广东省新兴县惠能中学高中英语二轮复习 说明文课件

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2、比较对比法、分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。3.时态常用一般现在时,当然若是介绍其历时态常用一般现在时,当然若是介绍其历史时,要用一般过去时;语态可能用到被史时,要用一般过去时;语态可能用到被动语态;若是介绍地点环境等,要善于运动语态;若是介绍地点环境等,要善于运用用there be结构。结构。1.描述现象描述现象With the development of society, heavy traffic has aroused great concern. Some people think,

3、 while others think 随着随着社会社会的的发展发展,交通拥挤,交通拥挤已经引起了广泛的关注已经引起了广泛的关注。一些人一些人认为认为,;而另一些人认为而另一些人认为,必备词句必备词句2.说明原因说明原因There are many reasons involved. Among them, the increase of private cars plays an important role.这涉及这涉及到许多原因到许多原因。其中其中,私家车的猛增,私家车的猛增是主要原是主要原因因。3.解决办法解决办法 The first measure is to limit the n

4、umber of private cars running on the street every day. Immediate after that, we shouldOnly in this way can we solve the problem.第一个重要措施是第一个重要措施是限制每天在路限制每天在路上的私家车的数量。上的私家车的数量。之后,我们应当之后,我们应当只有这样,我们才能只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。解决这个问题。4.说明空间顺的词语:说明空间顺的词语:on top of, next to, close to, in front of, to the south of语篇

5、模板语篇模板(1)现象解释型现象解释型描述现象描述现象According to the figures in the above table, we can clearly see that the amount of money spent on food has decreased gradually, coming to 35% in 1998. However, there have been great increase in the expenses of clothing and recreation.分析原因分析原因What are the causes of these ch

6、anges? In the first place, with the development of the economy, people pay more attention to their clothes and some of them even want to be dressed in the latest fashions. Furthermore, people pay more attention to the quality of their lives. Therefore, many people like to spend more money on recreat

7、ion.指出趋势指出趋势In short, I believe with the rapid increase in peoples income, such trends will become even more obvious in the future.(2)地点介绍型地点介绍型地理位置地理位置Taiwan Island, the largest island in our country, lies west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea on the north and the South Sea surrounding its s

8、outhwest. To the west of the island is Fujian, another province of China.(方位的方位的表达、同位语和表达、同位语和with复合结构的使用复合结构的使用)面积人口资源面积人口资源Taiwan has a area of about 36,000 square kilometers and a population of over 20, 000,000. Its rich in natural resources; for example, bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous b

9、oth at home and abroad. The scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that travelers go in a continuous stream for a visit all over the world.3.用英语介绍你校用英语介绍你校你市将举行中考志愿填报咨询会你市将举行中考志愿填报咨询会, 请你根请你根据下面的提示用英语给你校写一篇简介。据下面的提示用英语给你校写一篇简介。专题练析专题练析写作内容写作内容学校名称学校名称一中,一中, 广东省重点中学广东省重点中学建校时间建校时间1957

10、年年学校规模学校规模占地面积约占地面积约16万平方米万平方米,教学班级多达教学班级多达60个个,400多教师多教师, 5000多学生多学生教学设施教学设施先进先进, 齐全齐全教学宗旨教学宗旨培养学生创新能力和实践能力培养学生创新能力和实践能力教学成果教学成果各类竞赛成果显著;各类竞赛成果显著;高考成绩列全省前茅高考成绩列全省前茅写作要求写作要求只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。个句子表达全部内容。评分标准评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。连贯。写作提示写作提示本篇写作要用到的预期语言手本篇写作要用到的预期语言手段有:同位语手段、目的的表达

11、、排位的段有:同位语手段、目的的表达、排位的表达等。表达等。参考范文参考范文 The First Middle School, a key middle school in Guangdong Province, founded in 1957, covers an area of about 160,000 square meters. At present, there are as many as 60 classes in our school, with more than 400 teachers and 5000 students. The school is equipped

12、with various modern teaching facilities, which provides students with better studying conditions. Our school has been aiming at developing students creativity as well as practical abilities. So far, we have made great achievements in all kinds of competitions, and besides, the exam result of our sch

13、ool in the college entrance examination often ranks first among all the middle schools in our province.4.介绍现代人的健康状况调查结果介绍现代人的健康状况调查结果Health Magazine就现代人的健康状况进行就现代人的健康状况进行了调查,其结果如下:了调查,其结果如下:与以前相比,人们的健康状语有下滑现象,与以前相比,人们的健康状语有下滑现象,其原因主要有:其原因主要有:1.工作忙碌,压力过大,缺少锻炼;工作忙碌,压力过大,缺少锻炼;2.生活没有规律,熬夜,休息不够;生活没有规律,熬夜

14、,休息不够;3.不少人有抽烟,喝酒的习惯;不少人有抽烟,喝酒的习惯;写作内容写作内容请根据调查情况写一篇短文,内容包括:请根据调查情况写一篇短文,内容包括:1.与过去相比,人们的健康状况;与过去相比,人们的健康状况;2.下滑的主要原因;下滑的主要原因;3.建议:养成良好的生活习惯。戒烟,戒建议:养成良好的生活习惯。戒烟,戒酒,多运动。酒,多运动。描述现象描述现象According to the survey made by the Health Magazine, compared with the past, people are in poorer condition.分析原因分析原因 O

15、ne of the main reasons is that people are living a busy life without taking enough exercise and suffer lots of stress. Besides, most of them have to stay up late at night with so little time to rest, making their lives become quite irregular. Worse till, a number of these people have got into the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. 提出建议提出建议To change this, one should form a good living habit by doing physical exercise regularly and try to keep away from cigarette and alcohol.



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