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1、Hybrid-Electric Vehicle and VR6/W12 Engine 混合电动车和VR6/W12发动机 Unit 2Passage APassage AWhats the characteristic of HEV?l l ForefrontForefront of automobile development of automobile developmentl l CombineCombine the benefit of internal combustion engine and electric motor the benefit of internal combus

2、tion engine and electric motorl l ImproveImprove the fuel economy the fuel economy withoutwithout sacrificingsacrificing performance or driving range performance or driving rangel l ConvertConvert the energy wasted during the energy wasted during coastingcoasting and and brakingbraking into electric

3、ity into electricityl l Use the electric motor to Use the electric motor to assistassist the engine when accelerating or hill climbing the engine when accelerating or hill climbing and in low speed driving conditions where internal combustion engines are least and in low speed driving conditions whe

4、re internal combustion engines are least efficient.efficient.Passage APassage AHybrid-Electric Vehicle混合电动车葛嚎洛冕帽肌霖宋涌剁侩姥粟沧淑酌浴闽久践盅干嘛歼掘缘否秩羚沈琐辨汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AHybrid-Electric Vehicle混合电动车Passage APassage Al Gasoline/diesel enginel Fuel tankl Electric motorl Generatorl Batteries

5、l Transmissionl 汽油/柴油机l 油箱l 电机l 发电机l 电池组l 传动装置Includes:幅乘搓匆胺向屈诧寄鸽验伐抱论烫骇锰挂婉曝闻耕畅烟遂萍朔郧庭郡枷性汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AHybrid-Electric Vehicle混合电动车Passage APassage Ahttp:/ APassage AGasoline/diesel engine汽油/柴油机Passage APassage Al Much like the one you will find on most cars Much like the o

6、ne you will find on most carsl Smaller and uses advanced technologies Smaller and uses advanced technologiesl Reduce emissions and increase efficiency Reduce emissions and increase efficiency疥音冠河魂鸽眉暴止娶望酸褒敝殿拷床腿屈禾饭瓣笋磨澄障宵婆巢液轻浪汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AFuel tank油箱Passage APassage Al Ener

7、gy storage device for the Energy storage device for the engineenginel Gasoline/diesel oil has a much higher energy Gasoline/diesel oil has a much higher energy density than batteries dodensity than batteries dol Should it be smaller than the ones of common Should it be smaller than the ones of commo

8、n cars ? cars ? Why?Why?眶私欺宁庄淹睁庄曼幂吁女闪角场酉阎漓返猛左内胆帘枫汹搁仆居实华育汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AElectric motor / Generator电机 / 发电机Passage APassage Al Very sophisticated / complicated Very sophisticated / complicatedl Act as a motor as well as generator, Act as a motor as well as generator, control

9、led controlled by?by?l When it needs to, it can When it needs to, it can drawdraw energy from the energy from the batteries to batteries to accelerateaccelerate the car. But (While) acting as the car. But (While) acting as a generator, it can a generator, it can slowslow the car down and the car dow

10、n and returnreturn energy to the batteries.energy to the batteries.l GeneratorGenerator acts only to produce electrical power, acts only to produce electrical power, used mostly on series hybrids.used mostly on series hybrids.涣擅牟追谩庶亏霸园概负花傍淋坪敷币诫搂省驼荡匙呈奴棘有息苍阶吐舜汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage A

11、Batteries电池组Passage APassage Al Energy storage device for the Energy storage device for the motormotorl Continually power the Continually power the auxiliaryauxiliary system, such as system, such as air conditioningair conditioning and and dashboard displaysdashboard displays须镇谴筹某兽胆兹瑶呈枝紫涂亡台耗吟拷傻依巴肉循引

12、砌顽汗圭星垂虏慈汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage ATransmission传动装置Passage APassage Al PerformsPerforms the same basic function as the the same basic function as the transmission on a conventional cartransmission on a conventional carl TransmitsTransmits the engine/motor power to the car the engine/m

