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1、译林译林版英语四年级版英语四年级 下下册册知识点复习知识点复习一、介词at,in,on的用法at +时间、时间、nightatoneoclockatthreefifteen,atnightin +早下晚、季节早下晚、季节inthemorning/afternoon/eveninginspring,insummeron +星期、星期、dayonSundayonMondayeveningonmybirthday例题:1.在周三上午2.在晴朗的一天3.在8点起床4.在春天去划船onWednesdaymorningonasunny/finedaygetupateightgoboatinginsprin

2、g二、主语为第三人称单数主语为第三人称单数,动词变为三单形式动词变为三单形式第三人称单数是指第三人称单数是指【他,她,它他,她,它】一般在动词后加s,make变makes特殊的:特殊的: have变变has例题例题【他他he,她,她she,它,它it】the boy, Su Hai, my father,your mother, his shirt5.David_(have)afever.6.Hisbrother _(draw)somepictures.7.Mysister_(have)lunchattwelve.heshehesheithasdrawshas三、在can, cant, don

3、t, lets后面加动词原形动词原形。例题8.Shecan_(have)lunchattwelve.9.Hecant_(come)toschooltoday.10.Dont_(swim)intheriver.11.Dontgo_(swim)intheriver.12.Lets_(play)football.havecomeswimplayswimming四、四、some一般用于肯定句肯定句, 如:13.Icansee (some)cakesonthetable.any一般用于疑问句疑问句和否定句否定句中,如14.Doyouhave_(some)cakes?15.Wedonthave (some

4、)lessonsonSaturday.特殊情况:特殊情况:表示期望得到别人肯定的回答,疑问句中也用some16.Wouldyoulike_cakes?17.CanIhave_water?somesomesomeanyany五、星期日至星期六Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday注意每周的注意每周的第一天是第一天是星期日星期日,最后一天是最后一天是星期六星期六ThefirstdayofaweekisSunday.一周的第一天是星期天。ThelastdayofaweekisSaturday.一周的最后一天是星期六。书写的时候

5、注意首字母要大写,注意区分周二周二Tuesday和周四周四Thursday,易考易混淆六、学科类单词首字母要大写首字母要大写We have Art and Music this afternoon.18. We have _ Art lesson.19. He has _ English lesson.20. I have two Chinese _.ananlessons七、Its time to/for. 句型Its time to + 动词动词. 21. Its time to have a PE lesson. Its time for + 名词名词. 22. Its time for

6、 PE.八、want / would like句型want / would like + 名词名词 I want a football.Id like a hamburger.want / would like to +动词动词I want to go to bed.Id like to watch TV.例题23. He _(want) a sandwich.24. I want _ (fly ) kites in spring.25. Id like _ (have) dinner now.wantsto flyto have九、九、in the tree表示外来物在树上,如小鸟、猴子、气

7、球等。on the tree 表示长在树上的东西,如树叶、果实等。26. I can see some birds _ the tree.27. I can see some apples_ the tree. in on 十、go to school 去学校 go to bed 去睡觉去睡觉 go to the playground 去操场go to the party 去聚会去聚会home,here,there前面不加togo home回家回家come here 过来过来go there 去那去那十一、How many birdscanyousee?Icanseethree.What ca

8、nyousee?Icanseesomebirds.How many lessons do we have this morning? What lessons do we have this morning?We have (听力易考注意听清问的是“有多少”还是“什么”)十二、Are you?Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Yes, we are./ No, we arent. Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Yes, we can./ No, we cant.Do you? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Yes, we d

9、o./ No, we dont. 十三、What time is it?/ Whats the time? 28. Its six oclock. When / what time do you get up? 29. At six oclock. (听力和对话配对易考,注意区分回答)十四、区分(必考点)(必考点)subject和lesson subject指的是某一门课程,学科指的是某一门课程,学科30. What subjects do you like? 你喜欢什么课程?lesson指的是上的课指的是上的课31. What lessons do you have this morning

10、? 你今天早上有什么课?十五、十五、be动词分为动词分为is ,am ,are我是我是am,你是,你是are, is连着他她它连着他她它单数用单数用is,复数全用复数全用are32. He_ thirsty.33. I _ tired.34._ you hungry?35._ your sister ill?36. Helen and Mike _(not) at home.isAreamIsarentshebe动词是指am, is, are。我是am,你是are,is连着他她它,单数用is,复数全用are如:(1)Iam=Imverycold.(2)She/He/David isveryho

11、t.(3)Thecatisveryhungry.(4)Itisafineday.(5)Whosedressisthis?(6)We/They areill.(7)Thesecakesareverynice.(8)Myfatherandmotherareathomenow.十六、大部分以元音字母“aeiou”开头的单词前用“ an” 表示,其余都是用“ a ” 表示。anapple一个苹果anelephant一头大象an orangecoat一件橙色外套an icecream一个冰淇淋have an Artlesson上/有一节美术课an Englishbook一本英语书anegg一个鸡蛋十七、

12、名词复数1.大部分情况下,名词复数直接加s,book-books2.以s,x,ch,sh结尾加esdress-dressesbox-boxespeach-peaches3.以辅音字母加y结尾,去y变i加inglibrary-librariesbaby-babiesstudy-studies4.部分以o结尾的词加esmango-mangoes5.特殊:man-mensnowman-snowmen十八、Whatsthematter?怎么啦?当你发现有人不开心或者沮丧,想知道对方出了什么状况我们可以用此提问,表示关心。Whats the matter? Im ill. I have a cold.当

