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1、中招测试英语任务型阅读专题练习卷姓名: 得分:( 一)Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone donot bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves/, Inother words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you b

2、e happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much timethinking about the future for example, getting into college or getting a good job - that we fail toenjoy the present. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, l

3、istening toyour favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends oftenlive happier and healthier lives.Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget yourproblems and time. Many people experience this dancing, or pla

4、ying a sport, such as swimming. Youcan forget abouL your problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find happinessin helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If youwanl to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can he

5、lp a friend with his or her studies, goshopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.76. 判断正误。The passage is mainly the secrets of happiness.77. 完成句子。The passage gives us pieces of advice on happiness.78. What are the lifes simple pleasures?79.

6、 What can you do if you only think about your activity?80. Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.( 二)阅读下面发表在博客中的短文, 根据短文内容, 在短文后76-80小题给出的横线上填入恰当的词语。每空词数不限。P r o b l e m sABcMy problem is my parents. Theynever stop going on about how Ishould keep my room tidy, keepmy hair tidy and wear smartcloth

7、es. They even make me dothe washing-up after dinnerevery night! None of my friendshave got such terrible parents.What should I do?HelenMy best friend has suddenly turned herback oo mn and I dont know why! Lastweek we phoned each other every day ande-mailed too, and over the weekend we wentshopping t

8、ogether and she was fine. But atschool on Monday morning she didnt look atme or speak to me. I dont know what Ivedone. She now spends all her time withanother group of friends.JaneI have a really badhabit of chewing( 嚼)the ends ofmy hair. I try tostop, but I cant!My mom is startingto get really angr

9、yabout it. Have yougot any ideas?Gina7 6 .根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, G in a三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。A d v i c e H i_,Why should your parents do allthe washing-up? You shouldhelp around the houseitsonly fair. I dont think youshould change your looksthough. Young people shouldlook like young people.Hi_Wearing your hai

10、r pulled back in aponylaiK 马尾辫)will help keep it out ofyour mouth. When you feel likechewing something, try bubble gum ( 泡泡糖). Give yourself time and youshould be able to break this habit. Thefirst few days are usually the hardest.Good luck! H i_ ,Dont worry about it somuch! Phone your friendup as u

11、sual and she wontbe able to refuse you. I amsure you will get alongwell with each other.Everything will be fine.77. The three girls wrote to ask for_ ,_.78. The underlined words “turned her back on me“ means “ in Chinese.79. It is clear that Helen is not with her parents.80 . According to the advice

12、, Jane should her friend as usual.( 三)Chinese parents may look in the dictionary to name their kids. They decide on characters ( 汉字)that mean things like: health, happiness, beauty or cleverness. However, things are different in theUS.In America, it is an old tradition for men to give their own firs

13、t name to their sons. This is not ascommon as it once was, though it still happens. For example, the US president ( 总统)George W. Bushhas the same name as his father, George H. W. Bush. When a father and a son have the same name,people usually call the son “junior”. Sometimes, there will be three or

14、more generations( 一代) of menwith the same name. The grandsons and great-grandsons ( 曾孙) will be “George III”, George IV” andso on.These last few years, it is quite popular for Americans to name their kids after famous people. Themost popular names, Daniel and Emma, both come from the names of the Ha

15、rry Potter actors.People are also thinking of new names all the time. For example, the NBA all-star LeBron Jameshas a new and unusual name: LeBron. It is also common for people to name their children after thingslike “River”, Apple” or Star”.A name may come from the Bible ( 圣经) , the dictionary or H

16、arry Potter. There seems to be norule about how American parents name their children. The names are as unique( 独一无二的) as thepeople who use them.76. 判断正误。In America, a father and a son may have the same name.77. 完成句子。Chinese parents name their kids by looking up in the .78. Why are Daniel and Emma th

17、e most popular new names in the US?79. What does the writer think of the name LeBron?80. Put the undrelined sentence into Chinese.( 四)Some people believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky ( 倒霉的) day. On this day, they dont move,travel, start a new job, have a wedding or even cut their nails ( 指甲) !

18、 You might think its silly. However,do you know that the number of the people going to hospital because of traffic accidents went up 52%on one Friday the 13th?There are many stories about why Friday the 13th is unlucky. According to one story, about ahundred years ago, the British government wanted

19、people to be more comfortable about traveling onFridays. It named a ship H. M. S Friday. It chose the sailors on a Friday and a man called Jim Fridaywas made captain. After that, the ship set off on a Friday. Guess what happened? The ship had neverbeen seen or heard since then. In the old days, peop

20、le thought that 13 was the first step toward evil ( 灾祸) because it was right after 12, which was a perfect“ number. Even today, many buildings dont havethe 13th floor. Unluckily Friday and unlucky 13- no wonder ( 难怪) some people think Friday the 13th isthe unluckiest.Hollywood movies and TV programs

