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1、培训师资料培训师资料MicrosoftMicrosoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!We Present Every Day!Not just conference talks.Product group meetingsBillG / TAB meetingsPreamble to a demoConvince a product group to be interestedPresent patent to a lawyerPresent a group result at offsite“Elevator” talks管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()

2、-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Verbal SkillsSpeaking is not like writing!Use simple words.Dont use complex sentences.Can you understand this: Dont use ambiguous words in speech.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal SkillsPr

3、oject & resonate your voice.No “UM”s and “ER”s. (Pause instead).Silence is a tool (To draw attention).管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal SkillsPlay your voice with pitch and tempo.To amplify a point, slow down, speak loudly, exaggerate inotation, pause in the right places.“You are right. I am wrong” Stalin

4、to Trotsky“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”- John F. KennedyBAD EXAMPLE : “I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know whether their president is a crook. Well, Im not a crook.”- Richard M. NixonDont use it everywhere!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资

5、料免费下载!Vocal Skills : Same message; many ways to deiverJohn Kennedy:“You need to contribute to your country”“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.Quayle vs. Benson Debate:Quayle: I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought th

6、e presidency. Answer1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer2: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal Skills : EnthusiasmPassion & Enthusiasm!If youre not passionate, why should we ca

7、re?Example: Martin Luther KingI have a dream.That one dayThis nation will rise upLive up to the true meaning to its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evidentThat all men are created equal. 管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual SkillsVisual Skills THE most importantAppear trustworthy & respectful.US Electi

8、on 1960 was won on visual skills.Components of Visual SkillsEyesBodyHandsFace管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills EyesLook forward at audience (trust)Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in corner.Dont look too much at computer screen or your notes.Look at peoples faces (not eyes)3-6 seconds per person.Shif

9、t randomly.Nod, smile, use facial expression.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills BodyStand up when talking.Walk around = informal.Dont:Rock, shake, lean too much.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills HandsGesture complements talk.Should come naturally, without thinking.Make sure they match!Need to exagg

10、erate a littleEspecially with large audience.Dont fidget or put in pocket.Videotape whole talk & watch.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills FaceShow emotion!Most of the time:“I care a lot about this.”“I really believe in this.”“I love my work.”Sometimes (in response to questions).“This is the most out

11、rageous thing Ive ever heard.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Preparing the TalkAlways OVERPREPARE!Preparation includes:Re

12、searching the background.Organizing the talk.Writing the slides.Rehearsing the talk.Last minute things.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Researching the BackgroundWhen youre invited, find out:How long is the talk?Whats the topic?(Say no if you dont care about the topic).Whos the audience.Once you say yes, you ar

13、e COMMITTED to do a great job.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Organizing the TalkYoure the salesman.First lesson for salesmen:“Tell them what youre going to say.Say it.Tell them what you said” Very similar to your paper!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The Central Message (it)People will not remember everything.Have ONE c

14、lear walk-away message.What do you want people to remember in 3 months?The answer to the question: “How was the talk?”Repeat it!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The OpeningSay something provoking!Give a (very short) outline/overview.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The SubstanceLogical.Convincing.Help them remember the mes

15、sage!Anticipate doubts & remove them.Smooth transitions Dont lose the audienceOK to re-order the sub-topics.Keep repeating the message!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The EndingEnd with a BANG!Repeat the message.Say thank you.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Writing the Visuals (PowerPoint)Prepation (80% time)First prepar

16、e outline (recommend : Word).Then modify outline for:Logic onvincing, flow, transitions.Actual Slide Writing (20% time)Should come almost directly from the outline.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Use of Visuals (PowerPoint)Visuals only support your talk.Spend more time on your talk!Simple and clear1 idea; 3 su

17、b-concepts; = 6 lines.Readable Big & color-coordinated.Dont read from the slides!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What if Talk is ComplexDont lose people.Use grayed out outline.If idea is complex:Try really hard to avoid complex slides, butIf you must use it, use layers (prevent read-ahead & lack of focus).Reme

18、mber to change slides for printing.Example.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!If you must use complex layersa good exampleContentServerProxyServerClients3. return content1. open connection & send requestContent re-authoringClient/UserprofilesAdaptationschemesNetworkmonitoringCaching &pre-fetchingmanagement2. retr

