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1、新概念英新概念英语第一册第一册129-130129-130Waveweivn.波,波浪,波涛;vi.挥手,招手adj.卷曲的,波状的wavywavyhairalovelywave词汇让我招手叫车开过来。让我招手叫车开过来。词汇wave towave at向某人挥手(有事)和某人挥手(没事)例句:1.Let me wave to him to come .Trackn.1.踪迹,痕迹,足迹例句:汽车的痕迹很明显。Thecartracksareveryclear.2.小路3.路径,路线词汇4.跑道例句:这是一条跑道。Thisisarunningtrack.词汇milen.英里1英里=1.6km米m

2、eter厘米cm(centimeter)英尺feet英寸inch公里kilometer码yard词汇overtake v.超车,超过,突然来临,突然出现(负面)例句: 没有人能超过他。 No one can overtake him. 暴风雨突然袭击了小渔船。 A storm overtook the little boat.词汇Speedlimit限速Speedn.速度,速率兴奋剂Limitn./v.限制词汇Dreamn.梦v.做梦常用搭配:haveadream形容美梦:haveagooddreamsweetGood/Sweetdreams!祝你做个好梦!口语=Goodnight.词汇day

3、dream:思想开小差,白日梦用法:dreamof+n/v-ing梦想做某事例句:我梦想能飞上天。Idreamedofflyinginthesky.dreamabout:梦见词汇Signn.标记,记号标牌,标志v.签字,做手势Signaturen.签名signal 信号信号the traffic signal lights词汇Drivinglicensen.驾照(在西方国家,等同于身份证)Drive:v.开车,驾车Drivern.司机,高尔夫球杆Licensen.执照,牌照 piloting license词汇Chargev.罚钱Iwillchargeyou.n.充电器charger掌管inc

4、hargeof你负责睡觉.Youre in charge of sleeping.Youre in charge of sleeping. 词汇单词学习track track n. n. 跑道跑道mile mile n. n. 英里英里overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. 超超车车speed limit speed limit 限速限速dream dream v. v. 做梦,做梦,思想不集中思想不集中sign sign n. n. 标记,标记,牌子牌子driving license driving

5、license 驾驶执照驾驶执照charge charge v. v. 罚款罚款darling darling n. n. 亲亲爱的爱的课文讲解Look, Gary! That policemans waving to you. He wants you to stop.Look! Look! 瞧!(用来引起别人的注意)瞧!(用来引起别人的注意)瞧,你又哭了。瞧,你又哭了。Look, you are crying again.Look, you are crying again.瞧,我不过是想帮个忙。瞧,我不过是想帮个忙。Look, I was only trying to help. Loo

6、k, I was only trying to help. wave to you wave to you 向你招手向你招手want sb to do 想让某人去做想让某人去做Where do you think you are? On a race track? do you think do you think 是特殊疑问句中的插入语,它用于征询是特殊疑问句中的插入语,它用于征询见解或表达看法。因为句中插入语已经是疑问式,主谓见解或表达看法。因为句中插入语已经是疑问式,主谓倒装了,所以倒装了,所以you areyou are的位置不能再对调了。的位置不能再对调了。插入语一般是对句子加一些附

7、加的解释,在句子中作独插入语一般是对句子加一些附加的解释,在句子中作独立成分。立成分。常用来作插入语的结构有常用来作插入语的结构有I hope, I think, Im I hope, I think, Im afraid, you knowafraid, you know等。插入语可以位于句尾或句中,有等。插入语可以位于句尾或句中,有时也可出现在疑问句中。时也可出现在疑问句中。你认为你现在应做什么?你认为你现在应做什么?What do you think you can do now? What do you think you can do now? 你认为他是谁?你认为他是谁?Who d

8、o you think he is? Who do you think he is? 你猜我今天花了多少钱?你猜我今天花了多少钱?How much do you guess I spent How much do you guess I spent today?today? on a race track?= Do you think you are on a race on a race track?= Do you think you are on a race track?track?You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.

