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1、新编饭店实用英语听说教程新编饭店实用英语听说教程主编:赵 丽 制作:李晓新 妩媚人生妩媚人生 http:/ nUnit One Front Officen nUnit Two Housekeepingn nUnit Three Food and Beveragesn nUnit Four Shopping Arcaden nUnit Five Recreation and Fitness Centern nUnit Six Beauty Parlorn nUnit Seven Hotel ServiceUnit OneFront OfficePart A: Reservation & Chec

2、k-inPart B: Bell ServicePart C: Information Desk & SwitchboardPart D: Checking-outPart E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Reservation & Check-inPre-questions: 1. What can reservationist say when greeting the guests and offering help to the guests?2. What information should be obtained when the guests wan

3、t to make room reservation?Part A: Reservation & Check-in3. If the hotel is fully booked, how would the reservationist refuse the booking politely?4. Do hotels give preferential rates to group reservations?5. What should the receptionist do when the guests check in?Part A: Reservation & Check-inConv

4、ersationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsreserve v. riz:v reserve v. riz:v 预定预定 type n. taip type n. taip 种类种类 fine adj. fain fine adj. fain 太好了太好了repeat v. ripi:t repeat v. ripi:t 重复重复room rateroom rate房价房价 stay v. n. stei stay v. n. stei 逗留逗留 Part A: Re

5、servation & Check-inreservation n. rezvein 预定include v. inklu:d 包括address n. dres 地址exactly adv. izktli 确切地、精确地single room单人间look forward to期待 Part A: Reservation & Check-inSection 2Key Words & Expressionsdeduction n. didkn 折扣 discount n. diskaunt 折扣September n.sptemb 九月group reservation团体预定Part A:

6、Reservation & Check-inspecial adj. spel 特殊的marvelous adj. m:vils 太好了、太棒了double room双人间Part A: Reservation & Check-inSection 3Key Words & Expressionsextend v. ikstend 延长April n. eiprl 四月Sydney n. sidni 悉尼possible adj. psbl 可能charge v. t:d 收费fill in a form添表格Part A: Reservation & Check-insuite n. swi:

7、t 套间stay v. n. stei 逗留Australia n. streilj 澳大利亚madam n. mdm 夫人go ahead请吧Part A: Reservation & Check-inSection 4Section 4Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsinform v. inf:m inform v. inf:m 通知通知 unexpected adj. nikspektid unexpected adj. nikspektid 想不到的,意想不到的,意外的外的happen v. happen v. 发生发生 Ca

8、nada n. knd Canada n. knd 加拿大加拿大Friday n. fraidi Friday n. fraidi 星期五星期五trouble n. trbl trouble n. trbl 麻烦麻烦advanced depositadvanced deposit预定押金预定押金 Part A: Reservation & Check-incancel v. knsl 取消Vancouver n. vnku:v 温哥华telex n. teleks 电传check v. tek 核对mention v. menn 提及due to由于Part A: Reservation &

9、Check-inSection 5Key Words & Expressionsperiod n. pirid 时期、期间pleasure n. ple 愉快、高兴、满足ahead adv. hed 向前cancel v. knsl 取消 Part A: Reservation & Check-insuggest v. sdest 建议straight adj. adv. streit 直的、一直地mention v. menn 提及trouble v. n. trbl(制造)麻烦Part A: Reservation & Check-inSection 6Key Words & Expres

10、sionsIowa n. aiw 依阿华州enjoy v. indi 享受key card钥匙卡June n. du:n 六月 Part A: Reservation & Check-inThursday n. :zdi 星期四perfect adj. p:fikt 非常好bellboy n. belbi 行李员Part A: Reservation & Check-inSection 7Key Words & Expressionsluggage n. lid 行李 certainly adv. s:tnli 当然 Part B: Bell ServicePre-questions: Pre

11、-questions: 1. As a bellboy, when you help the guests with 1. As a bellboy, when you help the guests with their luggage, what can you say?their luggage, what can you say?2. Besides helping the guests with their 2. Besides helping the guests with their luggage, what else can a bellboy do for the lugg

12、age, what else can a bellboy do for the guests?guests?3. When the guests say Thank you., what 3. When the guests say Thank you., what should the bellboy say to the guests?should the bellboy say to the guests?Part B: Bell ServiceConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey W

13、ords & Expressionsbellboy n. belbi bellboy n. belbi 行李员行李员 luggage n. lid luggage n. lid 行李行李appreciate v. pri:ieit appreciate v. pri:ieit 欣赏,赞赏欣赏,赞赏 piece n. pi:s piece n. pi:s (一)件(一)件suitcase n. sju:tkeis suitcase n. sju:tkeis 衣箱衣箱 Part B: Bell Servicebreakable adj. breikbl 易碎的be careful小心 should

14、er bag背包send up 把 送到 in a minute马上,立刻Part B: Bell ServiceSection 2Key Words & Expressionslift n. lift 电梯 indeed adv. indi:d 真正地follow me跟我走 after you您先请 Part B: Bell ServiceSection 3Key Words & Expressionknock v. nk 敲 leave v. li:v 把留在postcard n. pustk:d 明信片 menu n. menju: 菜单by the way顺便问一下 room ser

15、vice送餐服务 Part B: Bell ServiceSection 4Section 4Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionshang v. h hang v. h 挂挂 overcoat n. uvkut overcoat n. uvkut 外衣外衣hanger n. h hanger n. h 衣架衣架 closet n. klzit closet n. klzit 壁橱壁橱set v. set set v. set 定(时)定(时) deposit n. dipzit deposit n. dipzit 押金押金Part B:

16、Bell Serviceleave v. li:v leave v. li:v 留留 beer n. bi beer n. bi 啤酒啤酒juice n. du:s juice n. du:s 果汁果汁 bathroom n. b:ru:m bathroom n. b:ru:m 卫生间卫生间provide v. prvaid provide v. prvaid 提供提供 laundry n. l:ndri laundry n. l:ndri 洗衣洗衣Directory of ServicesDirectory of Services服务指南服务指南 Part B: Bell Servicemo

17、te controlmote control遥控器遥控器clock radio with alarmclock radio with alarm报时闹钟报时闹钟 wake upwake up叫醒叫醒surf on Internetsurf on Internet上网上网 laundry bag l:ndri bg laundry bag l:ndri bg 洗衣袋洗衣袋floor service deskfloor service desk楼层服务台楼层服务台 mini-barmini-bar小冰箱小冰箱 soft drinksoft drink软饮料软饮料 soda watersoda wa

