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1、阅读下面短文,在空格处填写一个恰当的单词阅读下面短文,在空格处填写一个恰当的单词使全文通顺连贯,语法正确。使全文通顺连贯,语法正确。Dear Sir, Recently, a survey regarding the school computer room was carried out. The students find the design of the computer room impractical, and are not interested in studying there 1._ this reason. We believe that the computer roo

2、m needs improving. There are not enough computers in our computer room. The computers are old and slow, and they often crash, 2._ wastes a lot of time. The computers are not connected to the Internet, so we cannot get the information we need for our homework. There is only one printer in the room, w

3、hich often breaks 3._. As more and more subjects involve information technology, the computer room plays a very important role 4._ our studies. We must use computers to do our homework and get information from the Internet. In order to prepare 5._ for the future, we need a wellequipped computer room

4、. We are sure most parents would agree with our proposal 6._ the computer room should be improved. Computer skills are becoming more and 7._ important to our further studies. We will not keep up with the development of society 8._ we are not good at using computers. We therefore really need to have

5、a new computer room and hope that you will seriously consider our request. Best wishes!Senior High 1阅读下面短文,在空格处填写一个恰当的单词阅读下面短文,在空格处填写一个恰当的单词使全文通顺连贯,语法正确。使全文通顺连贯,语法正确。Dear Sir, Recently, a survey regarding the school computer room was carried out. The students find the design of the computer room imp

6、ractical, and are not interested in studying there 1._ this reason. We believe that the computer room needs improving.for There are not enough computers in our computer room. The computers are old and slow, and they often crash, 2._ wastes a lot of time. The computers are not connected to the Intern

7、et, so we cannot get the information we need for our homework. There is only one printer in the room, which often breaks 3._.which down As more and more subjects involve information technology, the computer room plays a very important role 4._ our studies. We must use computers to do our homework an

8、d get information from the Internet. In order to prepare 5._ for the future, we need a wellequipped computer room. We are sure most parents would agree with our proposal 6._ the computer room should be improved.in ourselves that Computer skills are becoming more and 7._ important to our further stud

9、ies. We will not keep up with the development of society 8._ we are not good at using computers. We therefore really need to have a new computer room and hope that you will seriously consider our request. Best wishes!Senior High 1more if 1amaze (amazes / amazed / amazed / amazing)vt.使吃惊,使吃惊, 使惊异使惊异v

10、i.惊讶惊讶n吃惊,吃惊, 好奇好奇同义词:同义词:surprise / astonish温馨提示:温馨提示: (1)amaze做及物动词时,常用物做主语,即做及物动词时,常用物做主语,即sth amaze sb。 (2)amazing做形容做形容词词,意,意为为“令人惊奇的,令人吃惊的令人惊奇的,令人吃惊的”,可做定,可做定语语和表和表语语,一般主,一般主语语指物。指物。an amazing discovery / performance一个令人惊奇的一个令人惊奇的发现发现/表演表演amazed做形容做形容词词,意,意为为“惊奇的,吃惊的惊奇的,吃惊的”,主,主语为语为人,人,短短语语be

11、amazed at.指指“对对大大为为惊奇惊奇”。I am amazed at what he said.我我对对他他说说的的话话大大为为惊奇。惊奇。必记搭配:必记搭配:amaze sb 使某人惊使某人惊讶讶be amazed that 非常吃惊非常吃惊amazing people 了不起的人了不起的人2accuse (accuses / accused / accused / accusing)vt.谴责,谴责, 控告,控告, 指责指责同义词:同义词:charge温馨提示:温馨提示: accuse的宾语一定要是被控的人的词,宾语后的宾语一定要是被控的人的词,宾语后接接of和指所控的罪或过失的

12、词。和指所控的罪或过失的词。They accused him of murder.他们控告他谋杀。他们控告他谋杀。They accused Tony of cheating.他们指责托尼他们指责托尼作弊。作弊。accuse后不可接后不可接that从句,如不可说从句,如不可说sb was accused that.必记搭配:必记搭配:accuse sb of (doing) sth就某事控告某人就某事控告某人be accused of (doing) sth 被指控被指控the accused 被告被告 3escape (escapes / escaped / escaped / escapin

