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1、经贸知识英语经贸知识英语主主 讲:邵讲:邵 峰峰主主 编:王编:王 学学 文文出版社:中国人出版社:中国人 民大学出版社民大学出版社经贸知识英语经贸知识英语主主 讲:邵讲:邵 峰峰主主 编:王编:王 学学 文文出版社:中国人出版社:中国人 民大学出版社民大学出版社经贸知识英语经贸知识英语主主 讲:邵讲:邵 峰峰主主 编:王编:王 学学 文文出版社:中国人民大学出版社出版社:中国人民大学出版社n经贸英语与普通英语的区别经贸英语与普通英语的区别n经贸英语的学习方法和途径经贸英语的学习方法和途径n学习经贸英语的作用学习经贸英语的作用n关于考试及试题类型关于考试及试题类型概概 论论试题类型试题类型n

2、n一一 英汉短语互译(英汉短语互译(1010)n n二二 搭配题(搭配题(5 5)n n三三 经贸术语翻译(经贸术语翻译(2020)n n四四 用所给词的正确形式填空(用所给词的正确形式填空(1010)n n五五 英译汉(英译汉(1515)n n六六 汉译英(汉译英(2525)n n七七 回答问题(回答问题(1515)Lesson1International Trade(I)n n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n (1) (1) A A country country may may develop develop a a particular particular compara

3、tive comparative advantage advantage purely purely through through its its own own action, action, independent independent of of the the endowment endowment of of nature. nature. 一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家可可可可以以以以不不不不依依依依赖赖赖赖于于于于大大大大自自自自然然然然的的的的恩恩恩恩赐赐赐赐而而而而完完完完全全全全通通通通过过过过自身的行动来发展某一具体比较优势自身的行动来发展某一具体比较优势自身的行动

4、来发展某一具体比较优势自身的行动来发展某一具体比较优势。n nindependent of independent of sth:notsth:not depending on depending on sthsth. . 独立于。独立于。独立于。独立于。(2) 2) Switzerlands comparative advantage in watch making is typical example. 瑞瑞士士钟钟表表制制造造业业就就是是一个典型的例子。一个典型的例子。n nin:prep. 在在方面方面(3) Similarly, the United States has devel

5、oped comparative advantage in many lines that use the most up-to-date technology. 同同样样,美美国国已已经经在在使使用用最最先先进进技技术术的的许许多多行行业业发发展展了了比比较较优优势。势。n n line:行业行业n n up-to-date:最新的最新的n n(4) Trade to exploit comparative advantage promotes efficiency among countries, since it can make one country better off witho

6、ut making another worse off. 利利用用比比较较利利益益进进行行贸贸易易能能够够在在各各国国间间提提高高效效益益,可可以以改改善善一一个个国国家家的的经经济济状状况况而不损害另一个国家的利益。而不损害另一个国家的利益。n n since:因为因为n n it 指上述情况指上述情况n n well off:境况良好境况良好n n worse off:badly off 的比较级的比较级n n(5) As a result, Country A would specialize in the production of computers and trade some o

7、f them for Country Bs cars, and Country B would specialize in cars and exchange some of the cars for Country As computers. 因因为为,甲甲国国将将专专门门生生产产计计算算机机并并用用部部分分产产品品换换取取乙乙国国的的小小汽汽车车。而而乙乙国国将将专专门门生生产产小小汽汽车车并并用用部部分分产产品换取甲国的计算机。品换取甲国的计算机。n n as a result:因此因此n n specialize in:专攻(专门研究)专攻(专门研究)(6) (6) But But a

8、ccording according to to the the above above theory, theory, trade trade occurs occurs only only when when each each country country has has an an absolute absolute advantage advantage over over the the other other in in the the production production of of one one commodity. commodity. 但但但但是是是是,根根根根

9、据据据据上上上上述述述述理理理理论论论论,只只只只有有有有当当当当一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家对对对对另另另另一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家在在在在某某某某一一一一商商商商品品品品的的的的生生生生产产产产方方方方面面面面占绝对优势时,贸易才会发生。占绝对优势时,贸易才会发生。占绝对优势时,贸易才会发生。占绝对优势时,贸易才会发生。(7) (7) On On the the other other hand, hand, one one man man in in Country Country B B can can produce produce 40 40 cars cars in

10、in a a year year but but only only 20in 20in Country Country A. A. 从从从从另另另另一一一一方方方方面面面面讲讲讲讲,在在在在乙乙乙乙国国国国每每每每人人人人每每每每年年年年能能能能生生生生产产产产四四四四十十十十辆小汽车,但在甲国每人每年只能生产二十辆。辆小汽车,但在甲国每人每年只能生产二十辆。辆小汽车,但在甲国每人每年只能生产二十辆。辆小汽车,但在甲国每人每年只能生产二十辆。n nOn On the the one one hand,on hand,on the the other other hand:hand:一一一一方

11、方方方面面面面另一方面另一方面另一方面另一方面n n(8) (8) So So Country Country A A is is more more efficient efficient in in producing producing computers computers than than Country Country B, B, and and we we say say that that the the former former has has an an absolute absolute advantage advantage over over the the la

12、tter. latter. 所所所所以以以以,甲甲甲甲国国国国的的的的计计计计算算算算机机机机生生生生产产产产能能能能力力力力要要要要比比比比乙乙乙乙国国国国强强强强。我我我我们们们们说说说说前前前前者对于后者来说有着绝对优势。者对于后者来说有着绝对优势。者对于后者来说有着绝对优势。者对于后者来说有着绝对优势。n n in doing in doing sthsth.: .:在做在做在做在做方面方面方面方面n n the former the latter: the former the latter:前者前者前者前者后者后者后者后者n n(9) (9) In In reality, real

13、ity, it it is is not not rare rare that that one one country country has has no no absolute absolute advantage advantage in in any any commodity. commodity. 事事事事实实实实上上上上,对对对对于于于于一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家来来来来说说说说,生生生生产产产产任任任任何何何何一一一一种种种种商商商商品品品品都都都都不不不不占占占占绝绝绝绝对对对对优优优优势的情况并不罕见。势的情况并不罕见。势的情况并不罕见。势的情况并不罕见。n n i

14、n reality: in reality:事实上事实上事实上事实上n n rare: rare:罕见的罕见的罕见的罕见的n n(10) The theory of comparative advantage holds that even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade. 比比较较优优势势学学说说认认为为,即即使使一一个个国国家家在在生生产产两两种种商商品

15、品时时都都比比另另一一个个国国家家效效率率高高,这这两两个国家也存在着互利的贸易基础。个国家也存在着互利的贸易基础。n neven if/though:即即使使(引引导导条条件件状状语语从句)从句)n n(11) (11) The The first first country country should should specialize specialize in in the the production production and and export export of of the the commodity commodity in in which which its it

16、s absolute absolute disadvantage disadvantage is is smaller, smaller, i.e. i.e. the the commodity commodity of of its its comparative comparative advantage, advantage, and and import import the the commodity commodity in in which which its its absolute absolute disadvantage disadvantage is is greate

17、r, greater, i.e. i.e. the the commodity commodity of of its its comparative comparative disadvantage. disadvantage. 甲甲甲甲国国国国应应应应该该该该专专专专门门门门生生生生产产产产和和和和出出出出口口口口那那那那些些些些绝绝绝绝对对对对劣劣劣劣势势势势小小小小、也也也也就就就就是是是是有有有有相相相相对对对对优优优优势势势势的的的的商商商商品品品品,进进进进口口口口那那那那些些些些绝绝绝绝对对对对劣劣劣劣势势势势大大大大、也也也也就就就就是是是是有有有有相相相相对对对对劣劣劣劣势

18、的商品。势的商品。势的商品。势的商品。n n in in whichwhich(不不不不能能能能用用用用thatthat)引引引引导导导导定定定定语语语语从从从从句句句句,修修修修饰饰饰饰其前的其前的其前的其前的commoditycommodityn n i.e. i.e. (拉丁语缩写):也就是说拉丁语缩写):也就是说拉丁语缩写):也就是说拉丁语缩写):也就是说n n(12) (12) Some Some countries countries are are abundant abundant in in resources, resources, and and while while

19、elsewhere elsewhere reserves reserves are are scarce scarce or or even even nonexistent. nonexistent. 有有有有些些些些国国国国家家家家资资资资源源源源非非非非常常常常丰丰丰丰富富富富,而而而而其其其其他他他他国国国国家资源稀少,甚至根本就没有。家资源稀少,甚至根本就没有。家资源稀少,甚至根本就没有。家资源稀少,甚至根本就没有。n n be abundant/rich in: be abundant/rich in:富有富有富有富有n n while: while:虽然虽然虽然虽然n nYou

20、like basketball, while Id rather read. You like basketball, while Id rather read. 你爱你爱你爱你爱打篮球,但我爱看书。打篮球,但我爱看书。打篮球,但我爱看书。打篮球,但我爱看书。n n(13) (13) For For instance,instance,举举举举例例例例来来来来说说说说,英英英英国国国国煤煤煤煤资资资资源源源源丰丰丰丰富富富富,但金属资源匮乏。但金属资源匮乏。但金属资源匮乏。但金属资源匮乏。n nFor instance:For instance:例如:例如:例如:例如: n n(14) (14

21、) Kuwait Kuwait has has vast vast oil oil deposits deposits but but little little farm farm produce. produce. 科威特石油储量巨大,但农产品缺乏。科威特石油储量巨大,但农产品缺乏。科威特石油储量巨大,但农产品缺乏。科威特石油储量巨大,但农产品缺乏。n nlittle:little:几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有n n(15) (15) And And Japan Japan relies relies heavily heavily on on import import for fo

22、r most most of of the the primary primary commodities. commodities. 对对对对于于于于多多多多数数数数的的的的初级产品,日本严重依赖进口。初级产品,日本严重依赖进口。初级产品,日本严重依赖进口。初级产品,日本严重依赖进口。n nrely on:rely on:依赖依赖依赖依赖n nWe We cannot cannot rely rely on on developed developed countries countries all all the the time. time. 我们不能总是依赖着发达国家。我们不能总是依赖

23、着发达国家。我们不能总是依赖着发达国家。我们不能总是依赖着发达国家。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) define:(1) define:及物动词,解释。及物动词,解释。及物动词,解释。及物动词,解释。n n(2) distribution:(2) distribution:名词,分布,经销。名词,分布,经销。名词,分布,经销。名词,分布,经销。n n(3) natural resources:(3) natural resources:短语,自然资源。短语,自然资源。短语,自然资源。短语,自然资源。n n(4) abundant:(4) abundant:形容词,丰富

24、的;丰富形容词,丰富的;丰富形容词,丰富的;丰富形容词,丰富的;丰富n n(5) (5) scarce:scarce:形形形形容容容容词词词词,缺缺缺缺少少少少的的的的;稀稀稀稀有有有有的的的的;多多多多与与与与介介介介词连用形成词组词连用形成词组词连用形成词组词连用形成词组n n(6) in terms of (as regards (6) in terms of (as regards sthsth.):.):从从从从方面来讲方面来讲方面来讲方面来讲n nThink Think of of it it in in terms terms of of an an investment. in

25、vestment. 从从从从投投投投资资资资的的的的角度考虑那件事。角度考虑那件事。角度考虑那件事。角度考虑那件事。n nThe The figures figures are are expressed expressed in in terms terms of of a a percentage/in percentage/in percentage percentage terms. terms. 这这这这些些些些数数数数字字字字是是是是以以以以百分数表达的。百分数表达的。百分数表达的。百分数表达的。n nChina China has has an an absolute absol

26、ute advantage advantage over over any any other other countries countries in in terms terms of of labor. labor. 在在在在人人人人力力力力资资资资源源源源方方方方面面面面,中中中中国比别的任何国家都有优势。国比别的任何国家都有优势。国比别的任何国家都有优势。国比别的任何国家都有优势。n n(7) (7) incentive:incentive:名名名名词词词词,刺刺刺刺激激激激,鼓鼓鼓鼓励励励励,同同同同时时时时该该该该词词词词还还还还兼有形容词的词性,意指:刺激的;鼓励的。兼有形容词

27、的词性,意指:刺激的;鼓励的。兼有形容词的词性,意指:刺激的;鼓励的。兼有形容词的词性,意指:刺激的;鼓励的。n n(8) constitute:(8) constitute:动词,构成,形成。动词,构成,形成。动词,构成,形成。动词,构成,形成。n n(9) remainder:(9) remainder:名词,剩余物,余数。名词,剩余物,余数。名词,剩余物,余数。名词,剩余物,余数。n n(10) hold:(10) hold:及物动词,认为。及物动词,认为。及物动词,认为。及物动词,认为。n n(11) (11) in in terms terms of:of:介介介介词词词词短短短短语

28、语语语,在在在在方方方方面面面面。例例例例句句句句:In In terms terms of of manpower manpower we we have have a a large large population population to to take take part part in in this this activity activity 在在在在人人人人力力力力这这这这一方面,我们有足够的人员去参加这活动。一方面,我们有足够的人员去参加这活动。一方面,我们有足够的人员去参加这活动。一方面,我们有足够的人员去参加这活动。n n(12) (12) specializatio

29、n: specialization: In In our our text, text, it it means means one one country country produces produces more more of of a a commodity commodity than than it it uses uses itself itself and and sells sells the the remainder remainder to to other other countries. countries. 专专专专门门门门化化化化:在在在在本本本本文文文文指指

30、指指一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家所所所所生生生生产产产产的的的的某某某某种种种种商商商商品品品品数数数数量量量量超超超超出出出出它它它它的的的的消消消消费费费费,并并并并将将将将所所所所剩剩剩剩商商商商品品品品卖卖卖卖给给给给其他国家。其他国家。其他国家。其他国家。n n(13) (13) services: services: A A useful useful business business or or job job that that does does not not produce produce goods. goods. . .服服服服务务务务:不不不不生生生生产产产产

31、具具具具体体体体物品的一种职业或工作。物品的一种职业或工作。物品的一种职业或工作。物品的一种职业或工作。n n(14) (14) primary primary commodities: commodities: Mainly Mainly means means the the non-processed non-processed or or the the primarily, primarily, processed processed produce produce or or products, products, it it includes includes foods, fo

32、ods, drinks, drinks, material material processing processing in in agriculture agriculture and and mineral, mineral, vegetable vegetable oil oil and and animal animal fat, fat, and and fuel fuel manufacturing. manufacturing. 初初初初级级级级产产产产品品品品:主主主主要要要要指指指指未未未未经经经经加加加加工工工工或或或或仅仅仅仅经经经经初初初初步步步步加加加加工工工工的的

33、的的农农农农林林林林、牧牧牧牧、渔渔渔渔、矿矿矿矿等等等等产产产产品品品品。分分分分为为为为食食食食品品品品、饮饮饮饮料料料料、农农农农矿矿矿矿原原原原料料料料、动动动动植物油脂和燃料五大类。植物油脂和燃料五大类。植物油脂和燃料五大类。植物油脂和燃料五大类。n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page12page12)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题: :第第1 1题、第题、第2 2题。题。n n2 2 搭配题搭配题n n3 3 完型填空完型填空n n4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 1 、 2 2 、 5 5)Lesson 2Intern

34、ational Trade(II)n n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n(1) (1) These These countries countries attract attract large large numbers numbers of of tourists, tourists, who who spend spend money money for for traveling,hotel traveling,hotel accommodations, accommodations, meals, meals, taxis, taxis, and and so so on

35、. on. 这这这这些些些些国国国国家家家家吸吸吸吸引引引引着着着着大大大大批批批批观观观观光光光光者者者者,他他他他们们们们花花花花钱钱钱钱旅旅旅旅游游游游、食食食食宿宿宿宿、乘出租车等。乘出租车等。乘出租车等。乘出租车等。n n large numbers of + large numbers of +可数名词:大量的可数名词:大量的可数名词:大量的可数名词:大量的n n who who 引导非限制性定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句。n n(2) (2) This This refers refers to to the the money mon

36、ey sentsent back back to to home home countries countries by by people people working working in in a a foreign foreign land. land. 这里指的是那些在国外工作的人汇回国内的钱。这里指的是那些在国外工作的人汇回国内的钱。这里指的是那些在国外工作的人汇回国内的钱。这里指的是那些在国外工作的人汇回国内的钱。n n句句句句中中中中画画画画线线线线部部部部分分分分为为为为过过过过去去去去分分分分词词词词短短短短语语语语作作作作定定定定语语语语,修修修修饰饰饰饰moneymon

37、ey。n n working working in in a a foreign foreign land land 为为为为现现现现在在在在分分分分词词词词短短短短语语语语作作作作定语,修饰定语,修饰定语,修饰定语,修饰peoplepeople。n n(3) (3) Invisible Invisible trade trade can can be be as as important important to to some some countries countries as as visible visible trade trade is is to to others.othe

38、rs.如如如如同同同同有有有有形形形形贸贸贸贸易易易易对对对对一一一一些些些些国国国国家家家家非非非非常常常常重重重重要要要要一一一一样样样样,无无无无形形形形贸贸贸贸易易易易对对对对一一一一些国家一样非常重要。些国家一样非常重要。些国家一样非常重要。些国家一样非常重要。n nas +adj.+as +adj.+其他其他其他其他+as+as结构的用法:像结构的用法:像结构的用法:像结构的用法:像一样一样一样一样n n(4) (4) A A tariff tariff is is a a tax tax leviedlevied on on a a commodity commodity whe

39、n when it it crosses crosses the the boundary boundary of of a a customs customs area area which which usually usually coincides coincides with with the the area area of of a a country. country. 关关关关税税税税是是是是商商商商品品品品跨跨跨跨越越越越关关关关税税税税区区区区时时时时对对对对该该该该商商商商品品品品征征征征收收收收的的的的税税税税。一一一一般般般般来来来来说说说说,关关关关税税税税区区区

40、区与与与与一个国家的领域是一致的。一个国家的领域是一致的。一个国家的领域是一致的。一个国家的领域是一致的。n n levy a tariff on: levy a tariff on:对征对征对征对征收关税收关税收关税收关税 A departure tax was levied on all A departure tax was levied on all travellerstravellers. .n n句中画线部分是过去分词短语,作句中画线部分是过去分词短语,作句中画线部分是过去分词短语,作句中画线部分是过去分词短语,作taxtax的定语。的定语。的定语。的定语。n n coincid

41、e with: coincide with:与与与与一致一致一致一致 My ideas coincide with his.My ideas coincide with his. 我的想法与他的一致。我的想法与他的一致。我的想法与他的一致。我的想法与他的一致。n n(5) (5) Import Import duties duties may may be be either either specific, specific, or or ad ad valoremvalorem, , or or a a combination combination of of the the two t

42、wo compound compound duties. duties. 进进进进口口口口税税税税可可可可以以以以是是是是从从从从量量量量税税税税、从从从从价价价价税、或两者的结合,即混合税。税、或两者的结合,即混合税。税、或两者的结合,即混合税。税、或两者的结合,即混合税。n neitheroreitheror:或者或者或者或者或者或者或者或者n n(6) (6) But But a a complete complete answer answer must must also also take take into into account account other other fac

43、tors factors such such as as patterns patterns of of scale scale and and , , economies economies of of scale scale and and innovation innovation or or style. style. 但但但但是是是是,完完完完整整整整的的的的答答答答案案案案还还还还必必必必须须须须考考考考虑虑虑虑到到到到一一一一些些些些其其其其他他他他因因因因素素素素,如需求结构、规模经济、以及革新或款式。如需求结构、规模经济、以及革新或款式。如需求结构、规模经济、以及革新或款式。

44、如需求结构、规模经济、以及革新或款式。n n take take sthsth. into account:. into account:把把把把考虑在内考虑在内考虑在内考虑在内n n such as: such as:例如例如例如例如n n(7) (7) For For strategic strategic or or domestic domestic reasons, reasons, a a country country may may continue continue to to produce produce goods goods for for which which i

45、t it does does not not have have an an advantage. advantage. 出出出出于于于于战战战战略略略略或或或或国国国国内内内内的的的的原原原原因因因因,一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家可可可可能能能能继继继继续续续续生产其不具优势的商品。生产其不具优势的商品。生产其不具优势的商品。生产其不具优势的商品。n nfor for whichwhich为为为为“ “介介介介词词词词+ +关关关关系系系系代代代代词词词词” ”结结结结构构构构,引引引引导导导导定定定定语语语语从从从从句句句句,修修修修饰饰饰饰先先先先行行行行词词词词goodsgoods

46、,forfor在在在在这这这这里里里里是是是是“ “对对对对于于于于” ”的的的的意意意意思思思思,即即即即“ “对于这些商品,这个国家并不具优势对于这些商品,这个国家并不具优势对于这些商品,这个国家并不具优势对于这些商品,这个国家并不具优势” ”。n n(8) (8) Where Where there there are are no no differences differences among among countries countries in in the the basic basic capabilities capabilities at at producing pr

47、oducing goods, goods, other other bases bases for for trade trade among among them them may may still still exist. exist. 在在在在那那那那些些些些生生生生产产产产商商商商品品品品的的的的基基基基础础础础能能能能力力力力方方方方面面面面没没没没有有有有差差差差异异异异的的的的国国国国家家家家中中中中,其其其其他他他他方方方方面面面面的的的的贸贸贸贸易易易易基基基基础础础础仍仍仍仍然可能存在。然可能存在。然可能存在。然可能存在。n nwhere where 引导一个地点状语从句

48、。引导一个地点状语从句。引导一个地点状语从句。引导一个地点状语从句。n n(9) (9) For For example, example, most most consumers consumers in in one one country country may may consider consider dog dog meat meat a a delicacy, delicacy, while while in in another another country country the the consumption consumption of of dog dog meat

49、meat is is abhorrent. abhorrent. 例例例例如如如如,在在在在一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家消消消消费费费费者者者者可可可可能能能能把把把把狗狗狗狗肉肉肉肉看看看看作作作作一一一一种种种种美美美美食食食食,而而而而在在在在另另另另一一一一个个个个国国国国家家家家,吃狗肉则被认为是不雅的。吃狗肉则被认为是不雅的。吃狗肉则被认为是不雅的。吃狗肉则被认为是不雅的。n n while:“ while:“而而而而” ”表示前后意思的对比。表示前后意思的对比。表示前后意思的对比。表示前后意思的对比。n n abhorrent:adj.“ abhorrent:adj.“可恶的

50、可恶的可恶的可恶的” ”n n(10) (10) Even Even though though Country Country A A produces produces enough enough cars cars at at reasonable reasonable costs costs to to meet meet its its own own demand demand and and even even to to export export some, some, it it still still import import cars cars from from o

51、ther other countries countries for for innovation innovation or or variety variety of of style. style. 即即即即使使使使甲甲甲甲国国国国能能能能以以以以合合合合理理理理的的的的民民民民本本本本生生生生产产产产足足足足够够够够的的的的小小小小汽汽汽汽车车车车满满满满足足足足自自自自己己己己的的的的需需需需求求求求,甚甚甚甚至至至至出出出出口口口口一一一一些些些些,但但但但是是是是因因因因革革革革新新新新与与与与款款款款式式式式的的的的需需需需要要要要,它它它它仍仍仍仍从从从从别别别别的的的的国国

52、国国家家家家进进进进口口口口一一一一些些些些小小小小汽汽汽汽车。车。车。车。n n even though/if: even though/if:即使即使即使即使n n meet: meet:满足满足满足满足n nmeet meet sbssbs wishes, wishes, conditions, conditions, needs,etc.needs,etc.满满满满足足足足某某某某人人人人的的的的希希希希望望望望,条件,需要等。条件,需要等。条件,需要等。条件,需要等。n n for: for:由于由于由于由于 Hes learning English for the fun of i

53、t.n n他为了好玩才学习英语的。他为了好玩才学习英语的。n nSummarize,Summarize,归纳,总结。归纳,总结。归纳,总结。归纳,总结。 Can you summarize this passage?Can you summarize this passage?n nSeek to Seek to 试图。试图。试图。试图。 The two parties seek to bring the disagreement to The two parties seek to bring the disagreement to and endand endn nSeek Seek 还可

54、以与介词还可以与介词还可以与介词还可以与介词forfor连用,意思为:探求,寻求连用,意思为:探求,寻求连用,意思为:探求,寻求连用,意思为:探求,寻求 They are seeking for the solution to current They are seeking for the solution to current problems.problems.n nTake into account Take into account 考虑,认为考虑,认为考虑,认为考虑,认为 We are taking into account the drawback We are taking i

55、nto account the drawback of the meeting. of the meeting.n nIn reality,In reality,事实上,实际上。类似的短语还有事实上,实际上。类似的短语还有事实上,实际上。类似的短语还有事实上,实际上。类似的短语还有in fact , in fact , in practice .in practice . In reality ,most of countries are lack of In reality ,most of countries are lack of natualnatual resource.resour

56、ce.n n affect affect意为影响,多为负面影响;意为影响,多为负面影响;意为影响,多为负面影响;意为影响,多为负面影响;influenceinfluence为中性词。为中性词。为中性词。为中性词。 Smoking affects health.Smoking affects health. 吸烟影响健康。吸烟影响健康。吸烟影响健康。吸烟影响健康。n nMy teacher influenced my decision to study science.My teacher influenced my decision to study science.n n我的老师对我学理科的

57、决定起了影响作用我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用n n介词介词介词介词WithWith的用法的用法的用法的用法n n1 1 和和和和一起一起一起一起 Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows.Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows.( (谚谚谚谚) ) 落难时不择伙伴。落难时不择伙伴。落难时不择伙伴。落难时不择伙伴。 to live with ones parentsto live with ones parents st

58、aying with a friend staying with a friendn n2 2 带有带有带有带有的心情、态度等的心情、态度等的心情、态度等的心情、态度等n nHe agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.n n他很大方地承认自己错了。他很大方地承认自己错了。他很大方地承认自己错了。他很大方地承认自己错了。n3 有有I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and wai

59、ted.我坐在一把有网眼的新式椅子上等我坐在一把有网眼的新式椅子上等n4 因为,由于因为,由于With the state of national economy so serious, I see no reason for the governments complacency.国民经济如此严竣国民经济如此严竣,我认为政府毫无理由沾沾自喜我认为政府毫无理由沾沾自喜n nThe formerThe former前者前者前者前者 Did he go there by air or by train? The former Did he go there by air or by train?