18、ter苏打水苏打水 Part B: Bell ServiceSection 5Section 5Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsintroduce v. intrdju:s introduce v. intrdju:s 介绍介绍 restaurant n. restrt restaurant n. restrt 餐厅餐厅bar n. b: bar n. b: 酒吧酒吧 offer v. f offer v. f 提供提供dish n. didish n. di(盘装)菜(盘装)菜 specialize in specialize in

19、 以以为特点为特点Part B: Bell Serviceappliance n. plains 器械 banquet hall宴会厅 tea house 茶室 beauty saloon美容店next to在旁边 Fitness Center健身中心 Part B: Bell Serviceindoor swimming pool室内游泳馆 outdoor tennis court室外网球场 billiard room台球室 bowling room保龄球室Recreation Center娱乐中心 at the end of the corridor在楼道尽头Part C: Informa

20、tion Desk & SwitchboardPre-questions: 1. What does the clerk at the Information Desk do?2. What scenic spots do you know? Can you say something about them?Part C: Information Desk & Switchboard3. Is wake-up service provided in the hotel?4. What should the operator say when the line is busy? Part C:

21、Information Desk & SwitchboardConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsleft n. left left n. left 左左 lift n. lift lift n. lift 电梯电梯 end n. end end n. end 尽头尽头 corridor n. krid: corridor n. krid: 楼道楼道 right n. rait right n. rait 右右 attend v. tend attend

22、 v. tend 参加参加/ /出席出席Part C: Information Desk & Switchboardplan v. pln 计划 Dashilan 大栅栏across prep. krs 横过; 越过 overpass n. uvp:s 过街天桥underpass n. ndp:s 地下通道 Qianmen 前门Part C: Information Desk & Switchboardasking and telling the way问/指路 have ones hair done做头发beauty parlor美容店 banquet hall宴会厅Chinese rest

23、aurant中餐厅 traffic lights红绿灯Part C: Information Desk & SwitchboardSection2Key Words & Expressionsmeet v. mi:t 会见 invite v. invai 邀请concert hall音乐厅 Not at all.不用谢leave and take a message留/记口信Part C: Information Desk & SwitchboardSection 3Key Words & Expressionssuggestion n. sdestn 建议magic adj. mdik 神奇

24、的 unbelievable adj. nbili:vbl 无法相信的 experience n. ikspirins 经历 Part C: Information Desk & Switchboardattractive adj. trktiv 吸引人的 enjoy v. indi 享受 splendid adj. splendid 辉煌 architecture n. :kitekt 建筑 unique adj. ju:ni:k 独特的 construction n. knstrkn 工程 Tian An Men Square天安门广场Part C: Information Desk &

25、SwitchboardPalace MuseumPalace Museum故宫故宫 Summer PalaceSummer Palace颐和园颐和园The Great WallThe Great Wall长城长城 Ming TombsMing Tombs十三陵十三陵The Temple of HeavenThe Temple of Heaven天坛天坛 The Hall of Prayer for Good HarvestThe Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest祈年殿祈年殿The Imperial Vault of HeavenThe Imperial Vault

26、 of Heaven皇穹宇皇穹宇Echo WallEcho Wall回音壁回音壁The Circular Mound AlterThe Circular Mound Alter圜丘坛圜丘坛 Part C: Information Desk & SwitchboardSection 4Key Words & Expressionsrequest v. rikwest 要求 switchboard n. switb:d 总机 urgent adj. :dnt 紧急的 Part C: Information Desk & Switchboardfix v. fiks 安排line n. lain 线

27、(路) busy adj. bizi 繁忙early call叫早 wake-up call叫早电话putthrough to(电话)接通 hold the line别挂(电话)Part D: Checking-outPre-questions: 1. What is a cashier? 2. What does a cashier do everyday?3. What are important personalities of a good cashier?Part D: Checking-outConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressions

28、check v. tek 检查,核对 accept v. ksept 接受check out离店结账 settle the bill结账Part D: Checking-outright away立刻,马上 credit card信用卡American Express美国运通卡 Visa card维萨卡 sign ones name签名Part D: Checking-outSection 2Key Words & Expressionstotal adj. tutl 总的 figure n. fi 数字own v. un 欠 explain v. iksplein 解释spot v. spt

29、 发现 Part D: Checking-outmischarge n. mist:d 收错(钱)mirror n. mir 镜子 the day before yesterday前天with pleasure很乐意 an itemized bill逐条列明的细账 service charge服务费 express service特快服务 Part D: Checking-outSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionssuppose v. spuz suppose v. spuz 想想 mistake n.

30、 misteik mistake n. misteik 错误错误apologize v. pldaiz apologize v. pldaiz 道歉道歉 correct v. krekt correct v. krekt 改正改正 deduct v. didkt deduct v. didkt 减去减去 countersign v. kauntsain countersign v. kauntsain 再签一次再签一次travelers checktravelers check旅行支票旅行支票 Part D: Checking-outSection 4Section 4Key Words &

31、ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsbank n. bk bank n. bk 银行银行 exchange rateexchange rate兑换率兑换率6.83 yuan to the dollar 6.83 yuan to the dollar 一美元换一美元换6.836.83元人民币元人民币 across the streetacross the street在街对面在街对面The exchange rate is subject to alteration The exchange rate is subject to alteration withou

32、t notice.without notice.兑换率可随时更改,不另行通兑换率可随时更改,不另行通知。知。Part E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: 1. If the guests complaint is reasonable, whats to be done?2. If the guests complaint is unreasonable and his request is against the hotel regulations, whats to be done?3. What can hotel staffs say when t

33、hey apologize to the guests?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionscaptain n. kptin captain n. kptin 领班领班 complaint n. kmpleint complaint n. kmpleint 抱怨抱怨/ /牢骚牢骚 happen v. hpn happen v. hpn 发生发生 reconfirm v. ri:knf:m recon

34、firm v. ri:knf:m 再确认再确认 slack seasonslack season淡季淡季 under the name of under the name of 在在的名下的名下Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Key Words & Expressionssupervisor n. sju:pvaiz 主管 leather adj. le 皮的 pulling strap拉手 name tag名签 get in touch with联系/联络Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & E

35、xpressionsduty manager值班经理 international direct dialing= IDD call国际直拨Unit TwoHousekeepingPart A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms Part B: Chamber Service Part C: Laundry Service Part D: Room Service Part E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms Pre-questions: 1. What does a r

36、eceptionist usually do in a hotel?2. Are you familiar with the room facilities in a hotel? Name some of them.3. What does a floor attendant mean?Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms ConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsguide gaid v. guide gai