13、g)vt.逃避,逃脱,避免;没有被逃避,逃脱,避免;没有被注意到;被注意到;被忘忘掉掉vi.逃跑,逃脱;避免;漏出,流出逃跑,逃脱;避免;漏出,流出n逃避,逃脱逃避,逃脱同义词:同义词:flee温馨提示:温馨提示: escape做及物动词,后面常可跟名词、做及物动词,后面常可跟名词、ving分词做分词做宾语。宾语。必记搭配:必记搭配:escape doing sth 逃避逃避;避免;避免escape from从从逃脱逃脱escape from responsibility逃避责任逃避责任a narrow / lucky escape九死一生九死一生5function (functions /

14、functioned / functioned / functioning)vi.运行,运行, 起作用起作用n职务,职务, 功能;重大聚会;函数功能;重大聚会;函数同义词:同义词:operate / perform温馨提示:温馨提示: function作名词时,指正式的社交集会,常作名词时,指正式的社交集会,常与与at连用;还可以指人的连用;还可以指人的“职责职责”或物的或物的“功能功能”。He first met her at a social function. 他在一他在一次社交集会上第一次见到她。次社交集会上第一次见到她。The function of a policeman is t

15、o preserve law and order. 警察的职责是维护法律和治警察的职责是维护法律和治安。安。做做动词时为动词时为不及物不及物动词动词,不用于被,不用于被动语态动语态。The machine wont function properly if you dont oil it well. 如果你不如果你不给给机器好好加油的机器好好加油的话话,它就不会正常运它就不会正常运转转。必记搭配:必记搭配:function as当作当作,充当,充当at a social function 在社交在社交场场合合odd function 数数奇函数奇函数even function 数数偶函数偶函数

16、6risk (risks / risked / risked / risking)vt.冒冒的危险,的危险, 承受承受的风险的风险n危险,危险, 风险风险温馨提示:温馨提示: risk做动词时后面常跟做动词时后面常跟ving分词做宾语。分词做宾语。If I were you, I would not risk doing that work.如果我是你,就绝不冒险做那份工作。如果我是你,就绝不冒险做那份工作。必记搭配:必记搭配:risk doing sth冒险干某事冒险干某事risk ones life doing sth 冒着生命危冒着生命危险险做某事做某事without / with th

17、e risk of doing sth没有没有/有有的危的危险险take a risk of doing sth 冒着冒着的危的危险险at risk 处处境危境危险险at the risk of ones life冒生命危冒生命危险险5impress (impresses / impressed / impressed / impressing)vt.印,盖印;留下印象印,盖印;留下印象同同/ 近义词:近义词:affect / move / print温馨提示:温馨提示: impress常用作及物常用作及物动词动词,只跟,只跟简单宾语简单宾语。impression n印象印象impressiv

18、e adj.令人印象深刻的令人印象深刻的impressment n强强行征用行征用必记搭配:必记搭配:impress sb with sth 给某人深刻印象给某人深刻印象be impressed by / with 被深深打动被深深打动(感动感动)impress sth on (upon) sb 使某人铭记使某人铭记,使,使某人印象深刻某人印象深刻impress sth in(on) ones memory / mind 某事深某事深深印在脑海里深印在脑海里sth is impressed in(on) ones memory / mind 某某事深深印在脑海里事深深印在脑海里make / l

19、eave / create an impression on sb 给给留下印象留下印象give sb an impression 给给留下印象留下印象 3、add to 使增使增强强,使,使扩扩大大 addto 往往加加add up to总计为总计为,总总和是和是add fuel to the fire火上火上浇浇油油The bad weather only added to our difficulties.Please add some salt to the soup. The numbers added up to exactly 100. He added that the imp

