2019版高考英语大一轮复习 顺序法记词-7课件.ppt

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1、顺序法记词-701010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲powderprecise| pregnantprinciple | privatepulse | psychologistpurpose | pyramidqueue | randomrecipe | reflectreputation | rescuerhyme | riddlerigid | roughruin| saluteschedule | scratchsection | seizesetting | severeshelter | shrinksigh skepticalslide | slipsniff 高考词汇精练高考词

2、汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 单词活用IV. 介词填空V. 单句写作高考词汇精讲powderprecise powder/pa/pad d/ /例例 a bag of washing powderprecious/pre/pres/s/记记 precious价值的价值的宝贵的宝贵的例例 a precious gift同同valuablen.粉末粉末adj.宝贵的宝贵的precise/pr/prsasas/s/记记precise在前切在前切提前切提前切好的好的精确的精确的例例 precise measurementadj.精确的精确的pregnant

3、principle pregnant/pren/prennt/nt/记记pregnant余人余人多出一个人多出一个人怀孕的怀孕的例例 a pregnant womanprevious/pri/priv vs/s/记记previous前路的前路的以以前的路前的路以前的以前的例例 previous chaptersprinciple/pr/prnsnspl/pl/记记principle第一拿东第一拿东西西首先采取的东西首先采取的东西原则原则例例 stick to principlesadj.怀孕的怀孕的adj.以前的,前面的以前的,前面的n.原则原则privatepulse private/pra

4、/prav vt/t/记记 private单个的单个的私人的私人的例例in a private enterprise反反publicprivilege/pr/prv vl ld d/ /记记privilege单个人法律单个人法律法律给个人特别的权利法律给个人特别的权利特权特权adj.私人的私人的n.特权特权pulse/p/pls/ls/例例 feel sbs pulsen.脉搏脉搏psychologistpurpose psychologist/sa/sakkl ld dst/st/记记psycholog(y)ist心理学专门心理学专门家家例例 invite a psychologistpum

5、p/p/pmp/mp/例例 pump water up to the rice fieldspurpose/p/pp ps/s/记记purpose纯洁放置纯洁放置放到放到纯洁的位置纯洁的位置目的目的例例 on purposen.心理学家心理学家n.水泵水泵 v.用泵抽用泵抽n.目的,意图目的,意图pyramidqueue pyramid/p/pr rm md/d/例例 climb up a pyramid in Egyptquarter/kw/kwt t/ /记记谐音谐音“犯难事犯难事”资金是很多资金是很多企业企业犯难的事犯难的事资金资金例例 a quarter to ninen.金字塔金字塔

6、n.四分之一;季度;四分之一;季度;一刻钟一刻钟queue/kju/kju/ /例例stand in a long queue同同linen.队队randomrecipe random/rnd/rndm/m/记记 谐音谐音“乱蹬乱蹬”胡乱的胡乱的例例 throw things about at randomrapid/rp/rpd/d/记记发音像发音像rabbit,像兔子跑的一样,像兔子跑的一样“快快”例例 rapid development of economyrecipe/res/resp p/ /例例cook dishes according to recipen.胡乱胡乱 adj.胡乱

7、的胡乱的adj.迅速的迅速的n.菜谱菜谱reflectreputation reflect/r/rflekt/flekt/记记 reflect返回弯曲返回弯曲反射反射例例A drop of water can reflect sunshine.register/red/redstst/ /记记register回送东西回送东西留留下下记录记录登记登记例例 register at a schoolv.反射;反映反射;反映n.登记簿登记簿 v.登记登记reputation/ /repjrepjteten/n/记记reputation重复想重复想反反复想,得到名声复想,得到名声名声名声n.名声名声re

8、scuerhyme rescue/reskju/reskju/ /例例 rescue a dangerously sick patientresemble/r/rzembl/zembl/记记 resemble重复相像重复相像例例 resemble a former classmaterhyme/ra/ram/m/例例 write poems in rhymevt./n.抢救抢救vt.与与相似相似n.押韵;押韵的词押韵;押韵的词riddlerigid riddle/r/rdl/dl/例例 answer a simple riddleridiculous/r/rddkjulkjuls/s/记记ri

9、diculous笑的多笑的多可可笑的笑的例例 Mikes ridiculous responsen.谜语谜语adj.可笑的可笑的rigid/r/rd dd/d/例例 a rigid man with rigid ideasadj.刻板的刻板的roughruin rough/r/rf/f/例例ride a tricycle on a rough road反反smoothroyal/r/rl/l/例例 visit the royal familyruin/ru/run/n/例例ruin ones reputation as a superstaradj.粗糙的;表面不平的粗糙的;表面不平的adj.

10、皇家的皇家的vt.毁掉毁掉saluteschedule salute/s/slulut/t/例例salute a five-star red flag every morningscan/skn/skn/例例 scan the two lungsvt.向向致敬致敬vt.扫描;扫视扫描;扫视schedule/edjuedjul/l/例例set a prehensive schedule for reforms同同timetablen.时间表时间表scratchsection scratch/skrt/skrt/ /例例 scratch the back of ones headsculpture

11、/sk/sklptlpt/ /记记 sculpture雕刻物品雕刻物品例例display numerous stone sculpturessection/sek/sekn/n/记记 section切断东西切断东西节节例例 repeat the last sectionvt.抓痒抓痒n.雕刻;雕刻品雕刻;雕刻品n.(书、文章的书、文章的)节,段;节,段;部分部分seizesetting seize/si/siz/z/例例 seize the collar of a pickpocketseminar/sem/semnn/ /记记seminar种子地方种子地方传播思传播思想想种子的地方种子的地方

