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1、石河子大学动态ppt之农学英语专业课写作汇报ppt课件Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Research and Application of Cotton Culture and Tillage Technology in China我国棉花耕作栽培技术研究和应用 本文选自棉花学报,作者为毛树春The discipline of cotton culture and tillage was one preeminent subject. It was generall

2、y approved in practices that the cultural technology shared 35 percents in the yield increasing. In the past half century, cotton culture and tillage carried on experiment and research, practices summing-up and service of cotton culture in the whole country, closely around high yield, good quality,

3、and high efficiency of cotton producing. It achieved new progress in geographic division of cotton producing,wheat-cotton doubling cropping, water absorption and field irrigation, nutrition and fertilization, cotton planting in alkali land, seedling raising and transplanting, film-mulching, chemical

4、 control and agronomic regulation, rational density, simulation and decision-making support, monitoring and early warning information, and so on. These progress worked a positive role in prospering cotton by science and technology, helped increasing cotton production, adding income of cotton farmers

5、, improving fiber quality, enriching and developing cotton culture theory, and obtained a mass of technological achievements and patents, in which some were in the highest flight of the same researches in the world. In the late 10 years, the study of information service before producing and market s

6、ervice after harvest was put forward and extended from the study of science and technology service in producing. The modern cotton production technology also came out initially, promoted the production, quality and benefits of cotton stepping into a new stage.The discipline of cotton culture and til

7、lage was one preeminent subject. It was generally approved in practices that the cultural technology shared 35 percents in the yield increasing棉文化和耕作学科是一个棉文化和耕作学科是一个强势强势的的学科。学科。文化技文化技术术共享在作物增共享在作物增产产中所起中所起的作用占的作用占35%35%,这这种事种事实实在在实实践践中已中已经经被广泛被广泛认认可。可。In the past half-century, cotton culture and In

8、the past half-century, cotton culture and tillage carried on experiment and research, tillage carried on experiment and research, practices summing-up and service of cotton practices summing-up and service of cotton culture in the whole country, closely around culture in the whole country, closely a

9、round high yield, good quality, and high efficiency high yield, good quality, and high efficiency of cotton producing. of cotton producing. 在在在在过过去的半个世去的半个世去的半个世去的半个世纪纪里,棉花栽培和耕作在里,棉花栽培和耕作在里,棉花栽培和耕作在里,棉花栽培和耕作在时间时间研研研研究中,究中,究中,究中,紧紧围绕产紧紧围绕产量高,量高,量高,量高,质质量好,生量好,生量好,生量好,生产产效率高效率高效率高效率高这这些方面,在整个国家形成了些方面,

10、在整个国家形成了些方面,在整个国家形成了些方面,在整个国家形成了对对棉花的棉花的棉花的棉花的总结总结和文化和文化和文化和文化服服服服务务。2It achieved new progress in geographic division of It achieved new progress in geographic division of cotton producing,wheat-cotton doubling cropping, cotton producing,wheat-cotton doubling cropping, water absorption and field irr

11、igation, nutrition and water absorption and field irrigation, nutrition and fertilization, cotton planting in alkali land, seedling fertilization, cotton planting in alkali land, seedling and transplanting, film-mulching, chemical control and transplanting, film-mulching, chemical control and agrono

12、mic regulation, rational density, and agronomic regulation, rational density, simulation and decision-making support, monitoring simulation and decision-making support, monitoring and early warning information, and so on.and early warning information, and so on.它在棉花生它在棉花生它在棉花生它在棉花生产产区域划分,小麦、棉花区域划分,小


14、的进进展。展。展。展。3TheseThese progress worked a positive role in progress worked a positive role in prospering cotton by science and prospering cotton by science and technology, helped increasing cotton technology, helped increasing cotton production, adding income of cotton production, adding income of co

15、tton farmers, improving fiber quality, enriching farmers, improving fiber quality, enriching and developing cotton culture theory, and and developing cotton culture theory, and obtained a mass of technological obtained a mass of technological achievements and patents, in which some achievements and

16、patents, in which some were in the highest flight of the same were in the highest flight of the same researches in the world. researches in the world. 通通通通过过科学技科学技科学技科学技术术运用所运用所运用所运用所获获得成果在繁荣棉花得成果在繁荣棉花得成果在繁荣棉花得成果在繁荣棉花产业产业方面方面方面方面发挥发挥了的了的了的了的积积极作用,它极作用,它极作用,它极作用,它有助于提高棉花有助于提高棉花有助于提高棉花有助于提高棉花产产量,增加量,增

17、加量,增加量,增加农农民收入,提高棉花,民收入,提高棉花,民收入,提高棉花,民收入,提高棉花,纤维纤维品品品品质质,丰富和,丰富和,丰富和,丰富和发发展展展展了棉花文化理了棉花文化理了棉花文化理了棉花文化理论论,并从中,并从中,并从中,并从中获获得了大量的技得了大量的技得了大量的技得了大量的技术术成果和成果和成果和成果和专专利,其中一些是利,其中一些是利,其中一些是利,其中一些是处处在在在在世界相同研究的最高水平。世界相同研究的最高水平。世界相同研究的最高水平。世界相同研究的最高水平。 4In the late 10 years, the study of information servic

18、e before producing and market service after harvest was put forward and extended from the study of science and technology service in producing. The modern cotton production technology also came out initially, promoted the production, quality and benefits of cotton stepping into a new stage. 510年前,在作物收获后的生产和市场服务之前年前,在作物收获后的生产和市场服务之前,信息信息服务的研究被提出并从在生产方面的科学及技术服服务的研究被提出并从在生产方面的科学及技术服务的研究中进行了扩展。起初现代的棉花生产技术务的研究中进行了扩展。起初现代的棉花生产技术出来之后,提高了了棉花的生产和质量,并增加棉出来之后,提高了了棉花的生产和质量,并增加棉花的收益,使之进入了一个新的发展阶段。花的收益,使之进入了一个新的发展阶段。 Thanks For Your Attention The End



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