20、ortance to rid the world of hunger should be emphasized. 恶恶劣的天气只是增加了我劣的天气只是增加了我们们的困的困难难。 请请往往汤汤里加点里加点盐盐。 这这些数字些数字总总和正好和正好100。 他他补补充充说说明,消除世界明,消除世界饥饿饥饿的重要性要再加的重要性要再加强强调调。 added adj. 额额外的;附加的;增添的外的;附加的;增添的 addition n. 除此之外;除此之外; 另外另外 in addition (to) 除此之外除此之外The visiting Minister expressed his satisfa

21、ction with the talks, _ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. addedCadd作伴随状作伴随状语语,在,在这这里表示里表示“补补充充说说”。The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew. A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made upA句意:“轮船的发动机出了故障和恶

22、劣的天气增加了船员的无助。” 考查词组辨析。added to 增加; resulted from 由引起; turned out 生产;结果证明; made up 构成,组成。根据根据语语境用境用add的适当短的适当短语语填空填空The said it was not easy to manage a company,_ that the financial crisis _ the difficulties. The week before, he _all the expenses and the total _ more than 100,000 yuan. addingadded to

23、added upadded up to1、 give out 散散发发,用光,分,用光,分发发,筋疲力尽,筋疲力尽The flowers in the garden give out a pleasant smell.After climbing up to the top of the mountain, I gave out. In order to go to school, the 7yearold boy made money by giving out leaflets in the street. 花园里的花散花园里的花散发发出怡人的芳香。出怡人的芳香。 在我爬上山在我爬上山顶顶

24、之后,我就筋疲力尽了。之后,我就筋疲力尽了。 这这个个7岁岁的小男孩的小男孩为为了上学在街上了上学在街上发传单赚钱发传单赚钱。give sth. back 将某事物将某事物归还归还原主;原主; 恢复,回复恢复,回复give away 赠赠送;分送;分发发(奖奖品等品等);让让与;泄露,暴露与;泄露,暴露give up 放弃;投案;投降放弃;投案;投降give over 交托;移交;交出交托;移交;交出give (sth.) off 发发出,放出出,放出(烟,气味,光烟,气味,光线线等等)give in 屈服,屈服,让让步,投降;呈交步,投降;呈交What shall we use for po

25、wer when all the oil in the world has _? A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used upA用适当的用适当的词词填空填空This fire doesnt seem to be giving _ much heat.The authorities showed no signs of giving _ to the kidnappers demands.Her patience finally gave _.The doctors had given her _ but she made a remarkable

26、recovery.The news of the Presidents death was given _ in a radio broadcast.The expression on her face gave her _.offinoutupawayaway2、put forward 调调快快(钟钟表,表,时间时间),提出,提出(观观点、点、议议案案等以供人考等以供人考虑虑或或讨论讨论),推荐,推荐The clock slows down. Please put forward the hands of it. 钟钟慢了,慢了,请请把指把指针调针调快些。快些。She has decided

27、 to put her name / put herself forward as a candidate. 她打算推荐自己作她打算推荐自己作为为候候选选人。人。The ideas you put forward deserve serious consideration. 你提出的那些想法你提出的那些想法值值得得认认真考真考虑虑一下。一下。 put / set / lay aside 搁搁置一旁;置一旁; 把把(钱钱,时间时间等等)留留存起来,存起来,储储蓄;蓄; 抑制抑制(愤愤怒等怒等);忽;忽视视(忠告等忠告等)put away 收拾起来,放好;收拾起来,放好; 储储蓄蓄put asid

28、eput on 穿上;穿上; 增加增加(速度,体重等速度,体重等); 上演上演put out 伸出;伸出; 扑扑灭灭; 生生产产put together 组组合,拼凑合,拼凑put up 举举起;起; 建造,挂起;建造,挂起; 提高提高(价价钱钱)put up with 容忍容忍Its reported that Changsha has _ the general plan for citybuilding. A. put out B. put forward C. put up D. put awayB【运用提升运用提升】 .从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入四个选项中,选出可以填

29、入空白处的最佳选项。空白处的最佳选项。()1.Please come and see me when _.Ayou are convenientBtime is convenientCit is convenient for youDit is convenient with you1C。It is convenient for sb “对某人来说很方便对某人来说很方便”。 ()2.I dont think anyone in our office can _me of not being honesty.Acharge BridCrob Daccuse2D。accuse sb of (doi

