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1、国内外燃气管网安全运行国内外燃气管网安全运行相关技术标准介绍相关技术标准介绍有关行业的技术标准是燃气公司的指南从行政指令到技术标准的实施的转变从行政指令到技术标准的实施的转变对城市燃气管网泄露规律和技术手段缺乏系统了解,想做但有不知道怎样科学地做或者安全投入不够或者不正确。国外行业(德国DVGW)技术标准体系介绍3.3.G465 G465 燃气输配管网检测与维护燃气输配管网检测与维护G 465-1针对工作压力针对工作压力4bar或以或以下下燃气管网系统检测燃气管网系统检测1997年年11月颁布月颁布G 465-25bar或以或以下下燃气管线的巡检燃气管线的巡检 -维护管理维护管理2002年年4

2、月颁布月颁布G 465-3燃气输配系统中对于埋地和地面上漏点类型的划分标准。燃气输配系统中对于埋地和地面上漏点类型的划分标准。2000年颁布实施年颁布实施G 465-4燃气设施巡检,检漏和浓度测量的仪器燃气设施巡检,检漏和浓度测量的仪器2001年年3月颁布月颁布运行压力运行压力5Bar以上燃气钢管以上燃气钢管-维护和抢修维护和抢修G 466-1G 466-2运行压力运行压力4-16bar燃气燃气铸管铸管运行管理运行管理一、当前燃气管网安全运行所面临的主要问题一、当前燃气管网安全运行所面临的主要问题4.4.国内行业技术标准简介国内行业技术标准简介o城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程城镇燃气

3、设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程 标准编号:CJJ51-2006, o城市燃气管网泄漏检测技术规程城市燃气管网泄漏检测技术规程 2010-09-29召开编制组成立暨第一次工作会议o城镇燃气室内工程施工及验收规范城镇燃气室内工程施工及验收规范 标准编号: CJJ94-2003o室内燃气管网检测?缺少o城市燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程城市燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程 标准编号:CJJ 95-2003o城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条例国务院国务院,2011年年3月月中华人民共和国国务院令中华人民共和国国务院令中华人民共和国国务院令中华人民共和国国务院令第第第第583583583583号号号号

4、 城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条例已经已经已经已经2010201020102010年年年年10101010月月月月19191919日国务院第日国务院第日国务院第日国务院第129129129129次常务会次常务会次常务会次常务会议通过,现予公布,自议通过,现予公布,自议通过,现予公布,自议通过,现予公布,自2011201120112011年年年年3 3 3 3月月月月1 1 1 1日起施行。日起施行。日起施行。日起施行。 总理总理总理总理 温家宝温家宝温家宝温家宝二二二二一一一一年十一月十九日年十一月十九日年十一月十九日年十一月十九日城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条

5、例城镇燃气管理条例城镇燃气管理条例 oo第六章第六章 燃气安全事故燃气安全事故预防与处理预防与处理oo第七章第七章 法律责任法律责任 oo第八章第八章 附附 则则2024年8月3日第三十九条第三十九条第三十九条第三十九条 燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门制定燃气安全事故应急预案,燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门制定燃气安全事故应急预案,燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门制定燃气安全事故应急预案,燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门制定燃气安全事故应急预案,建立燃气事故统计分析制度,定期通报事故处理结果建立燃气事故统计分析制度,定期通报事故处理结果建立燃气事故统计分析制度,定期通报事故处理结果建立燃气事故统计分析制度

6、,定期通报事故处理结果。(事前控制、预防措施要做好)(事前控制、预防措施要做好)(事前控制、预防措施要做好)(事前控制、预防措施要做好)燃气经营者应当制定本单位燃气安全事故应急预案,配备应急人员和必要的燃气经营者应当制定本单位燃气安全事故应急预案,配备应急人员和必要的燃气经营者应当制定本单位燃气安全事故应急预案,配备应急人员和必要的燃气经营者应当制定本单位燃气安全事故应急预案,配备应急人员和必要的应急装备、器材,并定期组织演练。应急装备、器材,并定期组织演练。应急装备、器材,并定期组织演练。应急装备、器材,并定期组织演练。第四十条第四十条第四十条第四十条 任何单位和个人发现燃气安全事故或者燃气

