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1、英语四级备考攻略英语四级备考攻略大学英语四级考试流程大学英语四级考试流程n n8:50-9:00试音时间n n9:00-9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷n n9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试n n9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)n n9:40-9:55做快速阅读n n9:55-10:00收答题卡一n n(即作文和快速阅读) n n9:55-10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试台,准备听力考试n n10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音开始听力考试,电台开始放音n n听力结束后完成剩余考项。听力结束后完成剩余考项。n n10:35-11:20

2、选词填空,仔细阅读,选词填空,仔细阅读,完型填空,翻译。完型填空,翻译。n n11:20全部考试结束。全部考试结束。Writingn n三种文体:论说文,应用文,记叙文n n三段结构: 开头、中间、结尾n n四种类型:观点对比、利弊说明、问题解决、主题阐释n n五大高分技巧:n n卷面整洁,书写清楚n n构思简单,少犯错误n n中心突出,层次分明n n固定经典,名言注目n n重在变化,宁简勿滥 论说文结构模式一、对立观点型一、对立观点型1、结构图、结构图引出话题引出话题一种观点认为一种观点认为另一种观点认为另一种观点认为我的观点(结论)我的观点(结论)2、常用句式1).has become a

3、 hot topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person.2)There is a public debate/discussion/ controversy today about the problem of 3)Some people maintain/hold the opinion that. But other people hold a different point of view4)Some people are inclined to think that On the contrary/in

4、 contrast, there are still many people who wont agree, and they claim5)Those people who advocate/ support theargument/ statement believe that(Supporters, Proponents) claim thatOpponents (Critics) point out that6) For my part/As to me/As far as I am concerned, Id like to agree with the former/latter

5、opinion.二、问题解决型二、问题解决型n n1、结构图、结构图提出问题分析原因解决方案2、常用句式1)Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem2)Recently, the issue of has been brought to public attention.(Introduction)3)The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing, For another4)There are a variety of reasons for this

6、phenomenon.(Body Para)5)The first key factor to solve this problem is Another key factor is 6)People have found many solutions to dealing with this problem.(Conclusion)7)It is high time we put an end to the deep-rooted (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) tendency (situation / phenomenon) of 三、说明利

7、弊型n n1、结构图描述现象描述现象分析其优点分析其优点我的态度我的态度/看法看法分析其缺点分析其缺点2、常用句式、常用句式There are several advantages in The first/biggest advantage is that Another benefit is .(好处)好处)However, it has still some drawbacks. Firstly, Whats more, (坏处)坏处)As to me, I think the advantages outweigh/carry more weight than the disadvan

8、tages.(利大于弊利大于弊)书信写作书信写作1、写作步骤审题确定基本框架 (写信目的具体说明客套话)正式写作过程按提纲写作修改成文2、格式称呼正文落款预测预测n n在过去几年中,我们已经目睹了人类活动引起的各种灾害。作为一位大学生,请写一封倡议书,呼吁大家关注这些自然灾害并保护环境,内容应包括:n n1)举出人类活动引发的灾害的实例n n2)指出一些必要的防范措施n n3)号召大家行动起来拯救地球n nA Letter of AppealA Letter of Appeal June 13, 2008June 13, 2008n nDear friends,Dear friends,n n

9、I am writing this letter to call on everyone I am writing this letter to call on everyone to pay attention to the present disasters caused to pay attention to the present disasters caused by human activities. As some of you may know, by human activities. As some of you may know, over the past years,

10、 floods, droughts, over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust storms have frequented our landslides, and dust storms have frequented our planet. Not long ago, tsunami swept the planet. Not long ago, tsunami swept the Southeast Asia, which caused enormous damage. Southeast Asia, whic

11、h caused enormous damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human All these have sounded an alarm to human beings. So it is high time that we make joint beings. So it is high time that we make joint efforts to save our planet.efforts to save our planet.n n Aboveall,ataskoftoppriorityforusistoplantA


13、otherways,suchassavingwaterandusingrecycledotherways,suchassavingwaterandusingrecycledpaper.paper.n nSodonthesitatetoactoutthesemeasures.Sodonthesitatetoactoutthesemeasures.Evenasmallactionismeaningfultoourplanet.Evenasmallactionismeaningfultoourplanet.Pleasejoinusintheactionofprotectingourplanet.Pl