30、ng) sth就某事控告某人;就某事控告某人;charge sb with sth指控某人指控某人;rob sb of sth抢劫某人抢劫某人;rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱使某人摆脱。句意句意“我认为办公室没有人控诉我不诚实。我认为办公室没有人控诉我不诚实。”()3.The man attempts to escape _ every time he breaks the traffic rules.Ato punish Bto be punishCpunishing Dbeing punished 3D。escape doing sth “逃避逃避;避免;避免”,ving分词逻辑主

31、语是句子的主语,分词逻辑主语是句子的主语,故用被动。句意故用被动。句意“那个人每次违反交通规则那个人每次违反交通规则后都企图逃避惩罚。后都企图逃避惩罚。”()4.I think we will _ the RealCine experience this weekend.Abe amazing by Bbe amazed withCbe amazing at Dbe amazed by4D。be amazed at / by sth“对对感到惊感到惊奇,奇, 被被吓一跳吓一跳”。 ()5.Its known that the brain performs a very important _,

32、 which controls the central nervous system of the body.Aaction BfunctionCfact Dmovement5B。句意。句意“众所周知,大脑有个非常重要的众所周知,大脑有个非常重要的功能,那就是控制全身的神经系统。功能,那就是控制全身的神经系统。” ()6.He didnt want to risk _ wet as he had only one suit.Agetting Bto getCgot Dget6A。risk doing sth冒险干某事。句意冒险干某事。句意“他只他只有一件衣服,不想冒被淋湿的风险。有一件衣服,不

33、想冒被淋湿的风险。”【运用提升运用提升】 .从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。入空白处的最佳选项。()1.After supper she would sit by the fire sometimes for_an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.Aas long as Bas soon asCas much as Das many as1A。as long as “长达长达”。句意。句意“晚饭后,晚饭后,她常常在炉火旁坐上一个小时,回忆年轻时她常常在炉火旁坐上一个小时,回忆年轻时的幸福时光

34、。的幸福时光。” ()2.Some enterprises in the coastal area have _ because of the financial crisis.Aclosed down Bput downCshut down on Dslowed down2A。closed down“(企业、商店等企业、商店等)关门、倒闭关门、倒闭”。句意。句意“因为金融危机,沿海地区有些企业因为金融危机,沿海地区有些企业已经停产。已经停产。” ()3.To enjoy the scenery, Sara would spend long hours on the train _ trave

35、l by air.Aas to Bother thanCinstead of Drather than3D。rather than “而不是而不是”,other than “除了除了”,as to “关于关于”。句意。句意“为为了欣赏风景,了欣赏风景,Sara常常愿意花较长的时常常愿意花较长的时间坐火车,而不乘飞机。间坐火车,而不乘飞机。” ()4.On Christmas Eve, we put up some balloons to _ the festival atmosphere.Amake for Badd upCadd to Djoin in4C。add to “增加,增强增加,增

36、强”;add up “加加起来,合计起来,合计”;make for “有助于,有助于, 有利有利于于”;join in “参加参加(某种活动某种活动)”。句意。句意 “圣诞前夕,我们施放气球以增加节日氛围。圣诞前夕,我们施放气球以增加节日氛围。” ()5.We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn t quite _ as planned.Afind out Bgive outChand out Dwork out5D。考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。find out “查明,查明,发现,了解发现,了解”;give out “

37、分发;筋疲力尽;分发;筋疲力尽;用完用完”;hand out “分发分发”;work out “算出;算出;结果是结果是”。句意。句意“我们本想中午前完成任务,我们本想中午前完成任务,但结果并没像计划的那样。但结果并没像计划的那样。”1I didnt get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone _.2Both the headsets and the gloves _ the RealCine computer system.3Upon arriving at the destination, the young w

38、orkers _their work with great enthusiasm.4An argument has been _ that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.in a flash are connected to set about put forward .根据句意,从所提供的词组中选择恰当的词组填入相关的根据句意,从所提供的词组中选择恰当的词组填入相关的句中。注意词形的变化。句中。注意词形的变化。5To _ the virtual world of RealCine,sm