60、The former seems more likely.seems more likely. 他是乘飞机还是坐火车去的他是乘飞机还是坐火车去的他是乘飞机还是坐火车去的他是乘飞机还是坐火车去的? ?前者似乎可能性更大前者似乎可能性更大前者似乎可能性更大前者似乎可能性更大些。些。些。些。n nthe latterthe latter前者,后者前者,后者前者,后者前者,后者Did he walk or swim? The Did he walk or swim? The latter seems unlikely.latter seems unlikely. 他是散步还是游泳?后者看来不太可能。他

61、是散步还是游泳?后者看来不太可能。他是散步还是游泳?后者看来不太可能。他是散步还是游泳?后者看来不太可能。n nRefer to Refer to 针对;有关针对;有关针对;有关针对;有关; ;指的是指的是指的是指的是 The new law does not refer to farm land.The new law does not refer to farm land. 新法律与耕地无关。新法律与耕地无关。新法律与耕地无关。新法律与耕地无关。 What I said refers to all of you.What I said refers to all of you.n non

62、the basis of on the basis of 以以以以. .为基础为基础为基础为基础 The principle is on the basis of fairness.The principle is on the basis of fairness.n nIn addition toIn addition to In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good educati

63、on and a decent home adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.environment. 除了遗传基因外除了遗传基因外除了遗传基因外除了遗传基因外, ,智力的高低还取决于良好的营养智力的高低还取决于良好的营养智力的高低还取决于良好的营养智力的高低还取决于良好的营养, ,良好良好良好良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。的教育和良好的家庭环境。的教育和良好的家庭环境。的教育和良好的家庭环境。nBesidesBesidesprep.除除以外以外(还有还有)Besides milk and cheese, w

64、e need vegetables.除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。nExcept prep.(常与(常与for, that连用)除连用)除之外(没有)之外(没有)All the answers are excellent except for some mistakes.除最后一道题之外的所有问题除最后一道题之外的所有问题His report is correct except that some details are omitted.除了有些细节未提到之外除了有些细节未提到之外,他的报导是正确的。他的报导是正确的。nbutprep.除除以外(主语多为不

65、定代词)以外(主语多为不定代词)no one but me除我以外没别人除我以外没别人Book 意思是租用意思是租用Youll have to book up early.你要早一点订座。你要早一点订座。The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。The hotel is fully booked up.旅馆房间已经全部给人预定。旅馆房间已经全部给人预定。nAs well as除除以外以外n nAttract Attract vtvt 吸引

66、吸引吸引吸引 She was attracted by the novel advertisement.She was attracted by the novel advertisement. 她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。Attract的同义词合近义词的同义词合近义词Allure captivate charm draw fascinate infatuate intere stpull tempt distract repeln nLarge number ofLarge number of大量的。用来修饰可数名词

67、。大量的。用来修饰可数名词。大量的。用来修饰可数名词。大量的。用来修饰可数名词。 A smaller number of families may raise children.A smaller number of families may raise children. 少数家庭可以抚养孩子。少数家庭可以抚养孩子。少数家庭可以抚养孩子。少数家庭可以抚养孩子。n nLarge amount of Large amount of 大量的大量的大量的大量的。Large amounts of money were spent on the magnificent building.这幢气派的大楼花

68、了大量的钱。这幢气派的大楼花了大量的钱。n ndepend1.1.(常与(常与on on 连用)信任,信赖;需要连用)信任,信赖;需要Can I depend on you?我可以信任你吗?我可以信任你吗?I havent a car, I have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,只能靠公共我没有汽车,只能靠公共2 2.(常与(常与on, uponon, upon连用)视情况而定连用)视情况而定That depends.视情形而定。视情形而定。It all depends on how you tackle the problem.那要看你如何应付这问题而定那要看你

69、如何应付这问题而定n nMake effort to尽力尽力He made an effort to climb the wall.他尽力爬上墙他尽力爬上墙。Please put more effort into your school work.请你在功课上再努点力。请你在功课上再努点力。nengage in 使从事于使从事于, , 参加参加 I have no time to engage in gossip.nengage for 保证保证nengage on 开始开始( (某种职业某种职业) )n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) (1) concession:co

70、ncession:名名名名词词词词,让让让让步步步步。通通通通常常常常用用用用短短短短语语语语“ “make make a concession to”a concession to”对对对对作出让步。作出让步。作出让步。作出让步。n n(2) (2) impose:impose:动动动动词词词词,强强强强加加加加。Impose Impose something something on on somebodysomebody把把把把强强强强加加加加于于于于某某某某人人人人。另另另另外外外外imposeimpose还还还还可可可可作作作作不不不不及及及及物物物物动动动动词词词词,意意意意指指指

71、指利利利利用用用用,如如如如impose impose on on sbssbs kindnesskindness利用某人的善意。利用某人的善意。利用某人的善意。利用某人的善意。n n(3) (3) non-tariff non-tariff barriers, barriers, 非非非非关关关关税税税税壁壁壁壁垒垒垒垒,指指指指关关关关税税税税之之之之外外外外的的的的一一一一切切切切直直直直接接接接或或或或间间间间接接接接限限限限制制制制进进进进口口口口的的的的法法法法规规规规和和和和措措措措施施施施,如如如如,进进进进口口口口限限限限额额额额等等等等。随随随随着着着着关关关关税税税税壁壁

72、壁壁垒垒垒垒在在在在贸贸贸贸易易易易保保保保护护护护中中中中的作用减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用。的作用减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用。的作用减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用。的作用减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用。n n(4) (4) without without reference reference to to countries:countries:与与与与国国国国家家家家无无无无关关关关,短短短短语语语语without without reference reference toto与与与与无无无无关关关关。如如如如:all all the the people, people, withou

73、t without reference reference to to age age or or sex, sex, 所所所所有人,不论男女老少。有人,不论男女老少。有人,不论男女老少。有人,不论男女老少。n nVisible trade:Visible trade:有形贸易,指商品的进出口。有形贸易,指商品的进出口。有形贸易,指商品的进出口。有形贸易,指商品的进出口。n n(5) (5) reasonable reasonable costs:costs:合合合合理理理理的的的的成成成成本本本本,reasonablereasonable的的的的含含含含义义义义是是是是“ “适适适适当当当当

74、的的的的” ”、“ “不不不不过过过过分分分分的的的的” ”、“ “公公公公道道道道的的的的” ”、“ “合合合合乎乎乎乎情情情情理理理理的的的的” ”。如如如如果果果果要要要要表表表表达达达达“ “合合合合理理理理利利利利用用用用 资资资资 源源源源 ” ”、 “ “合合合合 理理理理 化化化化 建建建建 议议议议 ” ”则则则则 不不不不 能能能能 用用用用reasonablereasonable而而而而 该该该该 用用用用 rationalrational, 分分分分 别别别别 译译译译 作作作作 make make rational rational use use of of res

75、ourcesresources和和和和 rationalization rationalization proposal.proposal.n n(6) (6) coincide:v.coincide:v.巧巧巧巧合合合合,偶偶偶偶合合合合,用用用用时时时时多多多多与与与与介介介介词词词词withwith相相相相连连连连用用用用,但但但但也也也也有有有有例例例例外外外外,如如如如:We We do do not not coincide coincide in opinion. in opinion. 我们意见不和。我们意见不和。我们意见不和。我们意见不和。n n(7) refund: v.(

76、7) refund: v.偿还,退还。偿还,退还。偿还,退还。偿还,退还。n n(8) (8) signatory: signatory: nownow签签签签约约约约人人人人,签签签签约约约约国国国国。例例例例如如如如:the the signatories to a treaty signatories to a treaty 各缔约国。各缔约国。各缔约国。各缔约国。n n(9) (9) impose:v impose:v .to .to establishestablish( an an additional additional paymentpayment)officiallyoff

77、icially征(税),加(负担)于征(税),加(负担)于征(税),加(负担)于征(税),加(负担)于n nA A new new tax tax has has been been imposed imposed on on tabacotabaco. .对对对对烟烟烟烟又又又又征征征征收了新税项。收了新税项。收了新税项。收了新税项。n n(10) (10) protectionist:n.a protectionist:n.a person person who who wants wants to to keep keep the the system system of of prot

78、ecting protecting ones ones own own countrys countrys trade, esp.by tariffstrade, esp.by tariffs(贸易)保护主义者。贸易)保护主义者。贸易)保护主义者。贸易)保护主义者。n nThe The U U .S .S .A .A is is one one of of protectionists protectionists in in international trade.international trade.n n美国是国际贸易中一个保护主义者。美国是国际贸易中一个保护主义者。美国是国际贸易中一

79、个保护主义者。美国是国际贸易中一个保护主义者。n n(11) (11) unilateralunilateral: adj.done adj.done by by or or having having an an effect effect on on only only one one side,esp.one side,esp.one of of the the political political groups in an agreementgroups in an agreement:一方的,单方面的。一方的,单方面的。一方的,单方面的。一方的,单方面的。n nThe The tr

80、eaty treaty denies denies any any unilateral unilateral withdrawal.withdrawal.该该该该条约禁止任何单方面的撤出。条约禁止任何单方面的撤出。条约禁止任何单方面的撤出。条约禁止任何单方面的撤出。n n(12) (12) labellabel:n.a n.a piece piece of of other other material,fixed material,fixed to to something.something.n n(13) (13) customs customs unionunion:关关关关税税税税

81、同同同同盟盟盟盟。两两两两个个个个或或或或多多多多个个个个国国国国家家家家缔缔缔缔约约约约建建建建立立立立统统统统一一一一的的的的关关关关税税税税,对对对对内内内内取取取取消消消消相相相相互互互互间间间间的的的的进进进进口口口口关关关关税税税税,实实实实现现现现内内内内部部部部商商商商品品品品自自自自由由由由流流流流通通通通;对对对对外外外外实实实实行行行行统统统统一的关税,这样的联盟即为关税同盟。一的关税,这样的联盟即为关税同盟。一的关税,这样的联盟即为关税同盟。一的关税,这样的联盟即为关税同盟。n n(14) (14) Import Import duties duties may may

82、 be be either either specific, specific, or or ad ad valoremvalorem, , or or a a combination combination of of the the twotwocompound compound duties. duties. Specific Specific duties,duties,从从从从量量量量税税税税,以以以以商商商商品品品品的的的的重重重重量量量量、数数数数量量量量、容容容容量量量量、长长长长度度度度、面面面面积积积积等等等等计计计计征征征征的的的的关关关关税税税税;ad ad valor

83、emvalorem duties duties ;从从从从价价价价税税税税,以以以以商商商商品品品品的的的的价价价价格格格格为为为为标标标标准准准准征征征征收收收收的的的的关关关关税税税税;compound compound dutiesduties混混混混合合合合税税税税、复复复复合合合合税税税税,英英英英语语语语也也也也称称称称,对对对对同同同同一一一一税税税税目目目目的的的的商商商商品品品品,同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税。同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税。同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税。同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税。n n(15) drawback:(15) drawb

84、ack:退税退税退税退税n n(16) exploit (16) exploit vtvt. use; develop:. use; develop:利用利用利用利用n n(A) (A) Man Man should should make make more more efforts efforts to to exploit exploit natural natural resources. resources. 人人人人类类类类应应应应该该该该更更更更加加加加努努努努力力力力地地地地开开开开发发发发利利利利用自然资源。用自然资源。用自然资源。用自然资源。n n(B) (B) Man M

85、an exploits exploits waterpower waterpower very very well. well. 人人人人类类类类对对对对水能开发利用得很好。水能开发利用得很好。水能开发利用得很好。水能开发利用得很好。n n(17) (17) assume assume vtvt. . take take as as true true before before there there is is proof:proof:假定假定假定假定n n(A) (A) Assuming Assuming that that her her story story is is true,

86、 true, what what should should we we do? do? 假假假假如如如如她她她她说说说说的的的的是是是是真真真真的的的的,我我我我们们们们怎怎怎怎么么么么办办办办?n n(B) (B) I I assume assume that that she she has has received received my my telegram. telegram. 我猜测她已经接到了我的电报。我猜测她已经接到了我的电报。我猜测她已经接到了我的电报。我猜测她已经接到了我的电报。n n(1818)take take into into account account o

87、ther other factors:factors:考考考考虑虑虑虑其其其其他他他他因因因因素素素素。Take Take into into account account 是是是是一一一一个个个个常常常常用用用用短短短短语语语语。 We We must must take take into into account account all all the the different different opinions opinions expressed expressed at at the the meeting.meeting.我我我我们们们们必必必必须须须须考考考考虑会上提出的

88、不同意见。虑会上提出的不同意见。虑会上提出的不同意见。虑会上提出的不同意见。 n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page25page25)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题: :第第1 1题、第题、第6 6题、第题、第8 8题。题。n n2 2 搭配题搭配题n n3 3 完型填空完型填空n n4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 1 、 2 2 、 4 4)n n课后练习课后练习1参考答案参考答案:n n(1) yes, there are, for example, patterns of demand; economies of scale

89、s; innovation or style.n n(2)economy of scale is the cost advantages of large-scale production . Trade may occur out of economies of scale.n n(3)the theory of international specialization seek to answer the question which countries will produce what goods ,with what trade patterns among them.n n(4)n

90、o. it will not. For stratagic or domestic reasons, a country may continue to produce goods for which it does not have an advantage.n n(4). the benefits of specialization may also be affected by transport cost. Protectionist measures which are often taken by governments are also barries to trade ,and

91、 typical examples are tariffs and quotas.n n(5).tariff barries are the most common of trade restriction. a tariffs is tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the bounary of a customs area extending beyond national boundaries to include two or more independent nations is called a customs union.n n(

92、6).the most-favoured-nation(MFN) treatment refers to a tariffs treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country. MFN treatment is not really special treatment but is just normal trading status because it gives a coun

93、try lowest tariffs only within the tariffs schedule, but it is still possible to have lower tariffs.n n(7).quotas or quantitative restrictions are the most common form of non-tariff barries. A quotas limits the imports or export of a commodities during a given period of time.n n(8).visible trade inv

94、olves the export and import of goods. Invisible trade involves the exchange of services and tecknoledge between countries. Invisible trade include transportation, insurance, tourism , immigrant remittance ,ect.Lesson 3International Paymentn n重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n(1).Generally (1).Generally speaking, s

95、peaking, it it is is not not difficult difficult for for buyers buyers and and sellers sellers in in domestic domestic trade trade to to get get to to know know each each others others financial financial status status and and other other information, information, and and payment payment is is likel

96、y likely to to be be made made in in a a straightforward straightforward manner, manner, say say by by remittance remittance or or by by debiting debiting the the debtors debtors account. account. 一一一一般般般般而而而而言言言言,在在在在国国国国内内内内贸贸贸贸易易易易中中中中,买买买买卖卖卖卖双双双双方方方方相相相相互互互互了了了了解解解解对对对对方方方方的的的的财财财财务务务务状状状状况况况况和

97、和和和其其其其他他他他相相相相关关关关信信信信息息息息并并并并不不不不难难难难,支支支支付付付付可可可可能能能能以以以以一一一一种种种种直直直直接接接接的的的的方方方方式式式式进进进进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。n n generally speaking generally speaking 为插入语为插入语为插入语为插入语n n be likely to do be likely to do sthsth: :可能干某事可能干某事可能干某事可能干某事n n i

98、n a straightforward manner: in a straightforward in a straightforward manner: in a straightforward wayway以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。 n nIt It在这里是形式主语,真正的主语是不定时短语。这主在这里是形式主语,真正的主语是不定时短语。这主在这里是形式主语,真正的主语是不定时短语。这主在这里是形式主语,真正的主语是不定时短语。这主要是因为不定式短语过长。要是因为不定式短语过长。要是因为不定式短语过长。要是因为不定式短语过长。 EgEg. It

99、is very difficult for me to understand what you . It is very difficult for me to understand what you are talking about.are talking about.n nBe likely to do Be likely to do sthsth. .EgEg. It is not likely to rain this afternoon. It is not likely to rain this afternoon.EgEg. She is very likely to ring

100、 me tonight . Or it is likely that . She is very likely to ring me tonight . Or it is likely that she will call me tonight.she will call me tonight.n nSay Say 比如,假定;常用作插入语。比如,假定;常用作插入语。比如,假定;常用作插入语。比如,假定;常用作插入语。EgEg. You could learn to play chess in, say, three months. You could learn to play chess

101、in, say, three months.EgEg. Let us take any writer ,say, Dickens. Let us take any writer ,say, Dickens.n n(2).pachase and sale of goods and services are carried (2).pachase and sale of goods and services are carried out beyond national boundaries, which makes it rather out beyond national boundaries

102、, which makes it rather difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to get adequate information about each other get adequate information about each other s financial s financial standing and credit worthiness.standing and credit w

103、orthiness.货货物的物的物的物的购买购买和和和和销销售跨售跨售跨售跨越国界越国界越国界越国界进进行,交易中的有关当事人很行,交易中的有关当事人很行,交易中的有关当事人很行,交易中的有关当事人很难难充分地得到彼充分地得到彼充分地得到彼充分地得到彼此的此的此的此的财务财务状况和信誉方面的信息。状况和信誉方面的信息。状况和信誉方面的信息。状况和信誉方面的信息。 carry out carry out 事实,执行,贯彻,落实,进行事实,执行,贯彻,落实,进行事实,执行,贯彻,落实,进行事实,执行,贯彻,落实,进行carry out a promise, a threat , a plan, a

104、n ordercarry out a promise, a threat , a plan, an orderWhich makes it rather difficult for the parties Which makes it rather difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to get adequate concerned in the transaction to get adequate information about each other information about each other s

105、 financial standing and s financial standing and credit worthiness. Which credit worthiness. Which 引引引引导导的定的定的定的定语语从句修从句修从句修从句修饰饰前面的整前面的整前面的整前面的整个句子。句种个句子。句种个句子。句种个句子。句种it it是形式是形式是形式是形式宾语宾语。真正的。真正的。真正的。真正的宾语宾语是不定式短是不定式短是不定式短是不定式短语语。 EgEg. George made it clear that he disagreed. George made it clear

106、 that he disagreed. EgEg. I thought it peculiar that she had not written. I thought it peculiar that she had not written.Standing n. Standing n. 地位,名声,等级。地位,名声,等级。地位,名声,等级。地位,名声,等级。 They are making enquiries into its financial standing.They are making enquiries into its financial standing. She was a

107、n economist of considerable standing. She was an economist of considerable standing.(3)The importer might fail to pay in full for goods.(3)The importer might fail to pay in full for goods.进口商可能不支付全部货款。进口商可能不支付全部货款。进口商可能不支付全部货款。进口商可能不支付全部货款。In full:In full:全部的,全面的全部的,全面的全部的,全面的全部的,全面的The bill has bee

108、n paid in full.The bill has been paid in full.Write your name in full, please.Write your name in full, please.Fail to do Fail to do sthsth. .不能干什么,无法干什么不能干什么,无法干什么不能干什么,无法干什么不能干什么,无法干什么He failed to pass the driving test.He failed to pass the driving test.n n(4)He might go bankrupt ;his government mi

109、ght ,for (4)He might go bankrupt ;his government might ,for various reasons, ban trade with the exporting country or various reasons, ban trade with the exporting country or ban imports of certain commodities; the buyer might ban imports of certain commodities; the buyer might run into difficulties

110、getting the foreign exchange to pay run into difficulties getting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods.for the goods.他可能破产了;出于各种原因他大的政府他可能破产了;出于各种原因他大的政府他可能破产了;出于各种原因他大的政府他可能破产了;出于各种原因他大的政府可能禁止同出国进行贸易,或者禁止进口某些商品,为可能禁止同出国进行贸易,或者禁止进口某些商品,为可能禁止同出国进行贸易,或者禁止进口某些商品,为可能禁止同出国进行贸易,或者禁止进口某些商品,为了得到外汇偿付货款,

111、卖方可能陷入困境。了得到外汇偿付货款,卖方可能陷入困境。了得到外汇偿付货款,卖方可能陷入困境。了得到外汇偿付货款,卖方可能陷入困境。Go bankrupt:Go bankrupt:破产,倒闭破产,倒闭破产,倒闭破产,倒闭 The company went bankrupt because it could not sell its The company went bankrupt because it could not sell its products.products.Run into:Run into:遇到,碰上遇到,碰上遇到,碰上遇到,碰上 They ran into the ba

112、d storm.They ran into the bad storm.Trade Trade sthsth. with . with sbsb. .于某人交换什么于某人交换什么于某人交换什么于某人交换什么 Since Britain joining the Common Market, Britain Since Britain joining the Common Market, Britain trade goods with other countries.trade goods with other countries.getting the foreign exchange to

113、pay for the goodsgetting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods是现在是现在是现在是现在分词短语作状语分词短语作状语分词短语作状语分词短语作状语. .(5)The delay may be caused by problems in production or (5)The delay may be caused by problems in production or transportation, and such delays may lead to loss of transportation, and such de

114、lays may lead to loss of business. There is also a risk that wrong goods might be business. There is also a risk that wrong goods might be sent as a result of negligence of the exporter or simply sent as a result of negligence of the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrity.because of his

115、 lack of integrity.这种拖延可能是因为生这种拖延可能是因为生这种拖延可能是因为生这种拖延可能是因为生产或是运输造成的,并有可能导致损失业务。还有一种产或是运输造成的,并有可能导致损失业务。还有一种产或是运输造成的,并有可能导致损失业务。还有一种产或是运输造成的,并有可能导致损失业务。还有一种风险,即由于出口上的疏忽,或是不诚实造成发运出风险,即由于出口上的疏忽,或是不诚实造成发运出风险,即由于出口上的疏忽,或是不诚实造成发运出风险,即由于出口上的疏忽,或是不诚实造成发运出不合要求的货物。不合要求的货物。不合要求的货物。不合要求的货物。Lead to:Lead to:导致,通向

116、导致,通向导致,通向导致,通向 This misprint led to great confusion.This misprint led to great confusion. All roads lead to Beijing. All roads lead to Beijing.As a result of:As a result of:因为,由于因为,由于因为,由于因为,由于 The flight was delayed as a result of fog.The flight was delayed as a result of fog. She was late as a re

117、sult of the snow. She was late as a result of the snow.Lack of:Lack of:缺乏,短缺缺乏,短缺缺乏,短缺缺乏,短缺 Lack of rest made her tired.Lack of rest made her tired. The project had to be abandoned because of lack of The project had to be abandoned because of lack of funds.funds.that wrong goods might be sent as a r

118、esult of negligence that wrong goods might be sent as a result of negligence of the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrityof the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrity做做做做riskrisk的同位语。的同位语。的同位语。的同位语。n n(6)Political risk such as war, quotas(6)Political risk such as war, quot

119、as. . . . . . . . . . before before parting with their money.parting with their money.政治风险,譬如战争,配额政治风险,譬如战争,配额政治风险,譬如战争,配额政治风险,譬如战争,配额. . . . . . . . . . 在付款之前就得到在付款之前就得到在付款之前就得到在付款之前就得到货货物。物。物。物。Add up to:Add up to:总计总计达到达到达到达到 These numbers add up to 100.These numbers add up to 100. All this add u

120、p to a new concept of international division All this add up to a new concept of international division of labor.of labor.Release Release sb/sthsb/sth from somewhere from somewhere把某人或某物从省么中把某人或某物从省么中把某人或某物从省么中把某人或某物从省么中释释放出来放出来放出来放出来 She released the rabbit from the trap.She released the rabbit fro

121、m the trap.preferprefer地用法。地用法。地用法。地用法。Prefer to do Prefer to do sthsth./prefer ./prefer sthsth to to sthsth/prefer /prefer doing doing sthsth/prefer that/prefer to .rather than./prefer that/prefer to .rather than.EgEg. She preferred that he should it in the kitchen. She preferred that he should it

122、in the kitchen.EgEg. He . He perferdperferd to stay at home rather than go with us. to stay at home rather than go with us.Be hesitant to do Be hesitant to do sthsth. .不情愿做谋事,不愿意做谋事不情愿做谋事,不愿意做谋事不情愿做谋事,不愿意做谋事不情愿做谋事,不愿意做谋事EgEg. He was hesitant to invite me to take party in her . He was hesitant to inv

123、ite me to take party in her birthday party.birthday party.Part with Part with 与什么分手与什么分手与什么分手与什么分手EgEg. He just parted with his former girlfriend. He just parted with his former girlfriend.(7)Various methods of(7)Various methods oftrade.trade.trade.trade.在国际贸易中已经采用在国际贸易中已经采用在国际贸易中已经采用在国际贸易中已经采用了许多措施

124、以解决不同情况。了许多措施以解决不同情况。了许多措施以解决不同情况。了许多措施以解决不同情况。 Copy withCopy withCopy withCopy with对付,处理,解决。相当于对付,处理,解决。相当于对付,处理,解决。相当于对付,处理,解决。相当于deal with deal with deal with deal with 或或或或do do do do with with with with Eg.howEg.howEg.howEg.how do you copy with this problem do you copy with this problem do you

125、copy with this problem do you copy with this problem?(8)when the political andcash in advance.(8)when the political andcash in advance.当进口国的当进口国的当进口国的当进口国的政治经济形势使付款不稳定或当买方的信誉让人感到怀政治经济形势使付款不稳定或当买方的信誉让人感到怀政治经济形势使付款不稳定或当买方的信誉让人感到怀政治经济形势使付款不稳定或当买方的信誉让人感到怀疑时,出口商喜欢采纳预付现金或部分预付现金。疑时,出口商喜欢采纳预付现金或部分预付现金。疑时,出口