7、安全事故隐患等情况,任何单位和个人发现燃气安全事故或者燃气安全事故隐患等情况,任何单位和个人发现燃气安全事故或者燃气安全事故隐患等情况,任何单位和个人发现燃气安全事故或者燃气安全事故隐患等情况,应当立即告知燃气经营者,或者向燃气管理部门、公安机关消防机构等有关应当立即告知燃气经营者,或者向燃气管理部门、公安机关消防机构等有关应当立即告知燃气经营者,或者向燃气管理部门、公安机关消防机构等有关应当立即告知燃气经营者,或者向燃气管理部门、公安机关消防机构等有关部门和单位报告。部门和单位报告。部门和单位报告。部门和单位报告。第六章第六章 燃气安全事故预防与处理燃气安全事故预防与处理Inspection

8、 and maintenance of gas distribution network 燃气输配管网检测与维护1st Sino-German urban gas network safety operation conference Beijing, November 9 10, 2009 首届中德燃气管网安全运行技术研讨会2009年11月7日于北京 DVGW e.V.Alfred Klees, Head of department Gas infrastructureDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术

9、标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionInspection of gas pipeline systems with operating pressures up to and including 4 barG 465/IDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准November 1997运行压力为运行压力为4bar以以下(含下(含4bar)的)的燃气管网系统燃气管网系统1997年年11月颁布月颁布

10、DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scope/适用适用的范围的范围 Inspection of gas pipeline systems (public gas distribution and customer installations) with an operating pressure up to and including 4 bar (5 bar) designed to transmit gases in accordance with DVGW G 260

11、(A).p运行压力含4bar(5bar)以下的燃气管网系统(包括输配管线和庭院管线和设施)检测. 按照DVGW G 260 (A)的技术要求,把燃气输配到用户。G 465/IDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Contents/内容内容 Staff requirements-人员要求 Scheduled inspections-计划内巡检 Unscheduled inspection activities非计划内巡检 Inspection methods检测方法 Locatin

12、g and evaluating leak indications定位漏点和评估漏点 Documentation of inspection activities检漏成果和归档 Stand-by service (new, GW 1200)-救援工作G 465/IDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Staff requirements对人员的要求对人员的要求 Skilled staff employed by gas supplier必须是煤气公司所雇用的专业技术人员 or或

13、Skilled staff employed by specialist contractor possessing and furni-shing proof of the required qualifications in accordance with G 468/I必须是具有按照G 468/I的资质要求专业的承包商所雇用的技术人员。 G 465/ISkilled staff employed by the gas supplier对对煤气公司所雇用的专业技术人员 的技术要求的技术要求Clause 4Fundamental requirementsCompanies operating

14、 gas supply installations shall have the adequate personnel as well as the technical equipment and economic and financial resources required to guarantee safety when performing their tasks and activities with respect to designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the supply installations and

15、technical equipment. Performing the necessary tasks and activities shall be in compliance with legal regulations.as well as the overall recognized technical rules, in particular the DVGW Technical Rules.Basis: G 1000“Requirements on the qualification and organisation of companies operating installat

16、ions designed for the public supply of pipeline gas (gas supply installations)”DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scheduled inspections定期的巡检We distinguish between inspections of巡检的内容如下: supply pipes输气(埋地)管线巡检 service pipes支线(庭院)管线巡检 above-ground pipes地上管线巡检

17、gas pipelines on bridges悬空管线巡检 fittings, signs and other accessories闸、标识和其他附属设施的巡检G 465/IMinimum inspection cycles in accordance with G 465-1按照按照G465-1确定的最小巡检周期确定的最小巡检周期Leakage per km漏点检出率漏点检出率 0.1 0.5 1.0Operating pressure in bar管网工作压力管网工作压力Inspection intervals in years-巡检周期(年)巡检周期(年) 0.1 1.02*10.5

