9上英语读本 Unit 5

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《9上英语读本 Unit 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《9上英语读本 Unit 5(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5诵读 1Meaningful Movements 有意义的运动At the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, tai chi performers impressed the wholeworld.A total of 2,008 performers stood in a large circle and moved in slow, calm and powerful motions in theirwhite silk uniforms.在 2008 年北京奥运会开幕式上,太极拳表演者给全世界留下了深刻的印

2、象。共有2008 名表演者站在一个大圆圈里,穿着白色的丝绸制服,缓慢、平静、有力地移动。Tai chi has always been a symbol of Chinese culture and is becoming popular around the world. Thisancient martial art is practised by millions of people in more than 150 countries and regions. It was recently addedto UNESCOs Intangible Cultural Heritage Li

3、st. 太极拳一直是中国文化的象征,并在世界各地流行起来。这种古老的武术被 150 多个国家和地区的数百万人所练习。它最近被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录。One thing that makes tai chi popular is its health benefits. As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally,focusing your attentionjust as in some kinds of meditation on your body. This helps you relax and find innerpea

4、ce.太极拳受欢迎的一个原因是它的健康益处。当你移动时,你自然地深呼吸,把注意力集中在你的身体上就像在某种冥想中一样。这能帮助你放松,找到内心的平静。What makes tai chi even more interesting might be the philosophical ideas behind it. The term “tai chi”comes from Taoism, which says that inaction, the opposite of action, is th e solution to problems. Thats why taichi moveme

5、nts are slow and soft. It is not used to fight an enemyit is used to protect yourself. That doesntmean it is weak though. The principle of tai chi is to use softness to beat hardness. 让太极拳更有趣的可能是它背后的哲学思想。 “太极”一词来自道教,道教认为不作为是行动的反面,是问题的解决之道。这就是为什么太极拳动作缓慢而轻柔。 它不是用来对抗敌人的, 而是用来保护你自己的。 但这并不意味着它很弱。太极的原则是用柔

6、击硬。Tai chi also focuses on the harmony between yin and yang. This idea of keeping a healthy balance can beused in almost everything in life. It makes tai chifar more than just another martial art.太极也注重阴阳的和谐。这种保持健康平衡的想法几乎适用于生活中的每件事。它使太极拳远不止是一种武术。诵读 2Edinburgh in Summer夏天的爱丁堡Summer is a perfect time t

7、o visit Edinburgh, Scotlands capital, because in summer the city holds theEdinburgh Festival.夏天是游览苏格兰首府爱丁堡的最佳时间,因为夏天这座城市会举办爱丁堡节。The Edinburgh Festival was first held in 1947.Several festivals are held from August to early September. Thecollection of these festivals is often known as the “Edinburgh F

8、estival”. So the Edinburgh Festival is, in fact,made up of many different festivals. They are the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh InternationalBook Festival, the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival, the Edinburgh International Film Festival and so on. TheEdinburgh International Book Fest

9、ival is one of the largest book festivals in the world. Edinburgh is the worldsfirst UNESCO City of Literature and has a long history of literature and art. Right in this city, J.K. Rowling wrotemost of her Harry Potter books. It is no wonder that Edinburgh h olds a festival every year to provide “a

10、 platformfor the flowering of the human spirit”. 爱丁堡艺术节于 1947 年首次举办。从 8 月到 9 月初有几个节日。这些节日的集合通常被称为“爱丁堡节” 。所以爱丁堡艺术节实际上是由许多不同的节日组成的。它们是爱丁堡国际艺术节、爱丁堡国际图书节、爱丁堡爵士与蓝调节、爱丁堡国际电影节等等。爱丁堡国际图书节是世界上最大的图书节之一。爱丁堡是世界上第一个被联合国教科文组织列为“文学之都”的城市,有着悠久的文学和艺术历史。J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling)的哈利波特 (Harry Potter)系列小说大部分都是在伦敦完成的。难怪爱丁堡每年都

11、会举办“人类精神开花的平台” 。During the festivals, Edinburgh becomes very lively and noisy. One can see posters one very public wall. Thenumber of people in Edinburgh could reach a million. The city is full of actors, artists, dancers, comedians, streetperformers, musicians, magicians and tourists.每逢节日,爱丁堡都会变得热闹

