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1、MUSICThismusicisfromBeethovensFateSymphony1Unit 5 Together We Are Stronger2LearningAimsStudentswillbeableto:understandandusethenewwordsandexpressionsorallyandinwrittenwork.getthemainideaofthetext.haveagoodunderstandingofteamwork.3operationabicycleraceLead inWhat kinds of work need to becompleted in

2、a team? 4tugofwarrelayrace5dragonboatracebasketball6恐怖的蚂蚁军团(ant corps)在非洲的草原上如果见到羚羊在奔逃,那一定是狮子来了;如果见到狮子在躲避,那就是象群发怒了;如果见到成百上千的狮子和大象集体逃命的壮观景象,那是什么来了蚂蚁军团!蚂蚁是何等的渺小微弱,任何人都可以随意处置它,但它的团队,就连兽中之王也要退避三舍。从这个古老的寓言人们可以得到启示:个体弱小,没有关系,与伙伴精诚协作,就能变得强大。7 Activity 1: What is a teamwork?Itisajointactionbyagroupofpeople,

3、inwhicheachpersonsubordinateshisorherindividualinterestsandopinionstotheunityandefficiencyofthegroup.(.WebstersNewWorldDictionary)Discussion8Fast-readingActivity 2: Scan and circle the correct answer.Where is the text probably taken from? a. A diary b. A story c. An interview9Intensive-readingActivi

4、ty 3: Read the passage again. Then put the questions below into the correct blanks in the passage. a.Whats your understanding about team, Ms. Roger?b. Many employers list being a good team player as a key soft skill they look for in new employees. Do you agree? c. In your company, how do you make yo

5、ur team work? d. Ms. Roger, youve mentioned that every member on the team has his role. Can you explain it in detail?e. How do you suggest being a good team player?Q2Q1Q4Q5Q310Intensive-readingAnalysis of the TextRead and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Dialogue1 Dialogue2 Dialogue3 Dialogu

6、e4 Dialogue5 Being a team player is a necessary part of life.Team means together everyone achieves more.Good team players share many qualities: It is important to recognize their strengths and weaknesses.Every member on the team has his role.(a leader, a thinker, a monitor, an expert, doers, finishe

7、rs)111.key2.within3.obervation4.share5.optimistic6.quality7.failure8.generousGuess the following words!Competition 9. cooperate10. compete11. weakness12. fit13. skilled14. detail15. solve16.talent12Useful Expressions:1.soft skill2.go without saying 3.play an important role in.4.from ones point of bi

8、newith6.whats more7.prefer to .rather than.8.focus pete with sb.10.in detail11.as the saying goes软技能软技能不用说,理所当然不用说,理所当然在在.起着重要的作用起着重要的作用就某人的观点来看就某人的观点来看与与结合结合而且,此外而且,此外比起比起.更喜欢,更愿意更喜欢,更愿意.专注于专注于争夺,竞争争夺,竞争详细地详细地常言道常言道13LanguagePoints:(1)It goes without saying that teamwork plays an important role in

9、our companys development. Translate:不言而喻,团队协作在公司的发展中起着重要的作用。 that teamwork plays an important role in our companys development为that引导的从句,在句中为真正的主句,it 为形式主语。此句为主语从句。 go without saying 意为:“理所当然,不用说” 例如: It goes without saying that we shall be glad if we all can pass the examination. 不用说,如果我们都能通过考试,我们会

10、很高兴的。 play an important role(part) in sth 意为“在中起重要的作用”,例如: Mobile phones play an important role in our lives. 手机在我们的生活中起了重要的作用。14LanguagePoints:(2) In a football team, every player, however skilled he is, has to cooperate with his team members to win the games.Translate:在一支足球队中,每一个运动员,不管他是如何有能力,也得和队

11、友合作来赢得比赛。however skilled he is, 是让步状语从句(adverbial clause of concession),相当于no matter how skilled he is .即学即用:( ) you look at it,it is going to cost a lot. A. Whenever B. However C. Wherever D. WhateverB15LanguagePoints:(3) They celebrate the success and learn from the failure. Translate:他们庆祝成功并从失败中学

12、习。 celebrate (vt) 庆祝、欢度、赞美 celebration (n), in celebration of 庆祝We celebrated Christmas Day with a party.比较:congratulate (vt) 祝贺,对于别人的成功或进步表示高兴或肯定,常与“on”连用。congratulation (n) 祝贺, 常用复数。例如:Lets congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. 让我们祝贺你女儿的出生。I offer you congratulations on the New Year. 我向你

13、祝贺新年。16LanguagePoints:(4) We can find the roles which fit them well. Translate:他们会找到非常适合他们的角色。 fit:(同suit)(使)适合;(使)符合;(使)配合。例如:The coat doesnt fit me. 这件大衣我穿不合适。(vt)Does the coat fit? 这大衣合身吗?(vi)The coat is a tight fit. 这大衣很紧身。(n) 与fit有关 的词组: fit sb. /sth. (衣服等)合某人的身体 be fit for 适合 be fit to do 适合做

14、fit in with 符合、适合例如: The food was not fit to eat. 这食物不适合吃。 I think he isnt fit for his office. 我认为他不称职。17PracticeActivity 4: Complete the passage with the correct words from the box.roles achieve talents qualitiesgenerous balance cooperate compete Good team players share some same _. They are optimi

15、stic and _. They prefer to _ rather than _ with their teammates. They understand their specific _ in the team, and know the importance to keep the _ of the team. They combine their _ with each other to _the goal of their team.qualitiesgenerouscooperatecompeterolesbalancetalentsachieve18Test 选择正确答案:(

16、 ) (1) The International Olympic Committee_ an important part in the Olympic Games. A. makes B. plays C. takes D. does( ) (2)He described _ detail how the accident happened. A. at B. for C. with D. in( ) (3)The articles_ facts are written by the noted professor. A. base on B. are based on C. based o

17、n D. basing on ( ) (4)- Will you _ me _ out this problem myself? - OK. A. allow; work B. get; to work C. permit; working D. hope; work( ) (5)Little _ when I took the trip where it would lead me. A. did I know B. I had known C. do I know D.I have knownBDCBA19( ) (6) He tried his best to solve the pro

18、blem, _ difficult it was.A. whatever B. however C. no matter D. although( ) (7)On the last day he _.A. decided a big decision B. decided greatlyC. made a decision D. had made a decision( ) (8)We should take measures _ stop people from killing frogs.A. so as to B. to C. in order that D. both A and B(

19、 ) (9)_ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Slept( ) (10)He is easy to _.A. get along B. get along with C. be got along with D. be got alongBCDABTest20SummaryTeamworkplaysanimportantroleinallaspectsofsociallife.Nowadays,fewpeoplecanaccomplishtheirtaskwit

20、houtthehelpandcooperationofothers.Teamwork is a very important skill to use in a modern working environment. Effective teamwork will make any company more efficient and profitable.21KeystoteamworkPurpose目标目标 Process过程过程Communication Involvement参与参与 Commitments义务义务 Trust22 Homework1.Finish off the workbook exercises.2.Read the passage fluently and learn the new words and expressions by heart.3.Write down a passage about teamwork. (Title: Unity is strength.)2324



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