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1、 Virginia JiaNoun Clauses and Writing名词性从句与英语写作名词性从句与英语写作Lets Lets enjoyenjoy a song! a song! Although loneliness has always been a friend of mineIm leaving my life in your handsPeople say Im crazy and that I am blindRisking it all in a glanceAnd _you got me blind is still a mysteryI cant get you ou

2、t of my headDont care _ is written in your historyAs long as youre here with meI dont care _you are_youre from_you didAs long as you love mehow whowherewhatwhatAs Long As You Love MeAs Long As You Love Me 名词性从句名词性从句主语从句主语从句 宾语从句宾语从句 表语从句表语从句 同位语从句同位语从句含含it 的形式主语的形式主语含含it 的形式宾语的形式宾语Task 1Find out the

3、 noun clauses 1.What he said is interesting. 2. I heard that he had won the first prize. 3. Beijing is not what it used to be. 4. The news that he was admitted to a key university made us excited. 5.How the book will sell depends on its author.主主宾宾表表同同主主6. John said that he was leaving for London on

4、 Wednesday.7.He will talk to us about what he saw in U.S.8.It is impossible that I go and attend the meeting.宾宾主主宾6Many people think _ money is everything.that_ I need now is money.What The baby needs food._ the baby needs is food.What We all know_ vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin._ is know

5、n to us that vegetables and fruits arerich in vitamin.thatIt Sold out!_ is a pity _ we cant get a ticket.It that1. It depends on you. When shall we meet? =_ (我们将何时见面我们将何时见面) depends on you. 2. This is the place. I live here.= This is _(我住的地方)(我住的地方).3. I said something. I will take back that.= I wil

6、l take back _(我所说的话)(我所说的话).When we shall meetwhere I live.what I saidTask 2 句型转换Which One do YOU Prefer ?假如你是学校的校医,现在要对全校师生做关于H7N9的防控讲座,请根据下面中文的提示和要求,用五句话写一篇讲稿. 1 H7N9 是一种能够迅速传播的病毒。是一种能够迅速传播的病毒。 2 如何有效地在校园防控该病毒是困扰每个校长的问题。如何有效地在校园防控该病毒是困扰每个校长的问题。 3 已经采取很多措施预防该病毒在校园的大范围爆发。已经采取很多措施预防该病毒在校园的大范围爆发。 4 勤洗

7、手,保持卫生是一种广泛接受的方法。勤洗手,保持卫生是一种广泛接受的方法。 5 也建议要开窗户,保持课室通风也建议要开窗户,保持课室通风。1 H7N9 is a kind of virus and it spreads quickly. 2 Every headmaster is tired to think of how to limit the virus effectively and keep the students healthy. 3 But now, we have already taken some measures to prevent the virus from bre

8、aking out at school. 4 Washing hands frequently and keeping clean is a widely accepted way.5 I also suggest you to open windows to keep the air clean in the classroom.1 H7N9 is a virus which can spread quickly from one person to another.2 How we can effectively prevent and control the virus in the s

9、chools is a problem concerning all the school masters.3 And many measures have been taken to prevent it from breaking out in campus.4 Among the measures, it is a widely accepted way that we should wash our hands frequently and keep clean.5 Another suggestion is that we should keep the windows open t

10、o air the classroom.2 如何有效地在校园防控该病毒是困扰每个校长的问题。 Every headmaster is tired to think of how to limit the virus effectively and keep the students healthy.How we can effectively prevent and control the virus in theschools is a problem concerning all the school masters.4 勤洗手,保持卫生是一种广泛接受的方法。 Washing hands

11、frequently and keeping clean is a widely accepted way. Among the measures, it is a widely accepted way that we should wash our hands frequently and keep clean.5 也建议要开窗户,保持课室通风。 Another suggestion is that we should keep the windows open to air the classroom.I also suggest you to open windows to keep

12、the air clean in the classroom. 名词性从句的广泛使用能提高我们的提高我们的英语写作水写作水平平。因此,我们要多使用多使用名词性从句,增加作文的 。亮点亮点Tips常用句型:It is important that It is a widely accepted way that Another suggestion is that sb. should doWhat is/was that 的是的是The problem is that 的问题是的问题是 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问的是毫无疑问的是 The reason why. is

13、 that 的原因是的原因是根据以下信息写一篇连贯的短文,尽可根据以下信息写一篇连贯的短文,尽可能运用名词性从句。能运用名词性从句。 李华给我写了一封信。在信中,她说李华给我写了一封信。在信中,她说已经已经习惯了习惯了新学校的生活。上周末,她新学校的生活。上周末,她去了一个去了一个叫卡巴的地方叫卡巴的地方。在那里看到的。在那里看到的一切一切令她令她难忘的难忘的 。但她不能理解的是。但她不能理解的是为什么有一些人不喜欢那里的为什么有一些人不喜欢那里的文化文化。她。她还还表达了一个愿望表达了一个愿望:我们要经常给她写:我们要经常给她写信。信。卡巴卡巴: Karba 难忘的难忘的: impressi

14、vePhrases习惯了 _ 令她难忘 _表达了一个愿望 _Sentences 她去了一个叫卡巴的地方。 在那里看到的一切(令她难忘)她不能理解的是.她还表达了一个愿望: get used to make her impressive express a hopeWhat she saw there What she couldnt understand was She expressed a hope that She went to what is called Karba.Li Hua wrote a letter to me. She said that she had got used to the life in the new school. Last weekend, she went to what is called Karba and what she saw there made her impressive. However, what she couldnt understand was why some people dont like the culture there. She also expressed a hope that we would often write to her.Homework Recite the writing



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