18、* PE and cathodically protected steel pipes only 标标*的只适合的只适合PE和阴极保护的钢管和阴极保护的钢管Inspection cycle depends on:巡检周期要考虑的是:巡检周期要考虑的是: Leakage_漏点检出率漏点检出率 Pressure class压力等级压力等级 Pipe material管材管材DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Unscheduled inspection activitiesGuid

19、ance on inspection突发的事件巡检活动突发的事件巡检活动 指南指南for leaks in winter冬季突发漏点Under altered operating conditions接到泄露警报in the presence of interference in the vicinity of the gas transmission sectione.g. subsidence, third-party construction sites,soil corrosiveness, stray current interference燃气输送管道附近出现干扰即地面沉降、第三方

20、施工,土壤腐蚀,杂散电流的干扰G 465/IDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Gas pipelines with operating pressures up to and including 5 bar - MaintenanceG 465-2April 2002含含5bar以下以下燃气管线的巡检燃气管线的巡检 -维护管理维护管理2002年年4月颁布月颁布DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测

21、的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scope涵盖的范围涵盖的范围 Work planned on gas-bearing pipes (public gas distribution and customer installations) with an operating pressure up to and including 5 bar designed to transmit gases in accordance with G 260.This Code of Practise may be applied, mutatis mutandis, in case of failure

22、s按照G 260,要求运行压力含5bar以下的在役燃气管线适合此内容(输配管线和用户设施)G 465-2DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Contents巡检内容巡检内容 Staff requirements_人员要求 Execution of works执行工作 Commissioning of new gas lines新建管线验收 Permanent decommissioning and abandonment of gas lines管线判废G 465-2DVGW

23、Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Classification criteria for leaks in buried and above-ground gas lines in gas distribution systemsG 465-3October 2000燃气输配系统中对于埋地和地燃气输配系统中对于埋地和地面上漏点类型的划分标准。面上漏点类型的划分标准。2000年颁布实施年颁布实施DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline Inspection

24、DVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scope适用适用的范围的范围Assessment of leaks in gas pipelines designed to transmit gases in conformance with G 260.是指按照G 260规范输送的燃气管线漏点评价G 465-3DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Contents工作内容Causes for leakage漏点的成因 Factors influencing the

25、 spreading of gas影响漏点扩散的因素 Leak sizes, leakage rates漏点大小、漏失率 Leak classification漏点类型分类G 465-3DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Leak classX distance between seepage area boundary and building/cavity漏点类型分类漏点类型分类 X-扩散漏点边缘与建筑物或密闭空间的距离。扩散漏点边缘与建筑物或密闭空间的距离。A IGas

26、in building/cavityA II0 1mB 1m through 4mC 4mDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Leak classes and pertinent measures漏点的分漏点的分类和采取的相关的措施和采取的相关的措施Leak class漏点漏点类型型Finding 1)发现漏气漏气边缘Measure采取的措施采取的措施Start of measures开始的措施开始的措施Inspection监查措施措施Start of repair/recon

27、struction 2)开始开始维修的修的时间A Igas found in building在构筑物里面在构筑物里面发现燃气燃气take safety measures and eliminate danger immediately采取安全措施,立采取安全措施,立即消除危即消除危险up to elimination, if necessary时刻刻监查直到直到危危险消除消除Immediately立即开始立即开始维修修A IIgas found in immediate vicinity of building在构筑物附近在构筑物附近发现燃气燃气take safety measures, i

28、nitiate repair measures采取安全措施,采取安全措施,马上制定上制定维修措施修措施daily or weeklybi-monthly每天或每周,每天或每周,每每2个月个月监查within 1 week1周内开始周内开始维修修1)Leak classification for gas seepage in cavities must be based on concrete local conditions such as distance to buildings, gas spreading, gas concentration etc.按与构筑物距离的泄露按与构筑物距离