13、明确询问某人或某物时,在matter后面加上with-Whatsthematterwith you?-Imthirsty.-Whatsthematterwith your toy car?-Itcantmove.Whats the matter with +宾格宾格?如:Whatsthematterwithme(我)/us(我们)you(你,你们)/him(他)/ her (她)/it(它)/them (他们)十九、Good night.是睡觉前的用语,意为“晚安”晚间分别或睡觉前晚间分别或睡觉前都用都用Good night. 晚间见面时晚间见面时都用都用Good evening. 二十、a

14、pair of 后面常接两类名词,一类是由两个相连接部分组成,如trousers, jeans, shorts等;另一种是成双成对使用的物品,如shoes, socks, gloves等。a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤two pairs of shorts两条短裤37. Here _ your jeans.38. Here _ a pair of jeans.isare二十一、all right是个固定词组,可以表示对别人的意见或者建议的赞同意思为“好好”“”“行行”“”“可以可以”-Lets go and play table tennis. 我们去打乒乓球吧。-All righ

15、t. 好啊。all right还可以用于表示身体健康身体健康的意思,如:Im all right. 我很好。OK-Are you all right, Bobby? 你好吗,博比?-Yes.二十二、see,watch,look的区别(1)see是“看见,看到”的意思,强调看的结果结果。39.Can you _ a cake over there? (2)Look通常用来引起对方注意,强调看的动作动作。40. _,Thats my father. 如果表示看人或物看人或物时,则用lookat41. _the boy. (3)watch强调“专注”地看,意思是“观看”“注视”常用来指看电视、球赛或

16、戏剧等移动着的画面或物体。42. I usually _a football match on TV.seeLookLook atwatch二十三、区分二十三、区分listen 听(强调动作)听(强调动作) 与与to搭配搭配 listen tohear 听到听到,听见听见 (强调结果)(强调结果)43. _some English44. Im sorry to _that.listen to hear二十四、speak通话,与to搭配45. May I _ Miss Li?46. Hello, this is Helen _.说某种语言的能力47.Can you _ English?say说4

17、8. I cant _ anything.talk交谈,谈论49. Dont _ in the library.speak to speakingspeaksaytalk二十五、who 谁谁 whos 是谁是谁 whose 谁的谁的50._is he?51._that boy?52._ gloves are these? Who WhosWhose 二十五、whose 谁的谁的Whosedressisit/this/that?结构:Whose+单数单数+isit/this/that?Itsmysisters.ItsHelens.(在人名后加上s)Whosejeansarethey/these/

18、those?结构:Whose+复数复数+arethey/these/those?Theyaremysisters.二十六、here be句型53. Here_some water for you. (液体类单词不可数,be动词用is.)here is= heres54. Here _ some apples for you.55. Here _ a pencil and some books.isareis二十七、56.hear 同音词同音词 here 57.pair同音词同音词 pear 58. whose(谁的)同音词(谁的)同音词whos(是谁)(是谁) 59. a lot of = m

19、any 许多许多 60.when= what time 什么时候什么时候61. after (之后之后)反义词反义词before(之前)(之前)62. come 反义词反义词go 二十八情态动词can的用法:表示“会,能”后面接动词原形肯定句:They can play basketball.否定句:They cant play basketball. 一般疑问句:Can they play basketball? Yes, they can.特殊疑问句:What can they do? 二十九、动名词动名词(动词通过加动词通过加ing的方式变成名词的方式变成名词)63. Before _(

20、have) lunch, lets _ (draw) some pictures. _(draw) is great fun !64. Do you like _(sing)?65. We go _(skate) in winter. havingdrawDrawingsingingskating三十、三十、cold一词多义一词多义cold可以做形容词“冷的”如:Im cold. He is cold.cold也可以做名词“感冒” I have a cold. He has a cold. be + 形容词形容词 have/has + 疾病名词疾病名词 三十一、注意区分两种句型:感觉类形容词:

21、感觉类形容词:thirsty/hungry/tired/happy/sad/ill/cold/warm/hot句型:句型: 主语主语 + be + 形容词。形容词。66. I _ thirsty. 67. He_ ill.68. _Su Yang hungry?69. We _(not) tired.amisIsarent三十一、注意区分两种句型:疾病类名词疾病类名词:a cold 、a cough、a fever、a headache句型:主语+have/has+a/an疾病类名词。 70. I _ (have) a fever. 71. He_ (have) a bad cough. 72

22、. _you have a headache? 73. We _(not have) a cold. havehasDodont have三十二、What和how用于感叹句1How形容词/副词 How nice! 2Whataan形容词名词What a big cake!What名词短语(复)!What beautiful flowers !那些花多美啊!那些花多美啊! 三十三、时间短语74.I have four lessons_. (在周二在周二)75.I have four lessons_ (在周二上午在周二上午)77.I have four lessons_ (今天上午今天上午)78.I have four lessons_ (每个上午每个上午)79.I have four lessons_ (今天今天/明天明天)on Tuesdayon Tuesday morningtoday/tomorrowthis morningevery morning



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