14、easejoinusintheactionofprotectingourplanet.Ifyouarewillingtodosomethingtosaveourplanet,Ifyouarewillingtodosomethingtosaveourplanet,pleasestartfromthelittlethingrightaroundyou.pleasestartfromthelittlethingrightaroundyou.Thankyou!Thankyou!n nSincerelyyours,Sincerelyyours,n nLiMingLiMingFastReadingKey

15、words Position ComparisonKey words Position Comparisonn n Answer Answern n以下几类词可为以下几类词可为以下几类词可为以下几类词可为“ “关键词关键词关键词关键词” ”:n n1 1、标题、副标题、段落标题和图表、标题、副标题、段落标题和图表、标题、副标题、段落标题和图表、标题、副标题、段落标题和图表n n2 2、副词和形容词以及短语,特别是程度词,比较词如、副词和形容词以及短语,特别是程度词,比较词如、副词和形容词以及短语,特别是程度词,比较词如、副词和形容词以及短语,特别是程度词,比较词如like,as,most,mo

16、stof,leastlike,as,most,mostof,least等等等等n n3 3、描述性的名词(主题相关)、描述性的名词(主题相关)、描述性的名词(主题相关)、描述性的名词(主题相关)n n4 4、以人名和地名为代表的表名称的词语、以人名和地名为代表的表名称的词语、以人名和地名为代表的表名称的词语、以人名和地名为代表的表名称的词语n n5 5、时间状语表示时间、时间状语表示时间、时间状语表示时间、时间状语表示时间n n6 6、特殊印刷体大写,斜体,粗体,特殊符号、特殊印刷体大写,斜体,粗体,特殊符号、特殊印刷体大写,斜体,粗体,特殊符号、特殊印刷体大写,斜体,粗体,特殊符号Liste

17、ningn n*短对话:抓关键词,判断场景。n n注意同形改写,同义替换n n*长对话:问答原则。n n*短文题:把握开头结尾,听清原因和转折。n n*复合式听写: 单词:掌握速记技巧代替; 句子:先听大意写出关键词然后成句。十大类标志词n n1 1最高级标志词最高级标志词最高级标志词最高级标志词-形容词、副词最高级、形容词、副词最高级、形容词、副词最高级、形容词、副词最高级、most most / chief / primary / main / leading / / chief / primary / main / leading / n n2 2唯一级标志词唯一级标志词唯一级标志词唯一

18、级标志词-only / unique / prefer / -only / unique / prefer / every / one / of all / perfect / every / one / of all / perfect / n n3 3因果项标志词因果项标志词因果项标志词因果项标志词-cause / lead to / -cause / lead to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / question / answer / why / reason

19、 / question / answer / why / reason / 其他形式其他形式其他形式其他形式的问句的问句的问句的问句 / / n n4 4转则项关键词转则项关键词转则项关键词转则项关键词-despite / in spite of / -despite / in spite of / instead / while / from to / although instead / while / from to / although (yetyet) / not only but also / / not only but also / n n5 5序数项标志词序数项标志词序数项标

20、志词序数项标志词-所有的序数词(所有的序数词(所有的序数词(所有的序数词(first , first , secondsecond)/ another / the other / next / last / another / the other / next / last / in addition / on the other hand / / in addition / on the other hand / n n6 6时间项标志词时间项标志词-when / how / today / as / -when / how / today / as / before / after / s

21、ince / then / until / before / after / since / then / until / n n7 7解释项标志词解释项标志词-or / namely / in other -or / namely / in other words / that is / that is to say / words / that is / that is to say / n n8 8目的项标志词目的项标志词-to / for / -to / for / n n9 9总结项标志词总结项标志词-all in all / in brief / to -all in all /

22、in brief / to conclude / at last / in summary / in short conclude / at last / in summary / in short n n1010强调项标志词强调项标志词n n副词:副词:especially / particularly / almost / especially / particularly / almost / always / usually / always / usually / n n动词:动词:show / remember / note / notice / say / show / reme