39、ells are given out through small opening in the headsets.6Well have a good look at The Oriental Pearl TV Tower that you see towering _ there.7Let us _ our plan _. Without action the plan is just an empty promise.8Nowadays many IT workers _ piracy of various soft wares.add to in the distance into act

40、ion putwere accused of 9It was agreed this could be more easily done _ a dam.10The rubbish at the corner _ the worst smell. We should get rid of it as soon as possible.with the aid of gave off关关键键句型及句型及惯惯用法用法1However, in many ways virtual reality seems more like a toy rather than a useful technology

41、. (P45, L56)译:然而,在很多方面,虚拟现实似乎更像玩具而不是一译:然而,在很多方面,虚拟现实似乎更像玩具而不是一门有用的技术。门有用的技术。rather than“而不是而不是”,接名,接名词词、代、代词词或或动动 词词原形,相当原形,相当于于instead of或或in place of。I,rather than he,should be responsible for this failure. 该该对这对这次失次失败负责败负责的是我,而不是他。的是我,而不是他。I,rather than he,_ to blame. amMany companies, it seems,

42、would also prefer computers to get cheaper rather than more powerful. 许许多公司似乎也宁愿要更便宜的多公司似乎也宁愿要更便宜的电脑电脑而而不是更不是更强强大的功能。大的功能。Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad,he sold them at half price. 他将蔬菜半价他将蔬菜半价卖卖掉,而不掉,而不是是让让菜坏掉。菜坏掉。思考思考:rather有哪些习惯用语和搭配?有哪些习惯用语和搭配?_【答案答案】rather 构成的习惯用语及搭配形式:构成的习惯用语及搭配形式:

43、would rather do.than do.宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做or rather 更确切地说更确切地说would rather (not)do.宁愿宁愿(不不)做做【趁趁热热打打铁铁】中中译译英:英:我宁可死也不会向我宁可死也不会向敌敌人屈服。人屈服。_他他们们宁可重复以前的宁可重复以前的经历经历也不愿意也不愿意进进行新的行新的冒冒险险。_They prefer to repeat their former experiences rather than take new risks.I woul

44、d rather die than surrender to the enemy.我宁愿喝我宁愿喝红红酒而不愿喝啤酒。酒而不愿喝啤酒。_她当了秘她当了秘书书,确切地,确切地讲讲,是私人助理。,是私人助理。_She worked as a secretary,or rather,a personal assistant.I should prefer red wine rather than beer.2It is of chief importance to our future and to the future of our nationfor us to learn how to use

45、 information technology, so we really need to update the computers and other equipment. (P53, L1719)译:我们学会如何使用信息技术,对我们的未来译:我们学会如何使用信息技术,对我们的未来以及对我们国家的未来来说非常重要,因此以及对我们国家的未来来说非常重要,因此我们确实需要更新电脑和其它设备。我们确实需要更新电脑和其它设备。be of chief importance表示主语的性质,相当于表示主语的性质,相当于be greatly important。What the students do in

46、 their spare time is of great importance. 学生学生们们在在课课余余时间时间的活的活动动是至是至关重要的。关重要的。“be of (great / little / some / any / no / much /.)抽象名抽象名词词”结结构,表示主构,表示主语语的性的性质质,相当于,相当于“be形容形容词词”。该结该结构中常用的名构中常用的名词词有有use,value,importance,help,benefit等。等。Sports and games can be of great value.Sports and games can be ver

47、y valuable. 体育运体育运动动是很有价是很有价值值的。的。It is of no use.It is not useful.It is useless.这这没有用。没有用。思考思考:“be of 名词名词”除了上面所讲的抽象除了上面所讲的抽象名词外,还有哪些?和上面的用法有何不同名词外,还有哪些?和上面的用法有何不同?_【答案答案】(1)be of集合名词或其它类型的名词,相当于集合名词或其它类型的名词,相当于belong to或或have。of表示归属关系或表示归属关系或“有有”的意思。的意思。The army and the people are of one family.Th