126、商喜欢采纳预付现金或部分预付现金。疑时,出口商喜欢采纳预付现金或部分预付现金。in advance in advance 提前,预先提前,预先提前,预先提前,预先 Most of the importers do not like pay in advan句中两个句中两个when引导的是两个并列的时间状语从引导的是两个并列的时间状语从句。句。(9)if the exporter wishes totransaction.如果如果出口商愿意继续保持货物所有权,它可以采用寄出口商愿意继续保持货物所有权,它可以采用寄售交易。售交易。enter into 开始;进入开始;进入eg. I dared n

127、ot enter conversation with him.eg. he entered into negociation with their rival firms.or 即,亦即。即,亦即。a kilo ,or two pounds.n n(10).a lot of international transactions are paid forin the future.国际贸易中的许多交易是通国际贸易中的许多交易是通过汇票支付的,英文的汇票过汇票支付的,英文的汇票draft也称也称bill of exchange一定数额的款项。一定数额的款项。by means of用谋办法,借助于。

128、用谋办法,借助于。The water may be carried by means of a pipe.refer to as 把把什么称作什么称作Do not refer to your sister as a silly cow!on demand按要求按要求Passengers must show their tickets on demand.(11) 11) in in the the case case of of a a later later datedate. .在在在在承承承承兑兑兑兑交交交交单单单单的的的的情情情情况况况况下下下下,井井井井口口口口上上上上在在在在承承承

129、承兑兑兑兑了了了了出出出出口口口口商商商商所所所所开开开开出出出出的的的的汇汇汇汇票票票票之之之之后后后后,便便便便可可可可得得得得到到到到单单单单据,而付款则要在晚些时候进行。据,而付款则要在晚些时候进行。据,而付款则要在晚些时候进行。据,而付款则要在晚些时候进行。hand hand sthsth. over to . over to sbsb. .把什么交给某人把什么交给某人把什么交给某人把什么交给某人The robber handed his weapon over to policeman.The robber handed his weapon over to policeman.H

130、e was handed over to a military tribunal for trial.He was handed over to a military tribunal for trial.In the case of In the case of 在什么情况下在什么情况下在什么情况下在什么情况下in casein case以防;可能;倘若以防;可能;倘若以防;可能;倘若以防;可能;倘若n nTake a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.Take a hat with you in case the sun is very ho

131、t.n n倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。in case ofin case of如果;万一如果;万一如果;万一如果;万一n nIn case of rain they cant go.In case of rain they cant go.n n万一下雨,他们就不能去了。万一下雨,他们就不能去了。万一下雨,他们就不能去了。万一下雨,他们就不能去了。n n(12) (12) So So far far as as the the exporters exporters interest inter

132、est is is concerned, concerned, D/P D/P at at sight sight is is more more favorable favorable than than D/P D/P after after sight, sight, and and D/P D/P after after sight, sight, and and D/P D/P is is more more favorable favorable than than D/P.D/P.就就就就出出出出口口口口商商商商的的的的利利利利益益益益而而而而言言言言,即即即即期期期期付付付付款

133、款款款交交交交单单单单比比比比远远远远期期期期付付付付款款款款交交交交单单单单有有有有利利利利,付付付付款款款款交单比承兑交单有利。交单比承兑交单有利。交单比承兑交单有利。交单比承兑交单有利。As/so far as As/so far as sth./sbsth./sb. Is concerned:. Is concerned:就某事物(某人)而言就某事物(某人)而言就某事物(某人)而言就某事物(某人)而言n nThe rise in interest rates will be disastrous so far as The rise in interest rates will be

134、disastrous so far as many firms are concerned.many firms are concerned.利率的增加对于许多公司来利率的增加对于许多公司来利率的增加对于许多公司来利率的增加对于许多公司来说是大祸临头。说是大祸临头。说是大祸临头。说是大祸临头。n nThe car is fine as far as the engine is concerned but the The car is fine as far as the engine is concerned but the body work needs a lot of attention

135、. body work needs a lot of attention. at/on sightat/on sight一见到一见到一见到一见到 立即立即立即立即they were told to school looters on sight.they were told to school looters on sight.n n(13) (13) Generally Generally speaking, speaking, it it is is not not difficult difficult for for buyers buyers and and sellers sell

136、ers in in domestic domestic trade trade to to get get to to know know each each others others financial financial status status and and other other information, information, and and payment payment is is likely likely to to be be made made in in a a straightforward straightforward manner, manner, sa

137、y say by by remittance remittance or or by by debiting debiting the the debtors debtors account. account. 一一一一般般般般而而而而言言言言,在在在在国国国国内内内内贸贸贸贸易易易易中中中中,买买买买卖卖卖卖双双双双方方方方相相相相互互互互了了了了解解解解对对对对方方方方的的的的财财财财务务务务状状状状况况况况和和和和其其其其他他他他相相相相关关关关信信信信息息息息并并并并不不不不难难难难,支支支支付付付付可可可可能能能能以以以以一一一一种种种种直直直直接接接接的的的的方方方方式式式式进行,

138、例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。进行,例如,通过汇款或从债务人的帐户转帐。n n generally speaking generally speaking 为插入语为插入语为插入语为插入语n n be likely to do be likely to do sthsth: :可能干某事可能干某事可能干某事可能干某事n n in a straightforward manner: in a in a straightforward manner: in a straightforward waystrai

139、ghtforward way以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。以一种直接的方式。 n n(14) (14) Both Both the the exporter exporter and and the the importer importer face face risks risks as as there there is is always always the the possibility possibility that that the the other other party party may may not not fulfill fulfill

140、the the contract. contract. 出出出出口口口口商商商商与与与与进进进进口口口口商商商商都都都都面面面面临临临临着着着着风风风风险险险险,因因因因为为为为对对对对方方方方不不不不履履履履行行行行合合合合同同同同的可能性总是存在的。的可能性总是存在的。的可能性总是存在的。的可能性总是存在的。n n as as在此表示原因。在此表示原因。在此表示原因。在此表示原因。n n that that在此引导同位语从句,修饰在此引导同位语从句,修饰在此引导同位语从句,修饰在此引导同位语从句,修饰possibility.possibility.n n(6) (6) The The im

141、porter importer might might fail fail to to pay pay in in full full for for the goods.the goods.进口商可能不支付全部贷款。进口商可能不支付全部贷款。进口商可能不支付全部贷款。进口商可能不支付全部贷款。n n in full in full 完全地完全地完全地完全地n na. publish report in full:a. publish report in full:全文发表一份报告全文发表一份报告全文发表一份报告全文发表一份报告n nb. recite the text in full:b.

142、recite the text in full:背出全文背出全文背出全文背出全文n n fail:be unable to do fail:be unable to do sthsth. . 未能(做某事)未能(做某事)未能(做某事)未能(做某事)n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) (1) open open account:account:记记记记账账账账交交交交易易易易,实实实实际际际际上上上上是是是是卖卖卖卖方方方方提提提提供供供供给给给给买买买买方方方方的的的的信信信信贷贷贷贷,而而而而又又又又无无无无任任任任何何何何担担担担保保保保、抵抵抵抵押押押押,卖卖卖卖方

143、方方方风风风风险险险险极极极极大大大大,一一一一般般般般只只只只有有有有卖卖卖卖方方方方充充充充分分分分信信信信任任任任买买买买方方方方时时时时才才才才采用。采用。采用。采用。n n(2) carry the cost of the goods:(2) carry the cost of the goods:承担货物的费用。承担货物的费用。承担货物的费用。承担货物的费用。n n(3) (3) retain retain title title or or ownership ownership to to the the goods:goods:保保保保留留留留货货货货物物物物的的的的所所所所

144、有有有有权权权权。Title,Title,所所所所有有有有权权权权,注注注注意意意意后后后后面面面面接接接接用用用用介介介介词词词词toto,不接不接不接不接ofof。n n(4) (4) go go bankrupt:bankrupt:破破破破产产产产。gogo在在在在这这这这里里里里是是是是系系系系动动动动词词词词,gogo作作作作系系系系动动动动词词词词的的的的例例例例子子子子很很很很多多多多。go go badbad变变变变坏坏坏坏,go go hungryhungry挨饿;挨饿;挨饿;挨饿;His face went red.His face went red.他脸红了。他脸红了。他

145、脸红了。他脸红了。n n(5) (5) may may lead lead to to loss loss of of business:business:可可可可能能能能导导导导致致致致损损损损失失失失业业业业务务务务。Lead Lead to:to:导导导导致致致致,其其其其中中中中toto是是是是介介介介词词词词。再再再再如如如如:The The dispute dispute between between the the two two countries countries led led to to a a trade war.trade war.两国间的争执导致了一场贸易战。两

146、国间的争执导致了一场贸易战。两国间的争执导致了一场贸易战。两国间的争执导致了一场贸易战。n n(6) bulky:(6) bulky:笨重的,体积大的。笨重的,体积大的。笨重的,体积大的。笨重的,体积大的。n nThis This pair pair of of shoes shoes looks looks bulky. bulky. 这这这这双双双双鞋鞋鞋鞋看看看看起起起起来来来来很很很很笨重。笨重。笨重。笨重。n n(7) (7) perishable: perishable: adj.adj.易易易易腐腐腐腐烂烂烂烂的的的的,易易易易碎碎碎碎的的的的(尤尤尤尤指指指指食物)食物)食物)

147、食物)n nGlasswaresGlasswares are perishable. are perishable.玻璃器品易碎。玻璃器品易碎。玻璃器品易碎。玻璃器品易碎。n n(8) scarce:adj. (8) scarce:adj. 缺乏的缺乏的缺乏的缺乏的n na. a. Food Food was was scarce scarce during during the the war. war. 战战战战争争争争期期期期间间间间食食食食物匮乏。物匮乏。物匮乏。物匮乏。n nb. b. Pears Pears are are scarce scarce and and expensi

148、ve expensive this this week. week. 本本本本周梨缺而贵。周梨缺而贵。周梨缺而贵。周梨缺而贵。n n(9) appeal:n.(9) appeal:n.吸引力吸引力吸引力吸引力n na. a. Music Music has has little little appeal appeal to to me. me. 音音音音乐乐乐乐对对对对我我我我几几几几乎乎乎乎没有吸引力。没有吸引力。没有吸引力。没有吸引力。n nb. b. Rock Rock music music has has lost lost its its appeal. appeal. 摇摇摇摇

149、滚滚滚滚乐乐乐乐已已已已经经经经失失失失去了吸引力。去了吸引力。去了吸引力。去了吸引力。n n(10) (10) constitute:vtconstitute:vt. .构成构成构成构成n nSeven days constitute a week. Seven days constitute a week. 一周有一周有一周有一周有7 7天。天。天。天。n n(11) (11) draft draft (bill (bill of of exchange):exchange):汇汇汇汇 票票票票 It It is is an an unconditional unconditional o

150、rder order to to a a bank bank or or customer customer to to pay pay a a sum sum of of money money to to someone someone on on demand demand or or at at a a fixed fixed time time in in the the future. future. 汇汇汇汇票票票票是是是是对对对对某某某某银银银银行行行行或或或或客客客客户户户户下下下下达达达达的的的的无无无无条条条条件件件件的的的的命命命命令令令令,命命命命令令令令其其其其立立

151、立立即即即即或或或或在在在在未未未未来的某个固定时间向某人支付一定数额的款项。来的某个固定时间向某人支付一定数额的款项。来的某个固定时间向某人支付一定数额的款项。来的某个固定时间向某人支付一定数额的款项。n n(12) (12) drawer,drawer,出出出出票票票票人人人人:The The person person who who draws draws the the draft, draft, usually usually the the exporter, exporter, is is called called the the drawer.drawer.开开开开出出出出

152、汇汇汇汇票票票票的的的的一一一一方方方方,通通通通常常常常是是是是出出出出口口口口商商商商,叫叫叫叫作作作作出票人,或开票人。出票人,或开票人。出票人,或开票人。出票人,或开票人。n n(13) D/P(13) D/Pn na. a. D/P D/P at at sight,sight,即即即即 期期期期 付付付付 款款款款 交交交交 单单单单 : It It requires requires immediate immediate payment payment by by the the importer importer to to get get hold hold of of th

153、e the documents.documents.它它它它要要要要求求求求进进进进口口口口商商商商立立立立即即即即付付付付款款款款从从从从而而而而取得单据。取得单据。取得单据。取得单据。n nb. b. D/P D/P after after sight, sight, 远远远远期期期期付付付付款款款款交交交交单单单单:It It gives gives the the importer importer a a certain certain period period after after presentation presentation of of the the document

154、s, documents, but but documents documents are are not not released released to to him him until until he he actually actually pays pays for for the the merchandise. merchandise. 它它它它在在在在提提提提示示示示后后后后给给给给予予予予进进进进口口口口商商商商一一一一段段段段时时时时间间间间,但只有其在确实履行付款以后才将单据交给他。但只有其在确实履行付款以后才将单据交给他。但只有其在确实履行付款以后才将单据交给他。但只

155、有其在确实履行付款以后才将单据交给他。n n(14) fluctuation:n.(14) fluctuation:n.n nfluctuation:v.fluctuation:v.波动,起伏波动,起伏波动,起伏波动,起伏n na. a. People People have have got got used used to to the the fluctuating fluctuating prices.prices.人们已经习惯了价格的波动。人们已经习惯了价格的波动。人们已经习惯了价格的波动。人们已经习惯了价格的波动。n nb. b. The The price price of of

156、 fruits fruits fluctuates fluctuates according according to to the the season.season.水果的价格随季节而波动。水果的价格随季节而波动。水果的价格随季节而波动。水果的价格随季节而波动。n n(15) hesitant:adj.(15) hesitant:adj.踌躇的;犹豫的踌躇的;犹豫的踌躇的;犹豫的踌躇的;犹豫的n nShe She was was hesitant hesitant about about accepting accepting the the invitation.invitation.她

157、对是否接受邀请犹豫不决。她对是否接受邀请犹豫不决。她对是否接受邀请犹豫不决。她对是否接受邀请犹豫不决。n n(16) dubious:adj.(16) dubious:adj.怀疑怀疑怀疑怀疑n na. a. I I remain remain dubious dubious about about her her motives. motives. 我我我我对对对对她她她她的动机表示怀疑。的动机表示怀疑。的动机表示怀疑。的动机表示怀疑。n nb. b. This This is is a a dubious dubious compliment. compliment. 这这这这是是是是一一

158、一一个个个个意意意意义义义义不明的恭维。不明的恭维。不明的恭维。不明的恭维。n n(17) (17) all all add add up up to to the the problems problems in in international international trade, trade, 所所所所有有有有这这这这些些些些构构构构成成成成了了了了国国国国际际际际贸贸贸贸易易易易中中中中的的的的问问问问题题题题。Add Add up up to to 是是是是amount amount to to 的的的的含含含含义义义义。如如如如All All this this adds ad

159、ds up up to to a a new new concept concept of of international international division division of of labourlabour. . 这这这这一一一一切切切切形形形形成成成成了了了了对国际分工的新观念。对国际分工的新观念。对国际分工的新观念。对国际分工的新观念。n n(18) (18) draweedrawee, ,受受受受票票票票人人人人:the the person person to to whom whom the the draft draft is is drawn drawn is

160、 is called called the the draweedrawee. .接接接接受受受受汇汇汇汇票票票票的的的的人称作受票人。人称作受票人。人称作受票人。人称作受票人。n n(19) (19) payee,payee,受受受受款款款款人人人人:the the person person receiving receiving the the payment, payment, who who and and the the drawer drawer are are generally generally but but not not necessarily necessarily

161、 the the same same person. person. 也也也也就就就就是是是是收收收收受受受受款款款款项项项项的的的的人人人人,受受受受款款款款人人人人同同同同出出出出票票票票人人人人通通通通常常常常是是是是同同同同一一一一人人人人,但但但但并并并并不一定是同一人。不一定是同一人。不一定是同一人。不一定是同一人。n n(20) (20) documentary documentary draft, draft, 跟跟跟跟单单单单汇汇汇汇票票票票:The The draft draft is is accompanied accompanied by by the the rel

162、evant relevant documents documents such such as as the the bill bill of of lading, lading, the the invoice, invoice, the the insurance insurance policy, policy, etc.etc.跟跟跟跟单单单单汇汇汇汇票票票票通通通通常常常常随随随随附附附附一一一一些些些些诸诸诸诸如如如如提提提提单单单单、商业发票、保险单之类的单据。商业发票、保险单之类的单据。商业发票、保险单之类的单据。商业发票、保险单之类的单据。n nClean Clean dra

163、ft:draft:光光光光票票票票。a a draft draft without without documents.documents.不附带任何单据的汇票即为光票。不附带任何单据的汇票即为光票。不附带任何单据的汇票即为光票。不附带任何单据的汇票即为光票。n nDocumentary collections:Documentary collections:跟单托收。跟单托收。跟单托收。跟单托收。n n(21)domestic adj. 本国的,国内的;豢养的,本国的,国内的;豢养的,家庭的。家庭的。a.A good newspaper publishes both domestic and

164、 foreign news.b. In domestic science lesson ,girls learn how to run a home.n n(22)status n. 地位,状况地位,状况 ; Women have very little status in many countries.What is your official status in the company?n n(23)default n. 不还债,不出庭,不做谋事;不还债,不出庭,不做谋事;v .不履行不履行n nThe defendant made default yesterday.n n(24)Ban

165、 v. 禁止禁止 n.禁令禁令The play was banned by the censor.He was banned from attending the meeting.n n(25)hesitent adj. 犹豫的,迟疑的,不情愿的犹豫的,迟疑的,不情愿的Why were you so hesitant about asking for help?n n(26)dubious adj. 半信半疑,可疑的。半信半疑,可疑的。I remain dubious about her motives.I am dubious about the wisdom of this action.

166、n n(27)sound adj. 健全的,良好的;合理的,正健全的,良好的;合理的,正确的,明智的。确的,明智的。He has sound fame in this small county.n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page38page38)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题: :第第1 1题、第题、第3 3题、第题、第4 4题、第题、第6 6题、第题、第8 8题。题。n n2 2 搭配题搭配题n n3 3 完型填空完型填空n n4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 1 、 2 2 、 4 4)n n(1) If a bank, e

167、ither nominated by the opening bank or at its own choice, buys the exporters draft submitted to it under a credit, it is called a negotiating bank.如如果果一一家家银银行行,或或者者由由开开证证行行指指定定或或者者自自己己主主动动买买下下出出口口人人呈呈交交给给它它的的信信用用证证下的汇票,这家银行就称为议付行。下的汇票,这家银行就称为议付行。n nDraft有两个常用意思。有两个常用意思。n n rough preliminary written

168、version of sth:草稿草稿n n 汇票汇票Lesson 4The Letter of Credit()n n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n1.in international trade it ispaying the money.1.in international trade it ispaying the money.在国在国在国在国际贸易中,付款与实际交或几乎不可能同时进行,只就际贸易中,付款与实际交或几乎不可能同时进行,只就际贸易中,付款与实际交或几乎不可能同时进行,只就际贸易中,付款与实际交或几乎不可能同时进行,只就构成了买一中的矛盾,应为出口商喜欢在发货

169、实现先拿构成了买一中的矛盾,应为出口商喜欢在发货实现先拿构成了买一中的矛盾,应为出口商喜欢在发货实现先拿构成了买一中的矛盾,应为出口商喜欢在发货实现先拿到付款。而进口商则心换在付款之前便能控制货物。到付款。而进口商则心换在付款之前便能控制货物。到付款。而进口商则心换在付款之前便能控制货物。到付款。而进口商则心换在付款之前便能控制货物。n nConstitute:Constitute:组成;构成组成;构成组成;构成组成;构成n n7 days constitute a week7 days constitute a weekn n七天构成一星期七天构成一星期七天构成一星期七天构成一星期n nEn

170、gland, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland constitute / compose / make up the United kingdom.constitute / compose / make up the United kingdom.n n英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。n n授权,建立授权,建立

171、授权,建立授权,建立n n(2) (2) Letters Letters of of credit credit are are varied varied in in form, form, length, length, language, language, and and stipulations.stipulations.信信信信用用用用证证证证在在在在格格格格式式式式、长长长长短短短短、语语语语言言言言和规定上都有所不同。和规定上都有所不同。和规定上都有所不同。和规定上都有所不同。n nVaried:Varied:各种各样的,不同的;各种各样的,不同的;各种各样的,不同的;各种各样

172、的,不同的;vary:vary:改变;变化改变;变化n nThe weather varies from day to day.n n天气一天天变化。天气一天天变化。n n(3) (3) They They have have no no obligation obligation whether whether the the goods goods comply comply with with the the contract. contract. 银银银银行行行行对对对对于于于于货货货货物物物物是是是是否否否否符符符符合合合合合合合合同同同同不不不不承承承承担担担担法法法法律责任。律责

173、任。律责任。律责任。n nComply(with Comply(with sthsth): ): do do as as one one is is requested, requested, commanded, commanded, etc;etc;n nobey:obey:服从,遵从服从,遵从服从,遵从服从,遵从n n She She was was told told to to pay pay the the fine, fine, but but refused refused to to comply. comply. 通通通通知她交纳罚款,但她拒绝交款。知她交纳罚款,但她拒绝交

174、款。知她交纳罚款,但她拒绝交款。知她交纳罚款,但她拒绝交款。n n The The regulations regulations must must be be complied complied with. with. 这这这这些些些些规规规规章章章章制制制制度必须遵守。度必须遵守。度必须遵守。度必须遵守。n n(4) (4) The The exporter exporter or or beneficiary beneficiary will will make make a a careful careful examination examination of of all all

175、 the the contents contents of of the the credit credit and and will will request request the the opener opener to to make make amendments amendments to to any any discrepancies discrepancies in in the the credit credit so so as as to to ensure ensure safe safe and and timely timely payment. payment.

176、 出出出出口口口口人人人人即即即即受受受受益益益益人人人人将将将将对对对对信信信信用用用用证证证证的的的的所所所所有有有有内内内内容容容容进进进进行行行行认认认认真真真真审审审审核核核核,如如如如果果果果发发发发现现现现信信信信用用用用证证证证中中中中有有有有任任任任何何何何与与与与合合合合同同同同不不不不符符符符之之之之处处处处,便便便便要要要要求求求求开开开开证人进行修改,以保证安全及时地收到货款。证人进行修改,以保证安全及时地收到货款。证人进行修改,以保证安全及时地收到货款。证人进行修改,以保证安全及时地收到货款。n n(5) (5) Sometimes Sometimes the th

177、e exporter exporter may may require require a a confirmed confirmed letter letter of of credit credit either either because because the the credit credit amount amount is is too too large, large, or or because because he he does does not not fully fully trust trust the the opening opening bank. bank

178、. 有有有有时时时时出出出出口口口口商商商商会会会会因因因因为为为为信信信信用用用用证证证证金金金金额额额额太太太太大大大大或或或或不不不不完完完完全全全全信信信信任任任任开开开开证证证证行行行行而而而而要要要要求求求求开开开开立立立立保兑信用证。保兑信用证。保兑信用证。保兑信用证。n n(6) (6) Then Then he he will will present present the the draft draft and and the the accompanying accompanying documents documents to to the the advising

179、advising bank bank that that pays pays or or accepts accepts or or negotiates negotiates the the bill bill of of exchange. exchange. 然然然然后后后后,他他他他将将将将向向向向通通通通知知知知行行行行提提提提供供供供汇汇汇汇票票票票和和和和所所所所附附附附单单单单据据据据,通通通通知知知知行行行行则则则则对对对对汇汇汇汇票票票票付付付付款款款款、承兑或议付。承兑或议付。承兑或议付。承兑或议付。n n present present sthsth to to sbs

180、b: : give give or or hand hand over over sthsth to to sbsb. . 给给给给某某某某人人人人某物某物某物某物n nThey sent presents to their teacher. They sent presents to their teacher. 他们送礼物给老师。他们送礼物给老师。他们送礼物给老师。他们送礼物给老师。n n accompany: A. accompany: A. 兼带,附有兼带,附有兼带,附有兼带,附有n nShe accompanied me to the doctors.She accompanied

181、me to the doctors.n n她陪我去看了医生。她陪我去看了医生。她陪我去看了医生。她陪我去看了医生。n nThe minister was accompanied by his secretary to the The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the hospital.hospital.n n部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。n nPlease accompany me on the trip to my hometown.Please

182、accompany me on the trip to my hometown.n n请陪我去故乡走一走。请陪我去故乡走一走。请陪我去故乡走一走。请陪我去故乡走一走。n nB.B.伴随伴随伴随伴随n nLightning usually accompanies thunder.Lightning usually accompanies thunder.n n雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。n nThe text is accompanied by illustrations.The text is accompanied by i

183、llustrations.n n正文附有插图。正文附有插图。正文附有插图。正文附有插图。n nC.C.伴奏伴奏伴奏伴奏n nMary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.n n玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。n nThe well-known singer was accompanied at the The well-known singer was accompanied at the

184、electronic organ by his school teacher.electronic organ by his school teacher.n n那位著名的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。那位著名的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。那位著名的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。那位著名的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。n nCompany:nCompany:n伴侣;同伴伴侣;同伴伴侣;同伴伴侣;同伴 I had no company on the I had no company on the journey.journey.n n我在旅行中没有同伴我在旅行中没有同伴

185、我在旅行中没有同伴我在旅行中没有同伴。n nTwos company, threes Twos company, threes none.“none.“两人成伴三人不欢两人成伴三人不欢两人成伴三人不欢两人成伴三人不欢。. .n n(7) (7) The The opening opening bank bank sends sends the the credit credit to to its its correspondent correspondent bank bank in in the the exporters exporters country, country, who w