37、d v. 引导,带领引导,带领 step step v. step step v. 迈步,踏迈步,踏guest gest n. guest gest n. 客人客人 insert ins:t v. insert ins:t v. 插入插入clerk kla:k; kl:k n. clerk kla:k; kl:k n. 职员,店员职员,店员 Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms dial dail v. 拨(电话号码)receptionist risepnist n. 前台接待人员 elevator eliveit n. 电梯facility fs

38、iliti n. 设施,设备 key card 钥匙牌Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms extension ikstenn n. 电话分机 floor attendant 楼层服务员luggage lgid n. 行李,皮箱 extension number 分机号码Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms Section 2Key Words & Expressionsintroduce 介绍intrdju:s vt. 提供, 供给supply splai vt. 开关switch swit n. 令

39、人惊异的amazing meizi adj. 温度temperature temprit (r) n. Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms soap sup n. 肥皂adjuster dst (r) n. 调节器 shampoo mpu: n. 洗发液wardrobe w:dr ub n. 衣柜,衣橱 toothpaste tu: peist n. 牙膏 bathrobe ba: rub n. 浴衣 toothbrush tu: bru n. 牙刷minibar miniba: n. 小巴台 Part A: Guiding the Guests

40、 to Their Rooms comb kum n. 梳子mini-safe miniseif n. 小型保险箱 razor reiz n. 剃须刀program prugrm n. 节目 laundry l?:ndri n. 待洗的衣服,洗衣店provide prvaid v. 提供 Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms check in 办理入住手续satellite stlait n. 人造卫星 shaving cream 剃须膏 channel tnl n. 频道 round the clock 24小时panel pnl n. 控制板,

41、面板 laundry bag 洗衣袋Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms Section 3Key Words & Expressionsunlock nl?k vt. 开锁 sauna sau:n n. 桑拿浴cozy kuzi adj. 舒适的,惬意的 bowling buli n. 保龄球curtain k:tn n. 窗帘 Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms billiard biljd adj. 台球的view vju: n. 风景,景色 basement beismnt n. 地下室res

42、taurant restrnt n. 餐馆 Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms recreation rekri ei()n n. 娱乐,消遣 Karaoke kereiuki n. (Jap.)卡拉OK录音,自动伴奏录音fitness center 健身中心 beauty salon 美容美发turn on 打开(开关)Part B: Chamber ServicePre-questions: 1. What does a room attendant usually do in a hotel?2. What does chamber ser

43、vice usually include? Name some of them.3. What does “turn down service” mean?Part B: Chamber ServiceConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionshousekeeping hashousekeeping has客房服务客房服务kipi n. kipi n. 方便的方便的convenient knvinjnt a. convenient knvinjnt a. 打

44、扰打扰disturb dist:b v. disturb dist:b v. 我现在正有点事我现在正有点事I m tied up at the moment. I m tied up at the moment. Part B: Chamber ServiceSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsreport ripreport rip 报告报告rt n. rt n. 打扫,整理打扫,整理tidy up tidy up pillowslip pilpillowslip pil 枕套枕套slip n. sl

45、ip n. 做晚床做晚床turn down service turn down service 撒,溅撒,溅spill (spilt, spilt) spil v. spill (spilt, spilt) spil v. 混乱混乱in a mess in a mess 绿茶绿茶green tea green tea Part B: Chamber ServiceSection 3Key Words & Expressionsblanket blkit n. 毯子get a cold 感冒Ill be right there. 我马上就到Part C: Laundry ServicePre-q

46、uestions: 1. What does laundry service usually include? 2. What does “express laundry service” mean?3. What is the function of a laundry bag?Part C: Laundry ServiceConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionslaundry llaundry l 洗衣店,待洗的衣物洗衣店,待洗的衣物ndri n .

47、ndri n . 小册子小册子brochure bru n .brochure bru n . 提及,谈到提及,谈到mention mnn v. mention mnn v. 信息,资料信息,资料information infmein n .information infmein n . 衣橱衣橱dresser drs n . AmE dresser drs n . AmE 洗衣袋洗衣袋a laundry bag a laundry bag Part C: Laundry Servicedrawer dr 抽屉r n . 取pick up 费用,价格rate reit n . 洗衣收费价格表l

48、aundry rate chart 图,图表chart ta:t n . Part C: Laundry ServiceSection 2Key Words & Expressionsblouse blaus n. 女衬衫 be made of 由材料制成silk silk n. 丝绸Part C: Laundry Servicecome off 脱落,分开sew su v. 缝纫,缝 by the way 顺便说一下dry-clean v. 干洗 in this case 这样,在这种情况下Part C: Laundry ServiceSection 3Key Words & Express

49、ionsimmediately imi:ditli adv. 马上,即刻express ikspres adj. 专门的,快速的notify nutifai v. 通知,告知express laundry service 特快洗衣服务 Part C: Laundry ServiceIt takes .to do sth. 做某事需要时间。We charge forty percent extra/surcharge for express. 对特快洗衣服务我们要加收40%的额外收费。I will have express. 我要特快洗衣服务。Part D: Room ServicePre-qu

50、estions: 1. What does room service usually include? 2. Name some typical breakfast?3. What are the advantages of fast food?Part D: Room ServiceConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressions 煎,炸煎,炸fry (fried) frai v. fry (fried) frai v. 羔羊肉羔羊肉lamb lm n . la

51、mb lm n . prawn prprawn pr 对虾,大虾对虾,大虾n n. n n. 绿色蔬菜,青菜绿色蔬菜,青菜greens gri:nz n. pl. greens gri:nz n. pl. 火腿,火腿肉火腿,火腿肉ham hm n . ham hm n . 苏打水苏打水soda sud n . soda sud n . 烤(肉等)烤(肉等)roast rust v. roast rust v. Part D: Room ServicehSection 2Key Words & Expressionsorder 点(菜):d v. 收费charge ta:d v. 烤面包片,吐司

52、toast tust n. 签名sign sain v. 更喜欢prefer prif: v. Part D: Room Serviceroom service room service 送餐服务送餐服务deliver diliv v. deliver diliv v. 送送 fried egg fried egg 煎鸡蛋煎鸡蛋bill bil n.bill bil n.(服务费用的)账单(服务费用的)账单 lightly done lightly done 嫩一点的嫩一点的accountkauntn.accountkauntn.账户账户bacon beikn n. bacon beikn n

53、. (通常切成薄片的)咸猪(通常切成薄片的)咸猪肉,熏猪肉肉,熏猪肉Can I have it charged to my account? Can I have it charged to my account? 能记在能记在我的账上吗我的账上吗? ?Part D: Room ServiceSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressions参加,出席,到场参加,出席,到场attend tend v. attend tend v. 显示,展示显示,展示display displei v. display disple

