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1、English Writing IVLecture ThreeNote WritingNote Writing便条写作便条写作SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEETTWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your classmate. Jimmy, is head of the universitys swimming club. He has invited you to join the club, but you like some ot

2、her sport. Write him a note, declining his invitation and explaining why.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Section BNote- WritingNote-Writing便条写作便条写作: 满分为10分。评分标准主要参照该文是否格式完整,结构合理,内容表达清楚,行文连贯,能否实现应用文的交际功能等方面。Layout of Notes:日期日期(Date)称谓称谓(salutation),内容内容(B

3、ody)署名署名(Complimentary close)Basic Requirements1、Correct in form:-Correct arrangement or organization of relevant information;Date ;Salutation;Details;The complimentary close;Signature;punctuation;Observe the model notes2、Complete in content:-Understanding the instructions;Understanding the situatio

4、n;Covering the gist/main points;Dictation of some model notes;3、Appropriate in language:-Is the note quite formal, informal or colloquial in language?-Use different styles on different occasions and display your ability to use language appropriately;-Avoid grammatical errors;-Ensure that no difficul

5、ty is experienced by the reader.I.格式格式1. 日期日期: 正确的写法: June 24th, 2003/ June 10,2003/ June 24th/June 24, 6/24/2003, 24/6/2003, 位置在右上角.2. 称呼称呼: 正确的写法: Dear Jack, / Dear Jack: / Jack, /Jack: 位置在 日期下面一行左侧.3. 结尾结尾: 正确的写法: Yours sincerely, / Yours truly, /yours, /sincerely (Truly) yours, / Sincerely, Sall

6、y(注意此处不能用汉语拼音或打叉XXX) 位置在便条结尾的右下方.如果上述各项都按左对齐,不扣分.如:Dear Jack,I haveSincerely Yours,sallyII.内容内容按便条具体内容的各项功能给分. 以2002年的便条要求为例:You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.

7、本便条内容必须包括以下三项:1. Expressing your interest in it.2. Asking Jack about its condition.3. Offering a price for it.缺内容扣分; 语言表达较差扣0.51.5; 拼写及语法错误超过3个的扣一分.Notes-writing评分标准:评分标准:1格式不对扣1分2超字数或字数达不到扣1分3语法、拼写错误3个扣1分。 主要内容是否交待清楚占最大比重。造成错误的原因造成错误的原因1不写日期或日期格式不对,很多学生习惯将它写在右下方。2署名后不应该有任何标点符号,而很多学生习惯点上句号。3结束语与署名写在

8、一行。4Yours写成Your语言不得体,比如,对于很随便的情景,使用很正式的词。Back注意注意:1、便条的时间;2、写便条者与收便条者之间的关系;3、情景的正式程度。根据情景确定适当的称呼和署名,确定所用语言的语体。4、仔细检查格式是否正确,内容表达是否清楚,用词是否准确得体,句子结构是否符合语法。BackTypes of Notes1. Declining an Invitation2. Passing Information3. Asking for Information4. Taking Leave5. Asking for Help6. Asking for Permission

9、7. Expressing Regrets8. Expressing Congratulation9. Expressing Good Wishes10. Making Complaints11. Other typesBackCommon Types of Notes1. Declining an InvitationTask:You received a note from your sister dorm room inviting all your roommates to see a film next Wednesday afternoon in Youhao Cinema. Bu

10、t you cant go. Write a note of about 50-60 words telling them you cant go and explaining the reason.Key Note: (1) Thanks; (2) Reasons; (3) ApologySampleSample:Apr. 6Dear Everyone, We cant thank you enough for the invitation to see the film. However, next Wednesday is not a good time for us because w

11、e are going to take part in our schools drama contest. Could we make it some other time? We are really sorry for not being able to go. Yours, Wang Lingling(On behalf of all)要点分析:1.这是写给同龄人的,语气和文体都不必太正式.2.内容包括: (1) 感谢邀请, (2) 陈述不能去的理由, (3) 表示抱歉.3. 不必提出另一次约会的时间,因为写作任务里并没有要求. 多写还可能出没必要的错.Back2. Passing I

