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1、 Unit1 best friends Reading Find the right photos:1.Hed like to share everything with his friends. He is _.2. 2. She never tells lies(说谎说谎). I believe what she says. We all think she is very _.3. He can always help me with my problems. I can go to him when I am in trouble. He is very _. helpfulhones

2、tA good friend:generousHe is willing/ready to help me.4. She does well in singing and dancing. She is a _girl.musical5. I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. She is a _ friend. truefunny/humorousHe has a good sense of humour.6. He is good at telling jokes. He often makes us laugh. He is

3、very _._ is _ and _. She is always willing to share things and help others._ looks _ and has a good sense of _.Guess who they are: _ is a _ friend. She can keep a _. generoussmarthumourtruesecrethelpfulBettyMaxMayTrue or false:1.Betty is generous to old people only.2.Betty wants to be a singer and t

4、ravel around the world.3.Max does a lot of computer work.4.Max is very good at telling jokes.5.May is a true friend.6.May likes to tell others her friends secrets.FTTTTFeveryonenever tellsname appearance(外貌外貌)personnality(个性个性)future plans(将来计划将来计划)Bettyslim, short hair generousis willing to share t

5、hings with othershelpfulhelp people in need any timewant to be a singer and travel around the worldnameappearance personalityMaxthe tallest, wear glasses and poor eyesighta good sense of humourlike to tell funny jokesnameappearancepersonalityMaysmall and shoulder-length hairtrue and can keep secrets

6、never say a bad word about anyone1.She is one of my best friends.她是我其中最好的朋友之一。她是我其中最好的朋友之一。 one of 是是“其中之一其中之一”的意思,它使用的结构是:的意思,它使用的结构是: one of +形容词形容词最高级最高级+名词名词复数复数e.g. 黄河是中国最长的河流之一黄河是中国最长的河流之一The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers.One of the longest rivers _ (be) the Yellow River.is2.I have

7、 a wonderful friend named Max. 我有一个名叫我有一个名叫Max极好的朋友。极好的朋友。named 相当于相当于called,意为,意为“一个名叫一个名叫-”I have a wonderful friend _(name) Max.named3.Wearing glasses makes him look smart. 戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事The glasses make Max looks smart.look4. I thought of my best friend when

8、I read your advertisement. 当我读你们的广告时我想起了我最好的朋友当我读你们的广告时我想起了我最好的朋友。thought 是是think的过去式,的过去式,think of 是是“想到、想到、想起想起”的意思的意思advertise v. 做广告做广告 advertise on the internet advertisement n. 广告广告 TV plays are boring because there are too many _(advertise).advertisements5.He is humourous and like to tell fun

9、ny jokes. 他幽默,喜欢讲有趣的笑话他幽默,喜欢讲有趣的笑话。 He can keep secrets and never says a bad word about anyone. 他能保守秘密并且从来不说任何人的一句坏话他能保守秘密并且从来不说任何人的一句坏话。tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话讲有趣的笑话say a bad word about anyone 说任何人的坏话说任何人的坏话Fill in the blanks with the right word1. Thank you for giving me the information. You are so

10、 _ (help).2. He plays the piano well. His parents think hes very _ (music).3. Are you _ (will) to sing us an English song?helpfulmusicalwilling英语周报英语周报4. Maybe he will grow into a successful _ (sing).5. Have you ever been to a sea city _ (call) Qingdao ?6. He has a _ (wonder) friend Millie.7. He has

11、 nothing to do, he feels_(bore).singercalledwonderful英语周报英语周报boredFill in the blanks 1. Are you _ (will) to sing an English song for us?2. Maybe she is ready _ (dance).3. He will watch TV when he feels _ (bore) at home.4. He is _(help). He always gives seats to people in need.5.He tells jokes and ma

12、kes us _ (laugh).6.He plays the piano well. Hes _(music).7.Maybe he will grow into a _(sing).willingboredto dancehelpfullaughmusicalsingerCorrection1. Climb is more interesting than camping.2. I have a good friend name Betty.3. He tells funny stories and always makes me to laugh.4. She is as more sl

13、im as May.Climbingnamed去掉去掉去掉去掉Complete the sentences1. 我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。 We all like our history teacher because he _.2. 这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _ and it makes me _.has a good sense of humorboringbored3. 当你经过我的桌子时,请别撞掉我的杯子。当你经过我的桌子时,请别撞掉我的杯子。 Dont _ my cup _ t

14、he table when you _ my table.knock offwalk past4. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。 The straight long hair _.5. 我几乎和我父亲一样高。我几乎和我父亲一样高。 I am _ my father.6.由于打电脑游戏太多由于打电脑游戏太多,他眼睛很差。他眼睛很差。7. He _ playing computer games too much.7.我长大了想周游世界。我长大了想周游世界。8. I want to _ when I _.makes her look beautifulalmost as

15、tall ashas poor eyesight because oftravel around the worldgrow upTranslation 1 1 他的视力与我一样不好他的视力与我一样不好. .2 2 这是最重要的会议之一这是最重要的会议之一. . 3 3 在公共汽车上她经常给需要的人让座。在公共汽车上她经常给需要的人让座。4 4 饭间讲话对你的健康没好处。饭间讲话对你的健康没好处。His eyesight is as poor as mine.Its one of the most important meetings.She often gives seats to peop