54、i v. 甜饼干甜饼干 小甜饼,小甜饼,cookie kuki n. cookie kuki n. document ddocument d 文件文件kjument n. kjument n. 接口,入口接口,入口access kses n. access kses n. 安排好安排好为为arrangefor. arrangefor. 屏幕屏幕screen skri:n n. screen skri:n n. Part E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: 1. Talk about how to handle the guests complaint? 2

55、. How do you deal with difficult guests?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionssheet i:t n. sheet i:t n. 床单床单 apologize for apologize for 对对表示抱歉表示抱歉bathtub btb n. bathtub btb n. 浴缸浴缸 be full of be full of 充满了充满了in a mess i

56、n a mess 混乱,一团糟混乱,一团糟 should have checked should have checked 本来应该检查过本来应该检查过Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsshrink rik v. shrink rik v. 缩水缩水 The color has run. The color has run. 颜色褪了颜色褪了might as well might as well 不妨不妨 Its ruined. (Its ruin

57、ed. (衬衫衬衫) )不能穿了不能穿了worse still worse still 更糟糕的是更糟糕的是 refund the cost of refund the cost of 赔偿赔偿费用费用Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & Expressionsmean to make trouble 想要找麻烦kept awake 睡不着觉construction site 建筑工地Unit ThreeFood and BeveragesPart A: Guiding the Guests to heir TablesPart B:

58、Take the OrderPart C: Table ServicePart D: Take the BillPart E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Guiding the Guests to Their TablesPre-questions: 1. What does a receptionist usually do in the restaurant of a hotel?2. How to explain to the guests if there isnt any table available in the restaurant?3. Where

59、 do guests usually want to sit in the restaurant of a hotel?Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their TablesConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & ExpressionsCaf kfei; (US) kfei n.Caf kfei; (US) kfei n.咖啡馆咖啡馆 vacant veiknt adj. vacant veiknt adj. 空缺的空缺的available vei

60、lbl adj. available veilbl adj. 可用的可用的, ,空闲的空闲的 scenery si:nri n. scenery si:nri n. 风景风景reservation rezvein n. reservation rezvein n. 预定预定 contact kntkt n.contact kntkt n.接触接触, ,联系联系Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their TablesSection 2Key Words & Expressionsreceptionist risepnist n. 接待员 waitress weitri

61、s n. 女侍者,女服务员Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their TablesSection 3Key Words & ExpressionsLouisiana lu(:).i:zin n. 路易斯安那州美国 Hilton hiltn n. 希尔顿(姓氏)captain kptin n. 船长,领班 v. 率领,指挥Part B: Take the OrderPre-questions: 1. What would waiter or waitress say first after the guests are seated?2. Are you famili

62、ar with the menu? Name some of dish.3. A guest doesnt know what to order. What would you do if you were a waiter or waitress?Part B: Take the OrderConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsham hm n. ham hm n. 火腿火腿choice tis n. choice tis n. 选择选择scrambl

63、e skrmbl v. scramble skrmbl v. 搅炒搅炒, ,混杂一起混杂一起sunny side up sunny side up 单面煎单面煎over easy over easy 煎得很嫩煎得很嫩over hard over hard 双面煎双面煎Part B: Take the OrderSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsserve s:v v. serve s:v v. 可作可作.用用, ,服务服务, ,对待对待cuisine kwi(:)zi:n n. cuisine kwi

64、(:)zi:n n. 烹饪烹饪Cantonese .kntni:z n.Cantonese .kntni:z n.广东的广东的spicy spaisi adj.spicy spaisi adj.芳香的芳香的( (辛辣辛辣) )beancurdbi:nk:d n. beancurdbi:nk:d n. 豆腐豆腐shred red v. shred red v. 切碎的切碎的Part B: Take the OrderSection 3Key Words & Expressionsbroccoli brkli n. 绿菜花,花椰菜crab krb n. 蟹sauce s:s n. 调味汁,酱汁ch

65、ef ef n. 厨师Part B: Take the Orderbrandy brndi n. 白兰地酒Buddha bud n. 佛佗mandarin fish 桂鱼steam sti:m adj. 蒸气的mix miks n. 混合物,混乱v. 混合,弄混,与recommendation .rekmendein n. 推荐,介绍Part C: Table ServicePre-questions: 1. What should a waiter say if he wants to serve a dish?2. If you serve the wrong dish, what wou

66、ld you say? 3. Is it possible for the guest to ask the waiter to serve the dish in his room?Part C: Table ServiceConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsbanquet bkwit n. 宴会vi. 宴请assorted s:tid adj.组合的poultry pultri n. 家禽Part C: Table Serviceprawn pr:n n. 对虾,明虾pigeon pidin n. 鸽子feast fi:st n. 宴会

67、,酒席,节会dessert diz:t n. 甜食conclude knklu:dv. 结束,作结论Part C: Table ServiceSection 2Key Words & Expressionstiny taini adj. 极小的,微小的candle kndl n. 蜡烛light lait v. 点燃,著火,变亮match mt n.火柴rhythm rim, rim n. 节奏,韵律applaud pl:d v. 拍手喝采,称赞 Part C: Table ServiceSection 3Key Words & Expressionssign sain n. 符号 ,手势,迹

68、象,招牌v. 签,做手势,做标记bill bil n. 帐单,钞票,票据,清单vt.开帐单 Part D: Take the BillPre-questions: 1. What would the guests say if they want to pay the bill?2. How many ways do you know to pay the bill? Tell your partner.Part D: Take the BillConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsowe u v. 欠vt. 欠(债等),归功于charge

69、t:d n.费用 v. 收费invoice invis n. 发票,发货单receipt risi:t n. 收据Part D: Take the BillSection 2Key Words & Expressionswave weiv n. 波,波浪 v.挥动,起伏check tek n.支票,账单 v. 核对credit kredit n. 信用,学分wallet wlit n. 皮夹,钱包Part D: Take the BillSection 3Key Words & Expressionsbloody bldi adj. 血腥的liquor lik n. 酒strong str a

70、dj. 强壮的,烈性的climate klaimit n. 气候,风气,气氛be fond of 喜欢,喜爱Part E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: Pre-questions: 1. What are the common complaints in Food 1. What are the common complaints in Food and Beverage Department of a Hotel?and Beverage Department of a Hotel?2. How to start to explain in order

71、 to solve the 2. How to start to explain in order to solve the problem?problem?3. Do you think its an important ability to 3. Do you think its an important ability to handle complaints from the guests? Why?handle complaints from the guests? Why?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsSection 1Key Wo