186、ho will, will, after after examining examining the the credit, credit, advise advise the the exporter exporter of of its its receipt. receipt. 开开开开证证证证行行行行将将将将信信信信用用用用证证证证寄寄寄寄给给给给它它它它在在在在出出出出口口口口国国国国的的的的关关关关系系系系行行行行,后后后后者者者者在在在在审审审审核核核核信信信信用用用用证证证证后后后后,便便便便通知出口人信用证已收到。通知出口人信用证已收到。通知出口人信用证已收到。通知出口人信用

187、证已收到。n nAdvise Advise sbsb of of sthsth: : 通通通通知知知知或或或或告告告告知知知知。主主主主要要要要用用用用于于于于商商商商业业业业事事事事务务务务。另另另另外外外外 adviseadvise的的的的一一一一般般般般用用用用法法法法是是是是 advise advise sbsb to to do do sthsth/ advise / advise sbsb on on sthsth,指建议、劝告指建议、劝告指建议、劝告指建议、劝告n n Please Please advise advise us us of of the the dispatch

188、 dispatch of of the the goods. goods. 货物发出时请通知我们。货物发出时请通知我们。货物发出时请通知我们。货物发出时请通知我们。n n He He advises advises me me to to take take a a rest. rest. 他他他他建建建建议议议议我我我我休休休休息息息息一一一一下。下。下。下。n n He He advises advises the the government government on on economic economic affairs. affairs. 他向政府提出经济方面的建议。他向政府提出

189、经济方面的建议。他向政府提出经济方面的建议。他向政府提出经济方面的建议。n n(8) (8) “Letter “Letter of of credit credit ” ” is is often often shortened shortened as as L/C L/C or or L.and L.and is is some-times some-times referred referred to to as as “bankers “bankers commercial commercial letter letter of of credit”, credit”, “banker

190、s “bankers credit”, credit”, “commercial “commercial credit” credit” or or so so simply simply “credit” “credit” . .信信信信用用用用证证证证经经经经常常常常简简简简写写写写成成成成L/CL/C或或或或L.C.L.C.,有有有有时时时时称称称称为为为为“ “银银银银行行行行商商商商业业业业信信信信用用用用证证证证” ”,“ “银银银银行行行行信信信信用用用用证证证证” ”,“ “商商商商业业业业信信信信用用用用证证证证” ”或或或或直直直直截截截截了了了了当当当当称称称称为为为为“

191、 “信信信信用用用用证证证证” ”。n nRefer to:Refer to:提到提到提到提到n n When When I I said said some some people people are are stupid, stupid, I I wasnt wasnt referring referring to to you. you. 我我我我说说说说有有有有些些些些人人人人很很很很愚愚愚愚蠢蠢蠢蠢,并并并并不不不不是是是是指指指指你。你。你。你。n n Dont Dont refer refer to to that that matter matter again, again

192、, please. please. 请请请请不要再提那件事了。不要再提那件事了。不要再提那件事了。不要再提那件事了。n n(9) (9) In In international international trade trade it it is is almost almost impossible impossible to to match match payment payment with with physical physical delivery delivery of of the the goods, goods, which which constitutes const

193、itutes conflicting conflicting problems problems for for trade, trade, since since the the exporter exporter prefers prefers to to get get paid paid before before releasing releasing the the goods goods and and the the importer importer prefers prefers to to gain gain control control over over 在在在在国

194、国国国际际际际贸贸贸贸易易易易中中中中,付付付付款款款款同同同同实实实实际际际际交交交交货货货货几几几几乎乎乎乎不不不不可可可可能能能能同同同同时时时时进进进进行行行行,这这这这就就就就构构构构成成成成了了了了贸贸贸贸易易易易中中中中的的的的矛矛矛矛盾盾盾盾,因因因因为为为为出出出出口口口口商商商商喜喜喜喜欢欢欢欢在在在在发发发发货货货货之之之之前前前前先先先先得得得得到到到到付付付付款款款款,而而而而进进进进口口口口商商商商则喜欢在付款之前便控制货物。则喜欢在付款之前便控制货物。则喜欢在付款之前便控制货物。则喜欢在付款之前便控制货物。n n(10)it does not guarantee

195、that the goods purchased will (10)it does not guarantee that the goods purchased will be those invoiced or shipped.be those invoiced or shipped.信用证不担保所购货物即信用证不担保所购货物即信用证不担保所购货物即信用证不担保所购货物即是发票所开或所装运的货物是发票所开或所装运的货物是发票所开或所装运的货物是发票所开或所装运的货物 guaranteeguarantee:vtvt. .担保,保证;后面可以跟担保,保证;后面可以跟担保,保证;后面可以跟担保,保

196、证;后面可以跟thatthat从句,也从句,也从句,也从句,也可以跟不可以跟不可以跟不可以跟不 定式定式定式定式to do to do sthsth. .a. We can not guarantee that the punctual arrival of trains a. We can not guarantee that the punctual arrival of trains in in foogyfoogy weather. weather.b. He b. He guranteedguranteed the debt will be paid. the debt will b

197、e paid.c. We c. We guranteedguranteed to be here tomorrow to be here tomorrowThe goods purchased The goods purchased 与与与与those invoiced or shippedthose invoiced or shipped均为均为均为均为过去分词短语作定语过去分词短语作定语过去分词短语作定语过去分词短语作定语n n(11)it is stipulated in may late.(11)it is stipulated in may late.“ “Deal in Deal

198、in 经营经营,做,做,做,做买卖买卖n na shop that deals in goods of all kindsa shop that deals in goods of all kindsn n经营各种货物的商店经营各种货物的商店经营各种货物的商店经营各种货物的商店n n(与(与(与(与withwith连用)对付;应付连用)对付;应付连用)对付;应付连用)对付;应付n nHow would you deal with an armed burglar?How would you deal with an armed burglar?n n遇到持有武器的盗贼,你将如何对付?遇到持有武

199、器的盗贼,你将如何对付?遇到持有武器的盗贼,你将如何对付?遇到持有武器的盗贼,你将如何对付?n n(与(与(与(与withwith连用)与连用)与连用)与连用)与有贸易往来;与有贸易往来;与有贸易往来;与有贸易往来;与做买卖做买卖做买卖做买卖n nIve dealt with this shop for 20 years.Ive dealt with this shop for 20 years.n n我同这家商店做生意已经有我同这家商店做生意已经有我同这家商店做生意已经有我同这家商店做生意已经有2020年了年了年了年了Relate toRelate to与与与与有关有关有关有关We shou

200、ld relate our work to society.We should relate our work to society.n n(12)they will be considered.the credit.(12)they will be considered.the credit.So long asSo long as只要,如果只要,如果只要,如果只要,如果n nYou may borrow this book as long as you promise to give You may borrow this book as long as you promise to gi

201、ve it back.it back.n n只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。Comply withComply with服从,顺从,遵守,符合服从,顺从,遵守,符合服从,顺从,遵守,符合服从,顺从,遵守,符合n nAll the citizens must comply with the law.All the citizens must comply with the law.n n一切公民都必须遵守法律。一切公民都必须遵守法律。一切公民都必须遵守法律。一切公民都必须遵守法律。n

202、nYou must comply with the library rules.You must comply with the library rules.n n遵守图书馆的规则遵守图书馆的规则遵守图书馆的规则遵守图书馆的规则n nWe can not y comply with your requestWe can not y comply with your requestn n(13)the quality and quantity the goods(13)the quality and quantity the goodsn nDepend Depend upon(onupon(o

203、n). ).依靠,取决依靠,取决依靠,取决依靠,取决nCan I depend on you?n我可以信任你吗我可以信任你吗nI havent a car, I have to depend on the buses.n我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。n与与on, upon连用还可以当视情况而定连用还可以当视情况而定nThat depends.n视情形而定。视情形而定。nIt all depends on how you tackle the problem.n那要看你如何应付这问题而定。那要看你如何应付这问题而定。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1

204、 1)an an effective effective meansmeans:有有有有效效效效的的的的手手手手段段段段。meansmeans作作作作方方方方法法法法、手手手手段段段段讲讲讲讲,虽虽虽虽然然然然形形形形式式式式上上上上词词词词尾尾尾尾用用用用s s,但但但但却却却却是是是是单单单单数数数数名名名名词词词词。再再再再如如如如Revolution Revolution is is a a means means not not an an end end 革命是手段,而不是目的。革命是手段,而不是目的。革命是手段,而不是目的。革命是手段,而不是目的。n n(2 2)facilita

205、te facilitate international international paymentpayment:方方方方便便便便国国国国际际际际支支支支付付付付。注注注注意意意意作作作作为为为为及及及及物物物物动动动动词词词词,后后后后面面面面用用用用表表表表示示示示事事事事物物物物或或或或行行行行为为为为的的的的名名名名词词词词或或或或动动动动名名名名词词词词作作作作宾宾宾宾语语语语。而而而而不不不不能能能能用用用用动动动动词词词词不定式作宾语,也不能用表示人的词作宾语。不定式作宾语,也不能用表示人的词作宾语。不定式作宾语,也不能用表示人的词作宾语。不定式作宾语,也不能用表示人的词作宾语。

206、n n(3 3)dispatchdispatch:v. v.派遣,发生,文中指货物。派遣,发生,文中指货物。派遣,发生,文中指货物。派遣,发生,文中指货物。n n(4 4)negotiatenegotiate:动动动动词词词词,强强强强制制制制,商商商商定定定定,转转转转让让让让,兑兑兑兑现现现现 , 文文文文 中中中中 negotiatenegotiate采采采采 用用用用 的的的的 是是是是 兑兑兑兑 现现现现 之之之之 意意意意 ,negotiating banknegotiating bank主要指议付行。主要指议付行。主要指议付行。主要指议付行。(5 5)guaranteeguara

207、ntee:v. v.担保,保佑,保证。担保,保佑,保证。担保,保佑,保证。担保,保佑,保证。(6 6)purchasepurchase:v. v.购购购购买买买买,与与与与动动动动词词词词buybuy意意意意思思思思类类类类似似似似,多多多多用用用用于于于于书书书书面合同或文书之中。面合同或文书之中。面合同或文书之中。面合同或文书之中。(7 7)inferiorinferior:adj.adj.较较较较低低低低的的的的,其其其其用用用用处处处处为为为为多多多多与与与与介介介介词词词词toto连连连连用用用用,表示比后者次。表示比后者次。表示比后者次。表示比后者次。n ngoods inferi

208、or to samplegoods inferior to samplen n质地不如样品的货物质地不如样品的货物质地不如样品的货物质地不如样品的货物n nNo inferior products should be allowed to pass.No inferior products should be allowed to pass.n n决不允许放过任何次品。决不允许放过任何次品。决不允许放过任何次品。决不允许放过任何次品。n nHis work is inferior to mine.His work is inferior to mine.n n他的工作不如我。他的工作不如我。他

209、的工作不如我。他的工作不如我。(8 8)quantityquantity:n.n.数数数数量量量量,quantityquantity和和和和另另另另一一一一个个个个单单单单词词词词qualityquality(质量)表示商品的两个不同方面质量)表示商品的两个不同方面质量)表示商品的两个不同方面质量)表示商品的两个不同方面。(9 9)obligation n.moral dutyobligation n.moral duty责任,义务责任,义务责任,义务责任,义务a.You a.You re re under under no no obligation obligation to to pay

210、 pay for for goods goods which which you you did not order.did not order.没有订购的货物就无须付款。没有订购的货物就无须付款。没有订购的货物就无须付款。没有订购的货物就无须付款。b.Damaging b.Damaging the the glasswaresglasswares puts puts you you under under an an obligation obligation to to buy them.buy them.你损坏了这些玻璃器皿你就得把它们买下来。你损坏了这些玻璃器皿你就得把它们买下来。你损

211、坏了这些玻璃器皿你就得把它们买下来。你损坏了这些玻璃器皿你就得把它们买下来。c.I am under an obligation to help.c.I am under an obligation to help.我有责任帮忙我有责任帮忙我有责任帮忙我有责任帮忙(1010)ultimately adv.ultimately adv.最终最终最终最终a.Ultimately.,all a.Ultimately.,all the the colonies colonies will will become become independent.independent.最最最最终终终终所有的殖民地

212、都将独立。所有的殖民地都将独立。所有的殖民地都将独立。所有的殖民地都将独立。b.We b.We hope hope ultimately ultimately to to be be able able to to buy buy a a car car of of our our own.own.我我我我们希望最终能够自己买一辆车。们希望最终能够自己买一辆车。们希望最终能够自己买一辆车。们希望最终能够自己买一辆车。c. The union leaders declared that the ultimate aim of their c. The union leaders declared

213、 that the ultimate aim of their struggle was to pay increase and improved working struggle was to pay increase and improved working conditions for the workers.conditions for the workers.工会领导人宣称他们斗争的最终目的是要增加工人工资和工会领导人宣称他们斗争的最终目的是要增加工人工资和工会领导人宣称他们斗争的最终目的是要增加工人工资和工会领导人宣称他们斗争的最终目的是要增加工人工资和改善工作条件。改善工作条件。

214、改善工作条件。改善工作条件。n n(1111)gain control overgain control over:得到对得到对得到对得到对的控制的控制的控制的控制n na.It a.It is is difficult difficult to to gain gain control control over over the the army army now.now.现现现现在在在在要要要要控制部队已经不容易了。控制部队已经不容易了。控制部队已经不容易了。控制部队已经不容易了。n nb.The b.The new new teacher teacher gained gained co

215、ntrol control over over the the class class easily.easily.新新新新教师很容易地控制住了班里学生。教师很容易地控制住了班里学生。教师很容易地控制住了班里学生。教师很容易地控制住了班里学生。n n(1212)applicant, applicant, 信信信信用用用用证证证证申申申申请请请请开开开开证证证证人人人人:在在在在信信信信用用用用证证证证交交交交易易易易当当当当中中中中,进进进进口口口口商商商商通通通通常常常常是是是是申申申申请请请请开开开开证证证证人人人人,或或或或者者者者叫叫叫叫做做做做工工工工证证证证人人人人、委委委委托托托

216、托人等。人等。人等。人等。n n(1313)opening opening bank, bank, 开开开开证证证证行行行行:接接接接受受受受开开开开证证证证申申申申请请请请人人人人的的的的要要要要求求求求申申申申请请请请。开开开开立立立立信信信信用用用用证证证证的的的的银银银银行行行行称称称称为为为为开开开开证证证证行行行行,其其其其实实实实还还还还可可可可以以以以写写写写成成成成issuing bankissuing bank或或或或establishing bank.establishing bank.n n (14) (14) 1414)beneficiary, beneficiary

217、, 受受受受益益益益人人人人:使使使使用用用用信信信信用用用用证证证证得得得得到到到到付付付付款款款款的的的的出口人被称作为信用证的受益人出口人被称作为信用证的受益人出口人被称作为信用证的受益人出口人被称作为信用证的受益人(1515)bilateral:a. bilateral:a. 双边的。双边的。双边的。双边的。n nThe The two two countries countries are are doing doing what what they they can can to to improve improve the the bilateral relations.bila

218、teral relations.两国正做一切努力,以改善双边关系。两国正做一切努力,以改善双边关系。两国正做一切努力,以改善双边关系。两国正做一切努力,以改善双边关系。n nWe have reached a bilateral agreement We have reached a bilateral agreement 我们已经达成了双边协定。我们已经达成了双边协定。我们已经达成了双边协定。我们已经达成了双边协定。n n(16) unique:a.(16) unique:a.唯一无二的;独特的。唯一无二的;独特的。唯一无二的;独特的。唯一无二的;独特的。n nThat That build

219、ing building is is unique unique because because all all the the others others like like it it were were destroyed.destroyed.那那那那座座座座建建建建筑筑筑筑很很很很独独独独特特特特,因因因因为为为为所所所所有有有有像像像像它它它它那那那那样样样样的的的的其其其其他他他他建建建建筑筑筑筑都都都都毁毁毁毁坏了。坏了。坏了。坏了。n nIf If it it is is going going to to draw draw peoples peoples attention

220、, attention, it it must must be be unique.unique.想想想想要要要要吸吸吸吸引人的注意,就必须具有独特性。引人的注意,就必须具有独特性。引人的注意,就必须具有独特性。引人的注意,就必须具有独特性。n n(17)submit.(17)submit.提出,提交提出,提交提出,提交提出,提交n nI submitted my papers to the examiner.I submitted my papers to the examiner.n n我把试卷交给主考老师。我把试卷交给主考老师。我把试卷交给主考老师。我把试卷交给主考老师。n nI hop

221、e you can submit you term papers before the deadline.I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline.n n我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。n n(18)undertaking:n.(18)undertaking:n.许诺许诺许诺许诺n nWhat is the sellers undertaking? What is the

222、 sellers undertaking? 卖方有什么许诺?卖方有什么许诺?卖方有什么许诺?卖方有什么许诺?n n(19)nominate:vt.(19)nominate:vt.提名提名提名提名, , 推荐推荐推荐推荐, , 任命任命任命任命, , 命名命名命名命名n n(20)expire:(20)expire:终止;截止终止;截止终止;截止终止;截止n nMy season ticket will expire this week.My season ticket will expire this week.n n我的月票到这周为止。我的月票到这周为止。我的月票到这周为止。我的月票到这周为

223、止。n nOur trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end of this year.of this year.n n我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。n n(21) unit price, (21) unit price, 单价,即指所购商品单位价格。单价,即指所购商品单位价格。单价,即指所购商品单位价格。单价,即指所购

224、商品单位价格。n n(22) (22) partial partial shipment, shipment, 分分分分批批批批装装装装运运运运:分分分分批批批批装装装装运运运运指指指指同同同同一一一一桩桩桩桩交交交交易中的同一合同下的货物可以分几次装运给买方。易中的同一合同下的货物可以分几次装运给买方。易中的同一合同下的货物可以分几次装运给买方。易中的同一合同下的货物可以分几次装运给买方。n n(23)seal:n.(23)seal:n.n n玺;印记,图章;封蜡,封铅,封印;火漆玺;印记,图章;封蜡,封铅,封印;火漆玺;印记,图章;封蜡,封铅,封印;火漆玺;印记,图章;封蜡,封铅,封印;火

225、漆n n封条纸;封蜡;火漆封条纸;封蜡;火漆封条纸;封蜡;火漆封条纸;封蜡;火漆n n密封的部分,密封垫密封的部分,密封垫密封的部分,密封垫密封的部分,密封垫n n标志,记号标志,记号标志,记号标志,记号n nvtvt. .n n盖章,盖印,打印盖章,盖印,打印盖章,盖印,打印盖章,盖印,打印n n封蜡;密封;加封条封蜡;密封;加封条封蜡;密封;加封条封蜡;密封;加封条n nWe seal the back of envelopes.We seal the back of envelopes.n n我们把信封的背面封上。我们把信封的背面封上。我们把信封的背面封上。我们把信封的背面封上。n n(

226、与(与(与(与offoff连用)封;阻隔;封闭连用)封;阻隔;封闭连用)封;阻隔;封闭连用)封;阻隔;封闭n n(常与(常与(常与(常与upup连用)决定,确定连用)决定,确定连用)决定,确定连用)决定,确定(24)(24)obligation:obligation:n.(25)(25)underlying:underlieunderlying:underlie的现在分词形式的现在分词形式的现在分词形式的现在分词形式n n义务;职责;责任义务;职责;责任n nunder an obligationn n有义务;必须有义务;必须n nWe are under an obligation to h

227、elp.n n我们有义务帮忙。我们有义务帮忙。n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page51page51)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题: :第第1 1题、第题、第6 6题、第题、第8 8题。题。n n2 2 搭配题搭配题n n3 3 完型填空完型填空n n4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 1 、 2 2 、 4 4)Lesson 5The Letter of Credit()n n1. 1.重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子(1)They are generally used in non-trade settlement or in

228、(1)They are generally used in non-trade settlement or in payment in advance by means of the L/Cpayment in advance by means of the L/C光票信用证通常用于非贸易结算或以信用证方式进行预光票信用证通常用于非贸易结算或以信用证方式进行预光票信用证通常用于非贸易结算或以信用证方式进行预光票信用证通常用于非贸易结算或以信用证方式进行预付货款。付货款。付货款。付货款。a.Ina.In advance advance:提前,预先:提前,预先:提前,预先:提前,预先Send yo

229、ur luggage in advance.Send your luggage in advance.It It s unwise to spend your income in advance.s unwise to spend your income in advance.b.Byb.By means of means of利用什么方式利用什么方式利用什么方式利用什么方式The stock is got to South American by means of air freight.The stock is got to South American by means of air f

230、reight.By all means By all means 不惜一切代价;不惜一切代价;不惜一切代价;不惜一切代价;by no means by no means 决不,一点也决不,一点也决不,一点也决不,一点也不不不不These goods are by no means satisfactory. These goods are by no means satisfactory. by no meansby no means放在句首用倒装语序放在句首用倒装语序放在句首用倒装语序放在句首用倒装语序n n(2)most of the credit in international tra

231、de are n nthe draft.i.e=that is.是同位语引导词,类似的短语还有namely,or,such as , especially,ect.b.Require sb./sth. To do sth.要求命令某人做什么The law requires you to submit all income to the tax authorities.All passengers are required to show their tickets.Require 后跟宾语从句时,要用虚拟语气。He required she (should) accompany him to

232、new york.n n(2)safe and reliable, this type is extensively used in world trade.这种信用证既安全又可靠,这种信用证既安全又可靠,在国际贸易中广泛使用。在国际贸易中广泛使用。n nSafe and reliable:是形容词作状语,相当于是形容词作状语,相当于being+adj结构。其为止既可以在句首也可以在结构。其为止既可以在句首也可以在句中句未,形容词作状语的结构还相当于句中句未,形容词作状语的结构还相当于when,if,because邓从句的省略,在句中可以做邓从句的省略,在句中可以做时间,原因,伴随让步状语。如

233、:时间,原因,伴随让步状语。如:n nHe came though the storm safe and sound.n nUnable to reply, he pretend not to hear me.n nYoung, rich and pretty, Jane has a lot of boy friends.(3) (3) It It must must be be noted noted that that if if there there is is no no specific specific indication indication whether whether

234、a a credit credit is is revocable revocable or or irrevocable, irrevocable, it it should should be be regarded regarded as as irrevocable.irrevocable.必必必必须须须须指指指指出出出出的的的的是是是是,如如如如果果果果信信信信用用用用证证证证上上上上未未未未标标标标明明明明“ “可可可可撤撤撤撤销销销销” ”还还还还是是是是“ “不不不不可可可可撤撤撤撤销销销销” ”,应应应应该该该该为为为为不不不不可可可可撤撤撤撤销销销销信用证。信用证。信用证。

235、信用证。a. a. It It must must be be noted noted that that if if there there is is no no specific specific indication indication whether whether a a credit credit is is revocable revocable or or irrevocableirrevocable是是是是主主主主语语语语从从从从句句句句。类似的句型还有类似的句型还有类似的句型还有类似的句型还有b. b. It+beIt+be+ +过去分词过去分词过去分词过去分词+tha

236、t+that从句从句从句从句; ; It+be+adj+thatIt+be+adj+that从句从句从句从句 It was said that the president would come next day.It was said that the president would come next day. It It was was essential essential that that the the shortage shortage of of water water should should be be imphasizedimphasized. . Specific:d

237、etailedSpecific:detailed, precise and exact , precise and exact 详细的,确切的详细的,确切的详细的,确切的详细的,确切的n n(4) (4) If If a a credit credit does does not not specify specify whether whether it it is is transferable, transferable, it it should should be be regarded regarded as as a a non-transferable non-transfer

238、able documents documents according according to to the the credit credit stipulations.stipulations.如如如如果果果果信信信信用用用用证证证证上上上上没没没没有有有有明明明明确确确确规规规规定定定定是是是是否否否否可可可可以以以以转转转转让让让让,应应应应视视视视为为为为不不不不可可可可转转转转让让让让信信信信用用用用证证证证,其其其其受受受受益益益益人必须根据信用证的规定供应货物并准备有关的单据。人必须根据信用证的规定供应货物并准备有关的单据。人必须根据信用证的规定供应货物并准备有关的单据。人必须

239、根据信用证的规定供应货物并准备有关的单据。n nSpecify:Specify:确切说明(细节、材料等);明确规定确切说明(细节、材料等);明确规定确切说明(细节、材料等);明确规定确切说明(细节、材料等);明确规定n nRegard as Regard as 视为,当作。视为,当作。视为,当作。视为,当作。n n I regard him as my brother.I regard him as my brother.n nShe regarded him as being without principle.She regarded him as being without princi

240、ple.n nYou cant regard him as a friend but a business You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate.associate.n n 你不能把他看作朋友你不能把他看作朋友你不能把他看作朋友你不能把他看作朋友, ,只是个生意合伙人。只是个生意合伙人。只是个生意合伙人。只是个生意合伙人。 n nTitanic is regarded as his best film so far.Titanic is regarded as his best film so far.n n 泰坦尼克

241、号泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号 被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。n n(5) (5) A A sight sight credit credit is is one one by by which which payment payment can can be be made made upon upon presentation presentation of of the the draft draft and and impeccable impeccable docume

242、nts documents by by the the beneficiary beneficiary to to the the bank,bank,即即即即期期期期信信信信用用用用证证证证是是是是指指指指受受受受益益益益人人人人向向向向银银银银行行行行出出出出示示示示汇汇汇汇票票票票和和和和正正正正确确确确无无无无误误误误的的的的单单单单据据据据时时时时银银银银行行行行立立立立即即即即付款的信用证。付款的信用证。付款的信用证。付款的信用证。n nA.oneA.one=the credit.=the credit.n nB. B. by by which which payment paym

243、ent can can be be made made upon upon presentation presentation of of the the draft draft and and impeccable impeccable documents documents by by the the beneficiary beneficiary to the bankto the bank是介词是介词是介词是介词+ +关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从句n nC.presentationC.presentation: :凭提示凭提示凭

