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1、代词v1.人称代词人称代词、物主代词物主代词、反身代词、疑问代词、反身代词、疑问代词v2.it的用法的用法v3.区别不定代词区别不定代词一.人称代词v1.当说话者不清楚或没必要清楚对象的性别时,可以用It表示。vIts a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl?v2.人称代词也可用作为名词。vIts not a she; its a he.v3.没有谓语的句子中,人称代词常用宾格v-Glad to meet you!v-Me, too.v4.代词(they不分性别)指代已经提过的一些人或事vThe Browns phoned. Theyre coming rou

2、nd this eveningv用人称代词完成下列句子vv-Susan,go and join your sister cleaning the yard.v-Why _(为什么是我)? John is sitting there, doing nothingvvA new supermarket has just been opened. _(他们) are midweek special now.meThey物主代词v人称代词vIvYouvHe/ShevItvWevThey形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词MyYourHis/HerItsOurTheir名词性物主代词名词性物主代词MineY

3、oursHis/HersItsOursTheirs形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词=名词性物主代词名词性物主代词vThis is our classroom这是我们的教室(做名词的定语)vWould you mind my opening the windows?你介意我开窗户吗(做动名词的定语或被称为动名词的逻辑主语)v名词性物主代词还可与名词及of连用构成双重所有格:a/an/this/that/vThese/those/some/any/no/every/each/another.+名词+of+名词性物主代词vSome friends of mine will attend m

4、y partyv _(他的) father is an engineer.vThat car of _(我的) is always breaking down.v His dictionary is much thicker than_(你的)v I know each brother of_(她的)Hismineyourshers反身代词v1.作宾语v动宾:Tom taught himself Chinesev介宾:The boy is old enough to take care of himselfv2.作表语:She is not quite herself todayv3.作同位语

5、:I myself can repair the bike反身代词惯用语v(5.3第12页)for myself/of itself/in himself/to oneself/by myself/beside myselfvThe machine will start_ in a few seconds.vThe money _ meant nothing to them.vWhen I dine in a restaurant, I like a table_of itselfin itselfto myself疑问代词5.3第12页vWhat/who/which vWhatever/wh

6、oever/whichevervWhat on earth/who on earth/which on earthvHow many people are there in China?v_is the _ of China?vHow far is it from here to Beijing?v_is the distance from here to Beijing?WhatpopulationWhat二、it的用法v1.Its half pass two now.(时间)v2.Its 6 miles to the hospital.(距离)v3.Its very cold in the

7、 room.(温度)v4.A lovely day, isnt it?(天气)v从你家到学校有多远的路程?vHow far is it from your home to your school?v多美好的一天啊!vWhat a fine day it is!v指代前面所提到过的事情、失误、群体、想法、性别不明或被认为不重要的人或动物、未指明但谈话双方都明白的事情或情况。v-Ive broken a plate.v-It(=breaking the plate)doesnt matter.v我们没有足够的钱,但这不是什么大问题。vWe dont have enough money, but i

8、ts not a big problem.形式主语vIt not easy to learn a foreign language well.v劝他没用vIt is no use trying to persuade him.v众所周知,中国人口最多vIts well-known that China has the largest population in the world.It固定句型(见5.3第13页)区别不定代词Both/all/either/any/neither/none都任何都不二者botheitherNeither三者或三者以上allanynonevMr. Alcott r

9、efused to accept_(任何)of the three suggestions made by the students Union. vThere are many trees on _ side(=both sides)of the street.v_(都不)of the two cars is mine.v_(所有)horses are animals, but not _(所有)animals are horses.anyeitherNeitherAllallNone/nothing/nobody(no one)vNone:既可指人,也可指物。特指概念。常用于回答how m

10、any/much引导的疑问句。vNobody(no one):只能指人,常回答who引领的疑问句。vNothing:只能指物,常用于回答what引导的疑问句v(剩下的见5.3第14页)v用None,nothing,nobody(no one)填空v-How many people are there in the room?v-_v-Who is in the room?v-_v-Is there anyone in the room?v-_v-Is there any person in the room?v-_NoneNobody(no one)No oneNoneAny/everyany

11、everyNot anyNot every任何(3个或以上)每一个( 3个或以上)任何都不(全部否定)并非每个(部分否定)Each/every词性意义功能Every形容词3个或以上中的一个定语Each形容词、名词2个或以上中的一个主语、宾语、同位语、定语Each作同位语的时候,不影响谓语动词的单复数形式(5.3第14页)v用each/every填空vHe had a cut on _foot.v_child in the class passed the exam.v_of the houses is slightly different.vI asked all the children a

12、nd_ told a different story.eachEveryEacheach全部肯定、否定与部分否定v全部肯定:all/both/everyone/everybody/everything/every+名词v全部否定: no one/none/nobody/nothing/not.any/no+名词v部分否定:vnot+全部肯定、everywhere/always/altogethervWhile I agree with most of what you said, I dont agree with_vA. something B. anythingvC. everything

13、 D. nothing vI havent read_ of his books, but judging from one I have read, I think hell make a promising(有前途的) writer.vA. any B. nonevC. both D. either CCOne/another/the other/some/the others一个、一些另外一个、一些剩余的一个、一些单数One Another The other复数Some Others The others The other后只能加可数名词The rest of后既可加可数名词,也可不

14、可数名词vHe will drop in on(顺道拜访)_ day.vA. Some others B. AnothervC. other D. the rest BOne/ones/the one/the ones/that/thosevOne:前面出现过的泛指的单数名词vOnes:前面出现过的泛指的复数名词vThe one:前面出现过的特指的单数名词vThe ones:前面出现过的特制的复数名词vThat:前面出现过的的特指的单数名词或不可数名词vThose:有时可代替the ones(特别是后有后置定语)v用one/the one填空v-Why dont we take a littl

15、e break?v-Didnt we just have_?vMeeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure.oneonemany/much/few/little/a few/a little多少复数名词ManyFew不可数名词Much Little 肯定否定复数名词A few Few 不可数名词A little Little v用many/much/few/little/a few/a little填空v_(很多)people dont have _(很多)food.v_(很多)of the mistakes were just caused by carelessness.v_(很少)people can live to be 100years.vYou have done very _(很少)for me.vCome in and have _(一点)whisky.ManymuchManyFewlittlea little与不定代词构成的习惯搭配(见5.3第15页)



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