23、mber / note / notice / say / pronounce / pronounce / 选词填空选词填空1)跳读全文,抓住中心跳读全文,抓住中心2)阅读选项,词性分类阅读选项,词性分类3)瞻前顾后,灵活选择瞻前顾后,灵活选择4)复读全文,谨慎调整复读全文,谨慎调整仔细阅读仔细阅读五大题型:五大题型:细节题、态度题,主旨题,推理题,词汇题细节题、态度题,主旨题,推理题,词汇题十大命题原则:十大命题原则:一 、列举处常考二二、转折处与强对比处常考、转折处与强对比处常考三、三、例子常考例子常考四、四、数字与年代常考数字与年代常考五、五、最高级及绝对性词汇常考最高级及绝对性词汇常考六

24、六、专有名词常考、专有名词常考七、七、七、七、 隐蔽处常考隐蔽处常考隐蔽处常考隐蔽处常考 顾名思义,句子中隐蔽之处,容易忽略之处,顾名思义,句子中隐蔽之处,容易忽略之处,顾名思义,句子中隐蔽之处,容易忽略之处,顾名思义,句子中隐蔽之处,容易忽略之处,包括:同位语包括:同位语包括:同位语包括:同位语 插入语插入语插入语插入语 定语定语定语定语 长句后半句长句后半句长句后半句长句后半句 从句从句从句从句 副词副词副词副词 不定式不定式不定式不定式八八八八 、因果处常考、因果处常考、因果处常考、因果处常考连词连词连词连词consequentlybecause,since,for,as,therefo

25、re,consequentlybecause,since,for,as,therefore,动词动词动词动词cause,resultin,originatefromcause,resultin,originatefrom名词名词名词名词base,basis,result,consequencebase,basis,result,consequence九 、段落句常考十、 特殊标点常考破折号、 括号、 冒号、引号十大答案特征十大答案特征1、“体现中心思想的选项是答案体现中心思想的选项是答案”2、“看似合理的选项不是答案;看似不合理的选看似合理的选项不是答案;看似不合理的选项是答案项是答案” 3、




29、活答题。瞻前顾后,灵活答题。择优法择优法排除法排除法第四步第四步复核全文,调整答案。复核全文,调整答案。二、八大解题法二、八大解题法1、逻辑关系定位法:逻辑关系定位法:2、同现原则同现原则3、复现原则复现原则4、关联结构原则关联结构原则5、数字时间线索数字时间线索6、对应成分分析法对应成分分析法7、语法结构分析语法结构分析8、无关词排除法无关词排除法 汉译英汉译英解题步骤解题步骤1)首先,确定关键词首先,确定关键词(一般由两个词或词一般由两个词或词组组成组组成),寻找可能的英文相应表达;,寻找可能的英文相应表达;2)然后,利用相应的语法结构或功能连然后,利用相应的语法结构或功能连接方式将两个英

30、文词或词组连接起来;接方式将两个英文词或词组连接起来;3)最后,结合待翻译的文字在句子中所最后,结合待翻译的文字在句子中所处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺语言语言最有可能考查的句法最有可能考查的句法1)虚拟语气其一,其一,itisdesired,itissuggested,itisrequested,itwasordered,itwasproposed,itisnecessary,itisimportant,ithasbeendecided等结构后的主语从句中;等结构后的主语从句中;其二,suggest, order, demand, propose, comm

31、and, request, desire, insist 等动词后的宾语从句;其三,suggestion, motion, proposal, order, recommendations, plan, idea等后面的表语从句和同位语从句。2)倒装结构)倒装结构考点一:考点一:never,no,neither,notonly,hardly,scarcely,little,seldom,rarely,notuntil,nowhere,atnotime,onnoaccount,innorespect,bynomeans, undernocircumstances放句首用部分倒放句首用部分倒装装。


33、特殊结构:themorethemore(越越越越);moreandmore(越来越(越来越)例例_(你考虑这个问题越久你考虑这个问题越久),thelessconfidentyouwillfeel.答案:答案:Thelongeryouthinkaboutthequestion 4)形式宾语)形式宾语用用it做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,是英语常用句型。语的后面,是英语常用句型。即即主语主语+谓语谓语+it+宾补宾补+真正宾语。类似的动真正宾语。类似的动词还有词还有feel,think,believe等如,等如,Ifounditverypleasanttobewithyourfamily.例例Thestudentsbelieve_(在(在老师的帮助下就有可能通过考试)老师的帮助下就有可能通过考试)答案:答案:itpossibletopasstheexamwiththehelpoftheteachers.Good Luck To You!



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