12、而喧闹。人们可以在一面非常公开的墙上看到海报。爱丁堡的人口可能达到一百万。这个城市到处都是演员、艺术家、舞者、喜剧演员、街头表演者、音乐家、魔术师和游客。Today, the Edinburgh Festival has become one of the worlds largest and most famous art parties. Andaccording to Guinness World Records, it is the worlds biggest art festival.如今,爱丁堡艺术节已成为世界上规模最大、最著名的艺术派对之一。根据吉尼斯世界纪录,这是世界上最大的

13、艺术节。阅读 1My Cousin Is a Star我的表弟是明星Tina is chatting online with her friend Kim. 蒂娜正在网上和她的朋友金姆聊天。Tina:Tina: Do you remember my cousin Beth? 蒂娜:你还记得我表姐贝丝吗?Kim:Kim: Is she the one that is a really good singer? 金:她是一个很好的歌手吗?Tina:Tina: Yes, she is a fantastic singer. She has won lots of competitions and a

14、lways gets a star part in schoolmusicals. Well, she decided to go to thePop Idol auditions and asked me to go with her. 蒂娜:是的, 她是个很棒的歌手。 她赢得了很多比赛, 总是在学校音乐剧中得到一个明星角色。 她决定去参加 流行偶像 的海选,还邀请我和她一起去。Kim:Kim: What happened? 金:发生了什么事?Tina:Tina: Well, the auditions wee In London and we had to get there very e

15、arly. There were hundreds of peoplewaiting. We had to wait hours, but it was good fun. We were all very excited when we saw the judges arrive.蒂娜:嗯,海选在伦敦举行,我们得很早去那里。有几百人在等着。我们得等几个小时,但很有趣。当我们看到评委到达时,我们都很兴奋。Kim:Kim: What happened to Beth?金:贝丝怎么了?Tina:Tina: First she had to sing for some people who deci

16、ded if you were good enough or not to go in front of thejudges. They said she was.蒂娜:首先她要为一些人唱歌, 这些人会决定你是否足够好, 不能在评委面前表演。他们说是的。Kim:Kim: Was she nervous?金:她紧张吗?Tina:Tina: Not really. She loves singing and she is very confident. I was the nervous one! When she was waitingto see the judges, I was waiti

17、ng with her and we were interviewed for TV!蒂娜:不是。她喜欢唱歌,她很自信。我才是那个紧张的人!当她等着看评委的时候,我和她一起等着,我们要接受电视采访!Kim:Kim: Thats cool. What did they ask? 金:那很酷。他们问了什么?Tina:Tina: They asked where I was from and what I thought about Beth. I hope it can be shown on TV . 蒂 娜 :他们问我来自哪里,以及我对贝丝的看法。我希望它能在电视上播出。Kim:Kim: So

18、 what happened in the audition?金:试镜的时候发生了什么?Tina:Tina: They told her she had a great voice and looked good too. I was jumping with joy. Now she has to gofor more auditions. If she gets through them, she will be in the television programme!蒂娜:他们告诉她, 她的声音很好,看起来也很好。我高兴得跳了起来。现在她必须参加更多的试镜。如果她通过了考试,她就能上电视

19、节目了!Kim:Kim: So is Beth excited?金:贝丝很兴奋吗?Tina:Tina:Very excited, but I think Im more excited than she is! I cant wait to see her on TV .蒂娜:非常兴奋, 但我想我比她更兴奋!我等不及要在电视上看到她了。阅读 2Tiny Trees极小的树Bonsai is a Japanese word that means “potted trees” . Bonsai are not special small species of trees. They areregu

20、lar full-size trees, but grown in pots and trimmed to keep small over time. While all bonsai are smaller thanfull-grown trees, they come in different sizes. Some can be held in your hand, while others are so big that youcant move them by yourself.盆景是一个日语单词,意思是“盆栽树” 。盆景并不是特别小的树种。它们是正常大小的树,但生长在花盆里,并经过