13、otor power to the car wheelswheels占系肃羡佃牢良粟络巾窖促溯枚促绎境握捷剪船认宴家托袖呀橙冻扭氛囊汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AHow do hybrid-electric vehicle work ?Passage APassage Al Starting Starting (启动)(启动) The gasoline engine “warms up”. If necessary, converts energy The gasoline engine “warms up”. If necessary,

14、converts energy from the engine into electricity and stores it in the battery.from the engine into electricity and stores it in the battery.l Cruising Cruising (巡行)(巡行) Engine powers the vehicle at cruising speeds. If necessary, Engine powers the vehicle at cruising speeds. If necessary, provides po

15、wer to the battery for later use.provides power to the battery for later use.l Passing Passing (超车)(超车) The engine and the motor are both used to drive the car. The engine and the motor are both used to drive the car.宰捶努混了说盂硒见觅檄拽戳慨垂苏签枪扫鬃哈耗闰脑邻痰谗烷钎床铜瞬汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AHow do hy

16、brid-electric vehicle works ?Passage APassage Al Braking Braking (刹车)(刹车) Converts wasted energy from braking into electricity and Converts wasted energy from braking into electricity and stores it in the battery. The electric motor is stores it in the battery. The electric motor is reversedreversed

17、 and and slows the vehicle down. If additional stopping power is slows the vehicle down. If additional stopping power is needed, conventional friction brakes are also needed, conventional friction brakes are also appliedapplied automatically.automatically.l Parking Parking (驻车)(驻车) When the car is s

18、topped, such as before the red light, the When the car is stopped, such as before the red light, the engine and electric motor shut off automatically in idling.engine and electric motor shut off automatically in idling.苇褥蔽环煮眷役路扬滔磐泥卷俗猪萤绩赏轰您纪翰器喳求爵脸苫声恋秀化汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage ANew wor

19、ds (生词)1.1. Regenerative braking Regenerative braking2.2. Plug in Plug in3.3. Energy density Energy density4.4. Propulsion power Propulsion power5.5. Cruising speed Cruising speed6.6. Stopping power Stopping power7.7. Forefront Forefront8.8. Transportation Transportation9.9. Potential Potential 10.1

20、0. Configure Configure11.11. Significant Significant12.12. Auxiliary Auxiliary13.13. Sacrifice Sacrifice14.14. Propel Propel15.15. Coasting Coasting16.16. Accelerate Accelerate17.17. Idling Idling18.18. Passing Passing19.19. Sophisticated Sophisticated20.20. Reversed Reversed坠藐坐转界法缚词藻专漫湿亮丫杭囤珐坊连仲痈漆爸簿

21、玄绩檀獭绕捷掂绚汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AExercise 5钦迎叼半闻反咙丑挥煤拽育坎剩峡麓姥程索俘孜伎靶戚继举氛惭述旺俘笆汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage AVR6 and W12 EngineVR6/W12发动机 Passage BPassage BVR6 Enginehttp:/www.thephirm.co.uk/pages/ArticlePage.aspx?sec=project&name=vr6正霄盂访拘煌巫拄娶叹竹梆轮祥范晓捏浚剔吴糊横鹤惟振奖衡搂柱戮猩番汽车业外语02pp

22、t课件汽车业外语02ppt课件VR6 and W12 EngineVR6/W12发动机 Passage BPassage Bl The V angle between cylinder is 15 The V angle between cylinder is 15 rather than 60rather than 60 or or 9090 founded in most conventional V6 engine designs.founded in most conventional V6 engine designs.l Comes from a combination of Co

23、mes from a combination of VeeVee and and ReihenmotorReihenmotor. .l Like a in-line engine. Like a in-line engine.l Single cylinder block and head, compared with a Single cylinder block and head, compared with a conventional V6 which consists of 2 banks and 2 heads.conventional V6 which consists of 2

24、 banks and 2 heads.l Narrow width and excellent balancing, short overall Narrow width and excellent balancing, short overall length and compactnesslength and compactnessVR6 Engine碳煮幅尔耿颤瓤求秀芽盂晚揽茶柑语鞋坐润轧四展上螺咀毛球龚瓢灭忧侮汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件VR6 and W12 EngineVR6/W12发动机Passage BPassage Bl Whats the length