244、提示凭提示n nMake payment upon presentation of draft to the bank.Make payment upon presentation of draft to the bank.n nFree admission on presentation of the card.Free admission on presentation of the card.n nD.present:vtD.present:vt. .介绍介绍介绍介绍, , 引见引见引见引见, , 给给给给, , 赠送赠送赠送赠送, , 上演上演上演上演, , 提出提出提出提出, , 呈

245、现呈现呈现呈现 adj.adj.出席的;到场的出席的;到场的出席的;到场的出席的;到场的There are twenty children present.There are twenty children present.n n在座的有在座的有在座的有在座的有2020个孩子。个孩子。个孩子。个孩子。n n(6).A (6).A usanceusance credit, also referred to as term credit or credit, also referred to as term credit or time credit , is one by which payme

246、nt can not be made time credit , is one by which payment can not be made until a specific time after the date or after sightuntil a specific time after the date or after sightn n远期信用证,即远期信用证,即远期信用证,即远期信用证,即. . usanceusance credit, term credit or time credit, term credit or time credit ,credit ,是指在出票

247、后或见票后一具体日期或一段时间后是指在出票后或见票后一具体日期或一段时间后是指在出票后或见票后一具体日期或一段时间后是指在出票后或见票后一具体日期或一段时间后付款的信用证。付款的信用证。付款的信用证。付款的信用证。n nA. also referred to as term credit or time credit A. also referred to as term credit or time credit 是过去分是过去分是过去分是过去分词做定语词做定语词做定语词做定语n nB.oneB.one=credit.=credit.n nC.notC.notuntiluntil直到直到直到

248、直到才才才才n nWe cant start the job until we have the approval from We cant start the job until we have the approval from the authority concerned.the authority concerned.n n没有有关当局的批准我们不能开始这项工作。没有有关当局的批准我们不能开始这项工作。没有有关当局的批准我们不能开始这项工作。没有有关当局的批准我们不能开始这项工作。n nHe waited until the volcano became quiet and he w

249、as He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later.able to return two days later.n n他一直等到火山平息下来他一直等到火山平息下来他一直等到火山平息下来他一直等到火山平息下来, ,两天后他才得以重回火山上。两天后他才得以重回火山上。两天后他才得以重回火山上。两天后他才得以重回火山上。n n(7) If a credit can be transferred by the original 7) If a credit can be transfe

250、rred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties, it is a transferable beneficiary to one or more parties, it is a transferable credit.credit.如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给一个或几个受如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给一个或几个受如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给一个或几个受如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给一个或几个受益人,它就是可转让信用证。益人,它就是可转让信用证。益人,它就是可转让信用证。益人,它就是可转让信用证。n nA.Transfer(v

251、tA.Transfer(vt.) .) sthsth to to sbsb: : 转让转让转让转让n nThe The property property should should be be transferred transferred to to his his son son according according to his will.to his will.根据遗嘱,财产应该由他的儿子来继承。根据遗嘱,财产应该由他的儿子来继承。根据遗嘱,财产应该由他的儿子来继承。根据遗嘱,财产应该由他的儿子来继承。n nHis employer transferred him to anoth

252、er office.His employer transferred him to another office.n n老板把他调到了另一个办公室。老板把他调到了另一个办公室。老板把他调到了另一个办公室。老板把他调到了另一个办公室。n nB.nB.n. .迁移;调任;转移迁移;调任;转移迁移;调任;转移迁移;调任;转移n nCan I have a transfer to a new office?Can I have a transfer to a new office?n n我能调换到一个新办公室去吗?我能调换到一个新办公室去吗?我能调换到一个新办公室去吗?我能调换到一个新办公室去吗?n

253、n(8) (8) The The original original beneficiary beneficiary is is called called the the first first beneficiary beneficiary and and the the party party (or (or parties parties )the )the credit credit is is transferred transferred to to is is called called the the second second beneficiary.beneficiary

254、.原原原原受受受受益益益益人人人人又又又又称称称称为为为为第第第第一一一一受受受受益益益益人人人人,而而而而接接接接受受受受转转转转让让让让的的的的一一一一方方方方(或或或或几几几几方方方方)称称称称为为为为第二受益人。第二受益人。第二受益人。第二受益人。n nA.A.本本本本句句句句中中中中的的的的the the credit credit is is transferred transferred to to 做做做做了了了了the the party(or party(or parties)parties)的定语。的定语。的定语。的定语。n nB.original:aB.original

255、:a. .最初的;最早的最初的;最早的最初的;最早的最初的;最早的n nWho was the original owner of this house?Who was the original owner of this house?n n谁是这座房子最早的主人?谁是这座房子最早的主人?谁是这座房子最早的主人?谁是这座房子最早的主人?n nThe original owner of the houseThe original owner of the housen nC.C.新奇的;有创造性的新奇的;有创造性的新奇的;有创造性的新奇的;有创造性的n na person with an ori

256、ginala person with an originaln n有创作头脑的人有创作头脑的人有创作头脑的人有创作头脑的人n nThe speaker seems to have no original ideas; his speech The speaker seems to have no original ideas; his speech was full of platitudes.was full of platitudes.n n 演讲人似乎没有什么独到的见解演讲人似乎没有什么独到的见解演讲人似乎没有什么独到的见解演讲人似乎没有什么独到的见解, ,他的讲话充满了陈词他的讲话充满

257、了陈词他的讲话充满了陈词他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。滥调。滥调。滥调。 n n(9) (9) If If the the beneficiary beneficiary wishes wishes to to get get payment payment before before the the maturity maturity of of the the draft, draft, he he can can ask ask the the bank bank to to discount discount the the acceptance, acceptance, and and i

258、mmediately immediately pay pay him him the the net net proceeds, proceeds, i.e. i.e. the the face face value value of of the the draft draft minus minus the the disountdisount charges.charges.如如如如果果果果受受受受益益益益人人人人希希希希望望望望在在在在汇汇汇汇票票票票到到到到期期期期之之之之前前前前得得得得到到到到付付付付款款款款,他他他他可可可可以以以以要要要要求求求求银银银银行行行行对对对对承承承

259、承兑兑兑兑的的的的信信信信用用用用证证证证进进进进行行行行贴贴贴贴现现现现,并并并并且且且且立立立立即支付净值,即汇票值减去贴现费。即支付净值,即汇票值减去贴现费。即支付净值,即汇票值减去贴现费。即支付净值,即汇票值减去贴现费。n nA. n.A. n.(现在不可能实现的)愿望(现在不可能实现的)愿望(现在不可能实现的)愿望(现在不可能实现的)愿望n na wish to see the worlda wish to see the worldn n想到世界各地看看的愿望想到世界各地看看的愿望想到世界各地看看的愿望想到世界各地看看的愿望n n所愿望的事物所愿望的事物所愿望的事物所愿望的事物n

260、nThe girl got her wish.The girl got her wish.n n那女孩如愿以偿。那女孩如愿以偿。那女孩如愿以偿。那女孩如愿以偿。n n祝愿祝愿祝愿祝愿n nB. B. vtvt., vi., vi.但愿;要是但愿;要是但愿;要是但愿;要是多好多好多好多好n nI wish we had a car.I wish we had a car.n n要是我们有一辆车多好啊。要是我们有一辆车多好啊。要是我们有一辆车多好啊。要是我们有一辆车多好啊。n nI wish you a very happy future.I wish you a very happy futur

261、e.n n祝你一生幸福。祝你一生幸福。祝你一生幸福。祝你一生幸福。n nI wish I were 30 years younger.I wish I were 30 years younger.n n我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。n nI wish I know.I wish I know.n n但愿我知道。但愿我知道。但愿我知道。但愿我知道。n nI wish I were a cat.I wish I were a cat.n n如果我是只猫多好。如果我是只猫多好。如果我是只猫多好。如果我是只猫多好。n nYou have

262、 everything you could wish for.You have everything you could wish for.n n你想要的已经全有了。你想要的已经全有了。你想要的已经全有了。你想要的已经全有了。n nWhen do you wish to leave?When do you wish to leave?n n你希望什么时候离开?你希望什么时候离开?你希望什么时候离开?你希望什么时候离开?n nDo you wish to eat alone?Do you wish to eat alone?n n您要一个人用餐吗?您要一个人用餐吗?您要一个人用餐吗?您要一个人用

263、餐吗?n n(常与(常与(常与(常与on, uponon, upon连用)把连用)把连用)把连用)把强加于强加于强加于强加于n nC.preceed:vtC.preceed:vt. .(常与(常与(常与(常与toto连用)开始进行连用)开始进行连用)开始进行连用)开始进行n nAs soon as he came in he proceeded to tell us all his As soon as he came in he proceeded to tell us all his troubles.troubles.n n他一进来就把所有的烦恼告诉了我们。他一进来就把所有的烦恼告诉了我

264、们。他一进来就把所有的烦恼告诉了我们。他一进来就把所有的烦恼告诉了我们。n nThe interview The interview proccededprocceded in a most friendly atmosphere. in a most friendly atmosphere.n n会见在极友好的气氛中进行。会见在极友好的气氛中进行。会见在极友好的气氛中进行。会见在极友好的气氛中进行。n nAs soon as he came in he proceeded to complain about As soon as he came in he proceeded to comp

265、lain about all his troubles.all his troubles.n n他一进来就开始抱怨起他所遇到的种种麻烦事他一进来就开始抱怨起他所遇到的种种麻烦事他一进来就开始抱怨起他所遇到的种种麻烦事他一进来就开始抱怨起他所遇到的种种麻烦事。n n(与(与(与(与againstagainst连用)起诉;控诉连用)起诉;控诉连用)起诉;控诉连用)起诉;控诉n nI advise you not to proceed against him.I advise you not to proceed against him.n n我劝你不要起诉他。我劝你不要起诉他。我劝你不要起诉他。我

266、劝你不要起诉他。n n(常与(常与(常与(常与fromfrom连用)源于,起因于连用)源于,起因于连用)源于,起因于连用)源于,起因于n nMiserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room.room.n n从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。n n(常与常与常与常与with, to +with, to +infinf 连用)继续进行连用)继续进行连用

267、)继续进行连用)继续进行n nTell us your name and then proceed with your story.Tell us your name and then proceed with your story.n n 先把你的名字告诉我们先把你的名字告诉我们先把你的名字告诉我们先把你的名字告诉我们, ,然后说你的事情。然后说你的事情。然后说你的事情。然后说你的事情。 n nLet us proceed with our lesson.Let us proceed with our lesson.n n我们继续上课吧。我们继续上课吧。我们继续上课吧。我们继续上课吧。n n

268、After stopping to rest, they proceeded up the hill.After stopping to rest, they proceeded up the hill.n n停下来休息以后,他们又继续上山。停下来休息以后,他们又继续上山。停下来休息以后,他们又继续上山。停下来休息以后,他们又继续上山。n nOn this point, be proceeded, our attitude is clear.On this point, be proceeded, our attitude is clear.n n他接着说他接着说他接着说他接着说: :在这点上

269、我们的态度是明确的。在这点上我们的态度是明确的。在这点上我们的态度是明确的。在这点上我们的态度是明确的。 n n前进前进前进前进n nDo not proceed across a main road without first looking Do not proceed across a main road without first looking to the right and the left.to the right and the left.n n 没有向左右两边看清楚之前没有向左右两边看清楚之前没有向左右两边看清楚之前没有向左右两边看清楚之前, ,不要横穿大马路。不要横穿大马

270、路。不要横穿大马路。不要横穿大马路。 n n(10)they mainly include payment credit and deferred (10)they mainly include payment credit and deferred payment credit which are payment credit which are repectivelyrepectively similar to sight similar to sight credit and credit and usanceusance credit with the difference that

271、no draft credit with the difference that no draft is drawn and presented in the case of non-draft credit.is drawn and presented in the case of non-draft credit.他他他他们主要有付款信用证和延期信用证,这两种信用证分别们主要有付款信用证和延期信用证,这两种信用证分别们主要有付款信用证和延期信用证,这两种信用证分别们主要有付款信用证和延期信用证,这两种信用证分别同即期和远期信用证类似。所不同的事,在无汇票信用同即期和远期信用证类似。所不同的

272、事,在无汇票信用同即期和远期信用证类似。所不同的事,在无汇票信用同即期和远期信用证类似。所不同的事,在无汇票信用证情况下,不开立汇票也不提示汇票。证情况下,不开立汇票也不提示汇票。证情况下,不开立汇票也不提示汇票。证情况下,不开立汇票也不提示汇票。n nA.similarA.similar :adj. :adj.相像的,相似的;近似的相像的,相似的;近似的相像的,相似的;近似的相像的,相似的;近似的n nMy new dress is similar to the one you have.My new dress is similar to the one you have.n n我的新衣服

273、和你的那件相似。我的新衣服和你的那件相似。我的新衣服和你的那件相似。我的新衣服和你的那件相似。n nAll big cities are quite similar.All big cities are quite similar.n n所有的大城市差不多大同小异。所有的大城市差不多大同小异。所有的大城市差不多大同小异。所有的大城市差不多大同小异。n n形状相同的形状相同的形状相同的形状相同的n nB.respect:nB.respect:n. .(与(与(与(与of, forof, for连用)尊敬;尊重连用)尊敬;尊重连用)尊敬;尊重连用)尊敬;尊重n nto show respect t

274、o those who are olderto show respect to those who are oldern n尊敬长者尊敬长者尊敬长者尊敬长者n nThe students have great respect for their history teacher.The students have great respect for their history teacher.n n学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。n n关心;注意关心;注意关心;注意关心;注意n nto pay (have)

275、respect toto pay (have) respect ton n关心关心关心关心n n(pl) (pl) 敬意;问候敬意;问候敬意;问候敬意;问候n nGive my respects to your wife.Give my respects to your wife.n n请代我向你太太问好。请代我向你太太问好。请代我向你太太问好。请代我向你太太问好。n nB.vtB.vt. .尊敬;尊重尊敬;尊重尊敬;尊重尊敬;尊重n nI respect his courage.I respect his courage.n n我敬佩他的勇气。我敬佩他的勇气。我敬佩他的勇气。我敬佩他的勇气。

276、n nIll respect your wishes.Ill respect your wishes.n n我尊重你的愿望。我尊重你的愿望。我尊重你的愿望。我尊重你的愿望。n nUsually people dont respect those who are too Usually people dont respect those who are too pliant.n n 一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从, ,唯唯诺诺的人。唯唯诺诺的人。唯唯诺诺的人。唯唯诺诺的人。“ “n nwithout res

277、pect towithout respect to不管;不考虑不管;不考虑不管;不考虑不管;不考虑n nwith respect towith respect to谈到谈到谈到谈到n nwith respect to the recent floodwith respect to the recent flood谈到最近的洪水谈到最近的洪水谈到最近的洪水谈到最近的洪水n nin all respectsin all respects无论从哪方面来看无论从哪方面来看无论从哪方面来看无论从哪方面来看n nin respect ofin respect of关于;就关于;就关于;就关于;就来说来说来

278、说来说n npay ones respectspay ones respects拜访拜访拜访拜访n nC. respectable :adj.C. respectable :adj.可敬的可敬的可敬的可敬的, , 有名望的有名望的有名望的有名望的, , 高尚的高尚的高尚的高尚的, , 值得尊值得尊值得尊值得尊敬的敬的敬的敬的; ;n na respectable young mana respectable young mann n一位可敬的年轻人一位可敬的年轻人一位可敬的年轻人一位可敬的年轻人n n respectful.adjrespectful.adj. .恭敬的恭敬的恭敬的恭敬的, ,

279、 尊敬的尊敬的尊敬的尊敬的, , 尊重人的尊重人的尊重人的尊重人的, , 有礼貌的有礼貌的有礼貌的有礼貌的; ;n npectfulpectful silence silencen n礼貌地保持安静礼貌地保持安静礼貌地保持安静礼貌地保持安静n n respective .adj.respective .adj.分别的分别的分别的分别的, , 各自的各自的各自的各自的n nto visit our respective mothersto visit our respective mothersn n各自去看自己的母亲各自去看自己的母亲各自去看自己的母亲各自去看自己的母亲n n(11) It h

280、as already been mentioned that the letter of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted international trade.前前面面已已经经提提到到,信信用用证证极极大大地方便并促进了国际贸易。地方便并促进了国际贸易。n n(12) The seller may sustain losses because of the buyers delay or even failure in the establishment of credit.卖卖方方可可能能由由于于买买方方延延误误开开证证,甚甚至至未未

281、能能开证而蒙受损失。开证而蒙受损失。n n(13) (13) Besides, Besides, it it is is more more expensive expensive to to use use the the letter letter of of credit credit than than remittance remittance or or collection collection as as the the bank bank will will charge charge its its client client for for all all the the

282、 services services it it provides.provides.除除除除此此此此之之之之外外外外,由由由由于于于于银银银银行行行行对对对对其其其其提提提提供供供供的的的的所所所所有有有有服服服服务务务务都都都都将将将将向向向向客客客客户户户户收收收收取取取取费费费费用用用用,使使使使用信用证比汇款和托收费用要高。用信用证比汇款和托收费用要高。用信用证比汇款和托收费用要高。用信用证比汇款和托收费用要高。n nA. A. to to use use the the letter letter of of credit credit than than remittance r

283、emittance or or collection collection 是不定式做主语。是不定式做主语。是不定式做主语。是不定式做主语。n nB.asB.as引导原因状语从句引导原因状语从句引导原因状语从句引导原因状语从句n nC.charge:nC.charge:n. .费用;价钱;索价费用;价钱;索价费用;价钱;索价费用;价钱;索价n na charge for the use of the telephonea charge for the use of the telephonen n使用电话的费用使用电话的费用使用电话的费用使用电话的费用n nThe charge for a f

284、ront-row seat is $3.The charge for a front-row seat is $3.n n前排座位票价每张三美元。前排座位票价每张三美元。前排座位票价每张三美元。前排座位票价每张三美元。n nCharge:nCharge:n. .控诉;指控;控告控诉;指控;控告控诉;指控;控告控诉;指控;控告n na charge of stealinga charge of stealingn n偷窃罪的指控偷窃罪的指控偷窃罪的指控偷窃罪的指控n nThe charge carries a possible sentence of three years.The charge

285、 carries a possible sentence of three years.n n这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。n nCharge:vCharge:v. .命令;使负责命令;使负责命令;使负责命令;使负责n nShe charged me to look after her daughter.She charged me to look after her daughter.n n她要我负责看管她的女儿。她要我负责看管她的女儿。她要我负责看管她的女儿。她要我负责看管她的女儿。n n(常与(常与(常与(常与wi

286、thwith连用)装(弹药);载连用)装(弹药);载连用)装(弹药);载连用)装(弹药);载n n倒(酒)倒(酒)倒(酒)倒(酒)n n(常与(常与(常与(常与upup连用)使充电连用)使充电连用)使充电连用)使充电n nDoes your car battery charged easily?Does your car battery charged easily?n n你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗? ?n n(与(与(与(与withwith连用)连用)连用)连用) 使负责使负责使负责使负责n nvtvt.,

287、 vi., vi.要价;索价;要人支付;收费要价;索价;要人支付;收费要价;索价;要人支付;收费要价;索价;要人支付;收费n nThe fruit seller charged me too much money.The fruit seller charged me too much money.n n这个水果商要了我很多的钱。这个水果商要了我很多的钱。这个水果商要了我很多的钱。这个水果商要了我很多的钱。n nHow much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?How much did he charge you for repairin

288、g the bicycle?n n他修理自行车收了你多少钱他修理自行车收了你多少钱他修理自行车收了你多少钱他修理自行车收了你多少钱? ?n nHow much do you charge for your mushrooms?How much do you charge for your mushrooms?n n你的蘑菇要什么价钱你的蘑菇要什么价钱你的蘑菇要什么价钱你的蘑菇要什么价钱? ?n nDo you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-Do you charge for the use of the office tel

289、ephone at off-duty time?duty time?n n下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费? ?n nThat seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.summer holidays.n n那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要

290、价那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价。n n(常与(常与(常与(常与withwith连用)责令;公开指责;控诉连用)责令;公开指责;控诉连用)责令;公开指责;控诉连用)责令;公开指责;控诉n nHe was charged with stealing a car.He was charged with stealing a car.n n他被指控偷了一辆汽车。他被指控偷了一辆汽车。他被指控偷了一辆汽车。他被指控偷了一辆汽车。n nThose young men were charged by the police with Those young men were charged by the

291、 police with causing a disturbance in the causing a disturbance in the neighbourhoodneighbourhood. .n n警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。n nThe tax collector has been charged with extorting money The tax collector has been charged with extorting mone

292、y from several shopkeepers.from several shopkeepers.n n收税员受到指控收税员受到指控收税员受到指控收税员受到指控, ,罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财n nD.provideD.provide: :供应;供给供应;供给供应;供给供应;供给n nThey provide us with food.They provide us with food.n n他们供给我们食物。他们供给我们食物。他们供给我们食物。他们供给我们食物。n nWe provided food for the

293、hungry children.We provided food for the hungry children.n n我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。n n预约;规定预约;规定n nIt is provided in the contract that the work should be accomplished within a year.n n契约上规定这项工作必须在一年内完成。契约上规定这项工作必须在一年内完成。n nThe law provides that valuable ancient build

294、ings must be preserved by the government.n n法律规定珍贵的古代建筑物必须由政府加以保护。法律规定珍贵的古代建筑物必须由政府加以保护。n n(常与常与常与常与for, againstfor, against连用)预防,防范连用)预防,防范连用)预防,防范连用)预防,防范n nIts wise to save some money and provide for the future.Its wise to save some money and provide for the future.n n 积蓄点钱积蓄点钱积蓄点钱积蓄点钱, ,为将来使用作些准

295、备是明智的。为将来使用作些准备是明智的。为将来使用作些准备是明智的。为将来使用作些准备是明智的。 n n供养;准备给予供养;准备给予供养;准备给予供养;准备给予n nto provide food and clothes for ones familyto provide food and clothes for ones familyn n养家活口养家活口养家活口养家活口n nHe has a wife and seven children to provide for.He has a wife and seven children to provide for.n n他需要赡养妻子和七个

296、孩子。他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) (1) confirmed confirmed credit, credit, 保保保保兑兑兑兑信信信信用用用用证证证证:如如如如果果果果信信信信用用用用证证证证被被被被开开开开证证证证行行行行以以以以外外外外的的的的另另另另外外外外一一一一家家家家银银银银行行行行保保保保兑兑兑兑,这这这这个个个个信信信信用用用用证证证证便便便便称为保兑信用证。称为保兑信用证。称为保兑信用证。称为保兑信用证。n n(2) (2) sight sight credit,

297、credit, 即即即即期期期期信信信信用用用用证证证证:即即即即其其其其信信信信用用用用证证证证是是是是指指指指受受受受益益益益人人人人向向向向银银银银行行行行提提提提示示示示汇汇汇汇票票票票和和和和正正正正确确确确无无无无误误误误的的的的单单单单据据据据时时时时银银银银行行行行立立立立即付款的信用证。即付款的信用证。即付款的信用证。即付款的信用证。n n(3) (3) usanceusance credit, credit, 远期信用证远期信用证远期信用证远期信用证n n(4) (4) consulting consulting with:with:和和和和协协协协商商商商。consult

298、 consult with with 不不不不同同同同于于于于 consult, consult, 后后后后者者者者的的的的含含含含义义义义是是是是请请请请教教教教,假假假假如如如如本本本本句句句句改改改改为为为为consult consult the the beneficiary beneficiary 则则则则含含含含义义义义为为为为“ “向向向向受受受受益益益益人人人人了了了了解解解解情况情况情况情况” ”。n n(5) (5) all all the the parties parties concerned, concerned, 所所所所有有有有当当当当事事事事人人人人。Part

299、yParty除除除除作作作作党党党党派派派派解解解解外外外外,还还还还常常常常作作作作1 1)会会会会议议议议、活活活活动动动动等等等等的的的的参参参参与与与与者者者者和和和和有有有有关关关关方方方方面面面面,2 2)参参参参加加加加某某某某项项项项活活活活动动动动的的的的一一一一组组组组人人人人,随随随随行人员,行人员,行人员,行人员,3 3)社交或娱乐性聚会。)社交或娱乐性聚会。)社交或娱乐性聚会。)社交或娱乐性聚会。n n(6) (6) referred referred to to asas含含含含义义义义是是是是“ “提提提提到到到到某某某某人人人人或或或或革革革革事事事事物物物物时

300、时时时称称称称之之之之为为为为” ”,如如如如:Mao Mao Zedong Zedong was was referred referred to to as as the the great great savior savior of of the the Chinese Chinese nation. nation. 毛毛毛毛泽泽泽泽东东东东被被被被称作中华民族的大救星。称作中华民族的大救星。称作中华民族的大救星。称作中华民族的大救星。n n(7) (7) to to issue issue an an L/C L/C in in favor favor of of the the s

301、eller,seller,开开开开立立立立以以以以卖卖卖卖方方方方为为为为受受受受益益益益人人人人的的的的信信信信用用用用证证证证。开开开开证证证证可可可可说说说说issue issue an an L/CL/C,也也也也常常常常用用用用open open an an L/CL/C或或或或establish establish an an L/C. L/C. in in favor favor of of the the seller seller 也也也也可可可可说说说说in in the the sellers sellers favor, favor, 或或或或 with with th

302、e the seller as the beneficiaryseller as the beneficiary等。等。等。等。n n(8) (8) advise,advise,在在在在外外外外贸贸贸贸英英英英语语语语中中中中常常常常用用用用“ “通通通通知知知知” ”解解解解,和和和和informinform可可可可互互互互换换换换,但但但但adviseadvise的的的的风风风风格格格格较较较较正正正正式式式式,不不不不要要要要随随随随便便便便用用用用telltell来替换。来替换。来替换。来替换。n n(9) (9) deal deal in:in:经经经经营营营营。后后后后面面面面常常

