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1、Culture and Translation Introduction Quotations from NidanBilingual competence has almost been regarded as an essential requirement for translators.nFor truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in wh

2、ich they function. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are an important source of strategic cultural information, but they can never take the place of personal involvement in a foreign society.n(Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.307-8)2 ZENG Wen-huaContents1. Whats culture?2. What cultural factor

3、s make translating difficult?3. How are language, culture and translating related?4. What will be covered in this semester?3 ZENG Wen-hua1. What is culture? -1nWhat is your understanding of culture? nOne of the oldest and most quoted definitions of culture was formulated by the English anthropologis

4、t Edward Burnett Tylor in 1871. n“Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”4 ZENG Wen-huan文化的经典定义,是文化的经典定义,是1871年由英国人类学家泰勒年由英国人类学家泰勒(Edward Tylor)在在原始文化原始文化一书中提出的,文一书中提出的,文化

5、是化是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及包括作为社会成员的个人获得的其他任何能以及包括作为社会成员的个人获得的其他任何能力、习惯在内的一种综合体力、习惯在内的一种综合体。n现代文化人类学现代文化人类学认为文化具有如下的四个本质特认为文化具有如下的四个本质特征征: (1)文化是经文化是经由社会习得的由社会习得的,而非遗传获得的,而非遗传获得的,(2)文化是一个文化是一个社团所共有的社团所共有的,而非某一个人所独,而非某一个人所独有的,有的,(3)文化文化具有象征性具有象征性,语言是文化中最重要,语言是文化中最重要的象征系统,的象征系统,(4)文化是)

6、文化是一个统一的整体一个统一的整体。n文化中的每一方面都和其他方面相互关联。文化中的每一方面都和其他方面相互关联。 5 ZENG Wen-hua1. What is culture? -2nDefinition in Britannica Concise Encyclopedia (不列颠简明百科全书,2008:430)n“Culture : Integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour that is both a result of and integral to the human capacity for le

7、arning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Culture thus consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, and symbols. ”6 ZENG Wen-hua Every human society has its own culture, or sociocultural system. V

8、ariation among cultures is attributable to such factors as differing physical habitats and resources; the range of possibilities inherent in areas such as language, ritual, and social organization; and historical phenomena such as the development of links with other cultures. An individuals attitude

9、s, values, ideals, and beliefs are greatly influenced by the culture (or cultures) in which he or she lives. Culture change takes place as a result of ecological, socioeconomic, political, religious, or other fundamental factors affecting a society.e.g. bound feet; three-inch golden lily7 ZENG Wen-h

10、ua2.3 Synonymy 同义词nTranslating is a complex and fascinating task. In fact, I. A. Richards (1953) has claimed that it is probably the most complex type of event in the history of the cosmos. (Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.304)2. What cultural factors make translating difficult?8 ZENG Wen-

11、huaA trial translation n1. 从清晨起,春雨就轻柔地落下来;燕子在雨中穿梭。n2. 不一会,北风小了,路上的浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 鲁迅一件小事n3. 她到过号称人间天堂的苏杭,也去过山水甲天下的桂林。n4. 子渊受教于孔子,深得孔子器重,他的哲学观和伦理观也完全继承了孔子的衣钵。9 ZENG Wen-huan翻译之所以不像许多人想象的那么容易,乃是因翻译之所以不像许多人想象的那么容易,乃是因为为语言反映文化,并受着文化的制约语言反映文化,并受着文化的制约。在不同的。在不同的文化里,相同的词语可以有不同的文化涵义,而文化里,相同的词语可以有


13、称大伤脑解书中人物的亲属关系,寻找确切的指称大伤脑筋筋。 - 南京大学博导南京大学博导 许钧许钧10 ZENG Wen-huan白先勇等谈台北人的英译n台北人(中英对照版)白先勇著,白先勇、叶佩霞译,高克毅主编,香港中文大学出版社2000年版。 n白先勇认为,翻译的障碍是多方面的翻译的障碍是多方面的,他说:“翻译,特别是中译英,名字的翻译就是个问题。特别是中译英,名字的翻译就是个问题。名字一经拼音,意思全无,更不谈文中之美,如我的名字,白先勇,先父白崇禧给我起这个名字,是有用意的,希望我有勇,以勇为先;还有今天在座的林文月教授,文月,多美的名字,一经拼音,美感就没有了。怎么办?可以效仿红楼梦的

