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1、优秀英语作文集锦优秀英语作文集锦Possible version 1As it is widely used in the world, English is learned by almost everyone on earth. People try to master it for different purposes. To learn English well, we should practise it when and where possible.I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. As we al

2、l know, a good language learning environment is important if we want to study English more efficiently. There is no doubt that classes taught in English provide students with such an excellent environment. When English is the only language used in the classroom, students will be highly motivated and

3、 actively involved in various class activities and they will have more time and opportunities to practice listening and speaking. Therefore, they will be able to learn more quickly. However, there are also some problems with this teaching method. As we havent mastered enough English words and some o

4、f us are poor in listening, sometimes we may find it difficult to follow the teachers. Slow learners may even lose interest in English. As someone puts : Practice makes perfect. To learn English well requires a lot of practice. Therefore, I like my English classes to be taught completely in English.

5、 158 wordsPossible version 2 As it is widely used in the world, English is learned by almost everyone on earth. People try to master it for different purposes. To learn English well, we should practise it when and where possible. I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese.

6、On a personal note, learning English is a step-by-step process and there is no shortcut. As middle school students, we only have a small vocabulary and limited listening comprehension ability. If teachers can use some Chinese in an English class, we will understand the teachers better and learn the

7、lessons better. Of course, an English class taught in two languages also has its own shortcomings. Such a class cannot create a good atmosphere and environment for English learning. Some students will think and talk in Chinese all the time and cannot form a good habit of language learning. If you wa

8、nt to learn a lesson well, you have to understand it first. To help students understand the lesson better, the teacher should use a little Chinese from time to time. Therefore, I like my teacher to use both English and Chinese in teaching. 156 words当今,微博已越来越多地为人们所接受,青少年也不例外。它在他当今,微博已越来越多地为人们所接受,青少年也

9、不例外。它在他们的日常生活中已经成为一种时尚,但过度使用会浪费时间、精力们的日常生活中已经成为一种时尚,但过度使用会浪费时间、精力和金钱。请根据下图提示,用英语写一篇短文和金钱。请根据下图提示,用英语写一篇短文, 描述图片所示现象描述图片所示现象加以分析,并谈谈个人对此的观点(至少两点)。加以分析,并谈谈个人对此的观点(至少两点)。注意:1. 词数150左右 (开头已给出不计入总词数)2. 课参照图示及上面的说明作必要的想象和发挥,但不要逐句作简单翻译。3. 参考词汇:微博 microblog; 时尚vogueMicroblog, as its name indicates, is a kin

10、d of blog, which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size. _ 高一下第一次月检测英语书面表达高一下第一次月检测英语书面表达: Microblog , as its name indicates, is a kind of blog, which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size. It is more and more widel

11、y used by a growing number of young people to find fun of life in their spare time, to relieve the pressure from study ,to keep well-informed of the latest news and so on. There is no denying the fact that it has become a symbol of vogue and brought much convenience to our life. With a computer or a

12、 cell phone, we can text whatever we like, and immediately people who are concerned about us may receive it. Not only can we respond to it immediately and respectively but also we can type some words in reply to them if we are interested. However, some use it just for fun and waste a lot of time and

13、 energy. What I want to stress is that we should use it positively and not be engaged in playing it because we cant afford that time or energy, and its very hard to control the information we get. As the saying goes, “the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.” Directions: For th

14、is part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Popularity of Micro-blog. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1.现在很多人热衷用微博来表达心声现在很多人热衷用微博来表达心声 2.微博中可能存在的问题微博中可能存在的问题 3.在我看来在我看来 In recent years, Micro-blog has been more and more popular. Prec

15、isely, Micro-blog has become part of peoples life. It seems that everybody has a Micro-blog now. Many factors contribute to the widespread of Micro-blogging. Firstly, Micro-blog enables people to convey their emotions and individual thoughts more conveniently. Micro-blog has no fixed rules and needn

16、t professional knowledge and skills, which enables millions of people to have a voice and connect with others. Moreover, people can express their instant feelings at any time and anywhere if they have a phone. Secondly, Micro-blog can communicate with each other more deeply. By revealing their heart

17、felt emotions on the Micro-blog, their friends may also know about their conditions and can offer in-time comfort. Thirdly, Micro-blog really provides a platform for ordinary people to display their abilities, and it is a good form for people to share views and to get information. However, Micro-blo

18、gging can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away peoples privacy and other significant information. It might be used by some people who have ulterior motives to spread rumors or to slander other people. In other hands, being susceptible to others idea easily,most people tend to lose the a

19、bility of thinking independently. In my opinion, Micro-blogging provides us comfort and also inevitably some concerns. We should be careful while using it. 现在,各种媒体上的广告越来越多,它们给人们的生活带来现在,各种媒体上的广告越来越多,它们给人们的生活带来便利的同时,也存在着不少问题,人们对此有不同的观点。请你便利的同时,也存在着不少问题,人们对此有不同的观点。请你根据下表用英语写一篇关于广告的短文。并结合所学课文根据下表用英语写一篇关

20、于广告的短文。并结合所学课文“Advertisements” 中提到的两种形式的广告中提到的两种形式的广告-商业广告和公商业广告和公益广告,谈谈广告的利和弊。以及自己对广告的看法,至少两至益广告,谈谈广告的利和弊。以及自己对广告的看法,至少两至三点。提倡用课文中原句,可得高分!三点。提倡用课文中原句,可得高分!注意:注意:1、词数:、词数:150词左右。词左右。 2、不得逐字逐句翻译以下内容,可适当添加内容使上下、不得逐字逐句翻译以下内容,可适当添加内容使上下 文流畅。文流畅。 高一下期中考试英语书面表达高一下期中考试英语书面表达:赞同意见赞同意见反对意见反对意见1.能指导人们消费能指导人们消