48、e army and the people belong to one family.军民是一家。军民是一家。(2)be of后接表示年龄、颜色、形状、高度等的名后接表示年龄、颜色、形状、高度等的名词,表示主语的属性,名词前可有词,表示主语的属性,名词前可有a / an, different等词修饰。常用于该结构的名词有:等词修饰。常用于该结构的名词有:kind, age, colour, size, height, shape, type, way, price等。等。Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind. 其其中几张邮票是不同种类的。

49、中几张邮票是不同种类的。The two coins are of different sizes and weights. 这这两枚硬币不一样大,重量也不一样。两枚硬币不一样大,重量也不一样。(3)be of 物质名词,表示主语是由某种材料制成物质名词,表示主语是由某种材料制成或由某种成分构成,相当于或由某种成分构成,相当于 be made of,be built of,be made up of 等。等。The necklace is of glass.这条项链是由玻璃制成的。这条项链是由玻璃制成的。【趁趁热热打打铁铁】句型句型转换转换:China and India are of deve

50、loping countries.China and India _ _ developing countries.Our class is of over 50 students, most of whom are girls.Our class _ _ _ _ 50 students, most of whom are girls.belong tois made up of中中译译英:英:这这两个男孩年两个男孩年龄龄一一样样大。大。_ The two boys are of an / the same age.3Immediately, he got his things packed

51、and went to Iceland, forcing his nephew Axel to go with him. (P58, L34) 译:他立即收拾行李启程去冰岛,还强迫他的侄子译:他立即收拾行李启程去冰岛,还强迫他的侄子阿克塞尔和他同行。阿克塞尔和他同行。(1)“ get sth(宾语宾语) 过去分词过去分词(宾语补足语宾语补足语)” 意为意为“让让 / 叫叫 / 使使 / 请别人做某事请别人做某事”。宾语。宾语sth 后面用过后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth与过去分词表示的动与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系。相当于作之间是被动关系。相当于have

52、sth done。思考思考:“get 宾语宾语ved分词分词”和和“get ved分词分词”用法相同吗?如果不同,区别在哪?用法相同吗?如果不同,区别在哪?_【答案答案】“get sth(宾语宾语) 过去分词过去分词”结构中,结构中,ved分词分词做宾补,和宾语之间有被动关系。做宾补,和宾语之间有被动关系。The patient is going to get his temperature taken. 病病人准备让人量体温。人准备让人量体温。“get ved分词分词”是一种被动语态,往往表示一种是一种被动语态,往往表示一种突然的、未曾料到的偶发事件或事故。突然的、未曾料到的偶发事件或事故。

53、常用于该结构的有:常用于该结构的有:get killed被杀;被杀;get changed更换衣服;更换衣服;get dressed 穿衣;穿衣;get separated分别分别/分手;分手;get paid支付报酬;支付报酬;get lost失踪;失踪;get stuck in陷入;陷入;get hurt受伤等。受伤等。He got_killed when he was crossing the road. 过马路时他被车撞过马路时他被车撞死了。死了。Cleaners in big cities get paid by the hour. 大城市的清洁工是以大城市的清洁工是以小时计付报酬的

54、。小时计付报酬的。另外,另外, “get 过去分词过去分词”与与“be 过去分词过去分词”在构成被动结构在构成被动结构时的区别:时的区别:前者侧重表示动作,而后者既可表动作又可表状态,有时有歧前者侧重表示动作,而后者既可表动作又可表状态,有时有歧义。义。The chair got broken yesterday. 昨天这把椅子被弄坏了。昨天这把椅子被弄坏了。(表动作表动作)The chair was broken yesterday.昨天这把椅子是坏的。昨天这把椅子是坏的。(表状态表状态)【运用提升运用提升】 从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳

55、选项。处的最佳选项。()1.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he_ more on its culture.Afocus BfocusedCwould focus Dhad focused1B。would rather后应用虚拟语气,表示与现后应用虚拟语气,表示与现在时间相反,用动词的过去式。在时间相反,用动词的过去式。 ()2.There were so many people shopping in the mall that we _ soon after we enter

