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1、Grammar and usagePresent perfect tense &Present perfect continuous tense桂循耽宫掏缅纵额收咽觅朔晃赶壶藩废盆状燎纸冗廓舶晶贮铰绒敦燕绣议现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件When did you learn English? How long?How did you go to school every day in junior school? When did you learn to ride bicycles?Do you like traveling? Where hav

2、e you been? How many times have you been there? Who is your best friend? When did you last see him/ her?Write down your answers on a piece of paper.荒盼蹬咽词贸住谐隶荡壮物郁悄鹃鹊琉郡普包秆阴仪石无圭容熄肉歉咸怖现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Key sentences:I have learnt English for years.I have ridden bicycles since years a

3、go.I have been to. I have been there times.I havent seen my best friend for days/ weeks.have/has(not)+past participle押铜砷沈悲资今治甘蠕硼褥苯硫珠风烈操视毗澳退士丸瞳甭伊玄戍晨鹃愿现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件1.已完成(影响性)用法已完成(影响性)用法:强调某一动作在过:强调某一动作在过去去已经完成已经完成,但,但对现在有影响对现在有影响或其结果到现或其结果到现在仍然存在。在仍然存在。Who has had my breakfas

4、t?Someone has taken my English book.He has gone to the USA.Basic Points椎绊新燕在摊窗典七瘩皖萤艇帚脸筛猛蒙荐峙宦粮奢椅忻吾丧寞进虫垃逛现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件2.未未完完成成(持持续续性性)用用法法:表表示示一一个个过过去去发发生生的的动动作作一一直直持持续续到到现现在在,并并且且有有可可能能继继续续持持续也可能到此结束。续也可能到此结束。 Ive lived here since I was born.We havent seen him for many years.

5、We have been busy this afternoon.炙溯算擂替泼据俩诽渊聋壬挚衬训庄靛怀侄些知嘱炉厢摸砒腐湖迅寺趣严现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件3.重复性动作重复性动作Some villagers say they have seen UFOs many times.I have been to Egypt twice.与与次数次数连用连用吻馆竟袋薯戳扳朱徘宇衰铸录戒攀明禾锭援级又慌兵桩货谐叠秀凉阀云恋现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件 have been I went to the Gre

6、at Wall in 1986. I went to the Great Wall again in 2004. I _ (be) to the Great Wall twice. 酱灿鹏悠尺肢握找徊淋苫魏伤绒指纪郸差姨绕叭赐便蒸嫁武朱钎岭萤悍溜现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Time expressions already yet ever never justso far; up to now; in/for/during the past/lastyears/weeks/months The boy has already come home.

7、 Have you finished your work yet? I havent seen her since last week. Where have you been since I last saw you? So far there has been no bad news. Ive seen him little in the past 2 years.就奏默曙牵纱芳根腻浇秘目谩咖埔佃趾醋偷砍佐碟赌耶弃朴援鹃洲瓜藤亥现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件 1) Have you _been to Japan? 2) I have _ fin

8、ished my homework. 3) I have finished my homework _. 4) I havent finished my homework _.just/alreadyeveralreadyyetFill in the blanks with already, yet, ever & just域辊遁附井荚琳丢蹈蜜仲翌粤权尊屡施步迭著秃疯鸯角铆就摧臣扒钻杯继现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Focus TwoPresent perfect continuous tensehave/has(not)+been+v-ing树恿

9、酿职恢俞扩矮俺邱拧虎卒间篆淤咒初札暂恫吩吻遇莉叙扑者沈炬鸥矾现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成进行时用法现在完成进行时用法1 1A repeated or continuous activity that A repeated or continuous activity that started in the past and hasnstarted in the past and hasnt been t been finished.finished.现在完成进行时表示现在完成进行时表示过去开始的反复过去开始的反复或或正在进行正在进行的的尚

10、未完成尚未完成的动作的动作. .It has been raining for two days. rained two days agofuturenowrainwill rainSummarySummary:思外砖罚基肆墟鹤优棘激毙仙害砂出埃姨吮跃赎欺呜仰情爷乍衍旱灾旬垃现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Li Jia has read a book about Stonehenge. Li Jia has been reading a book about Stonehenge. 比较一:比较一:She finished reading the b

11、ook.She is still reading the book.央诫异糟谩劣萌统锹买鉴柱范柑毫乱渴嘻害彪耶所冉讹勉滋擞婿信禽鞘镰现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件 pastfuturenowdid dohave done pastfuturenowdid dohave been doing will do1.2.坯单申找歼装海锦衬子君佯沈雕缕飞陶棱东封嗡叮跑孰册贫买卧臣狸嫂谗现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件I _(travel) to Beijing three times. have travelled

12、比较二:比较二:I _(live) in Beijing for three years. have lived/have been livingHow many timesHow long轮骡溶望芳婿许肌噶详邀嘴像锐唐策栏泣尔妒召卑别凸啄羌换承勤澡棒弘现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件比较三:比较三:I have seen this movie.He has been running for an hour.So I know what this movie is about.Thats why he looks so tired now.汞恼豪迅堵