19、ieve content 2. retrieve content 3. retrieve network data, user/client profiles4. perform adaptation5. return content1. open connection & send request管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Use of Demos / MultimediaKeeps the talk interesting.Dont overdo it.Should be tied to content.Ordering : 2,N, N-1, N-2,.3, 1 管理资源吧

20、()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Rehearsing Your TalkRecord & listen to every talk at least twice!Record:Best : PowerPoint features.OK : Tape recorder.Must do sometime :VideoAsk experienced speaker to critique.Improve:Style, logic, timing per slide.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Get the Timing Right!Running out of time is a d

21、isaster.Write how much time should remain on each slide.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!After youre more experienced.No longer necessary to record.Every new talk still must be rehearsed.Bring notes if you arent confident.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Just Before the Talk.Prepare something matching the occasion.Make sur

22、e youre not too tired:Get enough sleep the previous night.Drink 3 cups of coffee!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Delivering the TalkOvercoming language barrier.

23、Overcoming nervousness. Art of Good Opening & ending.HumorAudience participation管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Overcoming Language BarrierPerfect English not necessary.Know your limitations.Dont use fancy words, complex sentences.Dont take any chance of looking silly.OK to bring cheat notes!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费

24、下载!Outline & ScriptAlways make an outline.PowerPoint notes; Word Outline.Dont have to use it.It may be best to READ a speech.No excuse not to be fluent! (practice!)Dont stare at paper.(Memorize it if youre prefer).管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Overcoming Nervousness“Do the thing you fearand the death of fear

25、 is certain.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Hiding NervousnessIt is possible to hide nervousness!Dont let the shaking show!Make a fist; hold the lectern.Speak loudly.Take a deep breath.Look at a friendly face.Look above peoples heads.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Art of Good Opening & EndingOpenin

26、gSay something relevant to the occasion.Need to research background before the talk.Ending“If you remember only one thing from this talk, then you should remember XXX”.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!HumorGood humor:Respectful.Relevant (better yet: original).Short.Plan your jokes:Remember what worked.Use it ag

27、ain!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!HumorHow to tell a joke?Set up (people should know a joke is coming up).Pause after climax (punch line).Move on naturally if no reaction!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Audience ParticipationBest way for people to remember!Ask audience a questionAnticipate their answer(s)!Respond with

28、something interesting AND relevant.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Be YourselfLearn the skills; dont copy the styles.You must be yourself to be credible.Many styles could be effective:Bill Gates Brilliant technologistSteve Ballmer Powerful salesmanSteve Jobs Passionate evangelist管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll

29、 Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Q&AQ&A is your chance to:Amplify your points.Increase your credibility.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Dealing with QuestionsEasy QuestionsAmplify your points!Hard Questi

30、onsNo need to answer directly.But dont hide!Narrow QuestionsTake offline.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Q&A Giving A Good AnswerRespect the listenerRight body languageRepeat the questionComplete if people cannot hear.Paraphrase to help amplify your point.If people are too shy, you start!Dont argue or dismiss

31、a question.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#1 Anybody can learn to give a good talk.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#2 Dont give a talk unless youre passionate.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#3 Use simple and clear words.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#4 Play your voice to focus on key points.管理资源吧()-

32、提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#5 Silence is a great tool.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#6 Overprepare every talk.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#7 Tell them what youre going to say.Say it.Tell them what you said.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#8 Have ONE clear central message for:the question “How was the

33、 talk”管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#9 Open your talk with something thought-provoking管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#10 Slides should be simple & clear.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#11 Dont read from your slides.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#12 Order your demos.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#

34、13 Rehearse & listen to each talkat least twice!管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#14 Time your talk on every slide.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#15 It may be OK to read from a script.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#16 Stay awake!Drink 3 cups of coffee before your talk.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets

35、#17 It is possible to hide nervousness.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#18 Tailor your opening remarks to the occasion.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#19 “If you only remember one thing fromthis talk, you should remember XXX”管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#20 Humor & Interactivity must berelevant and well-planned.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#21 Q&A can help you more than the audience.管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!ConclusionGiving a talk is easyIt just takes:A little passionA lot of practice!结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!73



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