14、英译,音义结合音义结合。11 ZENG Wen-huan白先勇等谈台北人的英译n台北人中的游园惊梦有个人物人物,叫月月月红月红,月月红是花名,月月红是花名,蔷薇科的一种,用作人名,月月叠字加上红,很有味,用音译,翻不出意思,只有翻词典,找了几百个蔷薇科的花名,没有一个叠字的,于是请教高先生。他说就译成red red Rose吧,真是拍案叫绝,是神来之笔。n金大班的最后一夜中金大班的艺名艺名叫金兆丽金兆丽,很有味,可译起来很难。高先生通法文,建议译成Jolie Chin,很美,音也相近,也像个艺名,译得又活了。又如夜巴黎夜巴黎,是个舞厅名舞厅名,高先生建议干脆用法文,叫Nuit de Paris

15、一下增加了舞厅的巴黎味,给这篇小说增了色,生了辉。12 ZENG Wen-huan向白先勇先生提了这样一个问题:“作为作者的白先勇是否满意作为译者的白先勇。”n白先勇先生回答说:“作为作者,我觉得译文有点意犹未尽。作为译者,我觉得讲作为译者,我觉得讲忠实,不能拘泥于一字一词的得失。忠实,不能拘泥于一字一词的得失。”n高克毅先生积其半个多世纪的翻译经验,意味深长地说:“翻译是一种妥协翻译是一种妥协。翻译涉及很多的因素,作者、译者、读者,还有出版者之间,都需要相互理解,就译者而言,还是有一点自由的空间为好。”13 ZENG Wen-hua中英爱情誓言中英爱情誓言: 海枯石烂,永不变心海枯石烂,永不

16、变心nChinese:n“海枯石烂海枯石烂两鸳鸯两鸳鸯,只合双飞便双死。只合双飞便双死。” 元好问西楼曲 nEnglish:Till athe seas gang dry, my Dear, And the rocks melt withe sun:I will love thee still, my Dear, While the sands olife shall run. Robert Burns “A Red, Red Rose”14 ZENG Wen-huan “难道这也是个痴丫头,又象颦儿来葬花不成难道这也是个痴丫头,又象颦儿来葬花不成?”因又自笑道因又自笑道:“若真也葬花,可谓东

17、施效颦了若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了;不不但不为新奇,而是更是可厌。但不为新奇,而是更是可厌。”(曹雪芹曹雪芹:红楼红楼梦梦第第34回回)n “Can this be another absurd maid come to bury flowers like Taiyu?”, he wondered in some amusement. “If so, shes Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih*, which isnt original but rather tiresome. ” (Translated by the Yangs.)n脚注:脚注:Hsi Shih wa

18、s a famous beauty in the ancient Kingdom of Yue. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.15 ZENG Wen-huan “Can this be some silly maid come here to bury flowers like Frowner!” He wondered. He was reminded of Zhuangzis story of the beautiful Xi-shis ugly neighbour, whose endeavours t

19、o imitate the little frown that made Xi-shi captivating produced an aspect so hideous that people ran from her in terror. (Translated by Hawkes)nDicussion: Compare the two and decide which one is more suited to your taste.16 ZENG Wen-hua3. Language, Culture and TranslatingCulture 1Language 1Culture

20、2Language 2translator语言是文化的载体,语言文化相互依存语言是文化的载体,语言文化相互依存翻译从形式上是翻译语言,从实质上是交流文化翻译从形式上是翻译语言,从实质上是交流文化17 ZENG Wen-huan A language does reflect in certain aspects the culture of a society, but primarily in its optional features, i.e. in certain of its hierarchies of vocabulary and in the priorities given

21、to various discourse patterns. (Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.304)n一种语言在某些方面的确反映了一个社会的文化,但主要表现在语言的可选择性特征方面,即某些词汇等级体系的选择和给予不同语篇类型使用时的优先地位。foregrounding语言是文化的载体,语言文化相互依存语言是文化的载体,语言文化相互依存18 ZENG Wen-huan The fact that a language may have a proportionately high number of terms in particular

22、domains is an important index to the focus of a culture. For example, most languages of Western Europe have an exceptionally high percentage of technical terms, the Anuaksof the Sudan (苏丹的安努亚克人苏丹的安努亚克人) have hundreds of terms for different kinds and features of cattle, and the Quechuas of the Altipl

23、ano of Peru(秘鲁高原的盖丘亚人) have scores of words for different kinds and forms of potatoes. (Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.305-6)nDozens of priests and lawyers in E. & 亲属称谓 in C.19 ZENG Wen-huanlawyer, attorney, barrister, legal counsel/adviser, solicitor, practitionernpriest, vicar, churchma

