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1、 美丽新世界美丽新世界BraveNewWorld阿道司阿道司.赫胥黎赫胥黎AldousHuxleyn nWritten in 1932, before the outbreak of the Second World War.AbouttheAuthorAldousHuxley (1894-1962)阿道司阿道司阿道司阿道司. .赫胥黎赫胥黎赫胥黎赫胥黎He is a prolific British writer, writing a total of more than 50 novels, poetry, philosophy, literature and travel, the mo

2、st famous work is the novel “Brave New World. As a biologists son, He had a good education when young , then, graduated from Eton College and Oxford University. Although the eyesight was almost losing, by learning Braille(盲人字典) he gradually began to write.He has created a number of novel and become

3、a star in the 20s figure who in 1932 created the “Brave New World”.BriefIntroduction Protagonist “barbarians” John is a failure of individual embryos incubated, he and his mother, Linda, live in New Mexico which has the “savage reservation”(野蛮人拘留区)(野蛮人拘留区).Occasionally John get into the greatest pow

4、er area, Central London. John first had the future to look at the nights Brave New World, where the technology was exciting. But soon he found that the people of London have been relying on Soma creating the illusion of happiness all the time. Barbarian John would like to change this new world , but

5、 facing the huge machine in front, a savage only felt thin, pale and weak.Insuchasociallife,peoplelostthesufferingrights,theydontknowwhatsthefear,sadnessandpain.Becausesufferingcausestoohighapricecomparedtotherealitywhichoftenlooksverycheapandwell-being.In this brave new world, because of the social

6、 and biological controlling technology develops quickly, people are controlled by human genetics companies which ruled by political figures and dolls. This rule begins from the gene and fetal(胎儿)stage. Whichgivingmeadeepimpressionareafewkeywords:1,Artificialincubation2,Conditionsetting3,Hypnosiseduc

7、ation4,SexandLove1,Artificial incubation(人工孵化) -the birth of mankind depend on the machinery in a neat and clean, no father and mother environment. No one will interfere with your career and marriage, but you have no home and family.2,Condition setting(条件设置)-according to the human genes people are d

8、ivided into five classes, they are engaged in all kinds of areas. In order to save resources, each class has certain mental and physical defects to make sure those useful materials can grow faster.3,Hypnosis education(催眠教育)-which can not be used in science education, only used on those who neednt th

9、inking of the moral education. This is to get everyone accustomed to doing any work.4,Sex and Love -in this society, monogamy is not encouraged, in order to avoid feelings of depression caused by the strong work, the human beings are arranged from children to do all sorts of sexual games. As long as

10、 adults are interested in each other, they can have a relationship. No love, no marriage proposal before the hard pursuit, no payment for the other party.小说具有强烈的讽刺性,无处不充满批判小说具有强烈的讽刺性,无处不充满批判的格调。其中最深刻的,就是对统治者将的格调。其中最深刻的,就是对统治者将人们的思想死死地控制住,而非简单的极人们的思想死死地控制住,而非简单的极权和奴役统治。权和奴役统治。在科技力量的作用下,在科技力量的作用下,“人人”

11、不再是传统不再是传统意义上的具有独立、探索、自由、叛逆、意义上的具有独立、探索、自由、叛逆、追求真理等性格的人,而只是社会机体的追求真理等性格的人,而只是社会机体的一个细胞。统治者的良苦用心就是:一个细胞。统治者的良苦用心就是:“只有使整个社会充满这样的人,社会才只有使整个社会充满这样的人,社会才会稳定,人们才会走向终极幸福。会稳定,人们才会走向终极幸福。”MyopinionsDevelopment of societyHappiness guided by ?Human beingsAll here !All here !Thank you !Thank you !1616 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!



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