12、nformationTask:You received a telephone message from an assistant working at the computer center asking your roommate Bob / Jane to claim his/her lost electronic dictionary tomorrow. Write a note passing the information.Key Note: (1) source of the information, (2) ContentSampleSample:Feb. 19Dear Jan

13、e, I took a telephone message for you just now while you were at the library. Peter James, the assistant at the computer center, said that someone had turned in your electronic dictionary and told you to pick it up to morrow at 10:30 in Room 303. Remember to take your ID card with you. Yours, Marily

14、n要点分析:1. 这是给同学的便条,语气和格式不必正式.2. 内容应包括: (1) 如何知道该消息的, (2) 要你转告什么, (3) 在何处,什么时间,找谁以及还需要带什么证件去取.3. 写清如何去取是重点.Back3. Asking for Information:Task:You hear that the Student union wants some volunteers to work during the summer vacation. Write to Bonnie Insul who is in charge of it asking for further inform

15、ation.Key Note: (1) Theme (the topic sentence in the task); (2) information want to know; (3) your way of contact; (4) Thanks. sampleSample:May 28thDear Ms. Insul, I know that the student Union wants some volunteers to work during the summer vacation. Would you please tell me some detailed informati

16、on (such as the kind of job, the length of the work, the starting date, and any specific requirements of the work, etc.) so that I can decide whether I should apply for it or not? Please drop a note in Mailbox 2365. Thank you very much for the help. Sincerely Yours, Liu Xiaoming要点分析:1. 收条人是你不认识的人,所以

17、语气和格式都要正式.2. 内容应包括: (1) 主题(第一句话); (2) 需要了解的工作的细节,如什么样的工作,干多长时间,等等; (3) 你的联系方式; (4) 致谢3. 此类寻求信息的便条内容越具体越好.Back4. Taking Leave:Task: You have to send your roommate Peter / Jane who is running a high fever this morning to the hospital, so you cant have this mornings reading class. Write a note of about

18、 60 words to your teacher Mr. Chen explaining the reason for your absence of the class. Key Note: (1) Ask for a leave; (2) Reasons; (3) ApologysampleSample: Jan. 6Dear Professor Chen, I am sorry that I cant attend this mornings reading class because I have to take Jane to the hospital. She is runnin

19、g a high fever and cant possibly go by herself. I will try to make up todays lesson by consulting the other students notes when we come back. Yours sincerely, Lin Jing要点分析:1. 这是学生写给老师的请假条,语气和格式都应正式.2. 内容应包括: (1) 你要请假; (2) 原因; (3) 致歉3. 补上课的内容为附加内容,有了更好.Back5. Asking for HelpTask:Upon graduation, you

20、are determined to go abroad for further study. When you got the application forms from the chosen universities, you need some recommendation letters. Write a note to ask Professor Yang for it.Key Note: (1) Your situation/difficulty; (2) Ask for help; (3) ThankssampleSample:May 8, 2003Dear Professor

21、Yang, Ive been lucky to be one of your students during my fourth year. Both your lectures and personality have inpressed me greatly. I decided to go to America to work for a master degree. Since you enjoy reputation both at home and abroad, Ill be obliged if you would spare some time to write me a r

22、ecommendation letter. Ill be more confident than ever with your kindness and encouragement. Very sincerely yours, Wu Yu要点分析: 1. 这是写给老师的便条,所以语气要客气委婉,格式要正式.2. 内容应包括: (1) 背景介绍“我是谁”, 我出国求学的原因,我对收件人的仰慕“恰倒好处; (2) 提出要求; (3) 表明盼望的心情和谢意.3. 为了促成事情的圆满解决,适度地强化内容也是必要的.这则便条的最后一句就起到了事半功倍的作用.Back6. Asking for Permi

23、ssionTask:You have to borrow your roommates lunchbox because your former classmate has come to visit you and you are going to have lunch together. As Xinrong is out shopping and wont be back for lunch, you just take hers/his. Leave a note telling her/him about it.Key Note: (1) What you want to do; (

24、2) Ask for permission; (3) ThankssampleSample:22/10/2003Dear Xinrong, I have to use your lunch box this noon because I have a visitor. Since you wont be back for lunch Ill simply take yours. I will return it to you as soon as I finish eating. If this causes any inconvenience to you, I feel terribly

