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1、 牛津中小学英语网牛津中小学英语网 新译新译林林-5B-Unit5-Helping-5B-Unit5-Helping-our-parents-(Grammar-our-parents-(Grammar-time)time)精品赛课一等奖课精品赛课一等奖课件件 Unit Unit 5 5 HelpHelping ing our parentsour parentsPeriod 2Period 2Play a gameRules: 1. When you see ,please clap your hands(拍手两次拍手两次). 2. When you see the phrases or th

2、e pictures ,please say loudly(大声说大声说). make the bedmake the bedwash wash clothesclothescook dinnercook dinnerdo houseworkdo houseworkcook breakfastcook breakfastsweep the floorsweep the floordo houseworkdo houseworkLets review Lets review Saturday moringSaturday moringSaturday moringSaturday moringT

3、hey_.They_.areare cleaningcleaning the the carcarShe _.She _.It It _._.She _.She _.He He _._. is is sleepingsleeping isis cookingcooking breakfastbreakfastisis sleepingsleeping isis sweepingsweeping the the floorfloor. .What What areare they they doingdoing? ?Saturday afternoonSaturday afternoonWhat

4、What are are you you doingdoing? ?I I am am eateating ing fruit.fruit.WhatWhat are are you you doingdoing? ?WeWe are are watchwatching ing TV.TV.WhatWhat are are they they doingdoing? ?TheyThey are are helphelping ing mother.mother.WhatWhat is is he he doingdoing? ?HeHe is is eateating ing fruit.fru

5、it.WhatWhat is sis she he doingdoing? ?SheShe is is cookcooking ing dinner.dinner.I I am am eat eatinging fruit.fruit.WeWe are are watch watchinging TV. TV.TheyThey are are help helpinging mother.mother.HeHe isis eat eatinging fruit.fruit. SheShe is is cookcookinging dinner.dinner.WhatWhat are are y

6、ou you doingdoing? ?WhatWhat areare you you doingdoing? ?WhatWhat areare they they doingdoing? ?WhatWhat isis he he doingdoing? ?WhatWhat is is she she doingdoing? ?Saturday afternoonSaturday afternoon现在进行时现在进行时结构:结构:be动词动词ing现在分词当你想知道别人当你想知道别人正在正在做什么时,可以问做什么时,可以问:回答回答:描述当前描述当前正在正在发生的事件或发生的事件或正在正在进行

7、的动作进行的动作 Lets learnLets learn 结构:结构: bebe动词动词 + + 现在分词现在分词动词动词inging ( am , is , are ) ( am , is , are )现在进行时现在进行时Lets tryLets tryrundochatliverunningskatemakewashcleandoingswimmakingskatinglivingchattingwashingcleaningswimming现在分词的构成快速说出下列动词的ing形式Lets talk Lets talk Saturday eveningSaturday evening

8、Lets talk Lets talk Saturday eveningSaturday eveningWhat is he/she doing?He is/She is.What are they doing?They are.Work in pairs同桌讨论同桌讨论WhatWhat are are theythey doingdoing? ?They They areare watch watchinging TVTV. .WhatWhat is is hehe doingdoing? ?He He isis play playinging with a toy carwith a to

9、y car. .WhatWhat is is hehe doingdoing? ?He He isis chat chattingting on the Interneton the Internet. .WhatWhat is is sheshe doingdoing? ?She She isis read readinging a booka book. .WhatWhat is is itit doing?doing?It It isis sleep sleepinging. .Lets Listen Lets Listen In the evening In the evening L

10、ets Listen Lets Listen In the evening In the evening What are you doing?I am/We are.What are they doing?They are.What is he/she doing?He is/She is.Lets play Lets play 规则:规则: 请同学上台抽取卡片,把卡片上的请同学上台抽取卡片,把卡片上的内容用动作表演出来,其他同学猜,用内容用动作表演出来,其他同学猜,用以下句型来问答。以下句型来问答。Saturday eveningSaturday eveningThe rabbit and

11、 the tortoiseThe rabbit and the tortoise tortoisetortoiseLets talk Lets talk 4 4人循环问答,每人问一幅图,用下面人循环问答,每人问一幅图,用下面的句型来说说他们正在干什么的句型来说说他们正在干什么. .What is he/she doing?He is/She is.What are they doing?They are.sheheThe other animalsWork in groups分组讨论分组讨论walk and singwalk watch the race(比赛比赛)sleep shetheyL

12、ets talk Lets talk 4 4人循环问答,每人问一幅图,用下面人循环问答,每人问一幅图,用下面的句型来说说他们正在干什么的句型来说说他们正在干什么. .What is he/she doing?He is/She is.What are they doing?They are.sheheWork in groups分组讨论分组讨论walk and singwalk watch the race(比赛比赛)sleep shetheyThe other animalsLets talk Lets talk walk and singWhatWhat is is sheshe doin

