Chapter Four Letter writing

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1、Chapter Four Chapter Four LetterLetter Writing Writing-Lettersareimportantmeansofcommunication.Goodletter-writingskillsinvolveappropriateuseoflanguage,goodorganizationofcontentandappropriatestyleandtone.-Accordingtothedifferent purposes of writing,lettersmaybeclassifiedintotwomaintypes:socialcorresp

2、ondenceandbusinessletters.I The layout of a letterThe heading;The inside address;The salutation;The body;The complimentary close;The signature.Part 1: The heading1. The parts of the heading:-the full address of the writer and the date of the letter2. The location of the heading:-in the top right-han

3、d corner (blocked or indented style) or the top left hand corner (often in block style);3. The punctuation: -It may or may not have end punctuation It may or may not have end punctuation (Americans do not use any punctuation, but the (Americans do not use any punctuation, but the British usually use

4、 a comma after each line and a British usually use a comma after each line and a period after the last line).period after the last line). 4. Special occasion-For letter-head stationery is used, the writer only needs to put the date below the printed matter-two or three spaces below the printed matte

5、r.5. Arrangement of the address in the heading:-first line: the house number, the name of the street or road -second line: the name of the town or city, the name of the state or province, the postal code (second line);-last line: the name of the country 6. The date of the letter: -it can be the last

6、 line of the heading or two spaces below the address January 15, 1997 or January 15th, 1997 15 January, 1997 or 15th January, 1997 15 January 1997 or 15th January 1997 Herearetwoexamplesoftheheading:平头式(平头式(Block style): 1575 Oak Avenue, Apt.75 Evanston, Illinois 60201 U.S.A. Oct.7, 2000缩行式缩行式(Inden

7、ted style): Foreign Languages Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, P.R.China, 8 Nov., 2000. Myaddress:Room915,ForeignLanguagesDepartment,HeilongjiangInstituteofScienceandTechnology,#1TangchangStreet,SongbeiDistrict,Harbin,Heilongjiang150027,P.R.China,25Feb.,2008.(Note: If ther

8、e are too many words in one item, arrange them on two or more lines but indent them. ) Part 2: The inside address1. Parts of it: -full name with title and full address of the person you are writing to;2. Location: -It should be below the date line against the left margin.3. The acceptable abbreviati

9、ons: 1) Before the name: Mr. (pl. Messers) Mrs. (pl. Mmes.) Miss Ms. Dr. e.g. Mr. John Smith / Prof. John Smith / Dr. Mark Brown Miss Elizabeth Henry 2) After the name: Jr. Sr. Esq. Ph.D. e.g. Henry Barker, Esq. (英) 亨利.巴克先生 Jack Horn, Jr./ Paul Harvey,Sr. William Kramer, Ph.D. 4. How to address your

10、 letter: a. If you know the receiver -use full name and title e.g. Mr. James Allen b. If you are not sure of the receiver -use the name of the organization concerned e.g. Harper & Giant Ltd. c. If you write to certain person but dont know his or her name -use the occupational title e.g. The Sales Ma

11、nager The Director The Secretary An example of inside address:Mr. James Allen Executive Secretary to the Chairman Martin & Simmons, Inc. 234 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 23456 U. S. A.Part 3: The Salutation1.The Definition -greeting to your addressee2. Location -two spaces below and should be in l

12、ine with the inside address3. What to put -The word “dear” is used to begin the salutation. First name, surname or full name (with or without title) of the addressee can be used according to your relationship with the recipient.4. Punctuation -comma or colon should be put after the salutatione.g. 1:

13、 Dear Mary, Dear Smith, Dear Mary Smith, Dear Ms. Smith, Dear Ms. Mary Smith, e.g. 2: Dear Prof. Black Dear Dr. Henry White Dear Sir or Dear Madam (if you dont know the name) Dear Sir or Madam (if you dont know the sex of your addressee) To Whom It May Concern (usually for reference letter, recommen

14、dation letter, expertise report, etc.)Part 4: The Body Location 1) two spaces below the salutation 2) indented (five letters to the right) or block style 3) single-spaced within paragraph double-spaced between paragraphsPart 5: The Complimentary CloseThe closing of a business letterComplimentary clo

15、seSignatureThe typed name1.Location -two spaces or so below the body of the letter on the right-hand side or left-hand side or in the center of the page2. Punctuation -a comma after the close3. First letter should be capitalized.4. The conventional complimentary closes: 1) in business letters: Yours

16、 truly, Truly yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Respectfully, Faithfully, etc. 2) in personal letters: Yours affectionately, Lovingly yours, Yours with love, With best wishes , etc.Part 6 The Signature1. Put it between the complimentary close and the typed name.2. Use pinyin spelling or Chine

17、se characters in ink.3. Sign your full name for business letters, your full name or your given name or even a nickname for personal letters.Note: Besides the six essential parts, a letter may also include some other items.1) Encloure(s) or Enc(s). or Encl(s). -signifies that the writer encloses some

18、 material in the envelope. e.g. Encl.:2 photos Encs. : Two letters of recommendation One application form One resume2) P.S. -Signifies the additione.g. P.S. Please send all the material by air mail.IIWhattoputontheenvolope?a.Thefullnameandthecompleteaddressofthereceiverinthecenteroftheenvolope;b. Th

19、e return address (the writers name and address) iswritten in the top left-hand corner of theenvelope;c.Stampsareputinthetopright-handcornerIII Exercises Exercise 1写出你的信头和寄往美国耶鲁大学写出你的信头和寄往美国耶鲁大学(Yale University)研究生院研究生院(Graduate School)录取办公室录取办公室(Registrar of Admission)Smith女士的信件的封内地址。女士的信件的封内地址。 Roo

20、m915,ForeignLanguagesDepartmentHeilongjiangInstituteofScienceandTechnology#1TangchangStreet,SongbeiDistrictHarbin,Heilongjiang150027P.R.China20Dec.,2007Ms SmithAdmissions OfficeThe Graduate SchoolThe Yale UniversityU.S.A.Exercise 2: Write the inside address美国马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts or Mass.)剑桥市(Cambridge)麻省理工学院计算机工程系John.Smith教授, 邮编:02139Mr. John. SmithCompuer Dept. Mass. Technological College Cambridge, Mass. 02139 U.S.A. Assignment(To be decided.)



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