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1、Hal ManwaringUnit 51谷风优质National Disable dayNational Disable day国际助残日国际助残日Butdoyouknow,whatdayitisthethirdSundayinMay?2谷风优质 The blindThe blind The deafThe deaf The deaf-muteThe deaf-mute The mental The mental Cretinism Cretinism 呆小症 Moon blindnessMoon blindness夜盲症3谷风优质4谷风优质1.master the key language

2、points and grammatical structures in the text.2.Talk about the main idea.3.Talk about some topics related with disablity4.Learn and master the new words and phrases; 5谷风优质To be likely or tend to To be likely or tend to To cause to be unable to moveTo cause to be unable to moveTo cause severe sufferi

3、ng or painTo cause severe suffering or painTo set upTo set upTo pull suddenly and quicklyTo pull suddenly and quicklyThe quality of being very greatThe quality of being very greatAccording to a holy writing. The According to a holy writing. The BibleBibleTo enter or pass intoTo enter or pass intoTo

4、move the fingers in an To move the fingers in an attempt to do somethingattempt to do somethingBe inclined toafflictinstalljerkscripturalpenetratefumbleenormity6谷风优质1.Improve the students reading ability.2.Enable the student to understand the text better.3.Let the students have strong wills and dete

5、rmination by reading the passage. 7谷风优质1.How to improve the students reading ability.2.The use of some useful expressions. 8谷风优质You must have observed in your life or read about some people who are disabled in one way or another. Can you describe one of them to class? Do you think these people can s

6、till live a happy and rewarding life?How would you show your appreciation if someone helps you when you are in trouble?Image this , if you were a disabled person , what will you do ?What we can do for the disabled ?If you must lose a part of your body ? Which part would you like to choose?9谷风优质Part

7、1(Para.1-2): Part 1(Para.1-2): these two paragraphs are about the authors first life which could be further divided into two phases:the first phase was a hard struggle to make a living; the second phase was “a pleasant dream”, because the author had everything that a happy life can offer.10谷风优质Part

8、2(Para.3-5Part 2(Para.3-5): In these three paragraphs, the author depicts his life afflicted by the disease, especially the difficulty in climbing the 14 steps.11谷风优质Part3(Para.6-8):Part3(Para.6-8):describes how the author got a flat tire in a stormy night, how the man and the little girl magaged to

9、 replaced the tire and declined the authors payment for their help12谷风优质Part4(Para9-10)Part4(Para9-10): these two concluding paragraphs are the authors reflection on the incident and his life philosophy, from which he discovered the true value of life.13谷风优质1.When was the period of the authors first

10、 life ? 2. When was the period of time the author considered happiest in his life? 3 What was the author most afraid of after he was afflicted with a disease?14谷风优质1.1.a cat has nine lives (Para. 1):a cat has nine lives (Para. 1): An English proverb which indicates that cats are very tough. They see

11、m able to survive accidents and hardships. eg: God knows how hes still alive. He must have nine lives like a cat.15谷风优质Be inclined to, to be likely or tend toE.g. Middle-class victims are more inclined to contact the policeE.g. I am inclined to agree with the latter . I am more inclined to work in a

12、 big city where I can be exposed to both good opportunities and severe competitionsincline to/towards sth.I incline to the view that peace can be achieved.Young people incline towards individualistic behavior. 16谷风优质Paralyze, To make unable to move or act:电力中断使得列车无法运行。The electricity failure paralyz

13、ed the train service.strict regulations that paralyze economic activity.A stroke paralyzed half his face.同时,在湖南,由于雪灾而瘫痪的电力运输线路有91.8%已恢复正常。Meanwhile, 91.8 percent of Hunans power transmission lines paralyzed by the snow storm have been restored. 17谷风优质1.What does the author mean by “And I managed to

14、keep my health and optimism, to a degree, because of 14 steps”? 2.Why does the author call the 14 steps “14 miserable steps”?18谷风优质2. I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the other painfully after it- I could then admit defeat and lie down and d

15、ie.(para.4) I felt that if one day I could no longer climb those 14 steps, I would be finished. I would admit defeat and just lie down and die.19谷风优质3. You might think that here walked a man of courage and strength. (para. 5) You might think that a courageous and strong man walked here.20谷风优质4. Here

16、 hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple, a man who held on to his sanity and his wife and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps . (para.5) Here walked a sad man with little hope for his future, and everything he possessed at that time ( his normal life, his wife, his home and his job)

17、 depends on his painful effort to climb these 14 steps21谷风优质With the aid of With the aid of Five doctors are taking care of the baby, who is breathing with the aidwith the aid of a respirator.他们靠武装夺取了政权。 那老人借助手杖蹒跚而行They seized power withwith thethe aidaid ofof thethe armed forces.TheThe old man hobb