303、常常接接接接商商商商品品品品、具具具具体体体体业业业业务务务务,如如如如:The The company company deals deals in in booksbooks,该该该该公公公公司司司司经经经经营营营营书书书书本本本本。而而而而deal deal withwith后后后后面面面面如如如如接接接接人人人人或或或或公公公公司司司司表表表表示示示示“ “与与与与做做做做交交交交易易易易” ”;如如如如接接接接表表表表示示示示“ “问问问问题题题题” ”之之之之类类类类的的的的词词词词则则则则表表表表示示示示“ “处处处处理理理理” ”。n n(10) (10) non-trade

304、non-trade settlement, settlement, 非非非非 贸贸贸贸 易易易易 结结结结 算算算算 : Non-Non-trade trade settlement settlement mainly mainly means means the the settlement settlement which which occur occur not not because because of of trade trade between between the the trading trading parties, parties, but but of of the

305、 the other other reasons reasons such such as as the the government government agreement. agreement. 非非非非贸贸贸贸易易易易结结结结算算算算主主主主要要要要指指指指不不不不是是是是由由由由于于于于交交交交易易易易双双双双方方方方的的的的贸贸贸贸易易易易而而而而引引引引起起起起的的的的结结结结算算算算,而而而而是是是是由由由由于于于于诸如政府协定之类的其他原因。诸如政府协定之类的其他原因。诸如政府协定之类的其他原因。诸如政府协定之类的其他原因。n n(11) (11) revocable rev

306、ocable credit, credit, 可可可可撤撤撤撤销销销销信信信信用用用用证证证证:The The credit credit is is a a revocable revocable one one if if the the commitment commitment to to pay pay on on the the part part of of the the applicant applicant and and the the issuing issuing bank bank can can be be altered altered or or even e

307、ven canceled canceled without without consulting consulting with with the the beneficiary. beneficiary. 如如如如果果果果申申申申请请请请人人人人或或或或开开开开证证证证行行行行对对对对付付付付款款款款的的的的承承承承诺诺诺诺在在在在未未未未同同同同受受受受益益益益人人人人协协协协商商商商的的的的情情情情况况况况下下下下而而而而被被被被改改改改变变变变甚甚甚甚至至至至取取取取消消消消,那那那那么么么么该该该该信信信信用用用用证证证证即即即即为为为为可撤销信用证。可撤销信用证。可撤销信用证。可撤

308、销信用证。n n(12) (12) irrevocable irrevocable credits, credits, 不不不不 可可可可 撤撤撤撤 销销销销 信信信信 用用用用 证证证证 :Irrevocable Irrevocable credits credits are are those those that that cannot cannot be be amended amended or or revoked revoked without without the the consent consent of of all all the the parties partie

309、s concerned concerned 不不不不可可可可撤撤撤撤销销销销信信信信用用用用证证证证是是是是指指指指未未未未经经经经有有有有关关关关当当当当事事事事人人人人同同同同意意意意,不可随意修改或撤销的信用证。不可随意修改或撤销的信用证。不可随意修改或撤销的信用证。不可随意修改或撤销的信用证。n n(13) (13) goods goods shipped shipped , ,过过过过去去去去分分分分词词词词shipped shipped 作作作作定定定定语语语语,修修修修饰饰饰饰,含有含有含有含有“ “完成完成完成完成” ”的意思。的意思。的意思。的意思。n n(14) a par

310、ticular transaction, (14) a particular transaction, 一笔特定的交易。一笔特定的交易。一笔特定的交易。一笔特定的交易。(15)category:n.(15)category:n.种类,范畴,目录种类,范畴,目录种类,范畴,目录种类,范畴,目录a. a.We deal only in the most expensive categories of We deal only in the most expensive categories of wactheswacthes. .b.b.This book fall into the catego

311、ry of reference books.This book fall into the category of reference books.(16)Fall under:(16)Fall under:归为归为归为归为类别,归为类别,归为类别,归为类别,归为项下,列入项下,列入项下,列入项下,列入项目项目项目项目a. a.The subject falls under tree heads.The subject falls under tree heads.b.b.Whales fall under the class of mammalsWhales fall under the c

312、lass of mammals(17)mechenism:(17)mechenism:机构,机制,结构方式机构,机制,结构方式机构,机制,结构方式机构,机制,结构方式 The The mechenismmechenism of the of the body;thebody;the mechenismmechenism of of government;thegovernment;the company company s discount s discount mechenism;marketmechenism;market mechenismmechenism. .(18)certaint

313、y:n.(18)certainty:n.确实的事,肯定,无疑确实的事,肯定,无疑确实的事,肯定,无疑确实的事,肯定,无疑n nPrice have gone up thats a certainty.Price have gone up thats a certainty.n nIts a certainty that he will win the game.Its a certainty that he will win the game.n nWe can have no certainty of success.We can have no certainty of success.(

314、 (19)alter :19)alter :使改变,变更,变化。使改变,变更,变化。使改变,变更,变化。使改变,变更,变化。a.Thesea.These clothes are too large; they must be altered. clothes are too large; they must be altered. 这些衣服太大,得修改。这些衣服太大,得修改。这些衣服太大,得修改。这些衣服太大,得修改。b.Theb.The design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled design of the electric

315、 circuits of the digit-controlled lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement.lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement. 这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动, ,以适应新的要求。以适应新的要求。以适应新的要求。以适应新的要求。(20)commitment:(20)commitment:承诺,约定,责任;承担义务承诺,约定,责任;承担义务承诺,约定,责任;承担义务承

316、诺,约定,责任;承担义务a. a commitment to pay $50000 to Red Crossa. a commitment to pay $50000 to Red Cross 承诺向红十字会提供承诺向红十字会提供承诺向红十字会提供承诺向红十字会提供5000050000美元美元美元美元b.Iveb.Ive taken on too many commitments. taken on too many commitments. 我承担的义务太多了。我承担的义务太多了。我承担的义务太多了。我承担的义务太多了。c.Hec.He doesnt want to get married

317、because he is afraid of doesnt want to get married because he is afraid of any commitments.any commitments. 他不想结婚他不想结婚他不想结婚他不想结婚, ,因为他害怕承担任何责因为他害怕承担任何责因为他害怕承担任何责因为他害怕承担任何责(21)commit:vt.(21)commit:vt.A.A.犯(错误、罪);做(坏事);作(奸);犯(错误、罪);做(坏事);作(奸);犯(错误、罪);做(坏事);作(奸);犯(错误、罪);做(坏事);作(奸); 犯(法)犯(法)犯(法)犯(法) A r

318、obbery was committed last night.A robbery was committed last night. 昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。 If you commit a crime you can never escape being If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.punished. 你要是犯罪你要是犯罪你要是犯罪你要是犯罪, ,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。就逃脱不了要受惩罚。就逃脱不了要受惩罚。就逃脱不了要受惩罚。 监禁;下狱;

319、入精神病院监禁;下狱;入精神病院监禁;下狱;入精神病院监禁;下狱;入精神病院 to commit him to jailto commit him to jail 将他监禁将他监禁将他监禁将他监禁 B.B.承诺;约定;束缚承诺;约定;束缚承诺;约定;束缚承诺;约定;束缚 to commit oneself to a promiseto commit oneself to a promise 受诺言的约束受诺言的约束受诺言的约束受诺言的约束(22)Cancel:(22)Cancel:放弃放弃放弃放弃, ,取消;宣称无效取消;宣称无效取消;宣称无效取消;宣称无效 a. She cancelled

320、her order.a. She cancelled her order. 她取消定货。她取消定货。她取消定货。她取消定货。 b.Sheb.She cancelled the trip to cancelled the trip to parisparis as she felt ill. as she felt ill. vtvt. .作废;盖注销戳作废;盖注销戳作废;盖注销戳作废;盖注销戳 a. a cancelled stamp.a. a cancelled stamp. 用过的邮票。用过的邮票。用过的邮票。用过的邮票。 b.sheb.she cancelled her cancelle

321、d her orgderorgder for a car. for a car.c.Theyc.They cancelled the disputed clause in the contract. cancelled the disputed clause in the contract. Vt. Vt.抵销;平衡抵销;平衡抵销;平衡抵销;平衡, ,划掉;相消划掉;相消划掉;相消划掉;相消(23)Consult:(23)Consult:参考;查阅;咨询参考;查阅;咨询参考;查阅;咨询参考;查阅;咨询a.Ia.I consulted George about buying a car. con

322、sulted George about buying a car. 我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。b.Ib.I must consult my principal on this matter. must consult my principal on this matter. 这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。(常与(常与(常与(常与withwith连用)商量;请教连用)商量;请教连用)商量;请教连用)商量;请教a.Consu

323、lta.Consult with one with one s fellow workerss fellow workersb.Beforeb.Before we can accept the firms offer we consult with the we can accept the firms offer we consult with the workers.workers.(24)revoke:(24)revoke:取消;废除取消;废除取消;废除取消;废除a. to revoke an order a. to revoke an order 取消命令取消命令取消命令取消命令b.

324、The quota on luxury items has been revokedb. The quota on luxury items has been revoked(25)cosent:(25)cosent:v. v.(常与(常与(常与(常与ofof连用)同意;答应;允许连用)同意;答应;允许连用)同意;答应;允许连用)同意;答应;允许I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.我问妈妈我是否能出去,她答应了。

325、我问妈妈我是否能出去,她答应了。我问妈妈我是否能出去,她答应了。我问妈妈我是否能出去,她答应了。Has the minister consented to have his speech printed?Has the minister consented to have his speech printed?部长已同意印发他的讲话了吗部长已同意印发他的讲话了吗部长已同意印发他的讲话了吗部长已同意印发他的讲话了吗? ?n.n.同意;应允;允许同意;应允;允许同意;应允;允许同意;应允;允许I had to get my mothers consent before I went.I had t

326、o get my mothers consent before I went.我走之前需征得母亲同意。我走之前需征得母亲同意。我走之前需征得母亲同意。我走之前需征得母亲同意。Marys parents refused their consent to her marriage.Marys parents refused their consent to her marriage.玛丽的父母不同意她的玛丽的父母不同意她的玛丽的父母不同意她的玛丽的父母不同意她的(26)involve:(26)involve:(常与(常与(常与(常与inin连用)牵涉;拖累连用)牵涉;拖累连用)牵涉;拖累连用)牵涉

327、;拖累Dont involve other people in your trouble.Dont involve other people in your trouble.别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。(常与(常与(常与(常与inin连用)使陷入连用)使陷入连用)使陷入连用)使陷入包括,涉及包括,涉及包括,涉及包括,涉及All the children were involved in the school play.All the children were involved in the school pl

328、ay.所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。This lesson involves a lot of work.This lesson involves a lot of work.这一课需要做的工作有很多这一课需要做的工作有很多这一课需要做的工作有很多这一课需要做的工作有很多Be involved in.Be involved in.专心于专心于专心于专心于I was involve in research project.I was involve in research project.Being

329、 involved in these imaginings she Being involved in these imaginings she hnewhnew nothing of nothing of time.time.(27)renew:vt.(27)renew:vt.更新;翻新更新;翻新更新;翻新更新;翻新; ;更换;换新更换;换新更换;换新更换;换新to renew ones library ticketto renew ones library ticket更换图书卡更换图书卡更换图书卡更换图书卡重新开始;再度重新开始;再度重新开始;再度重新开始;再度to renew corr

330、espondenceto renew correspondence再度开始通信再度开始通信再度开始通信再度开始通信Owing to a tight budget several professor are not renewed. Owing to a tight budget several professor are not renewed. (28)reinstate:vt.(28)reinstate:vt.复职;复位复职;复位复职;复位复职;复位He was dismissed ,but was later reinstated in his former He was dismiss

331、ed ,but was later reinstated in his former job.job.The The wotkerwotker union demanded that the sacked workers union demanded that the sacked workers should be reinstated.should be reinstated.(29)sustain:(29)sustain:承受,忍耐(困难);经得住承受,忍耐(困难);经得住承受,忍耐(困难);经得住承受,忍耐(困难);经得住, ,维持;继续维持;继续维持;继续维持;继续sustainin

332、g foodsustaining food维持体力的食物维持体力的食物维持体力的食物维持体力的食物加强;保持强壮加强;保持强壮加强;保持强壮加强;保持强壮支撑;支持支撑;支持支撑;支持支撑;支持will the will the ilgtilgtht ht shelvfshelvf can sustain can sustain alltheallthe books. books.(30)bankrupt:(30)bankrupt:无力还债的无力还债的无力还债的无力还债的, ,破产了的破产了的破产了的破产了的, , 完全丧失完全丧失完全丧失完全丧失 The company went bankr

333、upt because of its The company went bankrupt because of its poormanagementpoormanagement. . 公司管理经营不善而破产。公司管理经营不善而破产。公司管理经营不善而破产。公司管理经营不善而破产。vtvt. .使破产使破产使破产使破产 The local government bankrupted the steel and iron The local government bankrupted the steel and iron plantplantn n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page64page

334、64)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题: :第第2 2题、第题、第4 4题、第题、第9 9题。题。n n1.clean credit only require clean draft ,i.e. draft not 1.clean credit only require clean draft ,i.e. draft not accompanied with shipping documents for payment accompanied with shipping documents for payment while documentary credits require shipp

335、ing documents while documentary credits require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft . The former is to be presented together with the draft . The former is generally used in non-trade settlement or in payment in generally used in non-trade settlement or in payment in advance b

336、y means of the letter of credit.advance by means of the letter of credit.n n2.irrevocable credit is the one that can not be amended 2.irrevocable credit is the one that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of all parties concerned. or revoked without the consent of all parties concerned

337、. If a credit does not specify whether it is revocable or If a credit does not specify whether it is revocable or irrevocable, it should be regarded as irrevocable.irrevocable, it should be regarded as irrevocable.n n3.the confirmation is undertaken either by advising 3.the confirmation is undertake

338、n either by advising bank or by another leading bank in the case of bank or by another leading bank in the case of confirmed credit .confirmed credit .n n4.no. it is not completely right . Because a confirmed 4.no. it is not completely right . Because a confirmed credit involves additional cost as a

339、 result of the credit involves additional cost as a result of the confirmation.thereforeconfirmation.therefore, if the opening bank is a a , if the opening bank is a a relieablerelieable prime bank , confirmation may not be prime bank , confirmation may not be confirmed.confirmed.n n5.a sight credit

340、 gives the beneficiary better security and 5.a sight credit gives the beneficiary better security and help him speed up his capital turnover.help him speed up his capital turnover.n n6.if the beneficiary wishes to get payment before the 6.if the beneficiary wishes to get payment before the maturity

341、of the draft , he can ask the bank to maturity of the draft , he can ask the bank to disdis count count the acceptance, and immediately pay him the net the acceptance, and immediately pay him the net proceeds,i.eproceeds,i.e. the face value of the draft minus the . the face value of the draft minus

342、the discount charges.discount charges.7.A credit can be transferred only once, but transferring a 7.A credit can be transferred only once, but transferring a credit to more parties at the same time is allowed credit to more parties at the same time is allowed provided partial shipments are permitted

343、.provided partial shipments are permitted.8.A revolving credit is particularly useful when the buyer 8.A revolving credit is particularly useful when the buyer and seller have regular trading relationship and in a and seller have regular trading relationship and in a specific quantity of goods each

344、month or any particular specific quantity of goods each month or any particular period time .period time .9.no. it can not. The seller 9.no. it can not. The seller maysustainmaysustain losses because of the losses because of the buyers delay or even failure in the establishment of buyers delay or ev

345、en failure in the establishment of credit. The buyer may suffer losses as a result of the credit. The buyer may suffer losses as a result of the document presented by the seller which do not truly document presented by the seller which do not truly represent the goods shipped.represent the goods shi

346、pped.10.non-draft credit is one by which payment is to be made 10.non-draft credit is one by which payment is to be made by presentation of documents without the formality of by presentation of documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.drawing and presenting a draft.2 2 2 2 搭

347、配题搭配题搭配题搭配题 h,a,e,b,d,I,c,j,g,fh,a,e,b,d,I,c,j,g,fh,a,e,b,d,I,c,j,g,fh,a,e,b,d,I,c,j,g,f3 3 3 3 完型填空完型填空完型填空完型填空 (Bank; written; request; shall; have ; (Bank; written; request; shall; have ; (Bank; written; request; shall; have ; (Bank; written; request; shall; have ; to; provided; standing; against

348、; for)to; provided; standing; against; for)to; provided; standing; against; for)to; provided; standing; against; for)4 4 4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业) Outlay: Outlay: Outlay: Outlay: n.n.花费,支出,开销花费,支出,开销花费,支出,开销花费,支出,开销 abuse:vtabuse:vt. abused, abusing. abused, abusing辱骂辱骂辱骂辱骂, ,滥用;妄用;误用滥用;妄

349、用;误用滥用;妄用;误用滥用;妄用;误用 to abuse a privilege to abuse a privilege滥用特权滥用特权滥用特权滥用特权, , 虐待;酷待虐待;酷待虐待;酷待虐待;酷待 to abuse a horse to abuse a horse虐待一匹马虐待一匹马虐待一匹马虐待一匹马 Aggregate:adjAggregate:adj. .总的;合计的总的;合计的总的;合计的总的;合计的 What were your aggregate wages last year? What were your aggregate wages last year? 去年你的工

350、资一共是多少?去年你的工资一共是多少?去年你的工资一共是多少?去年你的工资一共是多少?5 5 5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为2 2 2 2 、 3 3 3 3 、 6 6 6 6)Lesson 6The Business Contractn n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子1.it is enforceable by law , and any party that fails to 1.it is enforceable by law , and any party that fails to fulfill his con fulfill his

351、con tractualtractual obligations may be sued and obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation, though most forced to make compensation, though most contracts do not give rise to contracts do not give rise to disdis putepute. .虽然多数合同虽然多数合同虽然多数合同虽然多数合同并不引起纠纷,但是,任何一方当事人未能履行合并不引起纠纷,但是,任何一方当事人

352、未能履行合并不引起纠纷,但是,任何一方当事人未能履行合并不引起纠纷,但是,任何一方当事人未能履行合同义务,可能会引起诉讼并强制做出赔偿。同义务,可能会引起诉讼并强制做出赔偿。同义务,可能会引起诉讼并强制做出赔偿。同义务,可能会引起诉讼并强制做出赔偿。n nA.failA.fail: : vtvt/vi/vi失败失败失败失败n nThe prototype failed its first test.The prototype failed its first test.n nvi., vi., vtvt. .失败;不及格失败;不及格失败;不及格失败;不及格n nThe teachers fai

353、led me on the written composition.The teachers failed me on the written composition.n n教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。n nHe failed his English examination.He failed his English examination.n n他的英语考试不及格。他的英语考试不及格。他的英语考试不及格。他的英语考试不及格。n n不足;无法做到;(作物)歉收不足;无法做到;(作物)歉收不足;无法做到;(作物)

354、歉收不足;无法做到;(作物)歉收n nLast year the crops failed.Last year the crops failed.n n去年农作物歉收。去年农作物歉收。去年农作物歉收。去年农作物歉收。n nThey fail to recognize that our population is increasing They fail to recognize that our population is increasing faster than the supply of food, available resources and faster than the sup

355、ply of food, available resources and job opportunities.job opportunities.n n他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给| |资源资源资源资源的开发和就业的机会。的开发和就业的机会。的开发和就业的机会。的开发和就业的机会。n n使失望;辜负使失望;辜负使失望;辜负使失望;辜负n nHis courage failed him in the end.His courage failed hi

356、m in the end.n n 到最后到最后到最后到最后, ,他泄气了。他泄气了。他泄气了。他泄气了。 n nWe will never fail to live up to what our parents expect We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.of us.n n我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。n nHis friends failed him when he most need

357、ed them.His friends failed him when he most needed them.n n当他最需要朋友的时候,他们却令他失望。当他最需要朋友的时候,他们却令他失望。当他最需要朋友的时候,他们却令他失望。当他最需要朋友的时候,他们却令他失望。n n衰退;衰弱衰退;衰弱衰退;衰弱衰退;衰弱n nThe wind failed and the sea returned to calmness.The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness.n n 风停了风停了风停了风停了, ,海面上恢复了一片寂静。海面上恢复了一片寂静。

358、海面上恢复了一片寂静。海面上恢复了一片寂静。n nB.fulfill:vtB.fulfill:vt. .履行;遵守履行;遵守履行;遵守履行;遵守n nto fulfill ones promiseto fulfill ones promisen n履行诺言履行诺言履行诺言履行诺言n n执行;完成;服从执行;完成;服从执行;完成;服从执行;完成;服从n nHe has fulfilled the orders that I gave him.He has fulfilled the orders that I gave him.n n他完成了我给他的命令。他完成了我给他的命令。他完成了我给他的命

359、令。他完成了我给他的命令。n nThey fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.n n 同我们一样同我们一样同我们一样同我们一样, ,他们也提前完成了任务。他们也提前完成了任务。他们也提前完成了任务。他们也提前完成了任务。 n n满足;实现;达到满足;实现;达到满足;实现;达到满足;实现;达到n nHis belief that the world would end was not fulfilled.His belief

360、 that the world would end was not fulfilled.n n他迷信世界末日的来临没有应验。他迷信世界末日的来临没有应验。他迷信世界末日的来临没有应验。他迷信世界末日的来临没有应验。n nIf hes lazy, hell never If hes lazy, hell never fulfilfulfil his ambition to achieve his ambition to achieve anything.anything.n n 如果他不努力如果他不努力如果他不努力如果他不努力, ,他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负

361、他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负 n n发挥潜力发挥潜力发挥潜力发挥潜力n nShe fulfilled herself as a mother.She fulfilled herself as a mother.n n作为母亲她发挥了潜力。作为母亲她发挥了潜力。作为母亲她发挥了潜力。作为母亲她发挥了潜力。n nShe fulfilled herself both as a qualified mother and as a She fulfilled herself both as a qualified mother and as a successful

362、painter.successful painter.n n她充分发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个她充分发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个她充分发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个她充分发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个成功的画家。成功的画家。成功的画家。成功的画家。n nC.force:vtC.force:vt. .n nforced, forcingforced, forcingn n强制;迫使强制;迫使强制;迫使强制;迫使n nThe rider forced his horse on through the storm.The rider forced

363、his horse on through the storm.n n骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。n nIts not proper to force your idea upon others.Its not proper to force your idea upon others.n n把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。n nThe enemy was forced to ground arms.The e

364、nemy was forced to ground arms.n n敌人被迫放下武器。敌人被迫放下武器。敌人被迫放下武器。敌人被迫放下武器。n n用力推用力推用力推用力推n nforce the window openforce the window openn n用力推开窗用力推开窗用力推开窗用力推开窗n n勉强做出勉强做出勉强做出勉强做出n nforced laughterforced laughtern n强颜欢笑强颜欢笑强颜欢笑强颜欢笑n n促成生长促成生长促成生长促成生长n n力,力量力,力量力,力量力,力量n nthe force of the explosionthe force

365、 of the explosionn n爆炸力爆炸力爆炸力爆炸力n nYou must use force to open that bottle.You must use force to open that bottle.n n你必须用力打开那个瓶子。你必须用力打开那个瓶子。你必须用力打开那个瓶子。你必须用力打开那个瓶子。n nThe porter had to force the window open every morning.The porter had to force the window open every morning.n n每天早晨门房只好用力硬把窗户打开。每天早晨门

366、房只好用力硬把窗户打开。每天早晨门房只好用力硬把窗户打开。每天早晨门房只好用力硬把窗户打开。n nNew emerging forces are invincible.New emerging forces are invincible.n n新生力量是不可战胜的。新生力量是不可战胜的。新生力量是不可战胜的。新生力量是不可战胜的。n n暴力暴力暴力暴力n nThe thief took the money from the old man by force.The thief took the money from the old man by force.n n小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。小偷

367、用暴力夺走了老人的钱。小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。n nn.n.物物物物力力力力n nthe force of gravitythe force of gravity地心引力地心引力地心引力地心引力n nThe force of gravity makes things fall to earth.The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力地心引力地心引力地心引力使物体落向地面。使物体落向地面。使物体落向地面。使物体落向地面。n n威力;势力威力;势力威力;势力威力;势力n nthe forces of ev

368、ilthe forces of evil邪恶势力邪恶势力邪恶势力邪恶势力n nthe forces of naturethe forces of nature自然力自然力自然力自然力n n说服力说服力说服力说服力n nforce of exampleforce of example榜样的力量榜样的力量榜样的力量榜样的力量n nThere is force in what he said.There is force in what he said.他的话有说服力。他的话有说服力。他的话有说服力。他的话有说服力。n n部队;兵力部队;兵力部队;兵力部队;兵力n nthe police force

369、the police force警察部队警察部队警察部队警察部队n n(pl) (pl) 三军武装力量三军武装力量三军武装力量三军武装力量n nThe air force is one of the armed forces.The air force is one of the armed forces.n n空军是武装部队的一种。空军是武装部队的一种。空军是武装部队的一种。空军是武装部队的一种。n n(2) (2) In In case case of of a a first first enquiry,that enquiry,that is,an is,an enquiry enqu

370、iry sent sent to to an an exporter exporter whom whom the the importer importer has has never never dealt dealt with,information with,information should should be be given given in in the the enquiry enquiry as as to to how how the the name name and and address address of of the the exporter exporte

371、r have have been been obtained,the obtained,the business business line line and and usual usual practice practice of of the the importer,etc.so importer,etc.so as as to to facilitate facilitate the the exporters exporters work. work. 若若若若系系系系首首首首次次次次询询询询盘盘盘盘,即即即即进进进进口口口口商商商商向向向向从从从从未未未未打打打打过过过过交交交交道