72、rds & Expressionsappointment pintmnt n. 约会,预约Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Key Words & Expressionslobster lbst n. 龙虾salmon smn n. 鲑,大马哈鱼awfully :fuli adv. 可怕的,非常的Part E: Handling Complaintsapologize pldaiz v. 道歉complimentary .kmpliment()ri adj.夸奖的,免费赠送的snack snk n. 小吃,点心 v. 吃零食,吃点心Part E: Hand

73、ling ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & Expressionscashier ki n. 出纳员,收银员Unit Four Shopping ArcadePart A: Inquiries about Shopping Arcade Part B: At the Gift Shop Part C: At the Souvenir ShopPart D: At the Food ShopPart E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Inquiries about Pre-questions: 1. Where can a guest buy

74、 some gifts in a hotel?2. What do shops in a hotel sell?3. How do the clerks answer the inquiries asked by the guests about the Shopping Arcade in the hotel?Part A: Inquiries about 4. How do the sales persons greet the guests in the shop?5. How do the sales persons introduce the items, recommend ite

75、ms and indicate prices in different shops?6. How do the sales persons bide farewell to the guests?Part A: Inquiries about ConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsgift ift n. gift ift n. 礼物,礼品礼物,礼品 inquiry inkwairi n. inquiry inkwairi n. 问询问询floorfl:n

76、. floorfl:n. 地板,楼层地板,楼层 look for look for 寻找寻找typical tipikl adj. typical tipikl adj. 典型的典型的 Part A: Inquiries about Shopping Arcade 商场部,商场clerk kl:k n. 职员,员工 sales girl 女销售员greet ri:t vt. 问候 take a look 看一下variety vraitin. 种类繁多 Part A: Inquiries about Section 2Key Words & Expressionswonder wnd v. 闲

77、逛 souvenir shop 纪念品商店meet mi:t vt. 会见 in that case 这种情况下introduce intrdju:s vt. 介绍 Part A: Inquiries about Section 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionspearl p:l n. pearl p:l n. 珍珠珍珠 different difrnt adj. different difrnt adj. 不同的不同的artificial :tifil adj. artificial :tifil adj. 人工

78、的人工的 Fuwa n. Fuwa n. 福娃福娃real ril adj. real ril adj. 真的真的 look around look around 环顾四周,闲逛环顾四周,闲逛natural ntrl adj. natural ntrl adj. 天然的天然的 take your time take your time 您随意您随意Part B: At the Gift ShopPre-questions: 1. What does a gift shop sell?2. What are the skills of sending gifts?3. What would yo

79、u say if you want to ask for the guests requirements on shopping items?Part B: At the Gift Shop4. How would you recommend gifts to people of different ages?5. How would you recommend and introduce pearls, silk scarves to the guests?6. What would you say when you tell the guests where the cashier is?

80、Part B: At the Gift ShopConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsscarf sk:f n. scarf sk:f n. 围巾围巾 in mind in mind 中意的中意的recommendation rekmendein n. recommendation rekmendein n. 推荐推荐 hair pin hair pin 发卡发卡lovely lvli adj. lovely lvli adj. 可爱的可爱的 Part

81、B: At the Gift Shopmodel car 汽车模型 pearl p:l n. 珍珠 take your time 请随便逛gift shop 礼品店 in red 红色的in the shape of 形状的Part B: At the Gift ShopSection 2Key Words & Expressionsnecklace neklisn. 项链 elegant elint adj. 高贵的 collection klekn n. 一系列 delicate delikit adj. 精致的 popular ppjul adj. 流行的 Part B: At the

82、Gift Shopsilk staff 丝绸制品lady leidi n. 女士 my pleasure 我的荣幸choice tis n. 选择 free of charge 免费earring iri n. 耳环 look for 寻找Part B: At the Gift ShopSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsspecial spel adj. special spel adj. 特别的特别的 receipt risi:t n. receipt risi:t n. 收据收据match mt

83、v. match mt v. 搭配搭配 silk dress silk dress 丝绸裙丝绸裙cashier ki n. cashier ki n. 收银员收银员 silk shirt silk shirt 丝绸衬衣丝绸衬衣Part B: At the Gift Shopsign sain v. sign sain v. 签,写签,写 Chinese silk Chinese silk 中国丝绸中国丝绸accept ksept v. accept ksept v. 接受接受 enjoy yourself enjoy yourself 请尽兴请尽兴interest intrist n. int

84、erest intrist n. 兴趣兴趣 for your choice for your choice 供您选择供您选择step step v. step step v. 走走 in that case in that case 这种情况下这种情况下Visa vi:z n. Visa vi:z n. 维萨卡维萨卡 credit card credit card 信用卡信用卡Part C: At the Souvenir ShopPre-questions: 1. What is a souvenir?2. What does a souvenir shop sell?3. What wou

85、ld you say when you ask for guests need?Part C: At the Souvenir Shop4. How would you recommend souvenirs to the guests?5. How would you introduce the typical Chinese souvenirs to the guests?6. Do you collect souvenirs from different places?Part C: At the Souvenir ShopConversationsConversationsSectio

86、n 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsprefer prif: v. prefer prif: v. 喜爱,倾向于喜爱,倾向于 souvenir shop souvenir shop 纪念品店纪念品店daughter d:t n. daughter d:t n. 女儿女儿 a collection of a collection of 一套一套size saiz n. size saiz n. 型号型号 big-sized adj. big-sized adj. 大号的大号的Part C: At the Souven

87、ir ShopSection 2Key Words & Expressionsfly flai v. 乘飞机飞行 smallest smlist adj. 最小的crazy kreizi adj. 疯狂的 Funiu n. 福牛medium-sized adj. 中号的 Part C: At the Souvenir Shopwhy not 为什么不呢sample smpl n. 样品 Olympic Games 奥运会gift-wrap gift-rp v. 礼品包装 Paralympics Games 残奥会Part C: At the Souvenir ShopSection 3Key

88、Words & Expressionsglad ld adj. 高兴的 typical tipikl adj. 典型的chinaware tainw n. 瓷器 quality kwliti n. 质量choose tu:z v. 选择 Part C: At the Souvenir Shopfragilefrdail adj. fragilefrdail adj. 易碎的易碎的safely seifli adv. safely seifli adv. 安全地安全地 complicated kmplikeitid adj. complicated kmplikeitid adj. 复杂的复杂的

89、traditional trdin()l adj. traditional trdin()l adj. 传统的传统的 interested in interested in 对对感兴趣感兴趣procedure prsi:d n. procedure prsi:d n. 过程过程 Chinese art Chinese art 中国艺术中国艺术productivity prdktiviti n. productivity prdktiviti n. 产量产量 cost a fortune cost a fortune 昂贵昂贵Part D: At the Food ShopPre-questio

90、ns: 1. What does a food shop sell?2. How would you offer help in the food shop?3. How would you introduce local food from different manufacturers?Part D: At the Food Shop4. What kind of local food would you recommend for people of different ages?5. How would you give suggestions about the local food

91、 in Beijing?6. How would you tell the guests where they can settle their account?Part D: At the Food ShopConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionssection sekn n. section sekn n. 分部分部 payment peimnt n. payment peimnt n. 结账结账brand brnd n. brand brnd n.