56、ed it.Agot lost Bgot involvedCgot separated Dgot concerned2C。get separated“分开;走散分开;走散”。句意。句意“商场里购物的人太多,我们一进去就走散了。商场里购物的人太多,我们一进去就走散了。”()3.Even on a cold day he prefers _ out to play football _at home.Agoing; rather stay Bgoing; to stayingCto go; rather than staying Dto do; rather than to stay 3B。pre

57、fer doing sth to doing sth或或prefer to do sth rather than do sth“宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿”。句。句意意“甚至在寒冷的日子他也宁愿出去踢足球而不甚至在寒冷的日子他也宁愿出去踢足球而不愿呆在家里。愿呆在家里。”()4.Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English_ in a short period.Aimproved BimprovingCto improve Dimprove4A。考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。have在此

58、处为使在此处为使役动词,役动词,“使,让使,让”,后可接,后可接do,doing或或done作宾补,宾语作宾补,宾语her written English与与improve之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词作宾补。作宾补。 ()5.These two swimming pools are of _ size. But another two are twice _size of them.Athe; the Ba; theCa; a Dthe; a5B。be of a sizebe the same size;twice the size of.是倍数比较结构,表示是

59、倍数比较结构,表示“的的两倍大两倍大”。句意。句意“这两个游泳池一样大,但这两个游泳池一样大,但另外两个是他们的两倍大。另外两个是他们的两倍大。” ()6.I would rather that she _ with her friends than stay alone in holidays.Atravel by train Btraveled by trainCtravels by train Dtraveling by train6B。该句考查的是。该句考查的是would rather (that) 接接从句的用法,从句的用法,would rather 之后出现的从句之后出现的从句必须

60、使用虚拟语气。该从句表示的是对将来必须使用虚拟语气。该从句表示的是对将来情况的假设,从句应该用一般过去时,故选情况的假设,从句应该用一般过去时,故选B。句意。句意“我宁可她假期和朋友坐火车旅行我宁可她假期和朋友坐火车旅行也不愿她独自呆着。也不愿她独自呆着。”.Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and DChoose the one that best completes the sentence.()1.Sarah, hurry up. Im

61、 afraid you wont have time to _ before the party.Aget changed Bget changeCget changing Dget to change1A。get changed换衣服。换衣服。 ()2.The thief had tried to _ through a secret tunnel, but was caught.Aescape BremoveCfloat Dflow2A。句意。句意“小偷企图通过秘密通道逃跑,但被小偷企图通过秘密通道逃跑,但被抓了回来。抓了回来。” ()3.Thomson was _of having st

62、olen a famous painting worth $100 million by Da Vinci.Aaccused BchargedCpunished Dscolded3A。考查动词短语辨析。由题干中介词。考查动词短语辨析。由题干中介词of可可以判断只有以判断只有accuse 才和才和of 搭配。其他三项的搭搭配。其他三项的搭配为:配为:charge.with.;punish.for.;scold.for.。 ()4.Flight CA 223_.Id better be on my way.Goodbye.Bye.Happy landing!Awas announced Bis b

63、eing announcedChas announced Dis announced4B。从语境上判断,两个人在告别,马上就。从语境上判断,两个人在告别,马上就要登机,因此是航班要登机,因此是航班“正在被宣布正在被宣布”,用现在,用现在进行时的被动形式。进行时的被动形式。 ()5._ picking up the phone,I recognized her voice.AUpon BAtCWith DAs5A。Upon picking up the phoneAs soon as I picked up the phone。 ()6.Im sorry to learn that your d

64、ear grandmother has _.I remember she was so friendly when I went to your home last year.Apassed away Bpassed downCpassed on Dpassed through6A。pass away去世;去世;pass down把把向下传向下传递,一个人接一个人地往下传;递,一个人接一个人地往下传;pass on 传递;传递;pass through穿过穿过(透过,流过,通过透过,流过,通过)。 ()7.He appears careless,but _,he is a very caref