21、长期修剪以保持较小。虽然所有的盆景都比成熟的树木要小,但它们的大小各不相同。有些可以拿在手里,有些大到你一个人动不了。A good bonsai tells a story. Different styles of bonsai are meant to look like trees growing in strong winds, oncliffs or in other natural settings. Bonsai grown from flowering bushes can look like trees in spring.好 的 盆 景 会讲故事。不同风格的盆景看起来像是在强

22、风中生长的树木,在悬崖或其他自然环境中生长的树木。从开花的灌木中生长出来的盆景看起来像春天的树木。A bonsai starts out with a small tree or cutting that has grown its own roots. Wires are wrapped around livingbranches to train them to grow into interesting shapes. The wires stay on for a few months until the shape holds.Bonsai artists use scissors,

23、 clamps and other small tools to shape the branches. Oncea tree is shaped, its movedinto a pot. The bonsai artist carefully chooses a pot that will look just right with the finished tree. The pot is filledwith special soil to keep the roots healthy.一个盆景开始于一棵小树或切割有自己的根。电线缠绕在活树枝上,训练它们长成有趣的形状。电线会在上面停留几

24、个月,直到形状固定下来。盆景艺术家用剪刀、夹子和其他小工具塑造树枝。一旦一棵树成型,就会被放入盆景中。盆景艺术家会仔细地选择一个盆景,这个盆景看起来和完成的树正好相配。花盆里装满了特殊的土壤,以保持根的健康。Most bonsai like to live outdoors. They are real, living trees and need plenty of sun and rain. Many also needa cold season to stay healthy. But bonsai grown from tropical trees need to come indoo

25、rs for the winter. 大 多 数盆景都喜欢生活在户外。它们是真正的活树,需要大量的阳光和雨水。许多人也需要寒冷的季节来保持健康。但是,热带树木种植的盆景需要在冬季进入室内。It can take many years to train a bonsai into just the right shape. Since they are living, growing plants, bonsaiare never finished. They need daily care to stay healthy and keep looking their best. Some ca

26、n live for hundreds ofyears.把盆景训练成合适的形状可能需要很多年。因为它们是活的、生长的植物,盆景永远不会完成。他们需要日常护理来保持健康,保持最佳状态。有些可以活几百年。Although bonsai is a Japanese word, the art of growing these tiny trees first appear in China, where it iscalled penjing. The main difference between bonsai and penjing is that bonsai is used to talk

27、about just trees whilepenjing can be trees or small models of landscapes with rocks, trees and figures.虽然盆景是一个日语单词,但这种种植小树的艺术最早出现在中国,在那里它被称为“盆景” 。盆景和盆景的主要区别在于盆景只用来谈论树,而盆景可以是树,也可以是由岩石、树木和人物组成的山水小模型。阅读 3The Glass Ocean玻璃的海洋The little brown octopus in the museum looks ready to uncurl its tentacles and

28、swim away. But this octopusisnt going anywhere. Its made of glass.博物馆里的这只棕色的小章鱼看起来准备展开它的触手,游开了。但这只章鱼哪儿也不去。它是玻璃做的。Nearby cases are filled with life-like jellyfish, sea worms, sponges and coralsall crafted out of glass. Thereis even some glass seaweed. Who made all these creatures? And why?附近的箱子里装满了栩栩

29、如生的水母、海蠕虫、海绵和珊瑚都是用玻璃制作的。 甚至还有一些玻璃海藻。是谁创造了这些生物? 为什么?The story of the glass octopus began in 1822, when Leopold Blaschka was born to a family of glass makersin what is now the Czech Republic. The Blaschka family were skilled workers in decorative glass. 玻 璃 章 鱼 的故事始于 1822 年,当时利奥波德布拉施卡(Leopold Blaschka

30、)出生在现在的捷克共和国的一个玻璃制造商家庭。布拉施卡一家是装饰玻璃的熟练工人。Leopold was talented in glassmaking and became a master glassmaker. Then he took trip to America. On thelong sea journey, Leopold was amazed at the delicate jellyfish and other sea creatures he could see in the water.They looked like living glass. He wanted to