92、品牌品牌 local food local food 当地食品当地食品famous feims adj. famous feims adj. 著名的著名的 selection of selection of 一系列一系列Part D: At the Food Shopmanufacturer mnjufktr n. 生产商 preserved fruit 果脯comparison kmprisn n. 对比 all of your purchasing 所有购买convenient knvi:njnt adj. 方便的Part D: At the Food ShopSection 2Secti

93、on 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionssweet swi:t adj. sweet swi:t adj. 甜的甜的 famous for famous for 以以著称著称 well-known wel-nun adj.well-known wel-nun adj.著名的著名的 Beijing Roast Duck Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭北京烤鸭food shop food shop 食品店食品店 procedure of roasting procedure of roasting 烤制过程烤制过程Part

94、 D: At the Food ShopSection 3Key Words & Expressionscashier ki n. 结账柜台 candy kndi n. 糖wrapping rpi n. 包装 Part D: At the Food Shopkilogram kilrm n. 千克weigh wei v. 称重量 of the same price 价格相同vitamin vaitmin n. 维他命 at your service 为您服务Part E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: 1. What kind of complaints

95、will there be in the Shopping Arcade?2. What would you do when the guest makes a complaint to you?3. How would you handle the complaints?Part E: Handling Complaints4. What would you do when you receive a complaint of giving the wrong size of shoes to the guest?5. What would you do when you receive a

96、 complaint of broken wrapping?6. Can a guest return his purchasing when he doesnt like it any more?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsbill bil n. 帐单 record rek:d n. 记录check tek v. 检查 mistake misteik v. 错认为Part E: Handling Complaintscomputer kmpju:t n. 电脑 trouble

97、trbl n. 麻烦problem prblm n. 问题 seem to 看起来deduct didkt v. 扣除 how come 怎么会 Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsassure u v. assure u v. 保证保证 a pair of a pair of 一双一双wear w v. wear w v. 穿穿 in stock in stock 有存货有存货trouble trbl n. trouble trbl n. 麻烦麻烦

98、 a moment a moment 一会儿一会儿Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionspack pk v. pack pk v. 打包打包 silk dress silk dress 丝绸裙丝绸裙 sticker stik n. sticker stik n. 胶带胶带 tear up tear up 撕裂撕裂re-wrap ri-rp v. re-wrap ri-rp v. 重新包装重新包装 have a nice day have a nice

99、day 祝您愉快祝您愉快Unit Five Recreation and Fitness CenterPart A: Introducing the Facilities Part B: Explaining the Membership Policy Part C: Filling out the Application FormsPart D: Offering Help Part E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Introducing the FacilitiesPre-questions:1. Can you name some of the fitness

100、 equipments?2. What classes will be provided in a Fitness Center?3. What do you concern about a Fitness Center?Part A: Introducing the FacilitiesConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsfacility fsiliti n.设施 Jacuzzi漩流浴室ultimate ltimit adj.终极的 Part A: Introducing the FacilitiesFitness Center 健身中心

101、 massage ms: n.按摩 the west wing西配楼therapy erpi n. 疗法 a free dip免费游泳registered guest住店客人Part A: Introducing the FacilitiesSection 2Key Words & Expressionsaerobics rubiksn.有氧健身 Tai Chi 太极拳 Qigong 气功 the latest equipment 最新式的设备gymnasium dimneizim n.体育馆、健身房Part A: Introducing the FacilitiesSection 3Key

102、Words & Expressionsentertainment entteinmnt n 娱乐 Karaoke krijuki卡拉OKdiscotheque disktek n.迪厅 peak hour 高峰时间Part B: Explaining the Membership PolicyPre-questions:1. Have you ever been a member of a Fitness Center?2. What rate do you think is reasonable for an annual one?3. What kink of card do you pr

103、efer? The annual one, the bi-annual one or the quarterly one? Why?Part B: Explaining the Membership PolicyConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionssauna saun n.桑拿 entitle intaitl v. 给予权利rate reit n.收费标准 Part B: Explaining the Membership Policyseparate fees单独费用(另收费)valid vlid ad 有效的 catch on: 流行

104、membership membip n. 会员资格 foreign residents外国居民 tariff trif n. 价目表 Part B: Explaining the Membership PolicySection 2Key Words & Expressionscomprehensive .kmprihensiv adj. 包罗广泛的 catch your breath呼吸quarterly kw:tli adj. 3个月的,一季的 Part B: Explaining the Membership Policyoxygen room氧气室annual njul adj.一年的

105、 squash court 壁球馆biannual bainjul adj.半年的 off-peak淡季cardio fitness 有氧健身Part B: Explaining the Membership PolicySection3Key Words & Expressionsexpiry ikspairi n. 到期,期满 corresponding .krispndi adj. 相应的membership-freezing policy 会员卡冻结制度in that case 那样的话,在那种情况下Part C: Filling Out the Application Form of

106、 Becoming a MembershipPre-questions:1. Is it necessary to leave your telephone number when filling out the application form?2. When will be convenient for you to go to the Fitness Center everyday?Part C: Filling Out the Application Form of Becoming a MembershipConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expre

107、ssionspromotion prmun n. 促销 allurement ljumnt n. 诱人的事Part C: Filling Out the Application Form of Becoming a MembershipSection 2Key Words & Expressionsapplication form n. 申请表 take effect生效Part C: Filling Out the Application Form of Becoming a MembershipSection 3Key Words & Expressionslocker lk n.(在公共

108、场所供私人存放物品的)小柜子private praivit adj. 私人的,个人专用的Part D: Offering HelpPre-questions:1. Do you like tread-mill? Have you ever tried it?2. Do you remember your first experience on the tread-mill?3. What troubles have you ever met in the Fitness Center?What did they do to help you?Part D: Offering HelpConve

