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1、e.g.1.We didnt buy anything because we were short of money.(因为手头紧,我们什么也没买。)2. They said that the company was short of men.(他们说这个公司缺少人手。 )3. The car broke down when we were still five miles short of our destination.(当我们离目的地还有5英里时,车坏了。 )e.g.1. You must have drunk somewhere. Your breath smells of wine.

2、(你肯定在哪里喝过酒,你呼出的有酒味。)2. My hands smell of fish.(我手上有鱼腥味。)另外,have a smell of 有的意味e.g.1. Judging by the look on his face, I would say he passed!(从他脸上的表情看,我敢说他及格了。)e.g.Chinese government attaches much importance to economic development of rural areas.(中国政府相当重视农村地区的经济发展。)havein common,意为“与有共同之处”,共享。e.g.1

3、. The twins have a lot in common.(这对双胞胎有许多共同之处。)2. I havent a thing in common with my father.(我与我父亲没有任何共同点。)have与in common搭配,之间可以加表示程度的词,以指明共同点的多少:have little in common 没有什么共同之处;have sth. In common有共同之处;have nothing in common 毫无共同之处e.g.1. A university consists of teachers, administrators and student

4、s.(大学由教师、行政人员和学生组成。)2. This porridge consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.(这粥是用番茄、肉和豌豆做的。)注意: 该词组与make up不同,它不能用于被动语态e.g.1. They answered the teachers questions in turn. (他们轮流回答老师的问题。)2. I shall hear you all in turn.(我一个个地听你们说。)注:the last straw= the difficulty, trouble, etc. that makes the total unbe

5、arable when it is added to ones present difficulties or troubles (from the story in which the last straw broke the laden camels back)(在现有苦难之外增加的)叫人再也无法忍受的困难或苦难等(源于“最后一根稻草压断了骆驼背”的故事)1. before和情态动词can/could连用,表示“才”, “还没有来得及就”; before从句虽为肯定形式, 根据汉语表达习惯可译为否定形式.把before从句理解为“还没来得及做某事, 主句的动作就发生了. e.g. She

6、became angry before I could explain to her.(我还没来得及向她解释她就生气了.) He asked a second question before I could answer the first question.(我还没来得及回答第一个问题, 他又问了一个问题.) The fire lasted about four hours before the fire fighters could control it. (大火持续了大约四个小时, 消防人员才得以控制.)BEFOREBEFORE“然后然后”, “”, “后后 才才”.”. Look before you leap.三思而后行.(先看然后再行动.) It will be a long time before we finish the task.(我们还需要很长时间才能完成这项任务.)



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