29、的泄露量漏点的划分,必量漏点的划分,必须当地是水泥路面的燃气当地是水泥路面的燃气扩散和散和浓度度检测等。等。2) After the leak has been removed, inspection in conformance with G 465-1 is mandatory. 当漏点消除后,按照当漏点消除后,按照G 465-1 要求,需要要求,需要强强制性型制性型检验3) Daily to fortnightly unscheduled inspection in winter, depending on risk potential 冬季里的每天直到冬季里的每天直到2周一次的突发事件

30、的检验,要根据潜在的风险来制定。周一次的突发事件的检验,要根据潜在的风险来制定。DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Leak classes and pertinent measures漏点的分类和采取的相关的措施漏点的分类和采取的相关的措施Leak class漏点漏点类型型Finding 1)发现漏气漏气边缘Measure采取的措施采取的措施Start of measures开始的措施开始的措施Inspection监查措施措施Start of repair/reconstru

31、ction 2)开始开始维修的修的时间Bgas found in farther vicinity of building在构筑物在构筑物较远的附近的附近发现燃气燃气incorporate into repair or reconstruction plan制定制定维修或重建修或重建计划划timing of unscheduled inspection in winter 3)as required按需要制定冬季按需要制定冬季突突发事件事件监测before winter and/or in acc. with reconstruction plan按照制定按照制定维修或重修或重建建计划入冬前划

32、入冬前执行行Cseepage suggests that gas will not enter building泄露量被泄露量被证明不会明不会进入入构筑物构筑物incorporate into repair or reconstruction plan制定制定维修或重建修或重建计划划timing of unscheduled inspection in winter按需要制定冬季按需要制定冬季突突发事件事件监测before winter and/or in acc. with reconstruction plan按照制定按照制定维修或重修或重建建计划入冬前划入冬前执行行1)Leak clas

33、sification for gas seepage in cavities must be based on concrete local conditions such as distance to buildings, gas spreading, gas concentration etc.按与构筑物距离的泄露按与构筑物距离的泄露量漏点的划分,必量漏点的划分,必须当地是水泥路面的燃气当地是水泥路面的燃气扩散和散和浓度度检测等。等。2) After the leak has been removed, inspection in conformance with G 465-1 is m

34、andatory. 当漏点消除后,按照当漏点消除后,按照G 465-1 要求,需要要求,需要强强制性型制性型检验3) Daily to fortnightly unscheduled inspection in winter, depending on risk potential 冬季里的每天直到冬季里的每天直到2周一次的突发事件的检验,要根据潜在的风险来制定。周一次的突发事件的检验,要根据潜在的风险来制定。DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Gas leak detecti

35、on and gas concentration measuring devices for leakage surveys on gas installationsG 465-4March 2001针对针对燃气设施燃气设施的的燃气检漏和燃气检漏和浓度测量的仪器浓度测量的仪器2001颁布颁布DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scope-适用范围适用范围Mobile devices to手持式检测仪是指: detect installation leaks检测燃气设施的泄漏 (

36、public gas distribution and customer installations) on installations designed to transmit gases in accordance with G 260. Assessment of risk of explosion. Determination of specific gas componentsG 465-4DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Instrumentation for n

37、atural gasNote: Explosion protection required for devices used as mobile gas alarms and/or in areas with explosive gas-air mixtures or where such mixtures are expected 1) Calibration gas fed into the device including the system of probes must reach its concentration within 10s.Service casePrinciple

38、of actionMeasuring rangeMinimum instrumental sensitivitySignalCalibration gasFrequencySurface inspection of buried gas pipelinesFIDgas-sensitive semi-conductor1 20,000ppmCH4/C3H81ppm combustible gasfreely adjustable; e.g. 10ppm10ppm CH41)Sensitivity tests before start of work; after interruption of