21、费2.使消费者了解产品的性能使消费者了解产品的性能3.精心制作的广告给人以艺精心制作的广告给人以艺术享受术享受1.某些虚假广告坑害消费者某些虚假广告坑害消费者2.占据报纸许多版面以及广占据报纸许多版面以及广播和电视的大量时间播和电视的大量时间3.广播、电视插播广告让人广播、电视插播广告让人心烦、应给予限制心烦、应给予限制 With the rapid development of mass media, advertisements are playing more and more important /crucial role in our daily life . Advertiseme

22、nts can be spotted almost everywhere. But whether advantages of advertisements outweigh their drawbacks has caused much discussion among the general public. Ideas and opinions on the issue differ immensely from individual to individual. The majority of people subscribe to the view that advertisement

23、s are beneficial to people for the following reasons. To begin with, they give us correct guidance on shopping. Secondly, advertisements make the consumers well aware of the uses and functions of the products they intend to purchase. Eventually, well-designed advertisements may provide us with artis

24、tic enjoyment. However, other people have completely different view, insisting that some advertisements are just fake ones, which are meant to entrap the consumers. Additionally, they have too much coverage of the newspapers and take up too much time of people, which would otherwise be devoted to wa

25、tching TV. or listening to the radio. Furthermore, many people often complain that they are tired of advertising when advertisements interrupt their favorite programs, such as TV plays, films and so on. Most people hope that advertisements will be strictly limited. Weighing up these two arguments ab

26、ove, I think that we should try to bring the advantages of the advertisements into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum level at the time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of advertisements and lead a more convenient and comfortable life. 吴培国吴培国 Nowadays, more and

27、 more advertisements appear on newspapers , broadcasting, magazines as well as street. Advertising is a popular way to communicate with consumers. People have different views on advertisements. When it comes to advertisements, their benefits occur to some people. To start with, advertisements keep y

28、ou well informed of the latest/ up-to-date products, broadening consumers choices of goods. Meanwhile, advertisements provide a great deal of information, thus enabling consumers to have a better understanding of goods and businessmen. Furthermore, not only can consumers gain knowledge concerning go

29、ods but also get artistic enjoyment. Contrary to the opinion above, others assume that not all advertisements are pleasant. The reasons mainly lie in three aspects. First and foremost, consumers are frequently tricked into purchasing goods by false advertisements. Aside from this, reading too many a

30、dvertisements irrelevant to the majority of consumers is obviously a waste of time. Additionally, while you are absorbed in a wonderful TV plays, endless advertisements interrupt you from time to time, making you feel annoyed. Weighing up the pros and cons of advertisements, Im inclined to approve o

31、f the latter view. It is high time that the government strengthened the control of advertisement. Effective measures must be taken to punish those who make false advertisements. Meanwhile, as consumers, no matter what eye-catching advertisements we are faced with, we should be clear-headed and never

32、 fall them easily. TOPIC :Advertising is having a bigger influence on our daily lives. Some people believe the negative effects of advertising outweigh the positive effects. Whats your opinion? Nowadays, no matter where you get around in a city or even in the countryside, it is pretty easy for you t

33、o find one or two signs introducing a product. This has been increasingly becoming popular in our daily lives. Whether the influence of advertising is good or bad could be examined as follows. (introduction: 54 words) We will start by talking about the merits of advertising. Firstly, advertising is

34、informative, which provides the customers with a quick access to the product needed. Take me as an example. I am a new resident of Guangzhou, a metropolitan city located in the south of China. At the very beginning when moving to this city, I did not have a clue about where to purchase all of the ne

35、cessities for my newly-bought flat. Thanks to the ads on TV and in newspapers, amazingly almost all of the items ranging from furniture to household appliances were settled within a week. Secondly, consumers can expect to have a best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications o

36、f the commodity advertised by different suppliers.(body1: 124 words) However, advertising involves some defects and I would like to list two of them herein. Initially, the popularity of advertisements has been growing along with the increased layout of design as well as showing up in the marketplace

37、 more frequently. The cost will definitely be passed on to the customers. Furthermore, the generation Y would probably lose their individuality because many of them buy the same goods advertised constantly in media during a certain period of time, which makes them appear alike. Customers are faced w

38、ith increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests? Recently, I found on the internet that advertisements are regarded as another term of pollu

39、tion to the public. However, hardly could anyone imagine the world it as it certainly brings huge amount of merits. As far as I could tell, the amount of pros that advertising has brought to people has far exceeded its cons.In the first instance, advertising is the sales gimmick to Oligopolies. In s

40、uch sort of market, firms complete with each other to gain the market shares. However, they will be reluctant to increase or lower their price because the information is interdependent and consumers have got tones of other substitutes. Therefore, the only way to promote their sales will be through a

41、dvertising. Some consumers, on the other hands, do find such information useful while choosing what to buy. There is a common sense in it: hardly could an inefficient and stagnant firm invest a great deal of money on investment. In addition to that, big firms are able to lay the cornerstone to provi

42、de goods and services with better quality, which might benefit the consumers. Nevertheless , some argue that people will be easily swayed by advertisement featuring with beautiful movie stars and make irrational decisions or even buy goods on impulse especially when talking about youngsters with les

43、s consciousness and experience. This is still a rather minor problem. We can tackle this by taking some measurements. For example, to educate young people not buying goods they dont need and maybe set a regulation of age limits on purchasing certain goods like cosmetics and high-tech products.To con

44、clude, advertisements in my opinion will hardly influence peoples purchasing patterns. Instead, some well-made advertisements can approve he aesthetical capability of the viewers. Although youngsters are worried in this advertising explosion century, education and recognition can prevent them from being coned to a great extent.



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