21、 also make people more scared on Friday the 13th. I thinkmaybe sometimes there a】 e more accidents on Friday the 13th because people a】 e too worried andnervous Ihal day.7 6 . 判断正误。Half of the traffic accidents happened on Friday the 13th.77. 完成句子。 The British government named the ship and everythin

22、g around it “Friday because itwanted people to .78. What happened to the ship after it set off?79. Which number was regarded as a perfect number in the past?80. Pul the underlined sentence into Chinese.( 五)Most young children do not know how to protect ( 保护) themselves when they are facing heavytraf

23、fic and they dont know how fast a man may drive his car, either. It could hit them and make theminjured in a few seconds ( 秒) . The following will be helpful in helping your children keep safe whenthey cross the road.Make sure that you always set good examples. Your children will follow you and thin

24、k its OK todo like you.Ask your children to pay attention to traffic lights when you cross the road together with them andthis helps them understand ( 明白) when it is safe to cross the road. Make sure you always hold theirhands.As your children are a little older, usually above 6 years old, you shoul

25、d start to teach them trafficknowledge because they can learn it more easily. Let them start to understand the reasons why they needto be so careful. Talk with them about road signs ( 标牌) and traffic rules and ask them to choose safeways to cross the road.The mosl importanl thing you should do to ke

26、e。your child from getting hurt is to incourage himto follow traffic rules. Maybe its difficult for children to do so. After knowing some examples ofscaring traffic accidents, they may volunteer to obey traffic rules at once and will be careful enough tokeep themselves away from danger.76. 判断正误。The p

27、assage gives parents some ways of helping children keep safe in heavy traffic.77. 完成句子。It is very important for parents to set good examples to their children because78. How can a child know when he can safely cross the road?79. May a 7-year-old boy learn traffic knowledge? Why?80 . Put the underlin

28、ed sentence into Chinese.( 六)Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help youunderstand how we are trying to help children all over the world.Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with some volunteers, theywent to Philippines t

29、o help children who had holes in their lips or inside their mouths. 对他们来说,吃喝很困难。These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry onwith the work, because they were short of ( 缺乏)money. Then they decided to start a charity so thatthey could help these needy children. They

30、 called it Operation Smile.Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries and has cured ( 治愈)over10 ,0 0 0 children who have problems with their mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for itswork and in 1999 they even started a special event called “The World Journey of Hope”. O

31、n the onehand, 5,0 0 0 children in 18 countries are cured during the event. , OperationSmile trains health care professional in developing countries so that they can continue to help childrenwhen Operation Smile leaves. As for the children with much more serious problems, they will sendthem to Ameri

32、ca for further treatment ( 治疗) .So show your kindness and generous ( 慷慨)to the needy children now. You can send yourdonation to Operation Smile at local bank. Many thanks from the children who can smile now willcome lo you.76 .将句译成英语:77 .在句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:78 .将句译成中文:79 . 找出文中与下面句子意思相近的句子。They

33、worried that they could not continue to work because they have little money.80 . 判断正误。Operation Smile helps the children who have problems with their mouths.( 七)There was a man that put on monkey shows to make his living. One evening the man called abutcher ( 屠夫)and asked him to take away the monkey

34、 the next morning.The monkey heard their talk. He understood he was to be killed. And he said to himself, “I musttry to save myself. So he went to meet his friend- a pig. He told the pig about his problem and askedfor advice.The pig thought for a while and then asked, “Does your owner have a baby?”“

35、Yes, he has one little son.“Well, I will come around and when I have an opportunity I will take away the child and run offwith him.“What then?”“Before the man knows what to do, you must run after me and rescue ( 救出) the child and take himhome safely to his parents, and your owner wont give you to th

36、e butcher.”The monkey thanked the pig many times and then went home.The next day, everything went on well. The pig took away the child. And then the monkey ran fastafter the thief.When the monkey brought the back, his ownne could not stop crying with joy ( 高兴) and thanks.The man was sorry for his th

37、ought. Later the monkey was petted and lived the rest of his days in peace.76. 判断正误。The man called the butcher to order some meat.77. 完成句子。The monkey went to meet his friend because .78. Who came up with a good idea?79. What happened to the mans baby one day?80. Put the underlined sentence into Chin

38、ese.( A )Without flowers, many plants would not be able to reproduce ( 繁殖) and many insects would notbe able to get enough food to live. Here are some interesting facts about flowers plants. Most plants grow flowers each year, but some take much longer. The century plant ( 龙舌兰)grows only one flower

39、and then it dies! A plant fron South America called Puya raimondii is even moreamazing. Il doesnt grow a flower until it is 150 years old, and after that it dies, too. The smallest flowering plant in the world is thought to be the common watermeal ( 无根萍) . Itsleaves are only 1 mm across! Bamboo ( 竹子

40、) has amazing flowering habits. There are many different kinds of bamboo in theworld. And they have different flowering habits. A few flower each year, but most wait much longer.What is amazing is thal all bamboo of the same kind will flower almost al the same time, where il isgrowing! Nobody knows