18、le along withwith thethe aidaid ofof his stick. 22谷风优质23谷风优质InstallInstall, to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready to be used:Our school has installed the new computer network.Security cameras have been installed in the city centre.我已经安装了新的杀毒软件。Ive installed new ant

19、i-virus software.24谷风优质I soon became disillusioned with the job.I feel utterly disillusioned by his refusal to take any action. As she grew older, Laura became increasingly disillusioned with politics. 25谷风优质26谷风优质1.Why did the author dismiss the thought at once that anyone would offer help at the m

20、oment? (para.6) 2.Was there any hint that indicates something unusual about the old man? (para.7) 3. how did the author feel when the old man and the little girl were working in the storm? (para.7)27谷风优质5 the enormity of the situation swept all the enormity of the situation swept all over meover me

21、(Para. 6): the seriousness and helplessness of the situation gripped me.28谷风优质6.I sat there comfortably and dry, and felt a bit sorry for the man and the little girl working so hard in the storm.(para. 7) I sat in the car, feeling comfortable and dry and at the same time sorry for the man and the li

22、ttle girl who were working so hard in the storm.29谷风优质JerkJerk, v.(使)猝然一动,猛拉 n.急推(拉,扭)The old bus started with a jerk.He jerked his head back.She jerked the rope but it wouldnt move.她把戳在木头里的刀猛地拔了出来。She jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood.卡车在一阵颠簸之后停了下了。The truck jerked to a stop.30谷风优质Swe

23、rve, Swerve, to make a sudden sideways movement while moving forwards, usually in order to avoid hitting something: swerve violently/sharplyThe car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist. usually in negatives formal to change from an idea, course of action, purpose e

24、tc: swerve fromHe would never swerve from the truth.31谷风优质slick (slk) adj., Smooth, glossy, and slippery: sidewalks slick with iceDeftly(灵巧地) executed; adroit(敏捷的): “to make my life as slick as a sonnet, but as dull as ditch water” Superficially attractive or plausible but lacking depth or soundness

25、: a slick writing style. See synonyms at glibglib.32谷风优质EnormityEnormity,the of sth (of a problem, etc.) the very great size, effect, etc. of sth; the fact of sth being very serious: the enormity of a task / problem / decision the enormity of the job of feeding the whole worldPeople are still coming

26、 to terms with the enormity of the disaster. The full enormity of the crime has not yet been revealed.33谷风优质slackenslacken , also slacken off : to gradually become slower, weaker, less active etc, or to make something do this.The heavy rain showed no signs of slackening off.slacken your pace/speed (

27、=go or walk more slowly)34谷风优质1.How did the author react to the girls words? 2. How did the author re-evaluate the 14 steps?35谷风优质7.In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.(Para.9): In the next few seconds

28、 I was filled with such great shame and horror that I was speechless. I had never been so sick about what I had done before.36谷风优质8. Fumbling, feeling with cold, wet fingers for bolts and tools in the dark a darkness that for him would probably never end until death.(para. 9) The old man was feeling

29、 for bolts and tools in the dark, and that darkness for him would never come to an end until the end of his life.37谷风优质9. Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that man should do to you, do ye even so to them:( (Para.10): originally taken from the Bible which is interpreted as “do to other people

30、 whatever you would like them to do to you.” The converse part of the saying is: “do not do to other people whatever you would not like them to do to you.”38谷风优质Penetrate :to enter or pass(into or through)E.g. light cannot penetrate a brick wallOverflow with :to be very full ofE.g. Kerry handed me a

31、 glass overflowing with wine, trying not to let it spill on the carpet.E.g. Mother Teresa was respected by the people because she had a heart overflowing with love.39谷风优质Indifference: not caring aboutE.g. He met their criticism with indifferenceindifference. 对他的批评他处之泰然。E.g. He showed an incredible i

32、ndifferenceindifference to the matter. E.g. All our requests for government help have been with complete indifference.indifference.他开玩笑地装出一副漠不关心的样 He playfully assumed an air of indifferenceindifference 40谷风优质1. This film actor is more inclined than most people to help the handicapped because he him

33、self suffered a stroke ten year ago.2.The old man is afflicted with rheumatism, but he still goes jogging and mountain-climbing every day.3. some of the flaws in the American financial system, which had never received due attention, eventually led to disastrous consequences.41谷风优质4. He held on to hi

34、s shares of that company when the prices were dropping sharply last year. Now he has made a fortune. 5. Just dismiss the idea from your mind- its crazy and not worth thinking about at all.6. We were all set to leave for the holiday in New York when the 9/11 incident shook the whole world.42谷风优质7. If you think I have a magic formula to solve the problem, you are bound to be disillusioned.8. That Japanese company succeeded in penetrating the US TV market.43谷风优质Write an article about this text, how about your feelings?Go over the new words and phrases.Preview next text.44谷风优质



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