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9、调多notlessthan意为意为“不少于,至少不少于,至少”,可观,可观地描述地描述肯定与否定肯定与否定肯定肯定1. Do you think she will come?- Beyond a reasonable doubt.2. I forgot to bring my computer.- No sweat. You can borrow my notebook.3. The classes today were so boring.- Ill say, I had one eye on the clock the whole time.4. Now they have sound-p

10、roofed this room. Its sure a lot easier to work in here.- You said it.5. The water looks great today.- I cant wait to jump on my surfboard.6. Doesnt this sweet song make you feel at ease?- You bet!7. Would you mind giving me a hand?- By all means.8. Cooking for yourself turns out much better than ea

11、ting at KFC.- You can say that again!9. Do the fees include room and board?- They dont exclude room and board.10. Does everyone know why the financial crisis occurred?- There is no one who doesnt know how it happened.11. What do you think of yesterday evenings concert?- It wasnt at all tedious.12. W

12、ould you help me with my calligraphy?- Well, whats the problem?13. Could I leave earlier today?- Go ahead.14. Excuse me, can you show me the way?- Well, where are you trying to get to?15. May I use your mobile phone for the time being?- No problem.16. Shall we go and see Tom this morning? Hes ill.-

13、Thats just what I was thinking.17. What do you think of going to the park today?- I cant agree more. / I cant agree with you more.1. He was a heavy smoker five years ago.- But he rarely smokes now.2. Do you think Doris will get there in time?- No way!3. Can you lend me your car?- Its out of the ques

14、tion.4. Try not to make any noise while watching the movie.- Well, easier said than done.5. Would you like me to write the essay again?- Its all right, really.6. Have some chocolate candies please?- Im on a diet.7. Would you lend me your car?- It has run out of gasoline.8. Did Alice cheat at the phy

15、sics exam?- Shed be the last person to do such a thing.9. Did Aristotle attend the conference?- He failed to come.10. Would you fix the clock for me?- Im sorry, but it is beyond my repair.11. Whats the main idea of her speech?- Its beyond my understanding.12. Id like to go to the meeting.- Under no

16、circumstances (决决不不) should you attend the meeting tonight.13. Is my son allowed to play the video game?- Well, he is too young to play it.14. Could you tell me where Pro. Johnson lives?- I have no idea where he lives.15. What does Elizabeth like to do in her spare time?- She likes nothing better th

17、an to sleep late.16. How are you getting on with Home Economics?- There is no harder course than Home Economics.17. How do you feel about your food?- Dont ask.18. Can you express yourself in Chinese?- Its impossible for me to speak Chinese well now.Negative or positive?一、一、cannotwait后跟不定式,后跟不定式,意为意为

18、“急于做急于做”,表示强调的肯定,表示强调的肯定例例1Icouldntwaittoseeher.我渴望见到她。我渴望见到她。例例2Icannotwaittoreadthebook.我非常渴望读到这本书。我非常渴望读到这本书。二、二、cannot/couldnttoo意为意为“越越越越,非常,无论怎样,非常,无论怎样也不过分也不过分”在此结构中,在此结构中,cannot也可改用也可改用canhardly,scarcely,never,impossible;too也可改用也可改用over,enough等。等。例3 You cannot be too careful. 你越小心越好。例4 We ca

19、n hardly praise him too much.对他我们无论怎么赞扬也不过分。例5 A man can never have too many friends. 朋友越多越好。例6 He cannot see you quickly enough. 他想很快见到你。三、三、notuntil/till意为意为“直到直到的时候的时候才才”例7 People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it. 人们失去时间后才知道时间的价值。例8 We never know the worth of water till the

20、 well is dry. 直到井干了我们才知道水的重要。例9 It was not until the next day that I that truth. 直到第二天我才知道真相。例10 He did not go to bed until his mother came back. 直到他母亲回来他才睡觉。四、否定词四、否定词but1.nobut意为意为“都都,没有没有不不”。例11 There is no man but has his faults. 人皆有过。例12 No one believes but she will succeed. 人们相信他会成功。例13 There

21、is no one but knows him. 人人都认识他。2.never(not)but(that)意为意为“每当每当,总是总是,没有哪次不是没有哪次不是”。例14 I never see you but I think of my mother. 每当看见你时,我总是想起我的母亲。例15 It never rains but it pours.每次下雨都是倾盆大雨。例16 He will not be angry but that he is offended. 人们惹了他他才会生气。3.nothingbut/nonebut意为意为“仅仅仅仅,只只,只有只有才才”。例17 We can

22、 see nothing but water. 我们只能看见水。例18 The boys want to do nothing but play football. 男孩们只想踢足球。例19 None but me knew what happened. 只有我知道发生了什么事情。例20 He chose none but the best. 他只选最好的。五、五、否定词否定词without意为意为“每每必必”例23 I never see her without thinking of my younger sister. 每次见到她,我就想起我的妹妹。例24 What appeared t

