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1、Test before class单词拼写:1. You have to talk to him by body language because he is d_.2. Its a bad h_ to stay up late at night.3. The b_ used to keep the workers working over 20 hours without rest.4. If you study hard, you are sure to p_ the exam.5. To be h_, it was the worst book I have ever read.eafa

2、bbitossassonestTest before class1. 选花不仅要观其形还要闻其香。Flowers are chosen for their smell _ _ _ their look.2. 她正忙于她的家庭作业。 She _ _ _ her homework.3. 他习惯了每天早起。 He _ _ _ _ up early every day.4. 我们的世界处于危险中。 Our world is _ _5. 我们必须解决这个问题。 We have to _ _ the problem.aswellasisbusywith/doingis/getsusedtogettingi

3、ndangerdealwithThe passive voice中考语法专题复习中考语法专题复习Thepassivevoice被动语态被动语态增城区第二中学增城区第二中学 李桃忠李桃忠英语动词有两种英语动词有两种语态语态:主动主动语态和语态和被动被动语态。语态。以下情况要用以下情况要用被动语态被动语态。 1.当我们当我们不知道不知道谁是动作的谁是动作的实施者实施者时。时。 2.只需只需强调强调动作的动作的承受者承受者时。时。被动语态的主语是动作的承受者.Groups Competition 2看图及提示词,最快用主动语态句子回答问题的小组可以得1分。该小组可挑选另一组将该句变成被动语态句子,被

4、挑战成功小组可得1分。被挑战者无法答出则挑选下一组,下组成功者可得2分,依此类推。Come on! hitWhat happens to the dog?主动:被动:The cat hits the dog.The dog is hit by the cat.wash/dishesWhat does the cat do?主动:被动:The cat washes the dishes.The dishes are washed by the cat.clean/windowsWhat does the boy do?主动:被动:The boy cleans the windows.The wi

5、ndows are cleaned by the boy.有什么特点?The dog is hit by the cat.The dishes are washed by the cat.The windows are cleaned by the boy.被动语态结构:be + 过去分词(PP) + (by )The cat washes the dishes.主谓宾主谓宾(be+pp)are washedThe dishes(by the cat)主变被步骤:主变被步骤:1 1、找出主谓宾、找出主谓宾2 2、宾变主、宾变主, ,(主变宾,(主变宾,) )动词变结构动词变结构3 3、检查三个

6、一致性、检查三个一致性时态一致时态一致主谓一致主谓一致句型一致句型一致Groups Competition 2看图并把提示句子变成被动语态,最快的小组可以得1分。最快能根据句子归纳出该被动语态结构的小组可以得1分。them callrosesWe roses.themare calledThey 一般现在时: am/is/are + 过去分词cut the cake cutthe cakeWe was cut by us.The cake 一般过去时: was / were + 过去分词will catch the cat will catchthe catThedog will be cau

7、ght by the dog.The cat 一般将来时: 主+will/be going to +be+ 过去分词should cook the eggs should cookthe eggsWe should be cookedby us.The eggs含情态动词: 主+情态动词+be+过去分词have polluted the river have pollutedthe riverPeoplehave been polluted by people.The river 现在完成时: 主+have/has +been + 过去分词 时态:时态:1. 一般现在时:一般现在时:2.一般过

8、去时:一般过去时:3.一般将来时:一般将来时:4.含情态动词的被动语态:含情态动词的被动语态:5.现在完成时的被动语态:现在完成时的被动语态:被动语态被动语态结构:结构:be + 过去分词过去分词(P.P.) + (by+宾格宾格)am/is/are + p.p. was (were) + p.p.will (shall) /be going to + be + p.p.must (can, may等等) + be + p.p.have(has/had) + been + p.p. 做题技巧:做题技巧:1 1、选项出现被动语态,优先考虑被动、选项出现被动语态,优先考虑被动语语态。态。2 2、注

9、意主语与动词的关系:、注意主语与动词的关系: 主语为执行者,用主动主语为执行者,用主动语语态。态。 主语为承受者,用被动主语为承受者,用被动语语态。态。3 3、注意观察动词是及物还是不及物。、注意观察动词是及物还是不及物。 happen happen、take placetake place等无被动语态。等无被动语态。中考链接(语法选择)中考链接(语法选择)A: When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen presents in her bag, her parents were having supper at table with

10、lots of dishes. Jane 1 why they had supper so early. Her mother was excited, “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking.” Jane 2 by her. (2016从化区一模)( 1 ) A. ask B. asks C. asked D. was asked( 2 ) A. tell B. tells C. told D. was toldB: Just then, I understood what the saying “Giving is getting”