13、gdoing? ?She She isis walkingwalking and and singingsinging. .Lets talk Lets talk walk WhatWhat is is hehe doingdoing? ?He He isis walkingwalking . .Lets talk Lets talk WhatWhat are are theythey doingdoing? ?They They areare watchingwatching the race the race . .watch the raceLets talk Lets talk Wha

14、tWhat is sheis she doing?doing?She She isis sleepingsleeping . . Lets write Lets write What _ doing?She_.Mr Tortoise is still(一直一直) running .用现在进行时结构,完成龟兔赛跑的故事用现在进行时结构,完成龟兔赛跑的故事。 It is Saturday moring. Miss Rabbit _in the forest. Mr Torioes _slowly(慢慢地慢慢地). The other animals_ the race. They_ (have)

15、a race. 他们他们正在正在举行比赛举行比赛. Look,wheres the rabbit?Shes under the tree? At last, Mr Tortoise wins the race.The rabbit and the tortoiseareis walking and singingwalkingiswatchingissheissleepingare havingThe rabbit and the tortoiseThe rabbit and the tortoise It is seven in the morning. Miss Rabbit is wal

16、king and singing in the forest . Mr Tortoise is walking slowly(慢慢地慢慢地). “What are you doing?” “I am running . ” “Ha Ha! You can run? Lets have a race.(比赛比赛)” Look! Wheres the rabbit?Shes under the tree. What is she doing?She is sleeping . But Mr tortoise doesnt stop. He is still(仍然仍然) running. Oh! H

17、e is the first! He wins the race. How happy he is!H Homework: omework: 1. Play the game with your friends on Page52 after class.课后和你的朋友后和你的朋友们玩一玩玩一玩书上上P52的游的游戏。Homework: 1. Play the game with your friends on Page52 after class. 课后和你的朋友后和你的朋友们玩一玩玩一玩书上上P52的游的游戏。 2. Try to tell the story of the sequel

18、to your friends. 把你把你续写的写的龟兔兔赛跑的故事跑的故事讲给朋友朋友们听。听。Saturday moringSaturday moringThey_.They_.areare cleaningcleaning the the carcar. .She _.She _.It It _._.She _.She _.He _.He _.isis sleepingsleeping isis cookingcooking breakfastbreakfastisis sleepingsleeping isis sweepingsweeping the the floorfloor.

19、.WhatWhat areare youyou dodoinging? ?WhatWhat areare theythey dodoinging? ?What What is is hehe dodoinging? ?What What is is sheshe dodoinging? ?What What is is itit dodoinging? ?现在进行时现在进行时结构:结构:be动词动词ingI I amam eat eatinging fruit. fruit.They They areare help helping ing mother.mother.We We areare

20、 watch watching ing TV.TV.She She isis cook cooking ing dinner.dinner.He He isis eat eating ing fruit. fruit. It It isis sleep sleepinging. .现在分词当你想知道别人当你想知道别人正在正在做什么时,可以问做什么时,可以问:回答回答:描述当前描述当前正在正在发生的事件或发生的事件或正在正在进行的动作进行的动作 Lets say Lets say It is Saturday moring. Miss Rabbit _ _in the forest.Mr Tor

21、ioes _ _slowly(慢慢地慢慢地).They are having a race. The other animals_ _ the race. Look,wheres the rabbit?Shes under the tree?What _ _ doing?She_ _.Mr Tortoise is still(一直一直) running.At last, he is the first.4人一组讨论,结合现在进行时结构,完人一组讨论,结合现在进行时结构,完成龟兔赛跑的故事成龟兔赛跑的故事。Lets review Lets review It is Saturday aftern

22、oon. Mikes mother It is Saturday afternoon. Mikes mother isis . .Mike Mike is is . Helen . Helen isis . Jim and Tim . Jim and Tim areare . . Whats he/she doing?Hes/Shes.What are they doing?Theyre. It is seven in the morning. Miss Rabbit is walking and singing in the forest . I I am am eat eatinging

23、a a pear.pear.WeWe are are watch watchinging TV. TV.TheyThey are are help helpinging mother.mother.HeHe isis eat eatinging fruit.fruit. SheShe is is cookcookinging dinner.dinner.WhatWhat are are you you doingdoing? ?WhatWhat areare you you doingdoing? ?WhatWhat areare they they doingdoing? ?WhatWhat isis he he doingdoing? ?WhatWhat is is she she doingdoing? ?结束结束



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