25、sorry. Yours, Wu Peng要点分析:1. 便条是写给同学的,所以不必刻意讲究.2. 内容应包括: (1) 你要做什么, (2) 请求允许和原谅, (3) 致谢3. 在物品的主人不在时, 需要使用他的东西应急是我们时常遇到的情况,留个便条说明一下显得礼貌,所以最后一句的语气应该正式一点.Back7. Expressing Regrets Task:Your middle school classmate who is in another university in the same city came to visit you last Saturday, but you we

26、re not in. write a note of about 60 words expressing your regrets on having missed seeing him/her and give certain reason.Key Note: (1) Explain reasons; (2) express regrets; (3) your way of making up for it.SampleSample:Jan. 21, 2004Dear Xiao Ming, It was very kind of you to come to see me last Satu

27、rday. It happened that the English Department held a lecture on how to improve oral English and all the English majors were required to attend. What a pity that I didnt see you! Shall we meet next Sunday? Id like to visit you and your university. Ill call you before I go. Yours, Lily要点分析:1. 这是一个写给朋友

28、的便条.要求中没有给出姓名的情况下,必须加上姓名.2. 内容必须包括: 表示感谢,解释原因,表示遗憾以及补救方式.3. 尽管朋友间的便条使用非正式语气,但应注意要真诚地表示遗憾.Back8. Expressing CongratulationYou watched the basketball game between the sophomores and the juniors. The sophomores team where your friend Jim is in won the game. Write a note to congratulate him.Key Note: (1

29、) source of the news; (2) your reaction and congratulationsampleSample:Apr. 4, 2003Dear Jim, Congratulations to you and your team! I watched the game yesterday and was glad to see that you helped your team beat the juniors badly. You behaved extremely well and I thought you could win the Best Athlet

30、e if there were such a reward. I will support you and your team as ever. Yours, George要点分析:1. 这是一个写给朋友的便条,所以使用非正式语言表现朋友之间的亲密关系.2. 内容应包括: 得知消息的途径, 写便条人的反映以及表示祝贺.Back9. Expressing Good WishesTask:Your foreign teacher is leaving for his home country after teaching in your university for one year. Write

31、 a note expressing your good wishes to him/her.Key Note: (1) about the news; (2) express your good wishesSampleSample:Dec. 20, 2003Dear Prof. Smith, Ive heard that youve leaving for US the day after tomorrow. Ive learned a great deal from you over the past year and I feel sorry for not having had th

32、e chance to attend your class longer. Please accept my best wishes. I wish you a pleasant trip and a merry Christmas. Yours sincerely, Cathy要点分析:1. 这是一个写给老师的便条,所以语气和用词应显示尊敬.2. 内容必须包括: 得知离开的消息,依依不舍的感情及美好的祝愿.3. 语气和格式有点正式,但又不失亲近,表示祝愿要真诚.Back10. Making ComplaintsTask:A student, sally, who is living next

33、 door often plays records so loudly deep into the night. Write a note conveying your complaints.Key Note: (1) problem and complaint; (2) your suggestion/hope in solving the problem; (3)ThankssampleSample:Jan. 2, 2004Dear Sally, The final examination are coming and everyone is studying late at night.

34、 But fortunately Ive found it hard to sit down to work recently, because I have been disturbed by the loud noise made by your stereo. Will you turn it down so that it will not disturb others? Thank you. Yours, Jane要点分析:1. 这是一个非正式的便条.两人是关系比较密切的同学, 所以语言简洁直接.2. 内容必须包括: 导入抱怨的话题,提出不满,希望如何解决问题,作后表示感谢.3. 尽

35、管双方地位平等且关系密切,还应注意礼貌地表达不满,这样才容易被对方接受.BackOther Types of Notes(1)appointment:关键:定好约会的时间、地点Example :Feb.11thHelen,.Could we meet on Friday afternoon at 3 oclock at the school gate?Jane(2)Apology:关键:遵循以下步骤:道歉解释原因-(再一次道歉)。注意道歉的表达方式。July 3rdLily, Im terribly sorry I failed to meet you at the school gate y

