2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The United Kingdom课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、Book 5Unit 2The United Kingdom语言点用法过关语言点用法过关1. convenience n.便利;方便;便利的事物;便利设施教材原句教材原句England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divid-ed roughly into three zones.在这四个国家中,英格兰最大,为了方便起见,它大致被分为了三个地区。语境应用语境应用单句填空单句填空If you are interested, please send an application email atyou

2、r earli-est convenience to Ms Chen at chenlaoshiaef. .If its convenient (convenience) for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.单句改错单句改错She selected it at convenience and I observed that it was also cheap.atforCamping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather,

3、and having dos without modern convenience.convenienceconveniences写作微练写作微练如果你们方便的话,欢迎加入我们学校的乒乓球队。(2017课标全国书面表达)Ifitisconvenientforyou, you are wele to join our school table tennis team.用法点拨用法点拨(1)for convenience为了方便起见at ones convenience在某人方便的时候(2)convenient adj.方便的;便利的It is convenient for sb. to do s

4、th.某人方便做某事If it is convenient for sb.如果对某人来说是方便的,(3)conveniently adv.方便地点津点津(1) convenience意为“便利,方便”时,为不可数名词;意为“便利的事物或设施”时,为可数名词(2) convenient作表语时,主语不能是表示人的名词或代词2. arrange v.安排;筹备;整理;排列;布置教材原句教材原句They had no time to arrange their own wedding.他们没有时间安排自己的婚礼语境应用语境应用语法填空语法填空So far everything for the con

5、ference to be held tomorrow hasbeenarranged (arrange). The chairman has arranged for the secretary to pick up the experts at the airport. Then I will arrange tomeet(meet) Professor Smith. All in all,all the arrangements(arrange) that we made go well.完成句子完成句子学校安排的这次活动为我们相互理解提供了一个很好的机会。(2016天津高考)The a

6、ctivity thattheschoolarrangedhas offered us a good opportuni-ty to understand each other. 写作微练写作微练我们将安排一些比赛来提高你打乒乓球的技巧。(2017课标全国书面表达)Wewillarrangesomematchestoimproveyourskillsinplayingtabletennis.用法点拨用法点拨(1)arrange sth. (for sb.)(为某人)安排某事arrange to do sth.安排去做某事arrange for.to do sth.安排去做某事arrange t

7、hat.安排(2)arrangement n.安排;约定;布置make arrangements for.为做安排点津点津表示“安排某人做某事”用arrange for sb. to do sth.,而不用arrange sb. to do sth.。3. delight n.快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜教材原句教材原句Her first delight was going to the Tower.她的第一件乐事是去参观伦敦塔。语境应用语境应用单句改错单句改错To my delighted, the first prize came to me.delighteddelightNo

8、wonder he got a good report. He took a great delight in studying.去掉去掉took后面的后面的a单句填空单句填空When the little girl saw the toys she clapped her handswith/in delight. I am very delighted totell (tell) you something about the college en-trance examination.同义句转换同义句转换To the delight of the fans, he performed e

9、xtremely well in the Olympic Games.(改为含what引导的主语从句的复合句)WhatdelightedthefanswasthatheperformedextremelywellintheOlympicGames.用法点拨用法点拨(1)take (great) delight in.以为乐with/in delight高兴地;愉快地让某人高兴的是delight sb. with sth.用某物使某人高兴delight in (doing) sth.以为乐(2)delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的be delighted at/by.对感到高兴be del

10、ighted to do sth.乐意做某事4. attract v.吸引,引起注意教材原句教材原句It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not at-tract visitors.很遗憾这些建于19世纪的工业城市没能吸引游客。语境应用语境应用单句填空单句填空Toattract(attract)more consumers, many online shops provide great dis-counts on Singles Day.One of the main attrac

11、tions(attract)of the job is the high salary.完成句子完成句子This place is so beautiful that many tourists areattractedhere every year.这个地方如此美丽以至于每年都会有很多游客被吸引到这儿来。写作微练写作微练这次摄影展已经吸引了很多人的注意。(2016课标全国书面表达)Thisphotographyshowhasattractedmanypeoplesattention.用法点拨用法点拨(1)attract sb. to把某人吸引到attract ones attention吸引