39、work, if necessary (cf. also G 465-1, 4.1)Inspection of bare gas pipelines, gas pressure regulator stations, natural gas filling stations, natural-gas driven vehicles, installation linesgas-sensitive semiconductorFID1 20,000ppmCH4/C3H81ppm combustible gasconcentration-dependent acoustic signal; fixe

40、d signal at end of measuring range1 Vol.-% CH4ultra-soundqualitative30l/h combustible gas/inert gas (distance between gas pipeline and device 10m)Inspection of ground air, air in sewers, pits, change of gas type (commi-ssioning and de-commissioning of gas pipelines)thermal conductivitysonic speed0.1

41、 100 Vol.-% CH4/C3H8/CO20.1 Vol.-% combustible gas100 Vol.-% CH4Weekly to 6-monthly indication sensitivity tests, depending on service availabilityInspection of indoor air, air in pits and sewers for reaching the LEL thresholdgas-sensitive semi-conductor1 50% LEL1% LELfreely adjustable, e.g. 10% LEL

42、; fixed signal at end of measuring range; concentration-dependent acoustic signal2.2 Vol.-% CH4heat of reaction1 100% LEL1% LELDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Special instrumentationService casePrinciple of actionMeasuring rangeMinimum instrumental sensit

43、ivitySignalCalibration gasFrequencyInspection of odorisers for external leaksgas-sensitive semi-conductor1 20,000mgethanol, THT, TBM1 mg ethanol, THT, TBM in airconcentration-dependent acoustic signal; fixed signal at end of measuring range 10ppm THT/TBM approx.Sensitivity tests before start of work

44、; after interruption of work, if necessary (cf. also G 465-1, 4.1)Surface inspection of buried LPG pipelines , non-operative pipelinesgas-sensitive semi-conductor1 20,000ppmH2/C3H81ppm H2/C3H810ppm H2Distinction marsh gas/natural gasgas chromatograph with suitable measuring cell10ppm C2H650ppm C2H6W

45、eekly to 6-monthly indication sensitivity tests, depending on service availabilityDetermination of odorant content in combustible gaselectro-chemical measuring cellgas chromatograph with suitable measuring cell1-100mg/m THTTBM in combustible gas1mg/m THT, TBM10mg THT/TBM approx.Leakage inspection of

46、 installation stations (suitability for use)flow-measuring devicepressure sensor0-10l/h0-150mbar0.1l/h0.1mbarannuallyDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Steel gas pipelines for operating pressures over 5 bar - MaintenanceG 466-1April 2002运行压力运行压力5Bar以上燃气钢以上燃气

47、钢管管维护管理维护管理DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Scope-Maintenance (inspection, servicing and repair) of gas pipelines for public and commercial gas distribution with an operating pressure over 5 bar designed to transmit gases in accordance with G 260 (1st and

48、2nd family of gases).G 466-1适用范围适用范围含5公斤以上维护(检测,服务和维修), gas pipelines for public and commercial gas distribution with an operating pressure over 5 bar designed to transmit gases in accordance with G 260 (1st and 2nd family of gases).DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃

49、气管线检测的技术标准ContentsGeneral(staff requirements)Definitions and termsInspection and maintenanceRepair(execution of works)Commissioning of new pipelinesGas pipeline decommissioning and abandonmentG 466-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Inspection and maintenan

50、ce检测和维护检测和维护Section surveys in undeveloped areas by surveillance on foot, mobile survey or surveillance by air野外区域分段监测和监管,步行,车巡 Surveillance on foot or by mobile survey:every 4 months minimum-每4个月 Surveillance by air:monthly; inspection of important operating points: every 6 months每6个月may be reduced

51、 to 2 months depending on operating experienceG 466-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Inspection and maintenanceWithin built-up areas(distance between gas line and building less than 20m) annual inspection in accordance with DVGW 465-1 (A), bi-monthly surv

52、eillance on foot or mobile survey or monthly surveillance by air inspection in accordance with G 465-1 (A) may be omitted if valve boxes (if applicable) are checked bi-annually for gas tracesG 466-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Inspection and maintenanc

