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1、Motivating Employees激励员工激励员工1L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E What Is Motivation?Define motivation.Explain motivation as a need-satisfying process.Early Theories of MotivationDescribe the five levels in Maslows hierarchy and how Maslows hierarchy can be used in motivational efforts.Discuss how Theory X

2、 and Theory Y managers approach motivation.Describe Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory.Explain Herzbergs views of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.2L E A R N I N G O U T L I N EContemporary Theories of MotivationDescribe the three needs McClelland proposed as being present in work settings.Explain

3、how goal-setting and reinforcement theories explain employee motivation.Describe the job characteristics model as a way to design motivating jobs.Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory.Contrast distributive justice and procedural justice.Explain the three key linkages in expectancy the

4、ory and their role in motivation.3L E A R N I N G O U T L I N ECurrent Issues in MotivationDescribe the cross-cultural challenges of motivation.Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating unique groups of workers.Describe open-book management and employee recognition, pay-for-performance, and

5、 stock option programs.4MotivationMotivation is concerned with understanding why people do what they do. In other words why do people chose a particular course of action and persist with it , even in the face of difficulties and problems. 5The Motivation Process6What Is Motivation?动机vMotivationThe p

6、rocesses that account for an individuals willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need.7What Is Motivation?vMotivationvEffort: a measure of intensity or drive. 努力vDirection: toward organizational goals 组织目

7、标vNeed: personalized reason to exert effort 需要Motivation works best when individual needs are compatible with organizational goals. Motivation 动机 motivating 激励8Theories of Motivation 激励理论 v早期激励理论Hierarchy of Needs Theory 层次需要理论、Theory X and Theory Y X理论与Y理论 Motivation Hygiene Theory 激励-保健理论v当代激励方法Th

8、ree Need Theory 三种需要理论Equity Theory 公平理论Reinforcement Theory 强化理论Goal Setting Theory 目标设定理论Expectancy Theory 期望理论9vEarly Theories of Motivation 早期的动机理论Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛的需求层次理论MacGregors Theories X and Y 麦格雷戈的X and Y理论Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory 赫茨伯格的激励-保健理论10Main points 1.There

9、is a hierarchy of 5 needs.2.A.Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs. B.Satisfied needs will no longer motivate. C.Motivating a person depends on knowing at what level that person is on the hierarchy.11Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 1. Physiological Needs2.

10、 Safety Needs3. Belongingness Needs4. Esteem Needs5. Self- actualization needs1213vX理论假设较低层次的需要支配着个人的行为vY理论则假设较高层次的需要支配着个人的行为vMotivation is maximized by participative decision making, interesting jobs, and good group relations.14Early Theories of MotivationvHerzbergs Motivation-Hygiene TheoryJob sat

11、isfaction and job dissatisfaction are created by different factors.vHygiene factors保健因素保健因素: extrinsic 外部因素(environmental) factors that create job dissatisfaction.vMotivators激励因素激励因素: intrinsic 内部因素(psychological) factors that create job satisfaction.Attempted to explain why job satisfaction does no

12、t result in increased performance.vThe opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction不是不满意, but rather no satisfaction. 没有满意15激励因素激励因素 成就成就 承认承认 工作本身工作本身 责任责任 晋升晋升 成长成长 监督监督 公司政策公司政策 与监督者的关系与监督者的关系 工作条件工作条件 工资工资 同事关系同事关系 个人生活个人生活 与下属关系与下属关系 地位地位 保障保障保健因素保健因素极满意极满意中性中性极不满意极不满意16vAlderfers ERG Theory

13、Existence Needs vare desires for physiological and material well-being. Relatedness needs are desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships. Relatedness Needs vare desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships. Growth Needs vare desires for continued psychological growth and development. 1

14、7Contemporary Theories of Motivation当代动机理论vThree-Needs Theory 三种需要理论三种需要理论vGoal-Setting Theory 目标设置理论目标设置理论vReinforcement Theory 强化理论强化理论vDesigning Motivating Jobs 有激励作用的工作设有激励作用的工作设计计vEquity Theory 公平理论公平理论vExpectancy Theory 期望理论期望理论18Motivation and NeedsvThree-Needs Theory 麦克利兰There are three majo

15、r acquired needs that are major motives in work.Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要成就需要vThe drive to excel and succeedNeed for power (nPow) 权力需要权力需要vThe need to influence the behavior of othersNeed of affiliation (nAff) 归属需要归属需要vThe desire for interpersonal relationships19Motivation and GoalsvGoal-Sett

16、ing Theory Proposes that setting goals that are accepted, specific, and challenging yet achievable will result in higher performance than having no or easy goals.vBenefits of Participation in Goal-SettingIncreases the acceptance of goals.Fosters commitment to difficult, public goals.Provides for sel

17、f-feedback (internal locus of control) that guides behavior and motivates performance (self-efficacy) 自我效能感.20A goal is a target level of performanceIf a goal is:difficultspecificAnd if a person:accepts the goalfeels committed to itgets feedback on their progressThen their performance improves becau

18、se:their behaviour is focusedthey try hardthey keep tryingthey develop strategies21Motivation and BehaviorvReinforcement TheoryAssumes that a desired behavior is a function函数 of its consequences, is externally caused, and if reinforced, is likely to be repeated.vPositive reinforcement is preferred f