372、道道道的的的的出出出出口口口口商商商商发发发发出出出出询询询询盘盘盘盘,询询询询盘盘盘盘中中中中应应应应包包包包括括括括进进进进口口口口商商商商是是是是如如如如何何何何获获获获得得得得了了了了出出出出口口口口商商商商的的的的行行行行名名名名和和和和地地地地址址址址的的的的,还还还还应应应应包包包包括括括括进进进进口口口口人人人人的的的的经经经经营营营营范围和通常做法等等,以便出口商进行工作范围和通常做法等等,以便出口商进行工作范围和通常做法等等,以便出口商进行工作范围和通常做法等等,以便出口商进行工作wewe。n n(3) (3) A A written written contract co

373、ntract is is generally generally prepared prepared and and signed signed as as the the proof proof of of the the arrangement arrangement and and as as the the basis basis for for its its execution execution . . 这这这这时时时时,通通通通常常常常要要要要着着着着手手手手制制制制作作作作并并并并签签签签署署署署一一一一个个个个书书书书面面面面合合合合同同同同,作作作作为为为为达达达达成成成

374、成协协协协议议议议的的的的凭凭凭凭证证证证和和和和执执执执行行行行该该该该协协协协议的基础。议的基础。议的基础。议的基础。n nprepare: prepare: 制作制作制作制作n n(4) (4) When When the the contract contract is is made made by by the the seller, seller, it it is is called called a a sales sales contract, contract, and and when when made made by by the the buyer, buyer,

375、 a a purchase purchase contract. contract. 若若若若合合合合同同同同由由由由卖卖卖卖方方方方制制制制作作作作,该该该该合合合合同同同同称称称称为为为为销销销销售售售售合合合合同同同同。若若若若由买方制作,则称为购货合同。由买方制作,则称为购货合同。由买方制作,则称为购货合同。由买方制作,则称为购货合同。n n这这这这个个个个句句句句子子子子是是是是由由由由andand连连连连接接接接的的的的两两两两个个个个并并并并列列列列句句句句。后后后后面面面面一一一一个个个个并并并并列列列列句句句句由由由由于于于于和和和和前前前前面面面面一一一一个个个个并并并并列

376、列列列句句句句结结结结构构构构相相相相同同同同,所所所所以以以以有有有有两两两两部部部部会会会会进进进进行行行行了了了了省略。省略。省略。省略。n n(5) (5) The The setting setting up up of of a a contract contract is is similar similar to to that that of of a a trade trade agreement agreement or or any any other other type type of of formal formal agreements.agreements.合

377、同的构成同贸易协定或任何基他种类的正式协定类似。合同的构成同贸易协定或任何基他种类的正式协定类似。合同的构成同贸易协定或任何基他种类的正式协定类似。合同的构成同贸易协定或任何基他种类的正式协定类似。n nthatthat代替了前面的代替了前面的代替了前面的代替了前面的setting upsetting upn n(6) (6) The The offereeofferee may may find find part part of of the the offer offer unacceptable unacceptable and and may may raise raise for

378、for further further discussions discussions his his own own proposals proposals which which constitute constitute a a counter-offer.counter-offer.收收收收到到到到发发发发盘盘盘盘的的的的人人人人可可可可能能能能发发发发现现现现该该该该盘盘盘盘的的的的一一一一部部部部分分分分不不不不能能能能接接接接受受受受,并并并并可可可可能能能能提提提提出出出出他他他他自自自自己己己己的的的的建建建建议议议议供供供供进进进进一步讨论,这就构成了一个还盘。一步讨论,这

379、就构成了一个还盘。一步讨论,这就构成了一个还盘。一步讨论,这就构成了一个还盘。n n2重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) cotton piece goods:棉布织品棉布织品n n(2) bleached: adj.漂白的,很明显漂白的,很明显n n(3) produce: n.产产品品,尤尤其其指指农农产产品品;product指指工业品;工业品;n n(4) contracting parties:缔约双方缔约双方n n(5) force majeure:不可抗力条款不可抗力条款n n(6) arbitration:仲裁条款仲裁条款n n(7) business line:业务范围,经营范围业务

380、范围,经营范围n n(8) (8) contract contract proper:proper:合合合合同同同同本本本本身身身身、合合合合同同同同正正正正文文文文,用用用用在在在在所所所所修修修修饰饰饰饰名名名名词词词词的的的的后后后后面面面面,表表表表示示示示“ “本本本本身身身身的的的的” ”,“ “严严严严格格格格意意意意义义义义上上上上的的的的” ”,如如如如:指指指指不不不不包包包包括括括括郊郊郊郊县县县县在在在在内内内内的的的的北北北北京京京京市市市市区区区区。定典正文。定典正文。定典正文。定典正文。n n(9) (9) The The commodities commodit

381、ies involved: involved: 涉涉涉涉及及及及的的的的商商商商品品品品,有有有有关关关关的的的的商商商商品品品品。过过过过去去去去分分分分词词词词作作作作定定定定语语语语时时时时常常常常常常常常放放放放在在在在所所所所修修修修饰饰饰饰名名名名词词词词的的的的后后后后面面面面,尤尤尤尤其其其其是是是是分分分分词词词词短短短短语语语语作作作作定定定定语语语语更更更更是是是是如如如如此此此此。如如如如:所所所所需需需需单单单单据据据据,5 5月月月月发发发发运运运运的的的的货货货货物物物物,以以以以及及及及本本本本课课课课下下下下面面面面的的的的:达成的条款等。达成的条款等。达成的

382、条款等。达成的条款等。n n(10) (10) possible possible extension extension of of the the contract,contract,合合合合同同同同可可可可能能能能的的的的延延延延期期期期,其其其其含含含含义义义义为为为为合合合合同同同同不不不不一一一一定定定定延延延延期期期期,但但但但是是是是如如如如有有有有必必必必要要要要可可可可以以以以延延延延期期期期。在在在在这这这这个个个个条条条条款款款款荐荐荐荐下下下下一一一一般般般般要要要要规规规规定定定定延延延延期期期期的的的的条条条条件件件件,如如如如在在在在合合合合同同同同有有有有效效

383、效效期期期期终终终终止止止止前前前前两两两两个个个个月月月月由由由由双双双双方方方方同同同同意意意意将合同延期等等。将合同延期等等。将合同延期等等。将合同延期等等。n n(11) certificate: n.(11) certificate: n.证书证书证书证书n n(12) (12) China China Commodity Commodity Inspection Inspection BureauBureau:中中中中国国国国商商商商品品品品检检检检验验验验局局局局,简简简简称称称称商商商商检检检检局局局局(CCIBCCIB),负负负负责责责责进进进进出出出出口口口口商商商商品品品

384、品的检验工作。的检验工作。的检验工作。的检验工作。n n(13) specification: n.(13) specification: n.规格规格规格规格n n(14) (14) business business line,line,业业业业务务务务范范范范围围围围:业业业业务务务务范范范范围围围围是是是是指指指指缔缔缔缔约约约约各各各各方的业务所包括的范围。方的业务所包括的范围。方的业务所包括的范围。方的业务所包括的范围。n n(15) (15) consignment,consignment,寄寄寄寄售售售售:寄寄寄寄信信信信指指指指卖卖卖卖方方方方将将将将货货货货稳稳稳稳操操操操

385、胜胜胜胜券券券券发发发发运运运运至至至至国国国国外外外外,由由由由其其其其在在在在该该该该国国国国的的的的代代代代销销销销人人人人代代代代为为为为出出出出售售售售,在在在在货货货货物售出之前所有权仍属卖方。物售出之前所有权仍属卖方。物售出之前所有权仍属卖方。物售出之前所有权仍属卖方。n n(16) (16) contracting contracting parties.parties.缔缔缔缔约约约约方方方方:缔缔缔缔约约约约方方方方是是是是指指指指签签签签订订订订合同的多个方面,缔约方可以是个人、公司或国家。合同的多个方面,缔约方可以是个人、公司或国家。合同的多个方面,缔约方可以是个人、公

386、司或国家。合同的多个方面,缔约方可以是个人、公司或国家。n n(17) (17) offereeofferee, ,受盘人:受盘人就是受报盘的对象。受盘人:受盘人就是受报盘的对象。受盘人:受盘人就是受报盘的对象。受盘人:受盘人就是受报盘的对象。n n(18) (18) sales sales contractual,contractual,销销销销售售售售合合合合同同同同:如如如如果果果果合合合合同同同同是是是是由由由由卖卖卖卖方方方方制制制制定的,则此合同即为销售合同;定的,则此合同即为销售合同;定的,则此合同即为销售合同;定的,则此合同即为销售合同;n n(19) (19) purchas

387、e purchase confirmation,confirmation,购购购购货货货货确确确确认认认认书书书书:购购购购货货货货确确确确认认认认书书书书没没没没有合同那么详细,其中只包括最基本的交易条件。有合同那么详细,其中只包括最基本的交易条件。有合同那么详细,其中只包括最基本的交易条件。有合同那么详细,其中只包括最基本的交易条件。n n(20)set (20)set forth:aforth:a. .陈述,阐明,宣布,提出,列出陈述,阐明,宣布,提出,列出陈述,阐明,宣布,提出,列出陈述,阐明,宣布,提出,列出n nIs this condition set forth in the

388、agreement?Is this condition set forth in the agreement?n nIn his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.the book.n nB.B.动身,启程动身,启程动身,启程动身,启程=set out=set outn nWe will set forth from We will set forth from beijingbeiji

389、ng next week. next week.n n(21)bind:a.(21)bind:a.缚;绑缚;绑缚;绑缚;绑n nBind the prisoner arms together.Bind the prisoner arms together.n n绑紧囚犯的双臂。绑紧囚犯的双臂。绑紧囚犯的双臂。绑紧囚犯的双臂。n nBind the Bind the gansterganster to the seat with rope lest he should to the seat with rope lest he should escape.escape.n n把匪徒用绳子绑在座位

390、上以免他逃跑。把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。n nBind the prisoners hands together.Bind the prisoners hands together.n n把囚犯的手捆起来。把囚犯的手捆起来。把囚犯的手捆起来。把囚犯的手捆起来。n nShe bound (up) her hair.She bound (up) her hair.n n她把头发扎起来。她把头发扎起来。她把头发扎起来。她把头发扎起来。n nB.B.装订装订装订装订n nto bind a bookto bind a book

391、n n装订一本书装订一本书n nC.C.镶(边);包(边)镶(边);包(边)镶(边);包(边)镶(边);包(边)n nThe dress is bound with ribbon.The dress is bound with ribbon.n n这件衣服用丝带镶边。这件衣服用丝带镶边。这件衣服用丝带镶边。这件衣服用丝带镶边。n nD.D.粘住粘住粘住粘住n nThis dough isnt wet enough to bind properly.This dough isnt wet enough to bind properly.n n这个面团不够湿,粘不到一块儿。这个面团不够湿,粘不到一

392、块儿。这个面团不够湿,粘不到一块儿。这个面团不够湿,粘不到一块儿。n nE.E.使受法规或诺言的约束使受法规或诺言的约束使受法规或诺言的约束使受法规或诺言的约束n nI am bound by this agreement.I am bound by this agreement.n n我受这项协议的约束。我受这项协议的约束。我受这项协议的约束。我受这项协议的约束。n nf f使应当使应当使应当使应当n nThey bound me to remain silent.They bound me to remain silent.n n他们使我保持沉默。他们使我保持沉默。他们使我保持沉默。他们使

393、我保持沉默。n nG.G.联合联合联合联合n nMany things bind us (together).Many things bind us (together).n n许多事情使我们结合在一起。许多事情使我们结合在一起。许多事情使我们结合在一起。许多事情使我们结合在一起。n n(22)enforce:enforced, enforcing(22)enforce:enforced, enforcingn n推行,实施(法律等)推行,实施(法律等)推行,实施(法律等)推行,实施(法律等)n nThe police enforce the law.The police enforce th

394、e law.n n警察执法。警察执法。警察执法。警察执法。n n(与(与(与(与onon连用)强迫,强制连用)强迫,强制连用)强迫,强制连用)强迫,强制n n坚持,强调(要求、主张等)坚持,强调(要求、主张等)坚持,强调(要求、主张等)坚持,强调(要求、主张等)n nEnforceable:Enforceable:强制的,可强制执行的。强制的,可强制执行的。强制的,可强制执行的。强制的,可强制执行的。The term in a contract are enforceable by law.The term in a contract are enforceable by law.n n(23

395、)sue:(23)sue:起诉,控告。起诉,控告。起诉,控告。起诉,控告。n nTo sue To sue sbsb. for damage. for damage.n nHe is suing the company for 50,000 compensationHe is suing the company for 50,000 compensationn n(24)trade fairs:(24)trade fairs:商品交易会商品交易会商品交易会商品交易会 To run a trade fairTo run a trade fair(25)Trunk call:(25)Trunk c

396、all:长途电话长途电话长途电话长途电话n n(26)vountary:(26)vountary:自愿的;自发的;志愿的自愿的;自发的;志愿的自愿的;自发的;志愿的自愿的;自发的;志愿的n nShe is a voluntary worker at the hospital.She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.n n她是在这家医院义务服务的。她是在这家医院义务服务的。她是在这家医院义务服务的。她是在这家医院义务服务的。n n靠自愿捐助的靠自愿捐助的靠自愿捐助的靠自愿捐助的n n随意的随意的随意的随意的n nthe voluntary moveme

397、ntsthe voluntary movementsn n随意动作随意动作随意动作随意动作n n(27)indispensible:adj.(27)indispensible:adj.绝对需要的;不可缺少的绝对需要的;不可缺少的绝对需要的;不可缺少的绝对需要的;不可缺少的n nShes become quite indispensable to the company.Shes become quite indispensable to the company.n n她已成了公司里少不了的人。她已成了公司里少不了的人。她已成了公司里少不了的人。她已成了公司里少不了的人。n nAir and w

398、ater are indispensable to life.Air and water are indispensable to life.n n空气和水是生命所必需的东西。空气和水是生命所必需的东西。空气和水是生命所必需的东西。空气和水是生命所必需的东西。n nHe was the He was the indispensibleindispensible figurfigur. .n n(28)invalid:adj.(28)invalid:adj.无效的无效的无效的无效的n nThe claim has been declared invalid.The claim has been

399、declared invalid.n nUnless it is signed, a check is invalid.Unless it is signed, a check is invalid.n n(29)setting up:(29)setting up:结构,构成。结构,构成。结构,构成。结构,构成。n nHe is new to office and does not know the setting up yet.He is new to office and does not know the setting up yet.n nThe government planned

400、to rebuild the cityThe government planned to rebuild the city s entire s entire setting up.setting up.n n(30)hereby:adv.(30)hereby:adv.n n(用于公文)以此,特此(用于公文)以此,特此(用于公文)以此,特此(用于公文)以此,特此n nI hereby declare I hereby declare MrMr Rogers elected. Rogers elected.n n 我特此宣布我特此宣布我特此宣布我特此宣布, ,罗杰斯先生当选了。罗杰斯先生当选了。

401、罗杰斯先生当选了。罗杰斯先生当选了。“ “n nWe hereby revoke the agreement of January 1st 1998We hereby revoke the agreement of January 1st 1998n n我在此撤销一九九八年一月的协议。我在此撤销一九九八年一月的协议。我在此撤销一九九八年一月的协议。我在此撤销一九九八年一月的协议。n n(31)herewith:adv.(31)herewith:adv.n n随函;附上随函;附上随函;附上随函;附上n nWe send you herewith two copies of the contrac

402、t.We send you herewith two copies of the contract.n n我们随函附上合同一式两份。我们随函附上合同一式两份。我们随函附上合同一式两份。我们随函附上合同一式两份。n nA list of the names of the contributors is enclosed A list of the names of the contributors is enclosed herewith.herewith.n n随信附上捐款人的名单。随信附上捐款人的名单。随信附上捐款人的名单。随信附上捐款人的名单。n n(32)bleach:vt., vi.(

403、32)bleach:vt., vi.使变白使变白使变白使变白n nDid you bleach this tablecloth?Did you bleach this tablecloth?n n你把这块桌布漂白了吗?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?n nBleached:adjBleached:adj. .漂白的,发白的。漂白的,发白的。漂白的,发白的。漂白的,发白的。n nThere were only a few dry bones left , bleached by the There were only a few dry bones left ,

404、 bleached by the sun.sun.只留下一些被太阳晒得发白的枯骨。只留下一些被太阳晒得发白的枯骨。只留下一些被太阳晒得发白的枯骨。只留下一些被太阳晒得发白的枯骨。 (33)offer:A.vt., vi.(33)offer:A.vt., vi.提供;提出提供;提出提供;提出提供;提出n nI must offer them an apology for not going to attend I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.their get-gathering.n

405、 n我没有去出席他们的聚会我没有去出席他们的聚会我没有去出席他们的聚会我没有去出席他们的聚会, ,必须向他们示歉意。必须向他们示歉意。必须向他们示歉意。必须向他们示歉意。n nHe offered me 300 dollars for that television.He offered me 300 dollars for that television.n n他出他出他出他出300300美元向我买那部电视机。美元向我买那部电视机。美元向我买那部电视机。美元向我买那部电视机。n n(与(与(与(与toto连用)表示愿意;试图连用)表示愿意;试图连用)表示愿意;试图连用)表示愿意;试图n no

406、ffer to gooffer to gon n自愿前往自愿前往自愿前往自愿前往n nB. n.B. n.n n提议提议提议提议n n出价;报盘出价;报盘出价;报盘出价;报盘n nan offer of an offer of 100100n n出价出价出价出价100 100 英镑英镑英镑英镑n n提供提供提供提供n nI have been offered a large sum of money to go away, I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.

407、but I am determined to stay here.n n有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁, ,但我决心留在这里。但我决心留在这里。但我决心留在这里。但我决心留在这里。n nThank you for your offer of help.Thank you for your offer of help.n n感谢你提供的帮助。感谢你提供的帮助。感谢你提供的帮助。感谢你提供的帮助。n n( (34)consign:34)consign:交付;托管交付;托管交付;托管交付;托管n nto con

408、sign money in a bankto consign money in a bankn n在银行存款在银行存款在银行存款在银行存款n nto consign goods by railto consign goods by railn n把货物交铁路运送把货物交铁路运送把货物交铁路运送把货物交铁路运送n nThe goods have been consigned to you by air.The goods have been consigned to you by air.n n货物已经由空运发出给你。货物已经由空运发出给你。货物已经由空运发出给你。货物已经由空运发出给你。n n

409、Consignment n.Consignment n.寄售;托付寄售;托付寄售;托付寄售;托付, ,托卖的货物;交托的物品托卖的货物;交托的物品托卖的货物;交托的物品托卖的货物;交托的物品n nTheir consignment of bananas was / were bad.Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.n n他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。n non consignmenton consignmentn n寄售寄售寄售寄售n nWe usually

410、 only order goods on consignment.We usually only order goods on consignment.n n我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。n n(35)arbitration:settlement of a dispute by the (35)arbitration:settlement of a dispute by the decision of someone chosen as a judge by both sidesdecision of someo

411、ne chosen as a judge by both sides仲裁。仲裁。仲裁。仲裁。n n(36)foce (36)foce majeuremajeure :something which happens out of the :something which happens out of the control of the parties who have signed a control of the parties who have signed a contract,suchcontract,such as as war, flood ,war, flood ,earthqu

412、ake,strike.ectearthquake,strike.ectn n三三三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(练习与作业(练习与作业(page25page25)n n1. 1. 回答问题回答问题回答问题回答问题: :第第第第1 1题、第题、第题、第题、第6 6题、第题、第题、第题、第8 8题。题。题。题。n n2 2 搭配题搭配题搭配题搭配题n n3 3 完型填空完型填空完型填空完型填空n n4 4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 1 、 2 2 、 4 4)Lesson 7Major D

413、ocuments Required in World Traden n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n(1) (1) If If they they are are not not the the correct correct ones, ones, the the importer importer will will have have difficulties difficulties in in taking taking delivery delivery of of the the goods, goods, and and delays delays caused

414、caused by by incorrect incorrect documentation documentation may may affect affect future future business business relations relations between between the the trading trading partners. partners. 如如如如果果果果单单单单据据据据不不不不正正正正确确确确的的的的话话话话,进进进进口口口口商商商商将将将将在在在在提提提提货货货货的的的的时时时时候候候候遇遇遇遇到到到到困困困困难难难难,而而而而由由由由于于于

415、于不不不不正正正正确确确确的的的的单单单单据据据据所所所所引引引引起起起起的的的的延延延延误误误误可能会影响到贸易伙伴之间今后的贸易关系。可能会影响到贸易伙伴之间今后的贸易关系。可能会影响到贸易伙伴之间今后的贸易关系。可能会影响到贸易伙伴之间今后的贸易关系。n n这里的这里的这里的这里的theythey指的是前面所提到的指的是前面所提到的指的是前面所提到的指的是前面所提到的documents.documents.n n(2) (2) In In the the case case of of documentary documentary letter letter of of credit,

416、 credit, any any discrepancy, discrepancy, even even in in minor minor details,between details,between the the documents documents presented presented and and those those specified specified in in the the credit credit may may lead lead to to refusal refusal by by the the bank bank to to make make p

417、ayment. payment. 在在在在使使使使用用用用跟跟跟跟单单单单信信信信用用用用证证证证付付付付款款款款的的的的情情情情况况况况下下下下,所所所所出出出出示示示示的的的的单单单单据据据据和和和和信信信信用用用用证证证证中中中中所所所所规规规规定定定定的的的的情情情情况况况况有有有有任任任任何何何何不不不不符符符符,甚甚甚甚至是微小的差异都可能导致银行拒绝付款。至是微小的差异都可能导致银行拒绝付款。至是微小的差异都可能导致银行拒绝付款。至是微小的差异都可能导致银行拒绝付款。n n(3) (3) Different Different documents documents are ar

418、e required required for for different different transactions, transactions, depending depending on on the the nature nature of of the the deal, deal, the the term term of of delivery, delivery, the the type type of of commodity, commodity, stipulations stipulations of of credit, credit, regulations

419、regulations and and practices practices in in different different countries countries etc. etc. 不不不不同同同同的的的的交交交交易易易易需需需需要要要要不不不不同同同同的的的的单单单单据据据据,这这这这取取取取决决决决于于于于交交交交易易易易的的的的性性性性质质质质、交交交交货货货货条条条条件件件件、商商商商品品品品的的的的种种种种类类类类、信信信信用证的规定、不同国家的规定和做法等等。用证的规定、不同国家的规定和做法等等。用证的规定、不同国家的规定和做法等等。用证的规定、不同国家的规定和做法等等。

420、n ndepend depend on: on: be be decided decided by by sthsth .; .; follow follow from from sthsth. . 视视视视某情况而定;取决于某事物某情况而定;取决于某事物某情况而定;取决于某事物某情况而定;取决于某事物n n(4) (4) It It is is enforceable enforceable by by law law , , and and any any party party that that fails fails to to fulfill fulfill his his con

421、tractual contractual obligations obligations may may be be sued sued and and forced forced to to make make compensation, compensation, though though most most contracts contracts do do not not give give rise rise to to disputes. disputes. 虽虽虽虽然然然然多多多多数数数数合合合合同同同同并并并并不不不不引引引引起起起起纠纠纠纠纷纷纷纷,但但但但合合合合同同同同

422、是是是是依依依依法法法法实实实实施施施施的的的的,任任任任何何何何一一一一方方方方当当当当事事事事人人人人若若若若未未未未能能能能履履履履行行行行合合合合同同同同义义义义务务务务,可可可可能能能能会会会会受受受受到到到到起起起起诉诉诉诉并被强制做出赔偿。并被强制做出赔偿。并被强制做出赔偿。并被强制做出赔偿。n n(5) (5) The The insurance insurance policy policy and and the the insurance insurance certificate certificate are are similar similar in in fun

423、ction, function, the the only only difference difference being being that that the the latter latter is is a a bit bit simpler simpler than than the the former. former. 保保保保险险险险单单单单同同同同保保保保险险险险证证证证书书书书的的的的作作作作用用用用是是是是相相相相似似似似的的的的,它它它它们之间的唯一差别就职后者比前者简单一些。们之间的唯一差别就职后者比前者简单一些。们之间的唯一差别就职后者比前者简单一些。们之间的唯一

424、差别就职后者比前者简单一些。n n(6) (6) Written Written negotiations negotiations often often begin begin with with enquiries enquiries made made by by the the buyers buyers to to get get information information about about the the goods goods to to be be ordered ordered such such as as quantity, quantity, specifi

425、cations, specifications, prices, prices, time time of of shipment shipment and and other other terms. terms. 书书书书面面面面谈谈谈谈判判判判往往往往往往往往以以以以买买买买方方方方询询询询盘盘盘盘开开开开始始始始,发发发发出出出出询询询询盘盘盘盘是是是是为为为为了了了了了了了了解解解解欲欲欲欲定定定定货货货货物物物物的的的的有有有有关关关关信信信信息息息息,如如如如,数数数数量量量量、规规规规格格格格、价价价价格格格格、装装装装运运运运时时时时间间间间和和和和其他贸易条件。其他贸易条件

426、。其他贸易条件。其他贸易条件。n n(7) (7) The The main main contents contents of of such such insurance insurance documents documents include:include:n nthe the insured. insured. Under Under CIF CIF terms, terms, the the insured insured is is generally generally the the beneficiary beneficiary of of the the credit

427、credit unless unless otherwise otherwise specified, specified, while while under under CFR CFR and and FOB FOB terms, the insured is usually the importer.terms, the insured is usually the importer.n n cargo cargo description description including including name, name, quantity, quantity, weight, shi

428、pping marks, etc.weight, shipping marks, etc.n n the amount insured and the risks covered. the amount insured and the risks covered.n n保险单主要包括以下内容:保险单主要包括以下内容:保险单主要包括以下内容:保险单主要包括以下内容:n n被被被被保保保保险险险险人人人人。在在在在CIFCIF条条条条款款款款下下下下除除除除非非非非另另另另有有有有规规规规定定定定,被被被被保保保保险险险险人人人人一一一一般般般般即即即即是是是是信信信信用用用用证证证证的的的的受受