109、rsationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsstoop stu:p v. 弯下腰 tread-mill n. 跑步机Part D: Offering HelpSection 2Key Words & Expressionscalorie klri n. 卡路里 heart beating rate心率grip grip n. 把手 physical condition身体状况Part D: Offering HelpSection 3Key Words & Expressionsspare sp adj. 空闲的,备用的 Part E: Dealing wi

110、th ComplaintsPre-questions:1. Have you ever met any problems in Fitness Center?2. What do the clerk do about it?Part E: Dealing with ComplaintsConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionspace peis n. 速度 at a sudden突然Part E: Dealing with ComplaintsSection 2Key Words & Expressionspower-off停电 bother b

111、 n. 烦扰Part E: Dealing with ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & Expressionscounter kaunt n. 柜台 Unit SixBeauty ParlorPart A: Inquiry about the Beauty ParlorPart B: At the Hairdressers Part C: At the BarbersPart D: Facial MassagePart E: Handling ComplaintsPart A: Inquiry about the Beauty ParlorPre-questions

112、: 1. What does Beauty Parlor mean in a hotel?2. Can you say something about the service at the Beauty Parlor?3. Do you know the difference between the Barbers and the Hairdressers?Part A: Inquiry about the Beauty ParlorConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Ex

113、pressionsBearty Parlor Bearty Parlor 美容室美容室 perfect p:fikt adj. perfect p:fikt adj. 好极了,完美好极了,完美trim trim v. trim trim v. 剪发剪发 various vris adj. various vris adj. 不同的不同的concern kns:n n. concern kns:n n. 关心关心 Part A: Inquiry about the Beauty Parlorhairdresser hedres(r) n. 美发师 barber b:b n. 男理发师 facia

114、l massage 面部按摩 lookay forward 期待 design dizain v. 设计Part A: Inquiry about the Beauty ParlorSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsappointment pintmnt n. appointment pintmnt n. 约会约会 hair cut hair cut 剪头发剪头发brochure bruju n. brochure bruju n. 小册小册 take your time take your time

115、 您慢慢您慢慢charge t:d n. charge t:d n. 收费收费 hair dyeing hair dyeing 染发染发Part A: Inquiry about the Beauty ParlorSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsworry wri v. worry wri v. 担心担心 hair style hair style 发型发型 suggestion sdestn n. suggestion sdestn n. 建议建议 straight hair straight h

116、air 直发直发sound saund v. sound saund v. 听起来听起来 long wave style long wave style 长卷发长卷发 Part B: At the HairdressersPre-questions: 1. Do you know who will go to the Hairdressers?2. What kind of service will the Hairdressers provide?3. Do you think its necessary for a hotel to have a Hairdressers?Part B:

117、At the HairdressersConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionscut kt vt. 剪 enjoy indi v. 享受afraid freid adj. 恐怕 Part B: At the Hairdressersreasonableri:znbl adj. 合理的Autumn :tm n. 秋天 the Hairdressers 女士理发店different difrnt adj. 不同的 hair gel 发型着哩popular ppjul adj. 流行的 hair pin 发卡 Part B: At the Haird

118、ressersSection 2Section 2Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsyoung j adj. young j adj. 年轻的年轻的 hair-moisture product hair-moisture product 护发产品护发产品smooth smu: v. smooth smu: v. 使光滑使光滑 by far by far 到目前为止到目前为止not at all not at all 一点也不一点也不 an eye for beauty an eye for beauty 审美眼光审美眼光have a l

119、ookay have a lookay 看一下看一下 part your hair part your hair 头发分缝头发分缝Part B: At the HairdressersSection 3Key Words & Expressionshate heit vt. 恨 take this number 拿这个号码damage dmid n. 损坏 be good for 对有好处 choice tis n. 选择 Part B: At the Hairdressersworry about 担心terrific trifik adj. 棒极了 color board 色板shine

120、ain v. 闪亮 grape purple 葡萄紫 sample smpl n. 样本 Part C: At the BarbersPre-questions: 1. Do you know who will go to the Barbers?2. What kind of services will the Barbers provide?3. Do you think its necessary for a hotel to have a Barbers?Part C: At the BarbersConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expression

121、ssuggest sdest v. 建议 neat ni:t adj. 整洁的razor reiz n. 刮胡刀,刮脸 natural ntrl adj. 自然的assistant sistnt n. 助手 Part C: At the Barbersaccept ksept v. 接受 sideburns saidbnz n. 络腮胡子 the Barbers 男士理发店forehead frid n. 前额 thin out 剪薄broad br:d adj. 宽的 Part C: At the BarbersSection 2Key Words & Expressionsrelax ri

122、lks v. 放松 anyway eniwei adv. 不管怎样shampoo mpu: n. 洗发水 dry-clean draikli:n v. 干洗shave eiv v. 刮脸 hair-protective 护发品Part C: At the BarbersSection 3Key Words & Expressionsrequirement rikwaimnt n. 要求 fairly fli adv. 相对地popular p pjul adj. 流行的 Part C: At the Barberssuitable sju:tbl adj. 相配的,适应的 perfectlyp

123、:fiktli adv. 完美地 afford f :d v. 负担的起的attractive trktiv adj. 具有吸引力的short-wave t weiv n. 小卷发Part D: Facial MassagePre-questions: 1. Do you know about facial massage?2. What kind of facial massage service does a hotel offer?3. Will you use facial massage service in a hotel?Part D: Facial MassageConvers

124、ationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsfacial feil adj. 脸部的 soften s(:)ftn v. 软化season si:zn n. 季节 relieve rili:v v. 缓解tension tenn n. 紧张,压力 Part D: Facial Massagecoach chair 躺椅massage ms: n. 按摩 cleansing cream 洁面乳surely uli adv. 一定地 peeling cream 去死皮乳液Part D: Facial Massagewrap rp v. 包,裹 dead cell 死

125、皮completely kmpli:tli adv. 完全地 moisture mask 保湿面膜remove rimu:v v. 去除 creamy oil 乳液精油point pint n. 穴位Part D: Facial MassageSection 2Key Words & Expressionsaromaticrumtik adj. 芳香的 convenient knvi:njnt adj. 方便的appointment pintmnt n. 约会 Part D: Facial Massagebody massage 全身按摩 fragrant freirnt n. 芳香 arom

126、atic SPA bath 香薰浴lavenderlvind n. 薰衣草 fall asleep 睡着 project prdekt n. 项目 anti-dry creamy oil 抗干燥乳液精油Part D: Facial MassageSection 3Section 3Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionspain pein n. pain pein n. 疼痛疼痛 efficiently ifektivli adv. efficiently ifektivli adv. 有效地有效地neck nek n. neck nek n