12、研讨会研讨会例例 attend a seminarvt.抓住抓住n.研讨会研讨会setting/set/set/ /记记 set(t)ing落下地方落下地方背景背景例例 find a favorable settingn.背景;落下背景;落下severeshelter severe/s/svv/ /例例 e under severe criticismshabby/bb/ /记记谐音谐音“闪避闪避”有人看见穿有人看见穿着破烂的乞丐就闪避着破烂的乞丐就闪避例例 a shabby gownshape/ /e ep/p/例例 diverse colours and shapesadj.严厉的严厉的a

13、dj.衣服破烂的衣服破烂的n.形状形状shelter/eltelt/ /例例 take shelter from rainn.躲避所躲避所shrinksigh shrink/ /r rk/k/例例The cloth will shrink a little after being washed several times.shuttle/tl/tl/例例 go to and from work by shuttlev.缩小;退缩缩小;退缩n.(两点之间往返的两点之间往返的)班车班车/班机;梭子班机;梭子sigh/sa/sa/ /例例sigh about ones past frustratio

14、nsvt./n.叹息叹息skepticalslide skeptical/skept/skeptkl/kl/例例 be skeptical about the test resultslice/sla/slas/s/例例 small slices of tomatoesslide/sla/slad/d/例例 slide down a steep slopeadj.怀疑的怀疑的n.片,切片片,切片v./n.滑动滑动slipsniff slip/sl/slp/p/例例 slip down on banana peelslogan/sl/sl n/n/记记谐音谐音“似楼高似楼高”挂得和楼一挂得和楼一

15、样高样高标语标语例例 put up a sloganvi./n.滑倒滑倒n.标语,口号标语,口号sniff/sn/snf/f/例例 sniff a cigarettev.嗅嗅I. I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ adj.宝贵的宝贵的2_ adj.以前的,前面的以前的,前面的3_ n.原则原则4_ n.特权特权5_ n.目的,意图目的,意图6_ n.队队7_ adj.迅速的迅速的8_ v.反射;反映反射;反映9_ n.名声名声10_ n.抢救抢救11_ vt.毁掉毁掉12_ n.时间表时间表13_ vt.抓住抓住14_ adj.严厉的严厉的15_ adj.衣服破烂

16、的衣服破烂的16_ n.形状形状preciouspreviousprincipleprivilegepurposequeuerapidreflectreputation rescueruinscheduleseizesevereshabbyshapeII. II. 写出单词的正确含义写出单词的正确含义1powder n_2precise adj. _3pregnant adj. _4private adj. _5pulse n_6psychologist n_7pyramid n_8quarter n_9random n./adj. _10recipe n_11resemble vt. _12

17、rhyme n_13riddle n_14ridiculous adj. _15rigid adj. _16rough adj. _ 粉末粉末 精确的精确的 怀孕的怀孕的 私人的私人的 脉搏脉搏 心理学家心理学家 金字塔金字塔四分之一;季度;四分之一;季度;一刻钟一刻钟 胡乱;胡乱的胡乱;胡乱的 菜谱菜谱 与与相似相似 押韵;押韵的词押韵;押韵的词 谜语谜语 可笑的可笑的 刻板的刻板的 粗糙的;表面不平的粗糙的;表面不平的II. II. 写出单词的正确含义写出单词的正确含义17royal adj. _18salute vt. _19scan vt. _20scratch vt. _21scul

18、pture n_22section n_23seminar n_24shrink v_25shuttle n_26sigh vi./n. _27skeptical(sceptical) adj. _28slice n_29slide v./n. _30slip vi./n. _31slogan n_32sniff v_ 皇家的皇家的 向向致敬致敬扫描;扫视扫描;扫视 抓痒抓痒 雕刻;雕刻品雕刻;雕刻品 (书、文章的书、文章的)节,段;部分节,段;部分 研讨会研讨会 缩小;退缩缩小;退缩 (两点之间往返的两点之间往返的)班车班车/班机;梭子班机;梭子 叹息叹息 怀疑的怀疑的 片,切片片,切片 滑

19、动滑动 滑倒滑倒 标语,口号标语,口号 嗅嗅III. III. 单词活用单词活用1Using these same _(原则原则), scientists could theoretically detect oceans on distant exoplanets as well.2He is said to have resigned and to be teaching in a _ (私人的私人的) school recently.3China enjoys a good _(名声名声)for its beautiful scenery.4During World War ,when

20、London was bombed, many underground stations functioned as _(避难所避难所)5Instead of shouting empty _ (口号口号), it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need.principlesprivatereputationsheltersslogansIV. IV. 介词填空介词填空1Previous _ leaving for France, he studied a lot about the cou

21、ntry.2Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _ purpose.3There are many students standing _ a queue to wele the old soldier.4You should set aside some time to reflect _ your successes and failures.5Tom rescued a boy _ the river on his way home.tooninon/uponfromIV. IV. 介词填空介词填空6With ti

22、me going on, the castle which once was very beautiful is now pletely _ ruins.7No matter what happened, I tried to finish my task _ schedule. Luckily, with my teachers timely help, I managed to finish it ahead of time.8I arrived at the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape _ maple leaves.i

23、nonofV. V. 单句写作单句写作1能和他交朋友真是荣幸之至。能和他交朋友真是荣幸之至。(It is a privilege to)2从那时起,数学就成为我特别喜爱的学科之一,而且我在数学上进步也很快。从那时起,数学就成为我特别喜爱的学科之一,而且我在数学上进步也很快。(make rapid progress in)3抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。(seize)It is a privilege to make friends with him.Since then, maths has bee one of my favorite subjects, and I have also made rapid progress in maths.Seize the chance, otherwise youll regret it.



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