11、 really meant. Everyone in the world 1 help, everyone can offer help and everyone will 2 by showing kindness.(2016南沙区一模)南沙区一模)( 1 ) A. need B. needs C. needed D. is needed( 2 ) A. helps B. helped C. helping D. be helpedCDBD完成句子完成句子1.(2012广州广州)上周,怀特先生被邀请做了一个语言学习的上周,怀特先生被邀请做了一个语言学习的讲座。讲座。Lastweek,MrWh


13、randma.wasaskedwillbeplantedisplayedshouldbecooked/boiled Our new school library (1) _(build) last year. It (2) _(use) for 4 months. There are a number of books in it. But some rules (3) _ (should/ remember) before you go into it. First of all, bags (4) _(can/not/take)into the library. Secondly, the

14、 books (5)_ (should/ keep) clean during your stay. Thirdly, any noise (6) _(not/ allow) in the library. Whats more, four books (7) _(can/ borrow) at a time at most, and they(8) _(must/ return) on time. I think our new school library (9) _(love)by everyone soon.wasbuilthasbeenusedshouldberememberedsh

15、ouldberememberedcantbetakencantbetakenshouldbekeptisnotallowedcanbeborrowedmustbereturnedwillbeloved用括号中所给提示词的正确形式补全下面的文段。用括号中所给提示词的正确形式补全下面的文段。1.8年来,超过年来,超过5个字母的词只有个字母的词只有6个;个;2.被动语态的过去分词多为被动语态的过去分词多为ed结尾的。结尾的。年份年份0809101112131415被动被动must be wateredwas builtwere askedare cleanedwas invitedis played

16、will be plantedshould be cooked类型类型情态动词过去过去现在过去现在将来时情态动词猜猜猜猜2016年考点:年考点:近近8年中考被动年中考被动完成句子考点回顾完成句子考点回顾过去时被动语态过去时被动语态 was/ were +p.p.仅供参考哦!仅供参考哦!Talking:请使用被动语态,根据所给的情景和内容用请使用被动语态,根据所给的情景和内容用5句或以上的英语句子在句或以上的英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。秒钟内进行叙述。通知初三学生参加毕业晚会的有关活动适宜。通知初三学生参加毕业晚会的有关活动适宜。1. 晚会晚会(party)将在将在6月月19号晚号晚7点在礼堂

17、(点在礼堂(hall)举行。)举行。2.全校师生将被邀请出席(全校师生将被邀请出席(attend)晚会。晚会。 3.要求要求(ask)每个班级准备每个班级准备(prepare)一个节目一个节目 (show)4.要求每人给老师写一张卡片要求每人给老师写一张卡片(card). 5. 所有学生要求(所有学生要求(ask)穿校服()穿校服(school uniform )出)出席(席(attend)。)。你可以这样开头: Our school will have a party on June 19th. The partyHomework1. Finish the exercise on Stude

18、nts paper.2. Writing: write down the passage which you talked in the class in the passive voice by using the tips on Students paper. 写作步骤写作步骤1、先审题,确定主体时态、先审题,确定主体时态2、分析要点,要点要齐全、分析要点,要点要齐全3、确定要点的表达、确定要点的表达4、将要点扩充成句子、将要点扩充成句子5、根据上下文补充过渡的词或句子、根据上下文补充过渡的词或句子 6、用恰当的连接词或词组将句连成段、用恰当的连接词或词组将句连成段 7、将段连成篇、将段连

19、成篇 8、检查(单词拼写、主谓单复数一致、词组搭配得当、检查(单词拼写、主谓单复数一致、词组搭配得当、 动词时态、名词的数等)动词时态、名词的数等)中考作文评分标准:中考作文评分标准:内容内容6分,表达准确性分,表达准确性6分,流畅性分,流畅性3分分拓展:拓展:To use the Passive Voice Writing:你们学校有一个图书馆你们学校有一个图书馆(library)(library),里面有各种各里面有各种各样的书,样的书, 请请向你的同学介绍这个图书馆的规则向你的同学介绍这个图书馆的规则(rules)(rules), 尽可能多地使用被动语态尽可能多地使用被动语态,80词左右

20、,词左右,开头和结尾已给出。开头和结尾已给出。1、书、书包不允许(包不允许(allow)allow)带进带进(take into)(take into)图书馆图书馆 2、看书时保持安静看书时保持安静(keep quiet)(keep quiet) 3、每次可以借(每次可以借(borrow)borrow)4本书本书4、不能转借给、不能转借给(lend)(lend)别人别人5、要爱护好、要爱护好(take good care of)(take good care of)书本书本6、要按时还书、要按时还书(return)(return)Thereisalibraryinourschool.There

21、aremanykindsofbooksinit._Pleaserememberalltheserules.And before you go into it, there are some rules that need to be remembered. First of all, bags are not allowed to be taken into the library. Second, you should keep quiet during your reading.Third, four books can be borrowed every time, but they should not be lent to anyone else. Whats more, the books must be taken good care of, and they need to be returned on time.



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