24、n, clergyman, chaplain, pastor, minister, rector, presbyter, celebrant, cleric, ecclesiastic, fathern中文:中文:背、运、扛、挑、拖、驮、担、提、抬、背、运、扛、挑、拖、驮、担、提、抬、挎、荷、负挎、荷、负 (汉语中指用体力负运东西的动作如(汉语中指用体力负运东西的动作如此丰富,是否与我们祖先的某些生活习性有关)此丰富,是否与我们祖先的某些生活习性有关)n语言是文化的一部分语言是文化的一部分, 但文化又需语言来表但文化又需语言来表征。征。 *老太太的裹脚,又臭又长老太太的裹脚,又臭又长20 ZE

25、NG Wen-huan就其具体操作层面而言,翻译是语言转换活动,而就其本质而言,翻译是一项跨文化的交流活动。n季羡林先生认为: “不同的国家或民族之间,如果有往来,有交流的需要,就会需要翻译。否则,思想就无法沟通,文化就难以交流,人类社会就难以前进。”翻译从形式上是翻译语言,从实质上是交流文化翻译从形式上是翻译语言,从实质上是交流文化21 ZENG Wen-huan Willingness to drink poison in order to prove ones innocence may seem preposterous(absurd) to Americans and decidin

26、g whether to go on a long journey on the basis of how a chicken flops about after its head has been cut off can also seem incredible. n(云南佤族人自古用鸡头算卦,预测当日的吉凶;希腊人打仗或其他重大事件会求神谕 oracle from God)n(Nida, Language, Culture and Translating 312)22 ZENG Wen-huanBut for many Africans it is equally absurd for p

27、eople to fast when food is available. Since food has been provided by God, refusing to eat it means insulting God. Also, people who spend money to buy pills in order to sleep are regarded by most Africans as being completley out of their mind.n(Nida, Language, Culture and Translating 312)nOur princi

28、ples: 承认文化差异;尊重异族文化; 反对文化霸权;和平共处, 吸收优秀文化精髓23 ZENG Wen-huan Some people have thought that each language is so distinct that there is no valid way in which the discourses of one language can be translated into another. (one of the two extreme views: either everything can be translated without loss or

29、nothing can be translated without loss) But at least ninety percent of the fundamental structures fo all languages are quite similar, and language universals far outweigh the divergencies. (Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.302)语言文化对翻译的影响语言文化对翻译的影响24 ZENG Wen-huanSome of the difficulties of

30、translation stem from culturally idiosyncratic(peculiar) meanings. A text which only reflects the many concepts and literary canons of a particular isolated culture often includes information which is extremely difficult to understand and to translate in a distinct language-culture. (e.g.Britains ne

31、w super class)n(Nida, Language, Culture and Translating p.312)nThere is never a completely perfect or timeless translation. (The reason is that)Both language and culture are always in the process of change. 25 ZENG Wen-huan翻译对文化的促进作用翻译对文化的促进作用n季羡林先生在谈到翻译的作用时,曾以中华文明中华文明的发展的发展为例,作了如下精辟的阐述:“为什么中华文化竟延续不

32、断一直存在到今天呢?我想,这里面是因为翻译在起作用。我曾在一篇文章中说过,若拿河流来作比较,中华文化这一条长河,有水若拿河流来作比较,中华文化这一条长河,有水满的时候,也有水少的时候,但却从未枯竭。原满的时候,也有水少的时候,但却从未枯竭。原因就是有新水注入,注入的次数大大小小是颇多因就是有新水注入,注入的次数大大小小是颇多的,最大的有两次,一次是从印度来的水,一次的,最大的有两次,一次是从印度来的水,一次是从西方来的水。是从西方来的水。而这两次的大注入依靠的都是翻译。中华文化之所以能常葆青春,万应灵药就是翻译。翻译之为用大矣哉!”26 ZENG Wen-huan Teaching Arran

33、gementn (More translation practices than teachings of theories) Out-of-class translating: a dozen pieces of paragraphs or excerpts to translate (either English or Chinese) and discussions over them in class(the total words may amount to 5000)nTwo in-class activities: (1) error-finding in video cilps

34、;(2) report-writing on a NOVEL (either English or Chinese) and its Translation and presentations of your findings at the end of the term.4. The converage of this semester27 ZENG Wen-huacounselors 非 “顾问”bench 非 “椅子”(双方律师,请上前到法官席双方律师,请上前到法官席)影视字幕纠错影视字幕纠错Counselors,approach the bench. 顾问,靠近椅子。Youre fired. 你再点燃顾问顾问?椅子椅子?点燃点燃?解雇解雇!28 ZENG Wen-huaThats the end. Thank you!29 ZENG Wen-hua



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