9、must must 一定是(表示猜测)一定是(表示猜测)其基句型结构有:其基句型结构有:1 1)must + must + 动词原形动词原形 你一定是病了。你一定是病了。You must be sick. You must be sick. 2 2)must +be+ v-ing must +be+ v-ing 他们一定在喝酒。他们一定在喝酒。They must be drinking They must be drinking now. now. 3 3)must +have +must +have +过去分词过去分词 表示表示过去过去动作的猜动作的猜测测 昨晚你一定喝酒了。昨晚你一定喝酒了

10、。You must have drunk You must have drunk last night.last night. 4 4)must + have been+ v-ingmust + have been+ v-ing 表示对表示对过去过去某一时刻,某一时间内的动作某一时刻,某一时间内的动作的猜测,或过去一直到现在的一段时间内动作的猜测,或过去一直到现在的一段时间内动作的猜测。的猜测。昨天晚上我给你打电话的时候你肯定在喝酒昨天晚上我给你打电话的时候你肯定在喝酒You must have been drinking when I called You must have been dr

11、inking when I called you last night. you last night. 前两周你肯定在为会议做准备工作。前两周你肯定在为会议做准备工作。You must have been preparing for the You must have been preparing for the meeting in the last two weeks.meeting in the last two weeks.At miles/ kms an hour = at the speed of At常与数字连用表示时间、速度、价格、距常与数字连用表示时间、速度、价格、距离、高

12、度。离、高度。 表示速度用表示速度用at. 以每秒以每秒1000英里的速度英里的速度 at 1000 miles a secondI cant have been. = I cant have been driving at seventy = I cant have been driving at seventy miles an hour.miles an hour.cant (mustcant (must表猜测时的否定形式表猜测时的否定形式) )不可能不可能他不可能在伦敦,我今儿早还在这见到他的。他不可能在伦敦,我今儿早还在这见到他的。He cant be in London. I sa

13、w him here He cant be in London. I saw him here only this morning. only this morning. 你不可能在家,你不可能在家,You cant be at home. You cant be at home. 他们不可能他们不可能昨天昨天把活儿干完。把活儿干完。They cant have finished their job They cant have finished their job yesterday. yesterday. 你你(过去)(过去)不可能是一直一个人呆着不可能是一直一个人呆着 You cant

14、have been staying alone. You cant have been staying alone. 肯定肯定 否定否定must cantmust be cant be(过去)(过去) (过去)(过去)must have done cant have donemust have been doing cant have been doingI wont charge you this time. But youd better not do it again!charge 罚款youd better =you had betterhad better do sth 最好做某事(

15、表建议)had better not do sth 最好别做某事你最好早点回来。Youd better come back early. 你最好别告诉他实情。Youd better not tell him the truth. I was doing eighty when I overtook you.I was doing eighty.=I was driving at eighty miles an hour.overtake 超过Didnt you see the speed limit? Im afraid I didnt, officer. I didnt =I didnt s

16、ee the speed limit.I must have been dreaming. dream n. 梦; v. 做梦这里引申为“思 想 开小差。”He wasnt dreaming, officer. I was telling him to drive slowly.was telling 用进行时态加强语气证明“我一直都在告诉他”。tell sb to do sth 告诉(叫)某人做叫他停下来。Tell him to stop. 叫他走近点。Tell him to come closer. Thats why I didnt see the sign. Thats why.”所以

17、“(用于解释原因)这就是我迟到的原因Thats why I was late. 这就是我生气的原因。Thats why I am angry. Let me see your driving license.Let sb do sth 让某人做某事让我告诉你原因吧!Let me tell you the reason. Thank you. Ill certainly be more careful.I told you to drive slowly, Gary.Tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.Well, next time youd better take my advice!take ones advice 接受某人的意见,听从某人的劝告,听某人的话。我总告诉你要注意,但你从来不听我的话。I always tell you to be careful, but you never take my advice. 超速处罚制度在西方国家,交通法规十分严格。其中比较重要的就是,系安全带和超速,通常罚款220美元左右。但是超速一般按照超速多少算罚款,在澳大利亚,每超过5迈就会翻倍。语言点谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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