16、le in need on the bus.It isnt good for your health to talk during the meals.I have a w_ friend n_ Max. He is a_ 1.75 metres. His eyesight is very p_. He wears small, round glasses and they make him l_ smart. Max has a good sense of h_. I never feel b_ or u_. He tells f_ jokes. His legs are very long

17、 and they do not f_ under the school desks. He often knocks your books and pens o_ the desks. onderfulamedlmostoorookumourorednhappyunnyitffAbout Max: About May:small, pretty, straight shoulder-length hair true friend, kindcan keep a secret,never say a bad word about anyoneAppearance:Personality:Beh

18、avior:Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:appearance (What does he/ she look like?)personality(What is he/ she like? )behavior/ future plan(What does he/ she often do or want to do in the future? )Describing friends:Presentation I want to tell you about my best friend Sandy. She is as tall as I am. Her hair is lon

19、ger than mine. She wears round glasses and they make her look smart. She is prettier than me. Everyone thinks she is the most lovely girl in our class. Sandy is the truest friend because she can keep a secret. She is also very generous and helpful. She always shares her things with me. She often hel

20、ps me with my homework. She would like to be a teacher in the future. 与与一样苗条一样苗条乐于做某事乐于做某事帮助我做家庭作业帮助我做家庭作业因为太多工作因为太多工作有很好的幽默感有很好的幽默感感到厌倦感到厌倦使我笑使我笑走路经过走路经过撞翻撞翻说某人坏话说某人坏话as slim asbe willing to do sth.help me with my homeworkbecause of too much workhave a good sense of humourfeel boredmake me laughwal

21、k pastknock oversay a bad word about sb.phrase 11.挑选最好的朋友2.一个真正的朋友3.保守秘密4.看起来聪明5.有好的幽默感6.乐意做某事7.帮助其他人8.视力差9.戴小的,圆的眼镜10.有齐肩直发11.对。很慷慨12.想要成为。13.周游世界1.choose the best friend2.a true friend3.keep a secret/ secrets4.look smart5.have a good sense of humour6.be willing/ glad/ happy to do sth.7.help others

22、8.have poor eyesight9.wear small, round glasses10.have straight, should-length hair11.be generous to sb.12.want to be13.travel around the world14.做许多电脑的工作15.擅长于讲笑话16.告诉别人某人的秘密17.邀请某人去某地/做某事18.选举最好的朋友/某人19.一个有趣的人/有趣的人们20.使某人高兴/做某事21.帮助有需要的人22.告诉某人(关于)某事23.和。一样。24.有短头发25.。之一14.do a lot of computer wor

23、k15.be good at telling jokes16.tell others ones secrets17.invite sb. to sp./ do sth.18.vote for the best friend/ sb.19.a funny person/ funny people20.make sb. happy/ do sth.21.help people in need22.tell sb. (about ) sthh.23.be as adj. as 24.have short hair25.one of.26.和某人分享某物27.准备好做某事28.任何时候29.帮助某人(

24、做)某事30.在公共汽车上31.给有需要的人让座32.长大33.有机会做某事/互相见面34.由于。35.在电脑上工作太多36.在夜里37.使某人看起来。38.感到无聊或不高兴phrase 226.share sth. with sb.27.be/ get ready to do sth.28.any time29.help sb. with/ do sth30.be on the bus31.give ones seat/ seats to sb. in need32.grow up33.get to do sth./ see each other34.because of35.work on

25、 the computer too much36.at night37.make sb. look adj.38.feel bored or unhappy 39.和某人在一起40.讲有趣的笑话41.使我发笑42.桌子底下搁得下43.经过44.撞翻。45.想起。46.一个广告47.比我矮48.令某人担心 担心某人/某事49.去某人那50.说任何人/别人的坏话39.be with sb.40.tell funny jokes41.make me laugh32.fit under the school desks33.walk past44.knock sth. off sp.45.think

26、of46.an advertisement47.be shorter than me48.worry sb. be worried/ worry about sb./ sth. 49.go to sb.50.say a bad word/ words about anyone/ others1.挑选最好的朋友2.一个真正的朋友3.保守秘密4.看起来聪明5.有好的幽默感6.乐意做某事7.帮助其他人8.视力差9.戴小的,圆的眼镜10.有齐肩直发11.对。很慷慨12.想要成为。13.周游世界14.做许多电脑的工作15.擅长于讲笑话16.告诉别人某人的秘密17.邀请某人去某地/做某事18.选举最好的朋友/某人19.一个有趣的人/有趣的人们20.使某人高兴/做某事21.帮助有需要的人22.告诉某人(关于)某事23.和。一样。24.有短头发25.。之一26.和某人分享某物27.准备好做某事28.任何时候29.帮助某人(做)某事30.在公共汽车上31.给有需要的人让座32.长大33.有机会做某事/互相见面34.由于。35.在电脑上工作太多36.在夜里37.使某人看起来。38.感到无聊或不高兴39.和某人在一起40.讲有趣的笑话41.使我发笑42.桌子底下搁得下43.经过44.撞翻。45.想起。46.一个广告47.比我矮48.令某人担心 担心某人/某事49.去某人那50.说任何人/别人的坏话



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