23、o me wonderful was that none of the ants came home without bringing something. 使我感到惊奇的是每只蚂蚁回来都带回一些东西。例25 There is no smoke without fire. 有烟必有火。 六、六、too+形容词形容词/副词副词+not不定式不定式“非常非常必定能,必定能,太太不会不不会不”1.本句型是对本句型是对tooto的否定,表示肯定的否定,表示肯定意思。意思。例29 His speech was too good not to stir the audience. 他的演讲太好了,不会不使

24、观众轰动。例30 He is too wise not to solve this problem. 他那么聪明,一定会解决问题。例31 He is too foolish not to say it. 他那么傻,不会不把这事说出来。2.nevertooto(永不永不/决不决不)。例34 It is never too late to give up prejudices. 放弃偏见永远不晚。七、七、moreoftenthannot意为意为“常常常常,往往往往”例35 John is a good swimmer. He wins more often not. 约翰是个游泳健将,他常常在比赛

25、中获奖。例36 During bad weather the trains are late more often than not. 在天气不好时,火车常常晚点。例37 The street is crowded more often than not.这条大街常常很拥挤。八、八、否定词比较级否定词比较级(相当于最高级相当于最高级)例38 I couldnt agree more. 我非常同意。例39 Nothing is more valuable than health. 健康是最宝贵的。例40 Never is more beautiful flower than this!这是我见过

26、的最美丽的花!九、九、notalittle意为意为“很很,很多很多”例41 He is not a little tired. 他非常累。例42 He has not a little experience.他有着丰富的经验。十、十、某些不用回答和表达说话人感情的某些不用回答和表达说话人感情的疑问句疑问句1.否定修辞性疑问句表示非常强烈的否定修辞性疑问句表示非常强烈的肯定。肯定。例43 Who does not know?(=Everybody knows.) 谁不知道?(意思是“人人知道”)例44 Why not try again? 你怎么不再试试?(即:你该再试试!)2.否定感叹疑问句表

27、示的肯定。否定感叹疑问句表示的肯定。例45 Isnt that beautiful! 多么美丽呀!例46 Isnt she a sweet girl! 她多么可爱啊!注:这种疑问句用来回答别人的问题或对别人的谈话作出反应,以强调自己和对方的意见一致。例47 -Lovely day, isnt it ? 天气真好啊,是不是?-Yes, isnt it!是啊,真好!3.祈使疑问句。祈使疑问句。例48 Wont you have some beer? 请喝点啤酒吧!例49 Wont you sit down! 请坐呀!PracticeDo exercises on page 25虚拟语气虚拟语气 英

28、语动词有英语动词有 种语气种语气 陈述语气陈述语气 祈使语气祈使语气 虚拟语气虚拟语气用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不太用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不太可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,假设的语气叫虚拟语气。假设的语气叫虚拟语气。三三wishwish引导的虚拟句引导的虚拟句IwishI_(be)astallasyou.wereI wish I were a bird.Iwisheveryday_(be)mybirthday.wereI wish/wished I _( eat ) so much watermelon.hadnt eatenI wish

29、it would rain tomorrow.表示表示愿望愿望(wish),wish接宾语从句有三种情接宾语从句有三种情况:况:1)现在:用过去式现在:用过去式2)过去:用过去完成式过去:用过去完成式(haddone)3)将来:用情态动词将来:用情态动词(would/could)+doI wish I remembered the address.我要是我要是记得地址就好了。(真可惜我忘了)得地址就好了。(真可惜我忘了)How I wish he had not left.要是他没有离开要是他没有离开这里就好了。(他已离开)里就好了。(他已离开)I wish it would rain tom

30、orrow.要是明天下雨就好了。(要是明天下雨就好了。(说话人以人以预料明天不会下雨)料明天不会下雨)wish + thatHow I wishIf onlydid/were 现在现在had done 过去过去would / might /would do 将来将来If only If only 引导的虚拟句引导的虚拟句ifonly意为:若是意为:若是.那该多好啊那该多好啊;真希望真希望.;只要只要,只要只要.就好就好表示现在的情况表示现在的情况,应用过去式应用过去式;如果是过去的如果是过去的情况情况,应用过去完成时态应用过去完成时态IfonlyIhadarrivedintime!Ifonly

31、shedidntdrivesofast.If only (1) 要是就好了要是就好了 = I wishIf only I knew his name now!If only we had followed your advice last time!If only I could see him again next year!要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。If only our parents could live with us!If only I hadnt missed the train!要是我没错过火车就好了要是我没错过火车就好了.if