31、 see if he could capture their beauty in a more permanent form.利奥波德在玻璃制造方面很有天赋,后来成为玻璃制造大师。然后他去了美国。在漫长的海上旅行中,利奥波德对水中纤弱的水母和其他海洋生物感到惊讶。它们看起来就像活生生的玻璃。他想看看能否以更永久的形式捕捉到它们的美。After his trip, Leopold got married and made some glass orchids for his own amusement. Soon a localmuseum asked him to make glass flo

32、wers and sea creatures for its displays. In the days before computers orvideos, glass models were often used to teach students about ocean life. Glass corals and sea slugs didnt needfood or fancy aquariums. Leopold studied scientific drawings and living plants and animals to make sure that hisglass

33、models were scientifically accurate.旅行结束后,利奥波德结了婚,做了一些玻璃兰花自娱自乐。不久,当地的一家博物馆请他制作玻璃花和海洋生物用于展览。在电脑和视频出现之前,玻璃模型经常被用来教授学生有关海洋生物的知识。玻璃珊瑚和海蛞蝓不需要食物或花哨的水族馆。利奥波德研究了科学图纸和活的动植物,以确保他的玻璃模型在科学上是准确的。Leopolds son Rudolf became a glassmaker too. Together, father and son made models for museums andschools all over the

34、world.利奥波德的儿子鲁道夫也成为了一名玻璃工匠。父子俩一起为世界各地的博物馆和学校制作模型。From 1863 to 1936, the Blaschkas made thousands of glass models of plants and sea creatures. Many are stillaround. The models are so accurate that modern scientists have used them to look for disappeared species and geta picture of the oceans 100 year

35、s ago.从 1863 年到 1936 年,布拉施卡夫妇制作了数千个植物和海洋生物的玻璃模型。现在还有很多。这些模型非常精确,以至于现代科学家们用它们来寻找消失的物种,并获得了100 年前海洋的照片。阅读 4Benjamin Franklins Musical Invention本杰明富兰克林的音乐发明Benjamin Franklin did lots of interesting things in his life-published newspapers, studied electricity, started arevolution, etc. But here is about

36、 his favourite inventionthe glass armonica! 本杰明富兰克林一生中做了很多有趣的事情出版报纸、研究电力、发起一场革命等等。但这是他最喜欢的发明玻璃琴!Have you ever rubbed a wet finger around the rim of a glass? If you do it just right, it makes a pure, loud tone.你曾用湿手指在玻璃杯边缘上擦过吗?如果你做得恰到好处,它会发出纯净响亮的音调。On a visit to London, Franklin went to an unusual co

37、ncert of music played on glasses. He loved the sound!And it gave him an idea for a new instrument.在一次访问伦敦的时候,富兰克林去听了一场不寻常的用眼镜演奏的音乐会。他喜欢这种声音!这让他想到了一种新乐器。Franklin completed his glass armonica in 1761.He had a glassmaker make a set of glass bowls of differentsizes, with a hole in the middle of each. An

38、 iron rod ran through the holes. The rod was attached to a wheel, whichwas turned by a foot pedal. Pressing the foot pedal made the bowls spin, and touching the bowls with wet fingersproduced the musical sounds.富兰克林在 1761 年完成了他的玻璃琴。他让一个玻璃工匠做了一套不同大小的玻璃碗,每个碗的中间都有一个洞。一根铁棒从洞里钻了出来。杆连接在一个轮子上,轮子由脚踏板转动。踩下踏板

39、使碗旋转,用湿手指触摸碗产生音乐的声音。The instrument was an instant hit in Europe. People loved it. Famous composers, such as Mozart andBeethoven, wrote music for it. Even the queen of France bought one. And Franklin spent many happy hoursplaying his armonica with family and friends. He once said that “of all my inve

40、ntions, this has given me thegreatest satisfaction”.这种乐器在欧洲一炮走红。人们喜欢它。著名的作曲家,如莫扎特和贝多芬,都为它写过音乐。连法国女王都买了。富兰克林与家人和朋友一起演奏他的口琴,度过了许多快乐的时光。他曾经说过:“在我所有的发明中,这个给了我最大的满足。 ”But musical fashions changed. Music was moving out of the relatively small halls of Mozarts day into thelarge public concert halls of the

