚姻最终将被扔进垃圾堆。终将被扔进垃圾堆。第33页/共38页第三十四页,共39页。Unit 9n nPara. 3a n nPrenuptial agreementsor “prenups”are Prenuptial agreementsor “prenups”are desi

54、gneddesigned to to address these problemsaddress these problems as they arise. as they arise. Prenups are Prenups are negotiatednegotiated by lawyers for by lawyers for the the prospective spousesprospective spouses, and signed before a , and signed before a minister minister binds them in marriageb

55、inds them in marriage. . 第34页/共38页第三十五页,共39页。n nPara. 3b Para. 3b n nThey have been They have been gaining in acceptancegaining in acceptance in the in the United States since the early 1980s, when more United States since the early 1980s, when more states began states began passing lawspassing laws

56、 that affected the that affected the division of division of financial assetsfinancial assets in a divorce. The in a divorce. The laws are based laws are based eithereither on “ on “community propertycommunity property” ” (split evenly) (split evenly) oror on “ on “reasonable distributionreasonable

57、distribution” ” (whatever a judge thinks is “fair”).(whatever a judge thinks is “fair”).第35页/共38页第三十六页,共39页。n nPara. 9 Para. 9 n nBut even when both parties have signed But even when both parties have signed such an agreement, it can be impossible to such an agreement, it can be impossible to enforc

58、eenforce it in court if it in court if proper guidelinesproper guidelines have not have not been followed. A lawyer is required to been followed. A lawyer is required to write the document, for mistakes in write the document, for mistakes in languageeven languageeven a misplaced prepositiona misplac

59、ed prepositioncan be disastrous. But never, ever, warn can be disastrous. But never, ever, warn marriage law consultants, should you use the marriage law consultants, should you use the same lawyer as your future spousesame lawyer as your future spouse does.does.第36页/共38页第三十七页,共39页。n nPara. 14 Para.

60、 14 n nRomantic love Romantic love has no bearinghas no bearing on this process, on this process, say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be business agreementsbusiness agreements. . Their justification: Some 50 percent of all marriages in the Their justification: Some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States United States end up end up on the trash heap on the trash heap. .第37页/共38页第三十八页,共39页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。教育人们如何(rh)在地震中求生,应该是所有政府规划和地震研究项目的重点所在。协议应当由律师起草,因为文字错误哪怕只是介词放错了位置也可能是灾难性的。Para. 14第三十九页,共39页。



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