12、某人的注意(2)attraction n.吸引(力);具有吸引力的人(或事物)(3)attractive adj.有吸引力的,诱人的be attractive to sb.对某人有吸引力(4)distract v.使(人)分心,分散(注意力)1. consist of 由组成 教材原句教材原句How many countries does the UK consist of?英国是由几个国家组成的?语境应用语境应用单句改错单句改错Listening is thus active, not passive, behavior consisted of hearing, un-derstandin

13、g and remembering.consistedconsisting一句多译一句多译生活中不仅有阳光,也有艰难的日子。Lifesunshine and hard times.consistsofismadeupofisposedof生活中不仅有阳光,也有艰难的日子。Lifesunshine and hard times.Not only sunshine but also hard times makeup life.写作微练写作微练泰山的美在于它迷人的风景和丰富的文化。 (2017北京书面表达)The beauty of Mount Taiconsists/liesinitscharm

14、ingsceneryandrichculture.consistsofismadeupofisposedof用法点拨用法点拨consist in(=lie in) 在于,存在于由组成make up组成点津点津consist of不能用于被动语态和进行时态;其现在分词形式可在句中作定语。类似的短语还有:take place(发生);date back to(追溯到);belong to(属于)等。2. divide.into.把分成教材原句教材原句England can be divided into three main areas.英格兰可以划分为三个主要地区。语境应用语境应用语法填空语法填

15、空After separating the good apples fromthe bad ones, the boy di-vided the good ones intopieces and then divided them amonghis friendsdivided(divide)into three groups. Half an hour later, they got separated(separate) from each other.写作微练写作微练我和朋友分手的时候感到非常伤心。IfeltverysadwhenIgotseparatedfrommyfriend.单句改

16、错单句改错80 dividing by 8 makes 10.dividingdivideddivide强调把整体分成若干份,多与into搭配separate指把统一的、结合的东西分开,多与from搭配,另外,separate还表示“分手,分居”用法点拨用法点拨(1)divide.between/among.在中分配divide.by.用除以divide.into.把分成(2)division n.分开,分隔;除法辨析辨析3. break down 分解;(机器、车辆等)出故障,坏了;(计划、谈判等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉教材原句教材原句On my way to the station m

17、y car broke down.在去车站的路上,我的车坏了。语境应用语境应用写出下列各句中写出下列各句中breakdown的含义的含义If Tim carries on working like this, hell break down sooner or later. 垮掉垮掉The elevators in this building are always breaking down. 出故障出故障Peace talks have broken down over the question of reparations.失败失败一句多译一句多译为了提高学习效率,我们必须改掉一些坏习惯。

18、In order to improve our learning efficiency, we mustbreakawayfromsomebadhabitsgetridofsomebadhabitsgetoutofsomebadhabitskicksomebadhabits用法点拨用法点拨break in破门而入,强行进入;打断;插嘴break into强行闯入;突然开始break out(战争、火灾等)爆发break through突破break up分裂;结束;解散break away逃走;逃脱4. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑教材原句教材原句Which country is l

19、eft out?哪个国家被遗漏了?语境应用语境应用单句填空单句填空She was so sad because she failed the math test. Lets leave heralone.The teacher stressed again that the students should not leaveoutany important details while retelling the story.As he approached the door,Mike looked into the room again to see if he had left anythi

20、ngbehind.After claiming the luggage at the railway station, we left for the ex-hibition in a taxi.单句改错单句改错He will leave Beijing to Shanghai next week. tofor写作微练写作微练且不说费用多少,我们真的还需要一辆汽车吗?Leavingtheexpenseaside, do we actually need another car?用法点拨用法点拨leave sb. alone不去打扰某人leave sth. aside暂时不考虑某事leave b

21、ehind留下;遗留leave for动身去某地It seems+adj.+that.好像教材原句教材原句It seemed strange that the man who had developed munism should have lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。语境应用语境应用同义句转换同义句转换It seemed that she had known the terrible result of the exam.She seemed tohaveknownthe terrible re

22、sult of the exam.It seems that Tom is studying hard in the classroom now. Tom seems tobestudyinghard in the classroom now.It seems that there are no objections to the plan.Thereseemtobeno objections to the plan.写作微练写作微练看起来他好像已经知道了我们向他撒了谎。Heseemstohaveknownthatwehaveliedtohim.用法点拨用法点拨本句中的It seemed strange that.意为“似乎很奇怪”。联想联想动词seem的其他相关句型:(1)It seems to sb. that.对某人来说,似乎(2)It seems as if/as though.看样子好像(3)There seems to be.好像有(4)seem to do/to be doing/to have done sth.好像要做/在做/已经做了某事



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