19、or its long-term effects on performancevIgnoring undesired behavior 忽视is better than punishment 惩罚which may create additional dysfunctional behaviors 功能失调的行为.22vPositive reinforcement:正强化,如薪酬、赞扬、晋升;v negative reinforcement:负强化,批评、指责、令人不快的工作安排,解雇的威胁;vExtinction :消退,不对某些行为进行强化;vPunishment :惩罚,当下属作出不良行

20、为时,管理者让其承担他不愿得到或令其不快的结果,如减薪、暂停工作、降职留用、开除等。23Designing Motivating JobsvJob Design The way into which tasks can be combined 组合to form complete jobs.Factors influencing job design:vChanging organizational environment/structurevThe organizations technologyvEmployees skill, abilities, and preferencesJob

21、enlargement 工作扩大化vIncreasing the scope (number of tasks) in a job.Job enrichment 工作丰富化vIncreasing responsibility and autonomy (depth) in a job.24Designing Motivating JobsvJob Characteristics Model (JCM) 工作特征模型Five primary job characteristics:vSkill variety: how many skills and talents are needed? 技能

22、多样化vTask identity: does the job produce a complete work? 人物完整性vTask significance: how important is the job? 人物重要性vAutonomy: how much independence does the jobholder have? 工作自主性vFeedback: do workers know how well they are doing? 工作反馈25Designing Motivating JobsvSuggestions for Using the JCM 见图vCombine

23、 tasks (job enlargement) to create more meaningful work.Create natural work units to make employees work important and whole.Establish external and internal client relationships to provide feedback.Expand jobs vertically (job enrichment) by giving employees more autonomy.Open feedback channels to le

24、t employees know how well they are doing.26Motivation and PerceptionvEquity Theory Proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put in (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratio with the inputs-outcomes ratios of relevant others.v

25、If the ratios are perceived as equal then a state of equity (fairness) exists.vIf the ratios are perceived as unequal, inequity exists and the person feels under- or over-rewarded.vWhen inequities occur, employees will attempt to do something to rebalance the ratios (seek justice).27Making Decisions

26、 FairlyvGive people a say in how decisions are made.vProvide an opportunity for errors to be corrected.vApply rules and policies consistently.vMake decisions in an unbiased manner.28vExpectancy TheoryStates that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will b

27、e followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.Key to the theory is understanding and managing employee goals and the linkages among and between effort, performance and rewards.vEffort: 努力employee abilities and training/developmentvPerformance: 绩效 valid app

28、raisal systemsvRewards (goals): 奖赏奖赏 understanding employee needs29Expectancy Theory in PracticevIncreasing the E-to-P expectancytraining, selection, resources, clarify roles, provide coaching and feedbackvIncreasing the P-to-O expectancyMeasure performance accurately, explain how rewards are based

29、on past performancevIncreasing outcome valencesUse valued rewards, individualize rewards, minimize countervalent outcomes30Integrating ContemporaryTheories of Motivation31Current Issues in MotivationvCross-Cultural ChallengesMotivational programs are most applicable in cultures where individualism a

30、nd quality of life are cultural characteristicsvUncertainty avoidance of some cultures inverts Maslows needs hierarchy.vThe need for achievement (nAch) is lacking in other cultures.vCollectivist cultures view rewards as “entitlements” to be distributed based on individual needs, not individual perfo

31、rmance.32Current Issues in MotivationvCross-Cultural ConsistenciesInteresting work is widely desired, as is growth, achievement, and responsibility.vMotivating Unique Groups of WorkersMotivating a diverse workforce through flexibility:vMen desire more autonomy than do women.vWomen desire learning op

32、portunities, flexible work schedules, and good interpersonal relations.33Current Issues in MotivationvFlexible Work/Job schedulesCompressed work weekvLonger daily hours, but fewer daysFlexible work hours (flextime)vSpecific weekly hours with varying arrival, departure, lunch and break times around c

33、ertain core hours during which all employees must be present.Job SharingvTwo or more people split a full-time job.TelecommutingvEmployees work from home using computer links.34Current Issues in MotivationvMotivating ProfessionalsCharacteristics of professionalsvStrong and long-term commitment to the

34、ir field of expertise.vLoyalty is to their profession, not to the employer.vHave the need to regularly update their knowledge.vDont define their workweek as 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.Motivators for professionalsvJob challengevOrganizational support of their work35Current Issues in MotivationvMotivating Con

35、tingent WorkersOpportunity to become a permanent employeeOpportunity for trainingEquity in compensation and benefitsvMotivating Low-Skilled, Minimum-Wage EmployeesEmployee recognition programsProvision of sincere praise36Current Issues in MotivationvDesigning Appropriate Rewards ProgramsOpen-book ma

36、nagementvInvolving employees in workplace decision by opening up the financial statements of the employer.Employee recognition programsvGiving personal attention and expressing interest, approval, and appreciation for a job well done.Pay-for-performancevVariable compensation plans that reward employ

37、ees on the basis of their performance:Piece rates, wage incentives, profit-sharing, and lump-sum bonuses37Current Issues in MotivationvDesigning Appropriate Rewards Programs (contd)Stock option programsvUsing financial instruments (in lieu of monetary compensation) that give employees the right to purchase shares of company stock at a set (option) price.vOptions have value if the stock price rises above the option price; they become worthless if the stock price falls below the option price.38



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