65、ul person.Alast but not least Bside by sideCin reality Das well7C。last but not least最后但同样重要的是最后但同样重要的是(列举列举最后一项时用最后一项时用);side by side肩并肩地;肩并肩地;as well也;也;in reality事实上。据上下文,事实上。据上下文,C为最佳答案。为最佳答案。 ()8.If your race car isnt insured,you may _ losing everything when it hits something solid.Adelay BdenyC

66、avoid Drisk8D。risk doing sth“冒冒风险风险”。句意。句意“如果你的跑车不投保的话,一旦撞到硬物,你如果你的跑车不投保的话,一旦撞到硬物,你可能有失去一切的风险。可能有失去一切的风险。” ()9.The opening ceremony of our school sports meeting is impressed _ my mind.Ato BoverCby Don9D。be impressed on ones mind让某人印让某人印象深刻。象深刻。 ()10.He was _ as a salesman in Samsung Company,but was

67、soon _ because of his mistakes.Aemployed;firing Bemployed;firedCto employ;firing Dto employ;fired10B。由句意可知,两空都要用被动语态,因此。由句意可知,两空都要用被动语态,因此选选B。 ()11._and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.ATo be tired BTiredCTiring DBeing tired11B。句意:。句意:“Andy和和Ruby第一个登上泰山第一个登

68、上泰山山顶,疲惫不堪,气喘吁吁山顶,疲惫不堪,气喘吁吁”。据句子结构分。据句子结构分析,空里填的词应与析,空里填的词应与short of breath并列作结果并列作结果状语,主语是人,因此用过去分词形式状语,主语是人,因此用过去分词形式tired。 ()12.Li Hua was _to see so many _people in a small town.Aamazing;amazing Bamazing;amazedCamazed;amazed Damazed;amazing12D。be amazed to do sth“做某事感到吃惊做某事感到吃惊”,amazing people“了

69、不起的人了不起的人”。句意。句意“在小在小镇里看到这么多了不起的人,李华感到很吃惊。镇里看到这么多了不起的人,李华感到很吃惊。” ()13.Why does the air smell so terrible here?Well,because across the river_several factories and they each_fertilizer.Alie;make Blies;makesCare;makes Dis;make13A。本题考查主谓一致和倒装。第一空是全。本题考查主谓一致和倒装。第一空是全部倒装句,主语是部倒装句,主语是several factories,故动词用

70、复,故动词用复数。第二空主语是数。第二空主语是they,故动词用复数。,故动词用复数。 ()14.Its about time that we _actions and its the first time that we_it seriously.Atake;took Btook;had takenCtook;have taken Dtake;have taken14C。本题考查句型的时态。本题考查句型的时态。its time that从句从句中用过去式或中用过去式或should加动词原形。加动词原形。its the first time that从句中用现在完成式。从句中用现在完成式。 (

71、)15.Look! Its snowing outside.Yes,it is the second time we _ snow this week.Aare having BhaveChave had Dhad had15C。Its the first / second time(that).从句从句中谓语动词用现在完成时。中谓语动词用现在完成时。.Directions:Complete the following sentences by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.16Since peop

72、le are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation _ anywhere else.17If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on _.18Keep _your courage. Failure is the mother of success. as ourselves up 19He made another wonderful discovery, _ I think is of great importance to scien

73、ce.20Caught _a heavy rain,he was wet all over.21In Englishspeaking countries,a person _ a large vocabulary is compared to a walking dictionary.22He seemed very young,but he was in reality _than all of us.23All the factories around here were closed _in the 1980s.which in with older down 24When _comes

74、 to his wife,he talked a lot.25After more than ten minutes break, the speaker took up the story from _ he left off (中止中止)it where .Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Christmas gains increasing attention in China. Christmas car

75、ds become popular 38._ students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas gifts. Many TV programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder 39._ Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.whether / if with /among This w

76、orry is unnecessary. 40._? One reason lies in the fact 41._ Christmas only affects Christians and college students. 42._reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in the countryside show interest in this foreign festival. 43._ contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influen

77、tial traditional festival in every family.Why that Another By / In I think,its natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,many Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should 44. neglect our traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome 45._ beginning of a new year. And well treasure the Spring Festival forever.never /notthe



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