41、why. The white flower of the Amazon water lily ( 睡莲) is the size of a football, and the flower turnspurple after it has been pollinated ( 授粉) .76. 判断正误。Many plants reproduce by flowers and provide insects with food.77. 完成句子。Puya raimondii grows in .78. What is the common watermeafs feature?79. How b

42、ig is the flower of the Amazon water lily?80. Pul the underlined sentence into Chinese.( 九)In Western countries, you should be careful about the giving of gifts. Never give a gift in a jobinterview or at a business meeting. Gifts are usually given during special holidays, or as a “thank you”for spec

43、ial invitations or events ( 事件) . When arriving at a special party, you may give your gift to thehost once the introductions are made. Here are a few rules.Be modest with your gift. Dont buy gifts that are too expensive.A special food from your country, a bottle of wine, candy, or flowers are the be

44、st if you do notknow the host very well, but be sure that your gift will not need much care. You can usually saysomething like “I think you may like to try this a little later” when you offer your gift.Be careful when giving alcohol ( 酒) . A bottle of wine is usually all right if you know your hostd

45、rinks wine, but strong alcohol such as whisky ( 威士忌) should only be given as a gift when you knowthe host well and sure that he would like such a gift. Flowers are good, but remember: roses ( 玫瑰) arefor special love. You have to be careful.A small cultural gift from youn country is usually very good

46、.Besides, make sure that your gift is packed nicely. A nice card with it will be even better.76. 判断正误。Gifts can be given at a business meeting in Western countries.77. 完成句子。 In a special party, you may give your gift to the host once .78. What are the best gifts if we do not know the host very well?

47、79. When should we give the host strong alcohol as a gift?80. Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.( 十)Last month 尸 bes ( 福布斯 网站) put out a list of the worlds fastest growing cities over the nextten years. Among the 19 cities on the list, four of them are in China. They are: Chengdu, Chongqing,S

48、uzhou and Nanjing.ChengduChengdu is a big city in western China. It is a business-friendly city. Many world-famouscompanies are starting businesses there. With a population of six million, Chengdu is busy with newconstruction ( 建设) . New planes, roads and railways connect the city with other cities

49、in China andwith the rest of the world.ChongqingIt is easy to travel from Chongqing to other cities in China. Many foreign companies have set upbusiness in Chongqing. The citys GDP grows fast, and so does its population. Experts say thepopulation should grow from nine million to 11 million by 2025.S

50、uzhouSuzhou is 120 km from Shanghai, a major business center in China. Suzhou benefits( 受益于) fromShanghais growth. Suzhous beauty and history draws tourists from around the world. Some reports saySuzhou may already be the richest city in China.NanjingNanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province. It si

51、ts only 240 km from Shanghai. Il is building bigtransportation projects ( 交通工程) around the city. Its service industry ( 行业) grows very fast.7 6 . 判断正误。There are four cities on a list of the worlds fastest growing cities over the next tenyears.77. 完成句子。Chengdus population is .78. What grows along wit

52、h the GDP in Chongqing?79. According to some reports, what may be Chinas richest city?80 . Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.中招测试英语任务型阅读专题练习卷答案( -)76. T77. three78. Such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends.79.1 can forget about my prob

53、lems.8 0 .如果你想要感到幸福,请为别人做好事吧。7 6 . Helen Gina Jane77. help / advice / suggestions / ideas7 8 . 不理睬我了79. happy / pleased / satisfied80 . phone / call / ring ( up)( 三)76. T77. dictionary78. Because they are famous people.79. Unusual.8 0 . 好像是美国父母怎样给孩子起名字是没有规则的。( 四)76. F77. be more comfortable about tr

54、aveling on Fridays78. It had never been or heard since then.79. 12.8 0 . 我认为在13号且是星期五的那天之所以会有更多的事故发生, 或许有时是因为人们在那天太担心,太紧张了。( 五)76. T77. children will follow them and think its OK to do like them78. By paying attention to traffic lights79. Yes, he may. Because he is old enough to learn it easily.8 0

55、. 为了让你的孩子免受伤害,你应该做的最重要的事情就是鼓励他遵守交通规则。( 六)76. It was difficult / hard for them to eat or drink.77. On the other hand7 8 . 那些已经能够展开笑容的孩子会向你致以谢意。79. They worried that they could not carry on with the work because they were short of money.80. T( 七)76. F77. he wanted to ask for help ( 答案不唯一)78. The pig.7

56、9. The baby was taken away by the pig and then brought back by the monkey.8 0 . 他的主人由于高兴和感谢,止不住流泪。( 八)76. T77. South America78. Its the smallest flowering plant in the world.79. It is as big as a football.8 0 . 令人惊讶的是,所有同类的竹子无论长在什么地方,机会都在同一时间开花( 九)76. F77. the introductions are made78. A special food from our country, a bottle of wine, candy or flowers.79. When we know the host well and are sure that he would like such a gift.8 0 . 来自自己国家的一个带有文化意义的小礼物通常很好( +)76. T77. Six million.78. Its population.79. Suzhou.8 0 . 它在全市正在建造大的交通工程。



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