429、受受益益益益人人人人,而而而而在在在在CFRCFR和和和和FOBFOB条条条条款下,被保险人通常都是进口人。款下,被保险人通常都是进口人。款下,被保险人通常都是进口人。款下,被保险人通常都是进口人。n n货物特征:名字、数量、重量、运输标志。货物特征:名字、数量、重量、运输标志。货物特征:名字、数量、重量、运输标志。货物特征:名字、数量、重量、运输标志。n n担保数量及险种。担保数量及险种。担保数量及险种。担保数量及险种。n n(8) (8) The The weight weight list list ,weight ,weight note, note, or or weight wei

430、ght memo memo are are also also similar similar to to the the packing packing list list in in content content and and function function but but put put emphasis emphasis on on the the weight weight of of the the goods goods and and are are generally generally used used for for goods goods which whic

431、h are are based based on on the the weight weight for for price price calculation. calculation. 重重重重量量量量单单单单,在在在在内内内内容容容容和和和和作作作作用用用用上上上上同同同同装装装装箱箱箱箱单单单单相相相相似似似似,但但但但更更更更加加加加强强强强调调调调货货货货物物物物的重量,通常用于以重量计价的货物。的重量,通常用于以重量计价的货物。的重量,通常用于以重量计价的货物。的重量,通常用于以重量计价的货物。n nA. A. The The weight weight list, list,

432、 weight weight note, note, or or weight weight memo memo 作作作作为为为为主主主主语语语语,后后后后面面面面跟跟跟跟了了了了三三三三个个个个谓谓谓谓语语语语:a. a. are are also also similar similar to to the the packing packing list list in in content content and and function; function; b. b. put put emphasis emphasis on on the the weight weight of

433、of the the goods; goods; c. c. are are generally generally used used for for goods goods which which are are based based on on the the weight for price calculation.weight for price calculation.n nB. B. similar: similar: resembling resembling sb/sthsb/sth but but not not the the same;alike same;alike

434、 相似的;类似的相似的;类似的相似的;类似的相似的;类似的n n We We have have similar similar tastes tastes in in music. music. 我我我我们们们们在在在在音音音音乐乐乐乐方方方方面面面面爱好相似。爱好相似。爱好相似。爱好相似。n n Gold Gold is is similar similar in in color color to to brass. brass. 金金金金与与与与黄黄黄黄铜铜铜铜的的的的颜颜颜颜色色色色相似。相似。相似。相似。n nC. C. put put emphasis emphasis on o

435、n sthsth: : place place special special meaning, meaning, value value or or importance importance on on sthsth. . 强强强强调调调调某某某某事事事事的的的的特特特特殊殊殊殊的的的的意意意意义义义义、价值或重要性。价值或重要性。价值或重要性。价值或重要性。n nSome Some schools schools put put great great emphasis emphasis on on language language study. study. 有些学校极注重语言学习。

436、有些学校极注重语言学习。有些学校极注重语言学习。有些学校极注重语言学习。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) bill of lading: (1) bill of lading: 提单提单提单提单n n(2) carrier: (2) carrier: 承运人承运人承运人承运人n n(3) shipper: (3) shipper: 货主,托运人货主,托运人货主,托运人货主,托运人n n(4) consignor: (4) consignor: 托运人托运人托运人托运人n n(5) carriage: (5) carriage: 运输运输运输运输n n(6) consig

437、nee: (6) consignee: 收货人收货人收货人收货人n n(7) notify party: (7) notify party: 被通知人被通知人被通知人被通知人n n(8) payable: (8) payable: 应支付的,可支付的应支付的,可支付的应支付的,可支付的应支付的,可支付的n n(9) airway bill: (9) airway bill: 空运提单空运提单空运提单空运提单n n(10) insurance policy: (10) insurance policy: 保险单保险单保险单保险单n n(11) (11) legal legal holder: h

438、older: 合合合合法法法法持持持持有有有有人人人人。有有有有时时时时用用用用bona bona fide fide holderholder善善善善意意意意持持持持有有有有人人人人,指指指指不不不不是是是是通通通通过过过过“ “偷偷偷偷” ”、“ “抢抢抢抢” ”、“ “骗骗骗骗” ”等非法手段而得到的持有人。等非法手段而得到的持有人。等非法手段而得到的持有人。等非法手段而得到的持有人。n n(12) (12) made made out out “to “to order”,order”,抬抬抬抬头头头头作作作作成成成成“ “凭凭凭凭指指指指定定定定” ”,此此此此种种种种抬抬抬抬头头头

439、头的的的的提提提提单单单单可可可可以以以以通通通通过过过过背背背背书书书书转转转转让让让让,由由由由背背背背书书书书人人人人单单单单纯纯纯纯签签签签字字字字盖盖盖盖章章章章的的的的称称称称作作作作“ “空空空空白白白白背背背背书书书书” ”,列列列列明明明明背背背背书人名称的称作记名背书。书人名称的称作记名背书。书人名称的称作记名背书。书人名称的称作记名背书。n n(13) (13) shipping shipping marks: marks: 唛唛唛唛头头头头,即即即即印印印印刷刷刷刷在在在在外外外外包包包包装装装装上为便于运输过程中识别的标记。上为便于运输过程中识别的标记。上为便于运输过

440、程中识别的标记。上为便于运输过程中识别的标记。n n(14) port of shipment: (14) port of shipment: 装运港、起运港装运港、起运港装运港、起运港装运港、起运港n n(15) (15) apparent:“apparent:“明明明明显显显显的的的的” ”,“ “显显显显而而而而易易易易见见见见的的的的” ”;“ “外外外外观观观观上上上上的的的的” ”,“ “表表表表面面面面上上上上的的的的” ”,此此此此处处处处是是是是第第第第二二二二种种种种含义。含义。含义。含义。n n(16) cargo receipt: (16) cargo receipt:

441、 铁路运单,货运收据铁路运单,货运收据铁路运单,货运收据铁路运单,货运收据n n(17) commercial invoice: (17) commercial invoice: 商业发票商业发票商业发票商业发票n n(18) legal holder: (18) legal holder: 合法持有人合法持有人合法持有人合法持有人n n(19) insurance certificate: (19) insurance certificate: 保险证书保险证书保险证书保险证书n n(20) customs invoice: (20) customs invoice: 海关发票海关发票海关发

442、票海关发票n n(21) consular invoice: (21) consular invoice: 领事发票领事发票领事发票领事发票n n(22) (22) qualifying qualifying remarks: remarks: 作作作作特特特特别别别别说说说说明明明明的的的的话话话话;批批批批注注注注性性性性的的的的话话话话。本本本本句句句句的的的的意意意意思思思思是是是是提提提提单单单单上上上上不不不不能能能能有有有有表表表表达达达达货货货货物包装或表面状况不符合要求的批注。物包装或表面状况不符合要求的批注。物包装或表面状况不符合要求的批注。物包装或表面状况不符合要求的批注

443、。n n(23) (23) bound bound to to : : 此此此此处处处处含含含含义义义义是是是是有有有有责责责责任任任任和和和和义义义义务务务务去去去去做做做做某事某事某事某事(bound to do (bound to do sthsth) )这个短语也常作这个短语也常作这个短语也常作这个短语也常作“ “必定必定必定必定” ”。n n(24) (24) insurance insurance policy: policy: 保保保保险险险险单单单单,俗俗俗俗称称称称大大大大保保保保单单单单;insurance certificateinsurance certificate保

444、险证书,俗称小保单。保险证书,俗称小保单。保险证书,俗称小保单。保险证书,俗称小保单。n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page25)n n1. 回答问题回答问题:第第1题、第题、第6题、第题、第8题。题。n n2 搭配题搭配题n n3 完型填空完型填空n n4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 、 2 、 4)Lesson 8Incotermsn n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n(1) The terms have been grouped in four (1) The terms have been grouped in four

445、basically different categories; namely starting basically different categories; namely starting with the only term whereby the seller makes the with the only term whereby the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the sellers own goods available to the buyer at the sellers own premises (th

446、e E-term, Ex works); followed by the premises (the E-term, Ex works); followed by the second group whereby the seller is called upon to second group whereby the seller is called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer (the F-terms

447、 FGA, FAS and FOB); buyer (the F-terms FGA, FAS and FOB); continuing with the C-terms where the seller has continuing with the C-terms where the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss or damage to the goods or add

448、itional risk of loss or damage to the goods or additional costs due tocosts due ton n events events occurring occurring after after shipment shipment and and dispatch dispatch (CFR, (CFR, CIF, CIF, CPT CPT and and CIP); CIP); and and , , finally, finally, the the D-terms D-terms whereby whereby the

449、the seller seller has has to to bear bear all all costs costs and and risks risks needed needed to to bring bring the the goods goods to to the the country country of of destination destination (DAF, (DAF, DES, DES, DEQ, DEQ, DDU DDU and and DDP). DDP). 这这这这些些些些术术术术语语语语按按按按不不不不同同同同类类类类别别别别大大大大致致致致分分

450、分分为为为为四四四四个个个个组组组组,开开开开始始始始是是是是第第第第一一一一组组组组,只只只只包包包包括括括括一一一一个个个个术术术术语语语语,卖卖卖卖方方方方在在在在自自自自己己己己的的的的地地地地点点点点(工工工工厂厂厂厂或或或或仓仓仓仓库库库库)将将将将货货货货物物物物交交交交付付付付给给给给买买买买方方方方(E E组组组组,工工工工厂厂厂厂交交交交货货货货)。接接接接着着着着是是是是第第第第二二二二组组组组,系系系系指指指指卖卖卖卖方方方方交交交交至至至至由由由由买买买买方方方方指指指指定定定定的的的的承承承承运运运运人人人人(F F组组组组,货货货货交交交交乘乘乘乘运运运运人人人人

451、;装装装装运运运运港港港港船船船船边边边边交交交交货货货货)。下下下下面面面面是是是是第第第第三三三三组组组组,C C组组组组,由由由由卖卖卖卖方方方方订订订订立立立立运运运运输输输输合合合合同同同同,但但但但不不不不承承承承担担担担从从从从装装装装运运运运地地地地起起起起运运运运后后后后所所所所发发发发生生生生的的的的货货货货物物物物丢丢丢丢失失失失或或或或损损损损坏坏坏坏的的的的风风风风险险险险及及及及额额额额外外外外费费费费用用用用(成成成成本本本本加加加加运运运运费费费费;成成成成本本本本加加加加保保保保险险险险费费费费、运运运运费费费费;运运运运费费费费付付付付至至至至;运运运运费费

452、费费、保保保保险险险险费费费费付付付付至至至至)。最最最最后后后后是是是是D D组组组组,卖卖卖卖方方方方必必必必须须须须负负负负担担担担将将将将货货货货物物物物运运运运往往往往指指指指定定定定的的的的进进进进口口口口国国国国交交交交货货货货地地地地点点点点的的的的一一一一切切切切风风风风险险险险和和和和费费费费用用用用(边边边边境境境境交交交交货货货货;目目目目的的的的港港港港船船船船上上上上交交交交货货货货;目目目目的的的的港港港港码头交货;未完税交货;完税后交货。)码头交货;未完税交货;完税后交货。)码头交货;未完税交货;完税后交货。)码头交货;未完税交货;完税后交货。)n n(2) (

453、2) Conversely, Conversely, under under some some terms terms such such as as the the D-terms, D-terms, the the buyer buyer is is not not interested interested in in costs costs which which the the seller seller might might incur incur in in order order to to bring bring the the goods goods all all t

454、he the way way to to an an agreed agreed destination destination point. point. 而而而而另另另另一一一一方方方方面面面面在在在在有有有有些些些些条条条条款款款款比比比比如如如如说说说说D D组组组组的的的的条条条条款款款款下下下下,买买买买方方方方也也也也无无无无兴兴兴兴趣趣趣趣知知知知道道道道卖卖卖卖方方方方为为为为了了了了将将将将货货货货物物物物从从从从远远远远道运至指定目的港所花掉的费用。道运至指定目的港所花掉的费用。道运至指定目的港所花掉的费用。道运至指定目的港所花掉的费用。n n Conversely Co

455、nversely 承接上句,表达意思上的逆向。承接上句,表达意思上的逆向。承接上句,表达意思上的逆向。承接上句,表达意思上的逆向。n n under under some some terms terms D-terms D-terms 作作作作句句句句子子子子的的的的状状状状语语语语。引导的定语从句修饰引导的定语从句修饰引导的定语从句修饰引导的定语从句修饰n n(3) (3) Further, Further, under under all all terms terms the the respective respective obligations obligations of of

456、 the the parties parties have have been been grouped grouped under under 10 10 headings headings where where each each heading heading on on the the sellers sellers side side mirrors mirrors the the position position of of the the buyer buyer with with respect respect to to the the same same subject

457、 subject matter. matter. 为为为为进进进进一一一一步步步步说说说说明明明明,在在在在所所所所有有有有条条条条款款款款中中中中,买买买买卖卖卖卖双双双双方方方方各各各各自自自自的的的的义义义义务务务务均均均均排排排排列列列列在在在在1010项项项项标标标标题题题题下下下下。从从从从卖卖卖卖方方方方下的每个标题即可看出同一标题下买方的地位。下的每个标题即可看出同一标题下买方的地位。下的每个标题即可看出同一标题下买方的地位。下的每个标题即可看出同一标题下买方的地位。n n(4) (4) In In the the present present 1990 1990 versi

458、on version of of IncotermsIncoterms the the trade trade terms terms are are presented presented in in a a new new format format which which allows allows seller seller and and buyer buyer to to follow follow a a step-by-step step-by-step process process to to determine determine their their respecti

459、ve respective obligations. obligations. 现现现现行行行行的的的的9090通通通通则则则则修修修修订订订订本本本本以以以以一一一一种种种种新新新新的的的的格格格格式式式式出出出出现现现现如如如如买买买买方方方方已已已已从从从从卖卖卖卖方方方方得得得得到到到到电电电电子子子子提提提提单单单单,买买买买方方方方就就就就拥拥拥拥有有有有他他他他真真真真正正正正从从从从卖卖卖卖方方方方得得得得到到到到提提提提单单单单时时时时应应应应得得得得到到到到的的的的同同同同等等等等的的的的法法法法律律律律权权权权利利利利。使使使使得得得得买买买买卖卖卖卖双双双双方方方方可可

460、可可以农步确定各自的义务。以农步确定各自的义务。以农步确定各自的义务。以农步确定各自的义务。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n nNegotiable transport document: Negotiable transport document: 可转让装运单据可转让装运单据可转让装运单据可转让装运单据n nFOBFOB:装运港船上交货装运港船上交货装运港船上交货装运港船上交货 Free On BoardFree On Boardn nCFTCFT:成本加运费成本加运费成本加运费成本加运费 Cost and FreightCost and Freightn nCIFCIF:成

461、成成成本本本本、保保保保险险险险费费费费加加加加运运运运费费费费 Cost, Cost, Insurance Insurance and and FreightFreightn nEXWEXW:工厂交货工厂交货工厂交货工厂交货 Ex WorkEx Workn nFCAFCA:货交承运人货交承运人货交承运人货交承运人 Free CarrierFree Carriern nFASFAS:装运港传边交货装运港传边交货装运港传边交货装运港传边交货 Free Alongside ShipFree Alongside Shipn nCPTCPT:运费付至运费付至运费付至运费付至 Carriage Paid

462、 ToCarriage Paid Ton nCIPCIP: 运运运运 费费费费 、 保保保保 险险险险 费费费费 付付付付 至至至至 Carriage Carriage and and Insurance Paid ToInsurance Paid Ton nDAFDAF:边境交货边境交货边境交货边境交货 Delivered At FrontierDelivered At Frontiern nDESDES:目的的港船上交货目的的港船上交货目的的港船上交货目的的港船上交货 Delivered Ex ShipDelivered Ex Shipn nDEQDEQ:目的的港码头交货目的的港码头交货目

463、的的港码头交货目的的港码头交货 Delivered Ex QuayDelivered Ex Quayn nDDUDDU:未完税交货未完税交货未完税交货未完税交货 Delivered Duty Unpaid Delivered Duty Unpaid n nDDPDDP:完税后交货完税后交货完税后交货完税后交货 Delivered Duty PaidDelivered Duty Paidn n3. 3.经贸知识经贸知识经贸知识经贸知识n n(1) (1) the the necessity necessity and and purpose purpose of of having having

464、 incoterms:Sellersincoterms:Sellers and and buyers buyers in in international international contract contract want want their their deals deals to to be be successfully; successfully; completed. completed. When When drawing drawing up up their their contract contract buyer buyer and and seller selle

465、r have have some some commonly commonly understood understood rules rules specially specially refer refer to. to. They They specially specially refer refer to. to. They They can can be be sure sure of of defining defining and and safety. safety. The The purpose purpose of of INCOTERMS INCOTERMS is i

466、s to to provide provide a a set set of of international international rules rules for for the the interpretation interpretation of of the the most most commonly commonly used used trade terms in foreign trade.trade terms in foreign trade.n n(2)International (2)International Chamber Chamber of of Com

467、merce,(ICC)is Commerce,(ICC)is an an international international non-official non-official commercial commercial organization organization which which was was founded founded in in 1920. 1920. An An its its headquarter headquarter is is in in Paris. Paris. There There are are three three liaison lia

468、ison offices offices in in New New York, York, Geneva, Geneva, and and Bangkok Bangkok for for it. it. IncotermsIncoterms are are made made by by ICC. ICC. There There are are more more than than one one hundred hundred member member countries or regions all over the world for ICC.countries or regio

469、ns all over the world for ICC.n n(3)negotiable:Negotiable (3)negotiable:Negotiable means means a a kind kind of of document document can can be be transferred transferred from from one one party party to to another legally after a fixed process.another legally after a fixed process.n n(4)EDI:EDI (4)

470、EDI:EDI namely namely is is electronic electronic data data interchange, interchange, it it is is used used between between the the trading trading parties parties to to ensure ensure that that the the buyer buyer has has the the same same legal legal position position as as he he would would have h

471、ave obtained obtained if if he he had received a bill of lading form the seller.had received a bill of lading form the seller.n n(5)trade terms:Trade terms are terms used in (5)trade terms:Trade terms are terms used in international trade to describe the general international trade to describe the g

472、eneral information about the trade such as the unit information about the trade such as the unit price, port of destination, port of shipment and price, port of destination, port of shipment and the kind of currency etc. the kind of currency etc. n n(6)trading (6)trading practices:Trading practices:

473、Trading practices practices are are widely widely acknowledged acknowledged customary customary deeds deeds experienced from actual trade.experienced from actual trade.n n(7)roll (7)roll on on and and roll roll off:Roll off:Roll on on and and roll roll off off is is a a type type of of transportatio

474、n transportation whereby whereby the the vehicles vehicles can can roll roll on on the the ships, ships, unloading unloading the the goods, goods, then then the the vehicles vehicles can can roll roll off off the the ship. ship. Thus Thus the the goods goods are transferred to the ships.are transfer

475、red to the ships.n n三三 练习与作业(练习与作业(page25)n n1. 回答问题回答问题:第第1题、第题、第6题、第题、第8题。题。n n2 搭配题搭配题n n3 完型填空完型填空n n4 英汉翻译(作业)英汉翻译(作业)n n5 汉译英(作业为汉译英(作业为1 、 2 、 4Lesson 9Transportationn n1 1重点句子重点句子重点句子重点句子n n(1) (1) The The important important common common element element in in any any definition definition

476、of of transportation, transportation, however, however, is is movement: movement: changing changing the the physical physical location location of of freight freight or or passengers. passengers. 任任任任何何何何一一一一条条条条运运运运输输输输的的的的定定定定义义义义都都都都有有有有一一一一个个个个重重重重要要要要的的的的相相相相同同同同点点点点,即即即即位位位位移移移移,让让让让货货货货物物物物或或

477、或或旅旅旅旅客客客客改变实际的位置。改变实际的位置。改变实际的位置。改变实际的位置。n n(2) (2) In In a a formal formal sense, sense, freight freight transportation transportation is is defined defined as as the the economic economic movement movement of of commodities commodities and and products products and and the the effect effect of of

478、 such such movement movement on on the the development development and and advancement advancement of of business. business. 从从从从正正正正式式式式的的的的意意意意义义义义上上上上来来来来说说说说,货货货货物物物物运运运运输输输输可可可可定定定定义义义义为为为为商商商商品品品品和和和和产产产产品品品品为为为为经经经经济济济济目目目目的的的的进进进进行行行行的的的的移移移移动动动动以以以以及及及及这这这这种种种种移移移移动动动动对对对对商商商商业业业业的的的的发发发发展展

479、展展和和和和进进进进步步步步产产产产生生生生的影响。的影响。的影响。的影响。n n(3) (3) It It allows allows the the entrepreneur entrepreneur to to assemble assemble more more easily easily the the raw raw material material and and labor labor inputs inputs needed needed to to make make a a specific specific product. product. 它它它它使使使使业业业

480、业主主主主能能能能更更更更容容容容易易易易地地地地集集集集中中中中原原原原材材材材料料料料和和和和劳劳劳劳动动动动力力力力投投投投入入入入去去去去生生生生产产产产某某某某项项项项具体产品。具体产品。具体产品。具体产品。n n(4) (4) The The most most important important contribution contribution that that transportation transportation has has made made to to the the production production process process is is

481、that, that, by by widening widening the the market market areas areas that that a a producer producer can can reach reach it it has has encouraged encouraged the the introduction introduction of of more more efficient, efficient, larger-scale larger-scale production production techniques. techniques

482、. 运运运运输输输输对对对对生生生生产产产产过过过过程程程程所所所所作作作作的的的的最最最最大大大大贡贡贡贡献献献献是是是是通通通通过过过过扩扩扩扩大大大大制制制制造造造造厂厂厂厂能能能能达达达达到到到到的的的的市市市市场场场场范范范范围围围围,鼓鼓鼓鼓励采用效率更高的、更大规模的生产技术。励采用效率更高的、更大规模的生产技术。励采用效率更高的、更大规模的生产技术。励采用效率更高的、更大规模的生产技术。n n(5) (5) A A second second factor factor that that has has thrustedthrusted the the transportat

483、ion transportation function function into into the the limelight limelight in in recent recent years years is is the the growing growing utilization utilization of of just-in just-in time time inventory inventory systems. systems. 最最最最近近近近几几几几年年年年使使使使运运运运输输输输功功功功能能能能引引引引人人人人注注注注目目目目的的的的另另另另一一一一个个个个因

484、因因因素素素素就就就就是是是是越越越越来来来来越越越越多多多多地地地地使使使使用用用用及及及及时时时时供供供供应的库存系统。应的库存系统。应的库存系统。应的库存系统。n n(6) (6) The The past past decade decade has has seen seen an an increasing increasing tendency tendency among among business business firms firms to to provide provide their their own own transportation transportat

485、ion capability capability and and become become private private carriers. carriers. 过过过过去去去去的的的的十十十十年年年年中中中中,商商商商业业业业公公公公司司司司自自自自己己己己提提提提供供供供运运运运输输输输服服服服务务务务能能能能力力力力的的的的倾倾倾倾向向向向越越越越来来来来越越越越大大大大并并并并成成成成为为为为自自自自有有有有承运人。承运人。承运人。承运人。n n(7) (7) In In this this worldwide worldwide environment, environment

486、, the the transportation transportation of of both both production production inputs inputs and and finished finished products products presents presents a a special special challenge challenge to to distribution distribution markets, markets, will will require require a a more more sophisticated so

487、phisticated logistics logistics system. system. 在在在在这这这这个个个个世世世世界界界界范范范范围围围围的的的的环环环环境境境境中中中中,对对对对生生生生产产产产投投投投入入入入物物物物和和和和制制制制成成成成品品品品的的的的运运运运输输输输向向向向分分分分销销销销经经经经理理理理提提提提出出出出了了了了特特特特殊殊殊殊的的的的挑挑挑挑战战战战。对对对对所所所所有有有有公公公公司司司司来来来来说说说说,有有有有竞竞竞竞争争争争力力力力地地地地为为为为世世世世界界界界市市市市场场场场服服服服务务务务将将将将需需需需要要要要一一一一个个个个更更更更为

488、为为为复复复复杂的后勤体系。杂的后勤体系。杂的后勤体系。杂的后勤体系。n n(8) (8) The The utilization utilization of of this this system system has has placed placed great great pressure pressure on on the the suppliers suppliers transportation transportation system system because because the the supplier supplier must must be be able

489、 able to to deliver deliver products products exactly exactly when when the the customer customer requires requires them. them. 这这这这种种种种系系系系统统统统的的的的使使使使用用用用加加加加大大大大了了了了对对对对供供供供货货货货商商商商的的的的运运运运输输输输系系系系统统统统的的的的压压压压力力力力,因因因因为为为为供供供供货货货货商商商商必必必必须须须须有有有有能能能能力力力力在在在在客客客客户户户户需需需需要要要要之之之之时时时时及及及及时时时时运运运运来来来

490、来货货货货物。物。物。物。n n2 2重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇重点词汇n n(1) documentation:(1) documentation:制单制单制单制单n n(2) finished products:(2) finished products:成品成品成品成品n n(3) deregulation:(3) deregulation:撤销管制规定,解除控制撤销管制规定,解除控制撤销管制规定,解除控制撤销管制规定,解除控制n n(4) productivity:(4) productivity:生产率生产率生产率生产率n n(5) cost economies:(5) cost economies:节约成本,成本节约节约成本,成本节约节约成本,成本节约节约成本,成本节约n n(6) intermediate products:(6) intermediate products:中间产品中间产品中间产品中间产品n n(7) natural product province:(7) natural product province:产品自然领域产品自然领域产品自然领域产品自然领域



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