127、. 脖子脖子 wrist rist n. wrist rist n. 腰腰causek:z v. causek:z v. 引起引起 hurt h:t v. hurt h:t v. 弄疼弄疼adjustmentdstmnt n. adjustmentdstmnt n. 调整调整 on request on request 应要求应要求Part E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: 1. What kind of complaints have you come across at the Beauty Parlor?2. How do you think of

128、 complaints?3. Do you know how to handle the complaints at the Beauty Parlor?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionssmell smel v. 散发气味 indeed indi:d adv. 确实liquid likwid n. 液体 disappeardispi v. 消失Part E: Handling Complaintshorrible hrbl adj. 可怕的 stand stnd v. 承受 befo

129、rehand bif:hnd adv. 事先 mistakemisteik n. 失误,错误coverkv v. 覆盖,掩盖 get rid of 去除hardly h:dli adv. 几乎 Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Key Words & Expressionsapologize pldaiz v. 道歉 already :lredi adv. 已经soundly saundli adv. 香甜地 understandingndstndi n. 理解annoyed nid adj. 被激怒的 Part E: Handling Complaint

130、sthree-hour sleep 三小时的睡眠missmis v. 错过 My God! 上帝啊important imp:tnt adj. 重要的 fall in sleep 睡着,入睡Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & Expressionsmirror mir n. 镜子 to the left 向左分natural ntrl adj. 自然的 lookaying n. 看起来result rizlt n. 结果 at last 最后Unit Seven Hotel ServicePart A: Taking Messages

131、Part B: Wake-up Call ServicePart C: Booking Tickets Part D: Special ServicePart E: Handling ComplainsPart A: Taking MessagesPre-questions: 1. In what situation do guests take a message?2. What kind of information is usually included in a message?3. How many situations can you imagine for people to t

132、ake messages?Part A: Taking MessagesConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsdo sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙 depend on 依靠,依据, 看而定make an appointment 有个约会/预约Ill make sure your friend gets your message. 我一定把您的口信带到。Part A: Taking MessagesSection 2Key Words & Expressionsoriental 东方 n, 东方的:rientl adj.人开幕式openi

133、ng ceremony 联系(某人)contact kantkt v. Part A: Taking Messagesflight number 航班号ceremony serimni n. 仪式,典礼 San Francisco 旧金山package pkid n. 箱,包Ill see that your husband gets your message. 我一定向您丈夫转达您的口信。Part A: Taking MessagesSection 3Key Words & ExpressionsGeneral Electric 美国通用电气Let me try his extension

134、for you. 我来拨一下他的房间电话。Part B: Wake-up Call ServicePre-questions: 1. What does “a wake-up call service” mean?2. How many ways are there to give guests a wake-up call?3. What does “time difference” mean?Part B: Wake-up Call ServiceConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsleave for 去往 traffic jam 堵车

135、,塞车wake sb. up 叫醒某人wake-up call service / morning call service 叫早服务Part B: Wake-up Call ServiceSection 2Key Words & Expressionsdial dail v. 拨(电话号码)digit didit n. C (0-9任何一个)数字record rik:d v. 纪录,记载Part B: Wake-up Call ServiceSection 3Key Words & ExpressionsOttawa 温哥华twa n. 时差time difference 先前的,以前的pr

136、evious privis adj. Part B: Wake-up Call Serviceahead of 在之前recover rik v v. 好转,恢复将康 That is to say 也就是说considerate knsidrit adj. 关心的,体贴的be used to 习惯 jet lag n. 飞行时差反应Part C: Booking TicketsPre-questions: 1. Where can a guest book a ticket? 2. What kind of ID document should people present while boo

137、king an airplane ticket?3. Is a train ticket for an arbitrary seat or for a specific one in China?Part C: Booking TicketsConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsbook buk v. 预定 in advance 提前, 预先Part C: Booking Tickets 有,可获得的available veilbl adj. 登机牌boarding card passport pasp 护照t n . 登机手续办理台chec

138、k-in counter 订机票book an airplane ticket Part C: Booking TicketsSection 2Key Words & ExpressionsPeking Opera 京剧 get through 接通Farewell My Concubine 霸王别姬Please pick them up here tomorrow afternoon. 请明天下午来这儿取票。Part C: Booking TicketsSection 3Key Words & Expressionsspecial express 特快列车 To tell you the t

139、ruth 说实话,实话跟你说book up 票已售完 My wife has been dying to go there. 我妻子对那里向往极了。Part D: Special ServicesPre-questions: 1. What does special service usually include in a hotel? 2. What is the function of the business center”?3. Are you familiar with office equipments? Name some of them.Part D: Special Serv

140、icesConversationsConversationsSection 1Section 1Key Words & ExpressionsKey Words & Expressionsconference kanfrns n. conference kanfrns n. 会议会议 Business Center Business Center 商务中心商务中心rental rentl n. rental rentl n. 租赁租赁 conference services conference services 会议服务会议服务photocopy futukphotocopy futuk p

141、i n .& v. pi n .& v. 复印复印, , 影印影印 Part D: Special Servicesfax 传真 enlarge inla:d v. 增大,扩大 PC rental 电脑租赁original ridnl adj 原来的,早先的communication services 通信服务broadband services 宽带服务 Part D: Special ServicesSection 2Key Words & Expressionsurgent d nt adj. 紧急的 panic pnik v. 恐慌,惊慌失措 emergency imnd nsi n.

142、紧急情况 Part D: Special Servicesloosen lusn v. 解开,放松chest test n. 胸部,胸腔 heart attack 心脏病sweat swet v. 出汗 lay down 躺下Part D: Special ServicesSection 3Key Words & ExpressionsHow much do you charge for it? 收费是多少?In what way would you like to settle your bill? 您想怎样结帐?Please sign your name here. 请在这儿签名。Part

143、 E: Handling ComplaintsPre-questions: 1. Talk about what the guests usually complain about hotel services? 2. How do you deal with these complaints?Part E: Handling ComplaintsConversationsSection 1Key Words & Expressionsbe satisfied with 对 满意be used to doing 习惯做Part E: Handling Complaintsmorning exe

144、rcises 早操If I were planning to take an airplane, it would have been something serious. 如果我要赶飞机的话,那事情就严重了。We shouldnt have made such mistakes. 我们不应该犯这样的错误。Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 2Key Words & ExpressionsThere must have been some mistakes. 一定是出了错了。do make sure 务必确保dont panic 不要惊慌Part E: Handling ComplaintsSection 3Key Words & Expressionsamount of 数量Please allow me to check. 请允许我查一下。Im sorry for taking you such a long time. 很抱歉耽误您这么长时间。



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