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1、When We Two Parted By GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON林宛玉杨雪辉杜春芹耿晓丹Catalogue Brief Introduction of Byron Appreciations/AnalysisABC(拜伦,1788-1842)Byron, was born in 1788, of a noble family; and he died of fever in 1824 in Greece. His first volume of poems ,Hours of Idleness (1807), an immature little book, wa

2、s mercilessly ridiculed in the Edinburgh Review. And then in 1809 he published a vigorous onslaught upon his critics, entitled English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Byrons first performance should have been conceived in a satiric vein, and educed by a blow to his personal pride. His most important wor

3、ks were in the periods of his traveling in Switzerland and Italy; Including the dramas Manfred (1817) and Cain (1821), and his satiric masterpiece, Don Juan唐唐 璜璜 (1819-1824).In 1824 he went to Greece, to put himself at the head of the revolutionary forces gathered to liberate that country from tyran

4、ny of Sultan.ABCLord Byron, his poetry tells a group of “Byronic hero”(拜伦式的英雄) .They are aloof and proud, wild, romantic, which are full of the spirit of resistance. They are filled with lonely and depressed, yet a little disdain.Byronic hero refers to a kind of character image in Byrons works of Br

5、itish romantic poet in the 19th century. ABCTo a Beautiful Quaker (1807)给一位淑女Maid of Athens (1810)雅典的女郎She Walks in Beauty (1814)她走在美丽的光彩里When We Two Parted (1817)当初我们两分别/ 昔日依依别ABC“ “ When We Two Parted”When We Two Parted”“ “当初我们分别当初我们分别当初我们分别当初我们分别” ”by George Gordon Byronby George Gordon ByronABCW

6、hen we two partedIn silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this! The dew of the morning Sunk chill on my brow It felt like the warning Of what I feel now Thy vows are all broken. And light is thy fa

7、me: I hear thy name spoken, And share in its shame They name thee before me, A knell to mine ear; A shudder comes oer me Why wert thou so dear? They know not I knew thee Who knew thee too well: Long,long shall I rue thee, Too deeply to tell In secret we met In silence I grieve, That thy heart could

8、forget, Thy spirit deceive If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. Byrons “When We Two Parted”When we two parted当初我们分别,当初我们分别, In silence and tears,沉默无语泪纵流,沉默无语泪纵流, Half broken-hearted心几乎要碎裂,心几乎要碎裂,To sever for years,要分离多少个年头!要分离多少个年头!To part Byrons “

9、When We Two Parted”Pale grew thy cheek and cold,当时你的脸发白又发冷,当时你的脸发白又发冷,Colder thy kiss;你的吻更是发凉;你的吻更是发凉;Your cheek grew pale and cold,Your kiss grew colder; Truly that hour foretold的确,那一小时的光景的确,那一小时的光景Sorrow to this. 预告了今日的悲伤。预告了今日的悲伤。this condition Byrons “When We Two Parted”The dew of the morning清晨的

10、露珠清晨的露珠Sunk chill on my brow滴落眉头眉发冷滴落眉头眉发冷sankIt felt like the warningIt gave me the feeling当初我的感触当初我的感触Of what I feel now.似与今日的相同。似与今日的相同。 Byrons “When We Two Parted”Thy vows are all broken,你把誓言全背弃,你把誓言全背弃,And light is thy fame;你的名声浪荡轻浮;你的名声浪荡轻浮;casual and light-headed I hear thy name spoken,听别人提起你

11、的名字,听别人提起你的名字,And share in its shame.我暗中分担你的耻辱。我暗中分担你的耻辱。 Byrons “When We Two Parted”They name thee before me,他们在我面前提起你,他们在我面前提起你,A knell to mine ear;像丧钟在我耳边回荡像丧钟在我耳边回荡death knell:丧钟丧钟fill up, reverberate Byrons “When We Two Parted”A shudder comes oer me我不禁浑身战栗我不禁浑身战栗Why wert thou so dear?我对你咋就那么意深情