41、19th century, and without amplification it simply couldnt be heard. During thisperiod, musical instruments, like piano, were all redesigned to increase their volume. But there really wasnt anyway to make the armonica louder. So, by the 1820s, the glass armonica was nearly forgotten. 但是音乐的风格改变了。音乐从莫扎

42、特时代相对较小的音乐厅转移到 19 世纪的大型公共音乐厅,如果没有扩音器,人们根本听不到音乐。在这一时期,像钢琴这样的乐器都被重新设计以增加音量。但真的没有办法让琴的声音更大。所以,到了 19 世纪 20 年代,玻璃琴几乎被遗忘了。Amplification is of course no longer a problem, but even today there are only a dozen or so glass armonicaperformers in the world. 放大当然不再是一个问题,但即使在今天,世界上也只有十几个玻璃琴演奏家。阅读 5Ask a Conducto

43、r问指挥An orchestra brings together a wide variety of instruments to create one sound. Behind the music is theconductor, who directs the orchestra. Here is a short interview with Piotr Gajewski, who has conducted orchestrasaround the world.管弦乐队把各种各样的乐器组合在一起, 形成一种声音。 音乐的背后是指挥乐队的指挥。这是对曾在世界各地指挥管弦乐队的彼得加耶夫斯

44、基的简短采访。Q: What exactly does a conductor do?Q: What exactly does a conductor do?问: 指挥到底是做什么的?A:A: A conductor is often a historian. We often bring to life music that was composed long ago. We study thescore and then translate the composers intentions to musicians through arm motions. The conductors f

45、unction isalso to create a unified vision. We decide what the tempo should be, where to speed up or slow down, and what toemphasize. The conductor helps the orchestra play together.答:指挥家通常是历史学家。 我们经常把很久以前谱写的音乐赋予生命。我们学习乐谱,然后通过手臂动作将作曲家的意图传达给音乐家。指挥家的作用也是创造统一的视野。我们决定节奏应该是什么,在哪里加快或放慢,以及强调什么。指挥帮助管弦乐队一起演奏。

46、Q: How do you prepare before you work with the orchestra?Q: How do you prepare before you work with the orchestra?问:在与乐团合作之前, 你是如何准备的?A:A: There are different challenges when doing traditional music and newly composed music. I conduct both.The advantage with new music is the composer can give me ins

47、tructions in person. Most often with new music, norecording exists. I go over the score and come up with certain ideas on how it sounds. Then I work with thecomposer, and we make decisions on how it will come together. Were creating a new tradition.答:传统音乐和新创作的音乐面临着不同的挑战。我负责这两项工作。新音乐的优点是作曲家可以亲自给我指导。大

48、多数情况下,新音乐没有录音。我看了一遍乐谱,对它的声音提出了一些想法。然后我和作曲家一起工作,我们决定如何把它结合起来。我们正在创造一个新的传统。Q:Q: YouYou areare alsoalso a a visitingvisiting conductor.conductor. HowHow is is it it differentdifferent workingworking withwith otherother orchestrasorchestras versusversus youryourhome orchestra, the National Philharmonic?

49、home orchestra, the National Philharmonic?问:你也是来访的指挥。与其他管弦乐团合作与您的家庭管弦乐团国家爱乐乐团合作有什么不同?A:A: Its very different, both for the orchestra and for me. When Im a visiting conductor, its always a learningexperience for me. I could conduct a piece Ive done many times, but when Im working with new musicians,

50、theyhave their own approach. Very often, someone has a way of playing a piece thats not like anything I imagined,and they open my eyes to new possibilities. Its always pleasing to learn new ways. 答:对管弦乐队和我来说都很不一样。当我是一名来访的指挥家时,这对我来说总是一次学习的经历。我可以指挥一首我做过很多次的曲子, 但当我与新音乐家合作时, 他们有自己的方法。 很多时候, 有人有一种不同于我想象的演奏方式,他们让我看到了新的可能性。学习新方法总是令人愉快的。



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