53、e -Subsidence areaswithin the subsidence area additional surveillance on foot or mobile survey: every 14 daysoutside of the subsidence areamonthly mobile survey or surveillance by airCheck strain gauges or expansion joints with a gas detection device and valve boxes (if applicable) with a gas concen

54、tration measuring instrumentG 466-1G 465-1 Pipeline inspectionG 465-2 Works on Gas PipelinesG 465-3 ClassificationG 465-4 Instrument EngineeringG 466-1 MaintenanceSummaryDVGW Technical RulesDVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionLegal foundation and Technical RulesStopExampleDVGW Technical R

55、ules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Qualificationcriteria for gas pipeline inspection companiesG 468-1October 2002燃气管线检漏公司燃气管线检漏公司资质资质DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准ContentsStaff and technical requirements on companies surveying

56、public gas distribution systemsMeeting the requirementsis an indispensable certification prerequisiteG 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准ContentsGeneral requirementsFormal requirementsStaff requirementsEquipment and instrumentsExhibitList of pipeline n

57、etwork inspection equipmentG 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准General requirementsCompanies undertake to e. g.assign to each inspection team a permanently employed skilled and experienced person trained on the basis of DVGW Instruction Bulletin 468/II

58、keep available for all employees the respective applicable version of the pertinent Technical RulesG 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Formal requirementsIn-house organisation defined in writing.Sufficient liability insurance cover.Adequate performance

59、 records and references.(Benchmark: 500km/year approx. of line surveyed by inspection team) G 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Staff requirementsResponsible expertUniversity, college or technical college graduateAt least 3 years of professional experi

60、ence in the fieldExceptionMasters certificate and at least 5 years of practical inspection experienceG 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Staff requirements巡检员的要求巡检员的要求Skilled staffTraining in accordance with G 468/IIQualification: at least one year of

61、practical inspection experience, 200km/y minimumSkilled staff shall be mentioned by name on the application form and verifiably attend trained courses at regular intervals.G 468-1DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准Gas detection training curriculumG 468/IIDec

62、ember 2008燃气检漏培训课程燃气检漏培训课程DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准This Instruction Bulletin servesas a basis of the training course, and to examine the level of knowledge attained by the skilled personnel assigned to carry out actual gas pipeline system inspectio

63、ns with gas detection devices (gas detectors).This shall not be construed as a waiver of the provision of annual training courses in accordance with G 468-1.G 468-2DVGW Technical Rules on Gas Pipeline InspectionDVGW关于燃气管线检测的技术标准关于燃气管线检测的技术标准ContentsEligibility for training and examinationCurriculumR

64、egulations, standards and bodies of rules to be included in the training curriculumExamination scheduleG 468-2Eligible for attendance!nonononeinnoAttendance/examination admittanceGas detector certificateyesEligible for attendance!yesSigned by responsible expert/technical executive?yesData plausible?

65、yes200km/y min. confirmed?yesAt least one year of field experience?yesExam passed?yesAttendance certificate“attended successfully”yesAttendancecertificatenonoPerformance record submitted?Exam passed?yes有入门资格有入门资格!nonononeinno入门入门/考试考试 结业结业燃气巡检员证书燃气巡检员证书yes有入门资格有入门资格!yes负责的专家和技术总监签字确认负责的专家和技术总监签字确认?y

66、es数据可靠性如何数据可靠性如何?yes至少确认巡检至少确认巡检200km/年?年?yes是否至少是否至少1年现场经验年现场经验?yes考试通过了吗考试通过了吗?yes入门证书入门证书“入门合格入门合格”yes入门证书入门证书nono能否提交操作的成绩单能否提交操作的成绩单?考试通过了吗考试通过了吗?yesDVGW Headquarters, Bonnwww.dvgw.deThank you very much for your attention5、世上最美好的事是:我已经长大,父母还未老;我有能力报答,父母仍然健康。6、没什么可怕的,大家都一样,在试探中不断前行。7、时间就像一张网,你撒在








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