12、长?我对你咋就那么意深情长?shake, tremblingwerebeloved Byrons “When We Two Parted”They know not I know thee,他们不知我对你熟悉,他们不知我对你熟悉,Who knew thee too well其实我对你熟悉过度其实我对你熟悉过度They know I dont know you,Byrons “When We Two Parted” Long, long shall I rue thee,我会久久地把你惋惜,我会久久地把你惋惜,Too deeply to tell.深深地惋惜,语言难以表述。深深地惋惜,语言难以表

13、述。regret, feel sorry aboutByrons “When We Two Parted”In secret we met当初你我幽会密约当初你我幽会密约In silence I grieve,如今我无声地哀惋,如今我无声地哀惋,feel sad, regretByrons “When We Two Parted”That thy heart could forget,你的心竟会忘却,你的心竟会忘却,Thy spirit deceive. 你的灵魂竟会欺骗!你的灵魂竟会欺骗!Your spirit (could) deceive (me) .Byrons “When We Tw

14、o Parted”If I should meet thee长长数年之后,长长数年之后,After long years,假若我再与你相会,假若我再与你相会, How should I greet thee?我该如何把你问候?我该如何把你问候?With silence and tears.只能用沉默和眼泪。只能用沉默和眼泪。ABCThe rhyme used by Byron follows this structures: abab cdcd efef ghgh ijij klkl mnmn kbkbABCThis poem is a very typical romantic poem.

15、The lyric express the sorrow of a gentle man who is betrayed by his lover, and he is reproaching her for her cold-heartedness. ABCThe main key of this poem is sad, and the main topic is separation. Although it is a sentimental lyric poetry, it is made up with three scenes: The scene of separation in

16、 the past, the scene of crowd at present, the scene of meeting again in the future. ABC昔日依依别,昔日依依别, 泪流默无言;泪流默无言; 离恨肝肠断,离恨肝肠断, 此别又几年。此别又几年。 冷颊何惨然,冷颊何惨然, 一吻寒更添;一吻寒更添; 日后伤心事,日后伤心事, 此刻已预言。此刻已预言。早起寒露重,早起寒露重, 凛冽凝眉间凛冽凝眉间彼时已预告:彼时已预告: 悲伤在今天。悲伤在今天。 山盟今安在山盟今安在? 汝名何轻贱汝名何轻贱! 吾闻汝名传,吾闻汝名传, 羞愧在人前。羞愧在人前。 闻汝名声恶,闻汝名声恶

17、, 犹如听丧钟。犹如听丧钟。 不禁心怵惕不禁心怵惕 往昔情太浓。往昔情太浓。 谁知旧日情,谁知旧日情, 斯人知太深。斯人知太深。 绵绵长怀恨,绵绵长怀恨, 尽在不言中,尽在不言中, 昔日喜幽会,昔日喜幽会, 今朝恨无声。今朝恨无声。 旧情汝已忘,旧情汝已忘, 痴心遇薄幸。痴心遇薄幸。 多年离别后,多年离别后, 抑或再相逢,抑或再相逢, 相逢何所语相逢何所语? 泪流默无声。泪流默无声。 昔日依依别昔日依依别这首诗回忆了与爱人分别的情景和感受以及后来的心情。诗中,诗人情感真挚,毫不矫揉造作,真情动人。“In silence and tears”的重复,不仅使全诗前后照应,浑然一体,而且强化了过去和

18、将来不会更改的气氛;另一方面,诗人运用了较短的诗节和众多的断开的句子,暗示出他的难以压抑的,无法平静的痛苦心境。我们的一生说短不短,说长不长。然而,却没有一个人一生中不会遇到几次离别。假若他日相逢,我将何以面汝,以沉默?以眼泪?也许这样的离别是最后的诀别吧?再见,再不见。既然承诺如此,那么他日若是再偶然转角相遇,街口相逢,一抬头,一转身之间,都是再也回不去的似水年华,赶不上的时过境迁。我们还如何相见?以什么表情相见?是莞尔一笑?沉默不语?还是泪眼婆娑?生命里有那么多的风景,有那么多的人经过。如同小路边的大树,很多人会在下面乘凉,然而会在那里安家只有一个。他是你的归宿,你也是他的归宿。人生七情六欲,喜怒哀乐,诗亦伤情。拜伦恨别,你会恨吗? Thanks for your attention



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