36、esterday afternoon. I had one of the bike tires punctured on my way, and by the time I had the puncture mended and got to school, you must have given up hope and left. Do please forgive me.GeorgeUseful expressions:1. Im sorry that2. Im so/terribly/awfully/extremely/really sorry that3. I would like t

37、o express my apologies for4. I apologize for5. Forgive meing6. Please accept my apologies for(3)Sending Invitation:关键:写明时间、地点及活动内容Example :July 12thMr. & Mrs. Johnson, We should be very glad if you could come to dinner with us at our apartment at about 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sep. 21st. we look forward

38、 to seeing you. Lin & Wang(4)Inquiry:关键:注意请求的方式及语言要客气。Example:Aug. 1stDan, Please let me know as soon as possible what arrangements you have made. Thank you.TongUseful expressions:1. Could I2. ., Please/Please3. Will /Would/ Could you please4. I would like to5. I would be grateful if6. We would appr

39、eciateing7. I wonder if(5)Express Thanks: 关键:表达谢意的句型。Example :May 5thDear Mr. Shen, Im writing to tell you how grateful I am for your warm hospitality during my stay in your city. I enjoyed it greatly. Feng Useful Expression:1. Thank you very )so) much for / Many thanks for2. Im writing to thank you

40、 for3. Im writing to express my appreciation of4. It was most kind of you toBack历年试题历年试题(TEM4/97)You are Peter/ Mary. You had a party at your home recently but unintentionally neglected to invite a close friend of yoursVictoria. Write her a note apologizing for this and explaining how the mistake ca

41、me about. (TEM4/98) You are Mark or sally. You have got a ticket to a computer fair, but you now find that you are unable to go. Write a note to your friend, George, explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling him briefly how to get there. 历年试题历年试题(TEM4/99)Youve learned tha

42、t your friend Jimmy is ill these days. Write him a note expressing your concern, asking after his health and giving your best wishes.(TEM4/2000)Youve read on the notice board that the university library is looking for a part-time library assistant who can work at weekends. You think that your classm

43、ate , George, is a suitable person for this vacancy. Write him a note, telling him what you know about the vacancy and trying to persuade him to go for an interview.历年试题历年试题(TEM4/2001)Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher, Profess or Wang. Write him a note of apology

44、and make a request for another meeting. You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting. (TEM4/2002)You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.历年试题历年试题(TEM4/

45、2003)Your friend, Jane, has failed in the final exam, and is feeling very unhappy about it. Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement.(TEM4/2004)Your friend, Jane, has failed in the final exam, and is feeling very unhappy about it. Write a note to comfort her and give her some enco

46、uragement. BackExerciseWrite a note of about 50-60 words based on the followingsituation:Youhavereceivedabirthdaygiftfromafriendofyours.Writeanotetoacknowledgethegiftandexpressyourthanks.Markswillbeawardedforcontent,organization,grammarandappropriacy. SampleApril.5,2005DearLinda,Whatasurpriseitistog

47、etthebirthdaygiftfromyou.Imveryhappytohaveyourwishes.Andthegiftissopretty,thatIreally love it. In fact, Im going to give a birthday partytomorroweveningathome.Idlikeyoutocome.Thankyouagainforthegiftandyourgoodwishes.Yours,JennyBackWrite a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Yo

48、ur classmate, Jimmy, is head of the universitys swimming club。 He has invited you to join the club, but you like some other sport。 Write him a note, declining and explaining why。Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, and appropriateness. April 22, 2007Dear Jimmy Thank you for your

49、 invitation me to join the club. would like to go. But I dos swimming, and I can not it. So I think take part in some others sport. Thank you the same to you. Yours xxJimmy, I feel grateful for your invitation,. Swimming club is really something exiting. Especially, to work with you. But I think I h

50、ave to say sorry. You know, for a long time. I am interested in tennis and volliball. And, I have already gotten a great deal of reward and prize. I dont want to give them up. JaneApril 22, 2008 Dear Jimmy, Thank you so much for inviting me to join the swimm-ling club. Id like to but Im afraid I cannot. To learn tennis has long been my dream and the best tennis teacher will be leaving next year. So this is the last chance for me and I would like very much to Seize it. Best wishes. Yours, Tom



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