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1、Unit 4 Think Globally, Act LocallyLanguage Points普通高中课程标准实验教科书普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语英语 必修必修4 4shape n. 形状;v. 塑造名词常用词组be of different shapes and sizes形状大小各异in the shape of . 以的形状stay in good shape 保持好体态;状态良好v. 正是希腊人影响了西方人的思维。It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of western man.provide sb. with sth.给某人提

2、供某物驯养奶牛是为了给我们提供牛奶。Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk.provided(that):假如,用作连词,相当于ifProvided that you reduce the price, Ill take all the goods.dry out (使)干透Dont leave the bread on the table. It will dry out.Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。result in

3、 导致deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某物电视的普及剥夺了我们相当多的阅读时间。The spread of television have considerably _ .You cant deprive her of her rights.你不能剥夺她的权利。These trees deprive my house of light.这些树遮住了我房屋的光线。deprive us of our time for readingaffect vt.影响(通常是负面的)Being addicted to computer games affects his study a lot.

4、玩电脑游戏大大影响了他的成绩。n. effecthave an (bad/good) effect on sth/sb.对有(好/坏的)影响vs. have an impact on sth./sb.对有巨大冲击(程度比较深,力度比较猛烈)decline n. v. 减少,下降;拒绝n. Theres a sharp decline in unemployment.失业率骤降。be on the decline=be on the decrease逐渐/正在下降反义词组:be on the increasev.The price of 14 inches TV set declined fro

5、m 400 to 320 yuan each.14英寸的电视机每台从400元降到320元。I must regretfully decline your kind invitation.我很抱歉必须拒绝你的盛情邀请。severe 严重的The premier came under severe criticism.这位总理遭到严厉的抨击。他患有严重的精神病。_Hes suffering from severe mental disorder.efficiency 效率We must improve our efficiency as soon as possible.我们必须尽快地提高工作效率

6、。Their labor efficiency is very high.他们的工作效率很高。adj. efficientThis is a highly efficient new heating system.这是个高效的新取暖系统。The customer always appreciate efficient service. 顾客总是欣赏高效率的服务。in particular 尤其,特别Is there anything in particular youd like for dinner? No, nothing in particular.正餐你有什麽特别喜欢的菜吗?没有,什麽

7、都行。Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cotton piece in particular.在所有商品中,我对棉布特别感兴趣。be paritular about .对挑剔He is particular about food.他很挑食。adv. particularlyoccur 发生;想到A connection error might occur.可能会出现连接错误。Didnt it occur to you that he was lying?你当时没想到他在撒谎吗?approach n. v. 方式,方法;靠近,接

8、近I like her approach to the problem.我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。With the approach of winter, people become to like being bathed in the sun.随着冬天的来临,人们开始喜欢晒太阳。Such people as are friendly are easy to approach.亲切之人容易接近。deliver 运输;做演讲;生孩子We must deliver the goods before dawn.我们必须在凌晨前运货物。After delivering the long speec

9、h, she felt tired.做完冗长的演讲,她觉得很疲倦。She delivered twins in the evening.晚上她生了一对双胞胎。apply 申请;运用;适用于He applied to the school for a scholarship.他向学校申请奖学金。We must apply theory to practice.我们必须学以致用。The law doesnt apply to us.这法令不适用于我们。由where引导的定语从句1. Wetlands are found along rivers and on floodplains and occ

10、asionally in arid areas, where they occur as springs from small hills and seasonal lakes.2. The most significant of these problems can be seen in some rivers, where controlled flows have greatly changed the river ecology and water quality. 3. In some places, where people do have the money to buy the machine, their farming is quite successful.4. In 1998 I met with farmers in northern India, where crops were being grown with a poor water supply.



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