32、 if引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句区别区别:Ifitrainstomorrow,thecropswillbesaved.Ifitrainedtomorrow,thecropswouldbesaved.陈述语气陈述语气虚拟语气虚拟语气If I _time last night, I _ to see the film with you .had hadwould have goneIf he more carefully, he the car accident yesterday.had driven would not have had If I how to swim, I trapp

33、ed in this island.had learnt would not have been If the staff had been more careful, the mall would not be on fire now.What What wouldwould you do if you you do if you wonwon the lottery? the lottery?If I If I wonwon the lottery,the lottery,I I wouldwouldIf I won the lottery, I would buy an expensiv

34、e car. IfIhadalotofmoney, Iwouldbuyavilla.If I had a lot of money now, I would travel around the world.If it were fine now,I would go shopping.If he got up early, he would be on time虚拟语气虚拟语气例句例句1.Ifyouhadcomeafewminutesearlier,youwouldhavemethim.要是你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了。要是你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了。(与过去事实相反与过去事实相反)

35、2.Ifitweresunnytomorrow,Iwouldcometoseeyou.明天要是天气好的话,我来看你。明天要是天气好的话,我来看你。(与将来与将来事实可能相反事实可能相反)3.IfIwereyou,Iwouldgoatonce.假如我是你的话,我会马上走。假如我是你的话,我会马上走。(与现在事与现在事实相反,事实上我不可能是你实相反,事实上我不可能是你)虚拟语气在虚拟语气在在条件从句中在条件从句中主从句的谓语形式主从句的谓语形式时间时间If 从句的谓语形式从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式现在现在过去过去将来将来did / werehad donewould/could/

36、should/might +V.(原原)would/could/should/might+have+p.p.1. did / were2. should do3. were to dowould/could/should/might + V.(原原)If + 主主 + did(were), 主主+would/should/could/might +动词原形动词原形If I were you, I would try it again.1. 如果我是你,我会再如果我是你,我会再试一次。一次。2.如果我有一百万美元,我会如果我有一百万美元,我会买下下这架架飞机。机。If I had one mil

37、lion dollars, I would buy the plane.与与现在事在事实相反的虚相反的虚拟条件句条件句If +主主 +had done sth, 主主+would/should/could/might +动词完成式(动词完成式(have done)If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination.1.如果他努力学的如果他努力学的话,他就通,他就通过这次考次考试。If I had married her, I would have been unhappy.2.要是当要是当时我和她我和她结了婚的了婚的话,那我是

38、很不幸的。,那我是很不幸的。与与过去事去事实相反的虚相反的虚拟条件句条件句与将来事与将来事实相反的虚相反的虚拟条件句条件句(通常有通常有时间状状语)If he came here tomorrow, I would tell him about it.If he were to come here tomorrow, I would tell him.1.如果他明天来的如果他明天来的话,我会告我会告诉他他这件事件事.2.如果他明天来的如果他明天来的话,我会告我会告诉他他.If + 主主 + did(were to /should do), 主主+would/should/could/might

39、 +动词原形动词原形As ifAs if虚拟句虚拟句He behaves as if he owned the house.( But he doesnt own it or probably doesnt own it or we dont know whether he owns it or not.)He talks about Rome as though hehad been there himself.虚拟语气虚拟语气6.在在asif从句中,常用虚拟形式,即从句中,常用虚拟形式,即表示与现在事表示与现在事实相反,用过去式实相反,用过去式;与过去事实相反用过去完成与过去事实相反用过去


41、从句中从句中as if /though + Clause现在:现在:过去:过去:将来将来 :did /were(现在现在)had done(过去过去)would+动词原形动词原形(将来将来)Would ratherWould rather虚拟句虚拟句1. would rather that现在:现在:过去:过去:未来:未来:过去时过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去时过去时I would rather you paid me now.I would rather you had gone, too.Dont come. I would rather you came tomorrow.其它虚拟句其它

42、虚拟句虚拟语气虚拟语气一些介词短语一些介词短语,如如:butfor(要不是要不是),without,otherwise(否则否则),inthatcase(如果是那样如果是那样的话的话),表示含蓄的条件表示含蓄的条件,这时主句要用虚拟这时主句要用虚拟语气语气 Without /But for your help, we would not have made such rapid progress. 虚拟语气中的几个特例虚拟语气中的几个特例 有时为了表达需要有时为了表达需要,并不总是出现并不总是出现 if 引导引导的条件句的条件句,而通过其他手段来代替条件句而通过其他手段来代替条件句.1.I was ill that day. 0therwise, I _ (take ) part in the sports meet.2.I _ (give) you more help, but I was too busy.3.But for water, it _ (be) impossible to live in the desert.would have takenmight have given would be PracticeDo exercises on page 25



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