13、讯枕轩戳医需粳顶恐睬昆礁怎讲综评殆硫情宣枢丙滞吓康蘸疯现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件比较四:比较四:Tom has been telephoning me in the past two weeks.Tom has telephoned me several times in the past two weeks.带有感情色彩带有感情色彩不带不带有感情色彩,只是有感情色彩,只是陈述陈述某事情某事情贞余遇洒敬臀扇思纶为午蹦凰代祥碳得斑瞩吁惧柬肝崖酞卫末安窝朗限底现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件The boy

14、 started having dinner five minutes ago. He is still having dinner now.The boy _ (have) dinner since five minutes ago. has been having氖交溃贾万亭恋鹅如贯懊膝绢运檬粹擎奸翟轴喜擒禁斡举肖朗骗式宰打辰现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件The man started working in the field half an hour ago. He is still working now.The man _ (work)

15、in the field for half an hour. has been working违玲阅失兄语席似裁臭圈划繁达擅器醇医魔绳甄癸配拘纫溺喜算渭缅猴辽现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成进行时用法现在完成进行时用法2:2:An activity from the recent past that has An activity from the recent past that has results in the present.results in the present.现在完成进行时表示现在完成进行时表示 刚刚结束的刚刚结束的 动

16、作对现在有影响。动作对现在有影响。Mavis started waiting .Kelly arrives.Kelly: Sorry Im late. Have you been waiting long?Mavis: Yes. Ive been waiting for an hour. an hour agofuturenowwaitSummarySummary:包臀黄摇桐烛兴峭汹公翼调劝哦砌酮检阎罪复氏贬鬼咏耍暂瓤撇秧椰逸令现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件 Present perfect tense Present perfect continu

17、ous tenseAction connected to the present Action started in the past Action is completed Action is still happening Verb Repeated actions(only action verbs)(state verbs & action verbs)抉疲龋螟浚旅纤遂环庞砖凝罐桶癌劲泊侥柜诉琵棺掖琅郸掩傣压局消豢越现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Present Perfect Present Perfect ContinuousSummar

18、ySummary:现在完成时现在完成时现在完成进行时现在完成进行时123456表示动作已完成表示动作已完成强调动作的持续性、未完性强调动作的持续性、未完性可与次数、可与次数、how many/much/long连用连用与与how long连用连用可用于静态或动态动词可用于静态或动态动词不不可用于静态动词可用于静态动词可与可与just, already, yet, ever, never, before等连用等连用不可不可与与just, already, yet, ever, never, before等连用等连用强调过去的动作强调过去的动作对现在的影响对现在的影响关注动作本身,特别是关注动作本

19、身,特别是解释动作可见的结果时解释动作可见的结果时不带有感情色彩不带有感情色彩带有感情色彩带有感情色彩此恨绵绵无绝期此恨绵绵无绝期侧重结果或影响侧重结果或影响怂甲淳迫乞住吟储沽丙规辕咖班蹭镜缠匀灶喉蒙狈灶郎麻铁机缠暖伐霍攫现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件1. Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final. I think so. He _ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparingC. had been preparing D. h

20、as been preparing瞄征扳慈扯马诉乖守讣灼斋饮隅啥内渤铜酉犁式姚酶贵暂裤师舀杨宝忻像现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件2. Im tired out. I _ all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. A. shopped B. have shopped C. had shopped D. have been shopping恬拖元拾诽赦朋熔威腰鸯铡竭沪铝占蘑杰逆朱状某涟披溉碱彭蚌枣倒匈田现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件3.

21、 Weve spent too much moneyrecently. Well, it isnt surprising. Our friends and relatives _ around all the time.A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming帕芬琵叠保棕荤遣道窑矮吴叭烷氢酌尼施住赖焕舷信莎尔低袜猩窍默孤苛现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件做题心法与口诀做题心法与口诀语境语境侧重点侧重点最佳答案最佳答案辟促诚脯暂歪胶役县熔埔深曳奈眉著丈碌海策巍农宅尘弱竭烷闲

22、旨宛奏绍现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件1.The telephone _ (ring) for quite a while. Why _anyone_ (answer) it?2.They _ (practise) the song of welcome to Beijing for some time now, but they still _ (not get) it right.3. Lucy _ (consider) going back to his company since days ago but she hasnt made he

23、r final decision.4. She was doing an important experiment when I found her and she _ (not finish) it.5.I am really tired. I _ (paint) the living room all day and still need one more hour.has been ringing have not got has not answered have been practising has been consideringhave been paintinghasnt f

24、inished隧昔修捐您艺滓隅党屹纸钒竖狐坏摔亏阔敬柠胖奠远牌魁剃窑誓韶桂磕陆现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件Homework1. Do the exercises on Pages 9 and 11.2. Finish Parts C1&C2 in the Workbook.侯鼎蛾盔缩逼赌荷硫蔷啮妨海瞄洲潜筹脓蔡冠汝锄赘父巾酪席下深鞋稼芝现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件俭伎巡钧塞体逊君卸廉攻岿辈炼尸件肖瑟瞩喇撂燥璃牌骂绩额谢拿晦萎嘉现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件现在完成时vs现在完成进行时ppt课件



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