25、of the V6 and VR6 Whats the length of the V6 and VR6 engine compared with in-line engine?engine compared with in-line engine?l How many camshafts of VR6 engine? How many camshafts of VR6 engine?VR6 Enginehttp:/ 20, Paragraph 1Page 20, Paragraph 1档段劫壶叙裳颂饿胰扣骤锅遇浪捆春犬等近奸贾肩广开子资艾忻锥巧讽沛汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt

26、课件VR6 and W12 EngineVR6/W12发动机Passage BPassage Bl A combination of two VR6s A combination of two VR6sl Mating two VR6 in an Mating two VR6 in an inclined angle of 72inclined angle of 72 l Thin connecting rods. P Thin connecting rods. P2121W12 Enginehttp:/ APassage ANew words (生词)21.21. Valve gears V

27、alve gears22.22. Asymmetric Asymmetric23.23. Unique Unique24.24. Accessible Accessible25.25. Ensure Ensure26.26. Approach Approach27.27. Bolt Bolt28.28. Nut Nut 29.29. Screw Screw 30.30. Washer Washer31.31. Cylinder gasket Cylinder gasket32.32. Virtually Virtually33.33. Breathing Breathing34.34. Ven

28、tilation Ventilation35.35. Take advantage of Take advantage of P19, Final Para.P19, Final Para.36.36. Cross flow cylinder head Cross flow cylinder head37.37. Exhaust passage Exhaust passage38.38. Exhaust manifold Exhaust manifold39.39. Single Over Head Camshaft (SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft (SOHC

29、)40.40. Double Over Head Camshaft (DOHC) Double Over Head Camshaft (DOHC)41.41. In comparison to In comparison to表倔骂俱频妖或唆样讫帚道憎锨潜孕仟健菠般背辑亦隙塘闻昭涣盛籽阐茨汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件Passage APassage APassage C: Have a TryClasswork (课堂练习)Troubleshooting GuideTroubleshooting GuideDescription of problem:Description

30、 of problem: You push on the clutch ( You push on the clutch (离合离合)pedal, )pedal, and it drops to the floor. With the pedal to the floor, you still and it drops to the floor. With the pedal to the floor, you still cant change the gears. This problem may occur suddenly on cant change the gears. This

31、problem may occur suddenly on some cars. On others changing gears may become more some cars. On others changing gears may become more difficult each time you shift until you cant get it into gear.difficult each time you shift until you cant get it into gear.Probable causes:Probable causes:1.1.The cl

32、utch cable is broken,The clutch cable is broken,2.2.The clutch cable is disconnected.The clutch cable is disconnected.3.3.There is no fluid in the hydraulic clutch circuit.There is no fluid in the hydraulic clutch circuit.4.4.There is a leak in the hydraulic clutch circuit.There is a leak in the hyd

33、raulic clutch circuit.祭砍尼须责骤竣碌丛朔酪僻小溅餐失躇岩毁蹋披漏蒲洲盆列候株慰狙捐褪汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件西华大学XIHUA UNIVERSITYXIHUA UNIVERSITY交通与汽车工程学院交通与汽车工程学院Faculty of Faculty of Transportation and Transportation and Automotive EngineeringAutomotive Engineering Homework1.Review the new word, phrases and expressions2.Exercise 3, 4, 5, 6肤耸幅昭堰趟餐慕编慕悲系驻晰共碎梗赃岩沦婿寿缎徒笑绵喝郡乘庐俘晦汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件西华大学XIHUA UNIVERSITYXIHUA UNIVERSITY交通与汽车工程学院交通与汽车工程学院Faculty of Faculty of Transportation and Transportation and Automotive EngineeringAutomotive Engineering Thanks佐福起乱铬卯贸参妓当獭捻神婆部李娶榷烩望曲侣愿契奎墟勋拯榔裤花卖汽车业外语02ppt课件汽车业外语02ppt课件



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