广西2019年秋九年级英语上册 Module 4 Home alone基础知识过关四课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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《广西2019年秋九年级英语上册 Module 4 Home alone基础知识过关四课件(新版)外研版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广西2019年秋九年级英语上册 Module 4 Home alone基础知识过关四课件(新版)外研版.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块基础知识过关四模块基础知识过关四Module4Homealone模块基础知识过关四基础知识清单基础知识迁移Module4Homealone模块基础知识过关四基础知识清单基础知识清单根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1(供上下火车用的)月台;站台(n.)_ 2会议;集会(n.)_ _ (v.相遇)3未出席;未出现(v.)_ _ (adj.丢失的) platformmeetingmeetmissmissing重点单词模块基础知识过关四4关上;合上(v.)_ _ (过去式) _ (反义词)5锁;锁住(v.)_ 6简单的;容易的(adj.)_ _ (adv.)shutshutopen lo

2、cksimplesimply7任何人(pron.)_ 8钟;时钟(n.)_ 9鸣响;发出铃声(v.)_ _ (过去式) _ (过去分词)10乘客;旅客(n.)_ anybody clock ringrangrungpassenger模块基础知识过关四11地址(n.)_ 12管理;支配(v.)_ _ (n.管理人; 经理) _ (n.管理)13不高兴的(adj.)_ _ (反义词)addressmanagemanagermanagementunhappyhappy模块基础知识过关四14命令;指示(n.)_ 15(长)沙发(n.)_ 16午夜;子夜(n.)_ 17空的(adj.)_ _ (反义词)

3、ordersofamidnightemptyfull模块基础知识过关四18不能做某事的(adj.)_ _ (反义词)19(使)烧焦;(使)烤糊(v.)_ _ (过去式) _ (过去分词)20杯子;一杯饮料(n.)_ 21任务;工作(n.)_unableableburnburned/burntburned/burnt cup task模块基础知识过关四根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1照顾 _ 2小心(对待) _ 3确保 _ 4许多;大量 _ look afterbe careful withmake sureplenty of重点短语模块基础知识过关四5醒;醒来 _ 6短信 _ 7两个 _ 8

4、关掉;关闭(设备) _ 9实现 _ wake uptext messagea couple ofturn offcome true模块基础知识过关四10担心 _ 11出差 _ 12最后;终于 _ 13一就 _ 14玩得高兴;有乐趣 _ on businessat last/in the endas soon ashave funbe worried about模块基础知识过关四15赶紧做某事 _ 16提交;上交 _ 17准时 _ 18收拾;整理 _ 19依靠;依赖 _ 20给某人送行 _21整天 _ 22意外地;偶然地 _ hurry to do sth.hand inon timetidy

5、updepend onsee sb. off模块基础知识过关四all day longby accident连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每个句子首字母需大写,句末需加标点符号。1I, although, can, for, look after, me, myself, be, wont, it, easy(我能照顾自己,尽管这对我来说不容易。)_I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.重点句型模块基础知识过关四2clock, me, up, certainly, will, that

6、, loudly, rings, wake, my, so, it(我的闹钟声音如此大,它肯定会叫醒我的。)_3homework, the, could, teacher, my, hand it in, but, for, me, I, asked, not(老师问我要作业,但是我无法上交。)_The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not hand it in.My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.模块基础知识过关四4so, mother, the,

7、was, couldnt, phone, busy, she, my, answer, cooking(我妈妈正忙着做饭,所以没法接电话。)_5on, by accident, Bobbys, the, head, apple, fell(苹果偶然掉在博比的头上。)_My mother was busy cooking, so she couldnt answer the phone.The apple fell on Bobbys head by accident.模块基础知识过关四基础知识迁移基础知识迁移 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词1The baby is so young

8、 that he is u_ to walk.2I want to write to you. Can you tell me your a_?3All the p_ must obey the rules on the plane.4. It is very s_ to use the machine. I can control it easily.5Students had a hard _ (任务) about how to work out the problem in class.nable ddress assengers imple task 单词回顾模块基础知识过关四6He

9、wasnt good at cooking and _ (烧焦)the meal.7We cant see _(任何人) else in the photo except Daming and his father.8He _(关闭) the door and left.9Please put the things in good_(秩序)10With an _(空的) stomach, he couldnt go to play with his friends.burnt/burned anybodyshut order empty 模块基础知识过关四.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空meet

10、 ; happy; lock; manage;ring1111His watch was lost, so he felt very _2We all know that the computer programme can help us _data efficiently(高效地)3When you go out, remember _ the door.4Be quiet! We are having a _ in the hall.5The clock is _ loudly. Its time to get up, Tom.unhappy(to) manageto lockmeeti

11、ngringing模块基础知识过关四 . 根据汉语及英文提示翻译句子1你要确保每天吃一个鸡蛋。(make sure) _2我的火车就要来了。(be about to do) _3两个星期之后再见!(a couple of) _Make sure you eat an egg every day.My train is about to come. See you in a couple of weeks!短语运用模块基础知识过关四4他一回来,我就告诉他。(as soon as) _5我想你应该向你的父母要些钱。(ask sb. for sth.) _As soon as he comes ba

12、ck, Ill tell him.I think (that) you should ask your parents for some money.模块基础知识过关四. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空wake up; a couple of; tidy up; at last;on business; turn off; depend on;be bored with; by accident; hand in1You must _ your homework by the end of next week.2Well have a picnic tomorrow. But it _the

13、weather.3_ the lights. Its wasteful.4Tom _ his room every day.hand independs onTurn offtidies up模块基础知识过关四5When I _, it was raining hard.6It will take him _ weeks to complete the work.7Alices mother cant go to the meeting, because she has gone to New York _8The girl _ English because she always faile

14、d the exam.9We met our teacher in the street in Paris _10He ran his eyes down the page and found his name _woke upa couple ofon businesswas bored withby accidentat last模块基础知识过关四 同义句转换,每空一词1Although Tony arrived late, he still caught the train. Tony arrived late, _ he still caught the train.2His gran

15、dma is too old to walk quickly. His grandma is _ old _ she cant walk quickly.3The movie is so boring that we dont like it. It is _ a boring movie _ we dont like it.butsosuchthatthat句型突破模块基础知识过关四4The box is so heavy that we cant carry it. The box is _ heavy for us _ carry.5Lucys clock rang so loudly that it woke her up early this morning. Lucys clock rang loudly _ to _ her up early this morning.tootoenoughwake 模块基础知识过关四



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